I was banned without warning for (laughing) gif spamming, having a second account this one and the third thing is ban fraude I believe. I wa… mores first Joshua007 but many people were hating me and I got banned so I created MrLee to begin again.
Telltale didn't say when I can come back... Long story... I noticed a few famous members are banned without warning
Nice to talk to you again
BTW I thought you making fun of Clementine at first which is why I got mad but then I realized you were joking so I'm really sorry for posting that mean comment. Keep up the good work
Shadows are now working as they should The environment is casting shadows on itself and characters, and characters are casting shadows on t… morehe environment But I still have much optimizing to do. My hardware can handle the 64megapixel-shadowmaps I'm generating, but I doubt that it could handle 64megapixel-cubemaps for point lights Also, I've been thinking, if I should experiment a little with Geometry-Shaders (Tesselation) so you don't see so many hard edges in my close shots (look at her right knee). Don't know, if I'm gonna do that, though.
Don't worry! I'm not gonna kill her... this time!
No it wouldn't, it'd be hilarious since Sarah will immidiatly push Clem off her like Ellie did in The Last of Us Left Behindhttp://youtu.be/vYaS8CAg68k
I'm sorry to tell you, but your models are off. Clem is shorter. I tried to get the same camera-angle as you, that proved to be impossible unless you took the picture from like a mile away and enlarged it It looks like you're using an orthogonal-projection-matrix instead of a perspective one. Granted that makes no difference for height-comparison, if both models have the same z-Coordinate, but explains why my picture looks a little different
Hey, just wondering.. Are you able to rip models into an .obj or something along that line since you have direct access to the models? Right now I'm using the ripped low poly models that I find on the web, and I really want Vince (Season 2), but can't find him.
It took me awhile to get it into that camera angle, it wasnt easy.
Yes, I do use an OPM program. Also, about Christa's skin tone, it could be about thr lighting parameters I set during that time to give it more of a TWAU-feel.
I'm sorry to tell you, but your models are off. Clem is shorter. I tried to get the same camera-angle as you, that proved to be impossible u… morenless you took the picture from like a mile away and enlarged it It looks like you're using an orthogonal-projection-matrix instead of a perspective one. Granted that makes no difference for height-comparison, if both models have the same z-Coordinate, but explains why my picture looks a little different
And Christa's skin tone looks really sickly
Shit, I didn't know you only put 2 minutes into it. This is better than anything I put 15 minutes into in Photoshop. I'm sorry for saying that and I now get the joke
BTW I thought you making fun of Clementine at first which is why I got mad but then I realized you were joking so I'm really sorry for posting that mean comment. Keep up the good work
It took me awhile to get it into that camera angle, it wasnt easy.
Yes, I do use an OPM program. Also, about Christa's skin tone, it could be about thr lighting parameters I set during that time to give it more of a TWAU-feel.
I could, but I won't ever do that. Telltale would not like that. Apart from this, I don't think an .obj-File could store multiple texture coordinates per vertex.
Hey, just wondering.. Are you able to rip models into an .obj or something along that line since you have direct access to the models? Right… more now I'm using the ripped low poly models that I find on the web, and I really want Vince (Season 2), but can't find him.
You can see what I need him for over here xD
I could, but I won't ever do that. Telltale would not like that. Apart from this, I don't think an .obj-File could store multiple texture coordinates per vertex.
Yeah I have a really bad temper, but yeah I'm a nice guy when I'm not mad. I'm kinda like Kenny
Now you're banned again.I'm very sorry for you.
BTW I thought you making fun of Clementine at first which is why I got mad but then I realized you were joking so I'm really sorry for posting that mean comment. Keep up the good work
Ah man what do you mean by .....this time? Are you going to kill her in another photo? 0_0
Annnnnnnd now your banned again. Note to self, never post too many gifs at one time
The Last of Us is a zombie game? I never played it soooo....
I hope Gunab doesn't mind if I post this here. (Image may become huge)
It's funny how the walkie talkies in her pockets make Clem look chubby.
lol Clem`s tummy.
dude thats type short... but then again I am like 6'1
Nah, it's just some random zombie
Nono, not enable. I'd have to write it
No, I already did a few pages back.
I'm sorry to tell you, but your models are off. Clem is shorter. I tried to get the same camera-angle as you, that proved to be impossible unless you took the picture from like a mile away and enlarged it
It looks like you're using an orthogonal-projection-matrix instead of a perspective one. Granted that makes no difference for height-comparison, if both models have the same z-Coordinate, but explains why my picture looks a little different 
And Christa's skin tone looks really sickly
Oh good. It's bad enough to see Carver kill Clem and I'd rather not see something like that again
It Looks Like Chuck (Charles) from season 1.
Dude, you're crazy to think 5' 8'' is short :P It's at least average.
Hey, just wondering.. Are you able to rip models into an .obj or something along that line since you have direct access to the models? Right now I'm using the ripped low poly models that I find on the web, and I really want Vince (Season 2), but can't find him.
You can see what I need him for over here xD
It took me awhile to get it into that camera angle, it wasnt easy.
Yes, I do use an OPM program. Also, about Christa's skin tone, it could be about thr lighting parameters I set during that time to give it more of a TWAU-feel.
It's ok, it's not like I put this up to get opinions, it was something I did while doing like 4 other things.
No problem, but I can't really see how that would make fun of her? James Bond isn't a bad guy.
Ah, that explains the line on their side. Wasn't sure what to make of that. Seems like you just don't use normalmapping
I could, but I won't ever do that. Telltale would not like that. Apart from this, I don't think an .obj-File could store multiple texture coordinates per vertex.
The program I use sorta doesnt support normal mapping.
It's just that James Bond is a guy and Clem's a girl is all
Oh no! This isn't going as planned!
...uh oh
Clem: Oh crap! O_O
So? XD
OMG! Look at Sarah's face, she's like:
Sarah:"What the hell you trying to do? Huh?!"
The look on Clem's face lol
Sarah is way more vicious!
It's just weird XD
Sarah: You ain't getting this arm back....
Of course I would have needed the textures too, since the .obj only stores meshes. Anyways I understand why you won't do it :P
Not a close shot this time. I don't know, she even looks kinda cute, don't you think?
Dude. This is Clem we're talking about here. Of course she does.
(?) He noticed your silence