Season 2 Episode 4 Discussion: Out Now: PC/Mac, PS3, Vita, Xbox 360, iOS, Kindle, Android



  • Calm the f down they're working on it dammit
    do you want a shitty episode that comes early or
    an epic episode that need a little extra time!

    I hope they give us some news really soon (sorry for using that dreadful word)

  • Calm the f down they're working on it dammit
    do you want a shitty episode that comes early or
    an epic episode that needs a little extra time!

    This is getting old. We need some info.

  • Calm the f down they're working on it dammit
    do you want a shitty episode that comes early or
    an epic episode that needs a little extra time!

  • yeah it sucks

    Spooch posted: »

    Sigh Time to end another day with no news .

  • I see that everybody has already lost their patience while I still have mine, and I thought I was impatient. So far, the wait hasn't bothered me.

  • Dear Tell Tale,

    I love you all, and you make fantastic games that I am sure I will cherish far into my adulthood. That being said, I seriously think that you should give us a small teaser of Episode 4. I don't want to ask you to rush it... God knows that we in the TWDG community would much rather wait an extra week if presented with a choice between the quality of "A House Divided" and "In Sheep's Clothing". Hell, #warmfluffyrainbows or whatever the hashtag was ended up being enough for me to brave the last week of waiting for "In Harm's Way." Could we maybe have something like that? One would think Laura and Job's twitters would shift over to TWDG soon, rather than being stuck on an endless loop of Tales From The Borderlands (no offense at all, because I'm sure that game will be fantastic as well... I just want the game I paid $25 already).

    -A Concerned Fan

  • Same :3

    Rigtail posted: »

    I see that everybody has already lost their patience while I still have mine, and I thought I was impatient. So far, the wait hasn't bothered me.

  • Users disliked our comments because they're jealous that they aren't patient enough XD They wish they had our patience.

    All jokes aside, I think the wait hasn't bothered me because I have plenty of stuff to keep my mind away from it.


  • I think it's coming early July

  • I think early July

  • Ikr, i wont be able to play this game one month longer then you guys because i will go on vacation which sucks but atleast i wont wait for ep 5 that long :)

    Rigtail posted: »

    Users disliked our comments because they're jealous that they aren't patient enough XD They wish they had our patience. All jokes aside, I think the wait hasn't bothered me because I have plenty of stuff to keep my mind away from it.

  • With our luck early July turns into early August

    Jackman posted: »

    I think early July

  • Maybe I'm a little too optimistic here but judging by the amount of time Telltale is taking to release Episode 4, I'm thinking that this is a sign that Telltale is spending more time in putting in more content in Episode 4 and that's why it appears to be taking so long.


    Calm the f down they're working on it dammit do you want a shitty episode that comes early or an epic episode that need a little extra time!

  • S..S.Sorry Rebecca please dont kill me PLEASE!!!!!

    Chateau posted: »


  • Goddammit why the hell did they change the story writer?? That is retarded!!!!!

    story writer for season 1

  • Or the leaked spoilers from a while back actually took a toll on the wait. I hope you're right though and they are putting a ton of time and effort into it.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Maybe I'm a little too optimistic here but judging by the amount of time Telltale is taking to release Episode 4, I'm thinking that this is

  • Damn, I just remembered about the leaked spoilers. Nasty business, that.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Or the leaked spoilers from a while back actually took a toll on the wait. I hope you're right though and they are putting a ton of time and effort into it.

  • Come on Telltale we know you're working hard just give us a clue.

  • :'(

    Ikr, i wont be able to play this game one month longer then you guys because i will go on vacation which sucks but atleast i wont wait for ep 5 that long

  • Just a question.

    Thumbs up - continue to feed you.

    Thumbs down - dismiss from work chef.

    Alt text

  • [removed]

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Just a question. Thumbs up - continue to feed you. Thumbs down - dismiss from work chef.

  • Yaaaay food

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    You made your choice

  • keep the food coming Chef :D

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    oops TheTrollsAmongUs

  • Everyone should prepare for a long wait. In the meantime, Grand Theft Auto Onl... Oh wait, GTA online is shit.

    Well, back to The Last of Us online then.

  • Ben had a sister

    ajmlhkm posted: »

    I dont think jane is molly's sister but she could be?

  • YES!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    oops TheTrollsAmongUs

  • YES!

    Everyone should prepare for a long wait. In the meantime, Grand Theft Auto Onl... Oh wait, GTA online is shit. Well, back to The Last of Us online then.

  • actually it would not be early if they released it would be on time cause if they were on their 4 to 6 weeks schedual like they have been telling us it would of been released tomorrow on the 25th for some and 26th for the rest cause i dont think it would of been released on everything on the 25th so really they never been on time they were always late so its either late or really late never on time so it never comes early if it did it would be before their 4 to 6 weeks schedual that they said

    Calm the f down they're working on it dammit do you want a shitty episode that comes early or an epic episode that needs a little extra time!

  • of coarse cause they keep releasing it later than they tell us they said 4 to 6 weeks so you count that it should be tomorrow the 25th and the fact is no trailer no nothing i think they need to stop telling us when it should be if they are not going to have it ready by schedual and just tell us when its done that way we are not counting down the days only to be sadden when it does not show up its always been later than they tell us if you tell us 4 to 6 weeks we are expecting 4 to 6 weeks not a month later you tell us a schedual we should expect it on that schedual and they should be able to deliver on that schedual if not than they should not tell us anything till its done and ready than to tell us when to expect it than to count down those days only to be sadden cause it was not on time

    Rigtail posted: »

    I see that everybody has already lost their patience while I still have mine, and I thought I was impatient. So far, the wait hasn't bothered me.

  • i have to doubt that cause thats when i would expect the wolf among us episode 5

    With our luck early July turns into early August

  • I know that feel bro.

    Jackman posted: »

    Goddammit why the hell did they change the story writer?? That is retarded!!!!!

  • i dont get wour comparision betewen a house divided and a sheeps clothing neither were bad so wich are you refering to as being the better ?

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Dear Tell Tale, I love you all, and you make fantastic games that I am sure I will cherish far into my adulthood. That being said, I ser

  • that line reminds me of 'escape from alcatraz' one has ever escaped...and they never will :D

    There are STILL. NO. NEWS. And never was.

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