Things you've learned from The Walking Dead - funny



  • Meat lockers suck when you add rednecks to the equation

  • edited June 2014

    I learned that Nick knows where the fuckin' river is.

  • He didn't like no hash

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    His name was Gary.

  • I'm LOVING your profile picture right now!!

    Awesome work Juice!

    Yay! I'll go check it now, thank you thank you thank you

  • I learned:

    Eddie ate paint when he was a kid.

    Travis intended to die. His dad was Special Forces so obviously he knew what he was doing.

    Watch out for crazy ladies in the woods with crossbows. They may string your balls up on a tree.

    Larry's got charm coming out of his ass.

    Juice Box is love, Juice Box is life.

    If you have a good bullshit detector, you can beat Luke at poker.

  • I've been so happy all day because of it! I love it so much!

    She is so talented, and I'm honored she made it for me. :)

    I'm LOVING your profile picture right now!! Awesome work Juice!

  • I learned that through this game there are people who are kind enough to die for others for their safety in this world and that just brings a happy tear to my eye......Nah I just learned not to name my son stupid Duck.

  • Don't have sex in a bathroom, while pregnant, or the little girl you're watching may be a little bit forgetful with her gun, causing a bitchy teenage bandit to take said gun and accidentally shoot your boyfriend, resulting in your baby dying.

  • I learned how to drive a train, tnx Lee im golden too.

  • I learned that you can get bit 3 times and shot in the stomach and still choke out a man all with one arm.

  • I still can't tell the difference between a mosquito bite and lurker bite :I

    Team_Purple posted: »

    How to tell the difference of a human bite and a lurker bite.

  • Sheds are the cure to everything

  • edited June 2014


  • 2 days later: " A man named darky07 crashed a train cause he couln't decide what tool to take"

    darky07 posted: »

    I learned how to drive a train, tnx Lee im golden too.

  • and your head integrity

    A large amount of salt is no good for your health...

  • urban people*

    I learned that not all black people can pick locks.

  • specially if you're a redneck.

    Spooch posted: »

    Don't trust cancer patients.

  • I can't believe i lasted more than 5 minutes lol

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    2 days later: " A man named darky07 crashed a train cause he couln't decide what tool to take"

  • I also learned that the small house by the bridge was indeed small.

    Clemmy-Clue posted: »

    I learned that Nick knows where the fuckin' river is.

  • ben is fucking useless

  • And they can die.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    I learned that child characters can be more than just generic stock characters.

  • I've learned selfies are still taken in the zombie apocalypse.

  • A very depressing realization...

    I've learned selfies are still taken in the zombie apocalypse.

  • I learned that no matter how bad things get, no matter how deep you fall with seemingly no way out, there is still always something worth fighting for: life and hope (Clementine) These are always well worth living. I know it's not a funny thing but I think I finally managed to handling all the feels.

    Alt text

  • I learned that perfectly fine staches can help you survive against all odds in the apocalypse

  • It could be Drew too, if you saved Doug.

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    His name was Gary.

  • A great man :'(

    He didn't like no hash

  • Never take ecstasy with a prostitute.

    Don't fuck with Tiny Carlos.

    Don't eat a burrito on a rollercoaster.

  • 11 year olds really can be intelligent.

  • edited June 2014

    I learned how to turn off a windturnibe.

  • Yes that's true.

    It could be Drew too, if you saved Doug.

  • What the fuck did you say to me mate?

    jamex1223 posted: »

    ben is fucking useless

  • rek him m8

    BenUseful posted: »

    What the fuck did you say to me mate?

  • I've learned that bandits don't like no hash.

  • Well said, Dark_Star.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I learned that no matter how bad things get, no matter how deep you fall with seemingly no way out, there is still always something worth fi

  • He saved Lee if you chose to go with him only in S1E5 so he's not completely useless.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    ben is fucking useless

  • yea he basically killed almost everyone in the group. he was useless. and Im not goin to waste more time discussin that anymore

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    He saved Lee if you chose to go with him only in S1E5 so he's not completely useless.

  • Don't try this at home, kids.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I learned that you can get bit 3 times and shot in the stomach and still choke out a man all with one arm.

  • I've learned that Urbans can pick up locks.

  • Oh yeah! -_-

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I learned that no matter how bad things get, no matter how deep you fall with seemingly no way out, there is still always something worth fi

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