Season 2 Episode 4 Discussion: Out Now: PC/Mac, PS3, Vita, Xbox 360, iOS, Kindle, Android



  • Hey man episode waiting thread means we can do whatever we want to entertain. You dont need to start hating people for it it fibes uou a bad name in the community. If i were you i would stop it

    JohnyCl posted: »

    and those who put the thumbs down (trolls) Now, hold on boy, I downvoted your "food posts" because they adds nothing to the discuss

  • edited June 2014

    Copy&pasting trash talk "Downvote this post if you wish Clementine dead", "Fuck you and your the downvotes", or posting with broken grammar (not that you're not familiar with english, you just don't care about it), spamming with dragon ball gifs, posting stupid things like

    Alt text, and complaining why you got downvotes

    is entertaining? maybe for you.

    Hey man episode waiting thread means we can do whatever we want to entertain. You dont need to start hating people for it it fibes uou a bad name in the community. If i were you i would stop it

  • edited June 2014

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    very interesting
    much intrigue

  • If only it was real..

    hmmm very interesting much intrigue wow

  • It's real. They changed the episode's name. Not surprised considering how much Telltale has been rewriting around.

    Carley123 posted: »

    If only it was real..

  • wake me up when the episode comes out

  • edited June 2014

    The only thing that sets me off about the name change theory is this:

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    It still says "No Going Back" in the last achievement. I'm so confused about all of this.

    It's real. They changed the episode's name. Not surprised considering how much Telltale has been rewriting around.

  • Kirbinator93PC, this is ridiculous, although there are miniscule parts of this rant that I agree with. Yeah, it's annoying how they don't give us frequent updates, but you gotta remember that they are a small company that's hard at work and they shouldn't feel obligated to send out constant updates just because some customers are way too impatient. Yeah, I'm impatient about the wait and I've been posting pics that rip on Telltale, but I'm posting my impatience as a comic relief to this dreadful wait. You're just blatantly harassing them and not giving them the benefit of the doubt. They're not wizards who can just magically make an episode in a fortnight. They've only got 180 employees working there. They're not like Ubisoft or EA Games where they have thousands of employees working at their respective companies. It's hard for a small company with only 180 employees to work on big sellers like The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. One thing I'll never understand is that you post these rants about how lazy and incompetent this company is, when you don't see it from their perspective. Would you rather have the waits be short and painless and have a half ass attempt of an episode or a long and painful wait and have superb and well done episodes? I choose the latter cause I know that in the end, it's worth it. Well, that's the end of my rant. Have a good day :)

    It literally amazes me. Every single episode. How can a company interact ANY worse with their fan base? I am a man of my word and I thought,

  • edited June 2014

    My birthday is on July 13th. Amid The Ruins would make a nice early or late birthday gift for me.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    If it releases on July 16th i will be one happy camper. Because July 16th is my birthday :P

    1. I think you are just mad and you are making the problem, take a glass of water
    2. Its funny to see tons of downvotes below a simple question which meant no harm. So I counter trolled, I understand the downvote button is very attractive to you but thats a sad way to release your hate.
    3. I think you are very mad and you shouldnt do things like these to express your hate. Whats keeping you down from being a nice guy?
    4. Everybody has their concept of entertainment, why do you judge people like that. Is the pain within you forcing you act like this?

    5. I double posted so I wrote i love carrots instead. Why do you feel such hate? im sorry if you are in a tough part of your life4.

    JohnyCl posted: »

    Copy&pasting trash talk "Downvote this post if you wish Clementine dead", "Fuck you and your the downvotes", or posting with broken gr

  • edited June 2014

    Here's what we know. Cry Wolf is on steam, and the achievments are available. Amid The Ruins is not on steam, however the achievments are available.

    July is looking full of news and releases.

    so, we can reasonably assume that Cry Wolf and Amid The Ruins will release in July. Now, if we assume there's a two week gap between the two episodes like there was with In Harm's Way and In Sheep's Clothing and that they will both release in July, either Cry Wolf or Amid The Ruins will release no later then July 15. Therefore, we can assume that we will get a new episode no later than July 15 and no earlier then July 1. So we will have to wait a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 20 days before we get a new episode, assuming, of course, that both episodes release on a Tuesday. Now, if we assume that there will be no episode on July 1, as that is in 6 days and there has been no screenshots, teasers, or a trailer, then the earliest possible date becomes July 8, Putting our wait time between 13 and 20 days for a new telltale games episode. Now we are left with two possibilities.

    1. An episode on the 8 and the 22

    2. an episode on the 15 and the 29

    So, if we go optimistic and hope for the better outcome, we can safely assume that we will have an episode in no more then 13 days.


  • No problem dude. I consider those pics as like an appetizing relief to the wait. All you gotta do is think to yourself "Haters gonna hate."

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Thank you so much Clemmy1 and regulardude94 for your support and kind words Your comments deleted, but anyway I found them in your profile

  • edited June 2014

    I can sense a lot of sarcasm from your reply, i'll also translate it:

    1. Why are you mad
    2. You are mad. It's sad.
    3. Why are you mad
    4. Why are you mad
    5. Why are you mad. It's sad. i feel sorry for your life.

      I double posted so I wrote i love carrots instead.

    And then you created a picture of it and posted it again

    Alt text

    So the answer is - i'm not mad. And after your sarcastic and ignorant reply i must admit - You're worthless user here, you are provocative, annoying and you have nothing constructive to say. Take an example from Saltlick, Gengar or GOUSTTT. Also I honestly think that in your short adventure here, you broke every forum and writing rule. Your only goal is propably to provoke me or something, so i'll cut it here.

    * I think you are just mad and you are making the problem, take a glass of water * Its funny to see tons of downvotes below a simple questi

  • This gif is disturbing. o_o

  • Wait.... they changed the name???!

    hmmm very interesting much intrigue wow

  • I know I'm gonna get A LOT of hate for this, and I'm gonna brace myself for the amount of downvotes that I'll be getting, but I don't believe this at all. First off, why would Telltale change the episode title? Second, Amid The Ruins hasn't even been released yet. The only reason the achievements for Amid The Ruins were released before In Harm's Way was released was because they were leaked. There's no way that Telltale would let the achievements for No Going Back get leaked after what happened with Amid The Ruins' achievements. Unless you have a link from the website and a confirmation from Telltale that these achievements are real, I believe that they are fake. Anyone want to downvote me for this? Go ahead. I could care less.

  • If both are finished, then the first option is the most likely

    Here's what we know. Cry Wolf is on steam, and the achievments are available. Amid The Ruins is not on steam, however the achievments are a

  • No, they didn't. It's fake. There's no confirmation from Telltale that it's real.

    Wait.... they changed the name???!

  • Those are a lot of rude assumptions there my friend. It seems like you are breaking some rules yourself by antagonizing me there "Wortjless ignorant rule breaking user". Not the kind of things thatmakes me feel comfortable. I have never offended someone that badly during my time here and I am clearly not the person with the tough egotistical attitude here who always thinks he is right. I can be best friends with you tomorrow but since you are having quite a fun time throwing false assumptions like worthless, rule breaking and saying my goal is to only troll and use profanity here.. I dont think its gonna work out if you keep going like this.

    My goal is to stay here as a real TWD fan and wait for the next episode like everybody elsenif thats what you want to know. And FYI I reposted that to show the people here there is a big group of peoppe hating on posts which mean no harm.

    PS please dont threaten me with getting banned. If you know so much about objective discussing then im sure its good to not use your feelings about me in them. You see man? You still think i wanna diss you or something? Why cant you just drop the chinese wall you got around you and have some peace

    JohnyCl posted: »

    I can sense a lot of sarcasm from your reply, i'll also translate it: * Why are you mad * You are mad. It's sad. * Why are you mad *

  • Typed on an iphone

    Those are a lot of rude assumptions there my friend. It seems like you are breaking some rules yourself by antagonizing me there "Wortjless

  • Finally some goddamn news! The achievements scare me but hey, its something!

  • No, it's real. It's on my PS3.

    No, they didn't. It's fake. There's no confirmation from Telltale that it's real.

  • over sensitive? there's no hating going on....

    Theres too much hate in the threqd i miss the good people

  • So i was trying to get the episode 5 achievement pics and ended up discovering that you can actually get all achievement pics on much higher resolution.

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    This one confirms that Clem was eating noodles

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    Was Pete going to be Carver?

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  • we're gonna shoot a cannon. can't wait

  • Is just me or does it look like it says Episode 6?

    hmmm very interesting much intrigue wow

  • [removed]

    I dont hate anyone here

  • are you saying kenny effed with lilly and they have a son who is NICK!!!

  • The baby looks like a boy...

    Poor Alvin....


    Typed on an iphone

  • Sooo many downvotes!

    Diet? Never heard of it

  • edited June 2014

    Better to sleep?...not No going back!
    EDIT: oh it says episode 6

    hmmm very interesting much intrigue wow


    wake me up when the episode comes out

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