Which Character Are You? (MBTI Type)
Molly: ISTJ, The Duty-Fufiller
Katjaa: ISFJ, The Nurturer
Lee: INFJ, The Protector
Doug: INTJ, The Scientist
Shawn: ISTP, The Mechanic
Ben: ISFP, The Artist
Clementine: INFP, The Dreamer
Chuck: INTP, The Thinker
Larry: ESTP, The Doer
Omid: ESFP, The Performer
Duck: ENFP, The Inspirer
Kenny: ENTP, The Visionary
Christa: ESTJ, The Guardian
Mark: ESFJ, The Caregiver
Carley: ENFJ, The Giver
Lily: ENTJ, The Executioner
I got Lee squeal
So comment what you got!
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ESFP, so Omid. I'm happy with that
INTP, so I got Chuck.
INFP, so Clementine!!!
INFP Clem!!
INFPs unite! offers high five
ENFJ - Carley!
Welp. I got Lilly. The Executioner.
Funny thing is, I'm known by my friends for being very caring, although ENTJ's are supposed to be the opposite.
It's not the worst thing, though!
Am I supposed to take a test or something, or do I just choose which character I think I can relate to the most?
high five
I took a test about this just now. I got Ben
Then again, I had trouble answering some of the questions, so I'm not sure it the result is accurate or not.
I had trouble answering the questions but I got INFP Clementine
i have absolutely no idea why just our thread of comments has a dislike troll xD but thanks for the high five, woo!
Here's a thumbs up
Team Everett!
The trolls are just haters!!! They live under a bridge, they don't know what else to do.
Ben: ISFP -.-
Hashtag Team Ben!!!
yah, stahpet ;-;
I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh. ;_; ha
Am i supposed to take a test or something?
oh my god xD of course you would get Ben.
Whenever I hear about trolls living under a bridge I burst into laughter. A few years back I made up this story about how Dora illegally crossed the border, so the police went after her. Eventually the police found the toll while crossing thew bridge and arrested him for public nudity XD. You just reminded me about that.
Search up personality test or MBTI test
XD lmaoo
ISFJ- Katjaa.
Okay well.
I am Shawn
Take a test. They're easy to find.
And your profile picture is getting more and more...disturbing.
I got Shawn.
I'm ISTJ, it means that I'm Molly. But I think that Molly absolutely doesn't match the characteristic of this type and we got nothing in common
I got Clem YEAAAA!! xD
How do you figure this out? Eh?
I.... I don't understand.
Kind of funny how many Clem's we got here. The stat said that "4.5% of the population is infp" Huh, guess alot of us are "shy" and "reaerved" then :P
I've got Ben ._.