Bradley, what a prick. Hope he gets a chance to get better Glad that Troy seems to be in stable condition though.
I just noticed that th… moree word document I use to save the character bio is incomplete and I'm not sure if I completed that in the submission or if I just copypasted it. Could you please check if the personality box for Bradley stops mid-sentence?
[Check supermarkets]
“Let’s just check out the supermarket I don’t intend on getting lost in the woods.” I said
“Alright I agree, we can save that for when we can’t find anything else.” Cyndia agreed
We walked 6 blocks up to the supermarket and heard some walkers on the other side of the wall, I got out my knife and turned quick and brought it above my head. I stabbed one in the eye and kicked it off the blade. Cyndia smashed one’s face in with the butt of her rifle, she she pulled out her knife and stabbed another. I turned and saw Cyndia was about to get bit, I tackled the walker and started to stab it uncontrollably I couldn’t lose anyone else the same way. I got up and kicked another in a fence and stabbed it.
“Thanks!” Cyndia faltered
“Are you alright?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m fine just kind of scary that’s all.” said Cyndia
“Alright let’s keep going, we need to hurry back.” I said
We kept walking and reached the supermarket. I looked around for anymore walkers, to my surprise there weren’t any but we all knew that could change in a matter of mere seconds. It felt particularly misty today.
“It’ll only be about a 5 minute walk till we get there.” I foretold
“Good, I’m getting really hot.” Cyndia moaned
i just smiled and kept walking, we reached the supermarket. I opened the door to find lots of canned food and bottled water. I quickly ran over and started to pack it all up along with Cyndia.
“This’ll last us a while.” I said
“Yeah, we just need to hurry back to the planetarium.” said Cyndia
“I agree let’s go hopefully we’ll get back before anything bad happens.” I said
We got back to the planetarium and got out all of the stuff we’d found and made our way back to our beds.
“It’s getting a lot hotter in here, maybe we should stay outside for a bit.” said Jane
“Alright go ahead.” I said
Jane walked outside and tried to cool off. I stayed in here thinking it was safer I decided to just sleep for a while.
1 Hour Later…
“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” a woman screamed
“Oh fuck! Where’s Jane!” I said
I ran outside and looked around and only saw a blood trail leading into the forest. I quickly ran into the forest with my gun in my right hand and my knife in the other. I looked around the tall trees towered over me I could still see some of the blood trail I kept running. I heard another cry for help coming from deeper into the forest.
“Cody come back!” I heard Lucy yell
I ignored her and kept running to Jane’s aid. I found her in the woods lying motionless I checked her heartbeat and she was still alive but I needed to get her back as soon as possible. I cradled her into my arms i was running back to the planetarium I heard shots being fired from behind me.
“Fuck, they must’ve set this up!” I whispered with a fearful tone
I heard more gunshots and running coming my way I had no other choice, I would have to make a run for it. I quickly took a second to get focused and I ran to the planetarium. My shoulder started hurt a lot. I couldn’t let that slow me down I got out of the forest and fell on my side I was panting.
“Holy shit are you alright!” asked Lucy
“Just get Jane inside she needs medical attention!” I moaned in pain
They ran inside along with Jane, I could feel hands on my ankles I was being dragged into the forest! I weakly cried out for help till something came across and hit me in the head.
4 Hours Later…
I slowly slipped back into conciousness I could feel the musty air surround me. I looked around and it looked like I was in a sort of prison-like building I looked around and there was hardly any light. I tried to get up but I was tied down, I struggled to try and free myself but nothing was working I looked on in horror as I saw a man standing beside me
“Where am I!” I said weakly
The man just kept watching me, he started to walk away. I continued to struggle it was no use. I looked to the side and saw a small pocket knife I quickly reached over to it but couldn’t quite reach. I continued till I got a hold of it, I started to cut the rope constricting my arms and I did the same with the other I got up and tried to open the cage
“Fuck it’s still locked!” I whispered I felt blood running from my head
I need to get out of here as soon as possible! I thought
I saw another person was locked up in a cage across from me, they were moaning and I whispered to them
“Hey! Where the fuck are we!” I whispered loudly
I looked around and saw a safety pin, I quickly grabbed it and used the bars to bend it into the correct shape. I took it and started to open the door but thought to myself.
“I might need a better plan to escape this place.” I thought
[Escape immediately] or [Wait and come up with a plan]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 2: Meaningless Hope
[Check Supermarket]
“Let’s just check out the supermarket I don’t intend on getti… moreng lost in the woods.” I said
“Alright I agree, we can save that for when we can’t find anything else.” Cyndia agreed
We walked 6 blocks up to the supermarket and heard some walkers on the other side of the wall, I got out my knife and turned quick and brought it above my head. I stabbed one in the eye and kicked it off the blade. Cyndia smashed one’s face in with the butt of her rifle, she she pulled out her knife and stabbed another. I turned and saw Cyndia was about to get bit, I tackled the walker and started to stab it uncontrollably I couldn’t lose anyone else the same way. I got up and kicked another in a fence and stabbed it.
“Thanks!” Cyndia faltered
“Are you alright?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m fine just kind of scary that’s all.” said Cyndia
“Alright let’s keep going, we need to hurry… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 2: Meaningless Hope
[Check Supermarket]
“Let’s just check out the supermarket I don’t intend on getti… moreng lost in the woods.” I said
“Alright I agree, we can save that for when we can’t find anything else.” Cyndia agreed
We walked 6 blocks up to the supermarket and heard some walkers on the other side of the wall, I got out my knife and turned quick and brought it above my head. I stabbed one in the eye and kicked it off the blade. Cyndia smashed one’s face in with the butt of her rifle, she she pulled out her knife and stabbed another. I turned and saw Cyndia was about to get bit, I tackled the walker and started to stab it uncontrollably I couldn’t lose anyone else the same way. I got up and kicked another in a fence and stabbed it.
“Thanks!” Cyndia faltered
“Are you alright?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m fine just kind of scary that’s all.” said Cyndia
“Alright let’s keep going, we need to hurry… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 2: Meaningless Hope
[Check Supermarket]
“Let’s just check out the supermarket I don’t intend on getti… moreng lost in the woods.” I said
“Alright I agree, we can save that for when we can’t find anything else.” Cyndia agreed
We walked 6 blocks up to the supermarket and heard some walkers on the other side of the wall, I got out my knife and turned quick and brought it above my head. I stabbed one in the eye and kicked it off the blade. Cyndia smashed one’s face in with the butt of her rifle, she she pulled out her knife and stabbed another. I turned and saw Cyndia was about to get bit, I tackled the walker and started to stab it uncontrollably I couldn’t lose anyone else the same way. I got up and kicked another in a fence and stabbed it.
“Thanks!” Cyndia faltered
“Are you alright?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m fine just kind of scary that’s all.” said Cyndia
“Alright let’s keep going, we need to hurry… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 2: Meaningless Hope
[Check Supermarket]
“Let’s just check out the supermarket I don’t intend on getti… moreng lost in the woods.” I said
“Alright I agree, we can save that for when we can’t find anything else.” Cyndia agreed
We walked 6 blocks up to the supermarket and heard some walkers on the other side of the wall, I got out my knife and turned quick and brought it above my head. I stabbed one in the eye and kicked it off the blade. Cyndia smashed one’s face in with the butt of her rifle, she she pulled out her knife and stabbed another. I turned and saw Cyndia was about to get bit, I tackled the walker and started to stab it uncontrollably I couldn’t lose anyone else the same way. I got up and kicked another in a fence and stabbed it.
“Thanks!” Cyndia faltered
“Are you alright?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m fine just kind of scary that’s all.” said Cyndia
“Alright let’s keep going, we need to hurry… [view original content]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just running out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said the man
He lead me to the cafeteria I could see other prisoners, they looked at me with wondering eyes. I sat next to a funny looking man a woman with Long curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, full middle height and an athletic figure.
“Hey man, what’s your name?’ the man asked
“I’m Cody how about you?” I asked back
“I’m Jeff and this is Morgan.” Jess answered
“Nice to meet you Jeff and Morgan.” I said
I looked at them with suspicion I didn’t know whether or not I could trust anyone here, I would need people for my plan. I looked down at the food, I had a can of peach slices. Atleast i’ll have a some food that I actually like, I heard a scream coming from down the hall, I looked and saw a man getting tortured.
“What the fuck is going on in this place!” I whispered
“I guess these guys thought it would be fun to lock us up and take a look at our insides.” Jeff laughed
“What exactly is your fucking problem? I asked
“I’m trying to make the best of a pretty bleak situation here.” answered Jeff
“How’d you end up here?” asked Morgan
“I was saving my friend from these psycho’s.” I answered
“Damn, you took her fate for her that’s pretty brave.” said Morgan
I continued to eat and we heard an intercom go off.
“Everyone go out to the yard, we’re going to be making an announcement.” BZZT
“We need to get out of here.” I said
“Well do you have a plan?” Jeff asked
“I’m working on one, I’m gonna need some help.” I said
“Well count me in these sick fucks need to go!” Morgan growled
“I don’t even know why they want us, it’s disgusting to keep people trapped like this!” I whispered
The man who I stabbed came out and told us he was going to kill us all, I had an impulsive nature to get up and curse him out but I held back my anger. I had no idea how anyone back at the planetarium was doing. I was just stuck here, I couldn’t stand the thought that they could be looking for me and risking their lives. We all walked out to the yard and they lined us up and started beating on the people in front of me nearly to death. I had a shocked look on my face, I was up next.
“Well you may now see that this is why I waited to punish you i’m going to have extra fun with this.” the man said menacingly
He punched me in the gut and while I was down kicked me. I got up and used the rock I found on the ground and slammed it across his face he started to bleed. Men around us pointed their guns at me
“No, I want this to be a fun fight.” said the man
He punched me in the face, I felt terrible the pain was coming back in my shoulder and I couldn’t do anything to help myself now. the man just walked away from us all, I had bottled up energy and was ready to get revenge.
“Alright, you wanna know the plan? Well i’m thinking this is how it’s gonna go...” I said
5 Hours Later…
I got my safety pin ready and started to unlock my door, I got out and I saw all of the cages from left to right. I started to sneak around to try and find the keys to the cages, I looked at one of the doors that said “Armory” I looked to my right and saw a guard walking towards me, I quickly hid behind one of the cages. He walked by and I reached around and choked him, I dragged him back to where I was hiding. I took his gun and ran around to find the door leading into a room where the man was sleeping.
I opened it up slowly and found the keys on the desk, I quickly grabbed them and snuck to Jeff’s cage and released him.
“Thanks man, let’s go get Morgan.” Jeff whispered
I unlocked Morgan’s cage and we went back to the armory. We grabbed the last AK-47 and my pistol along with a lot of ammo. We went to the door leading out of the prison, I tried to use all of the keys but none of them would work.
“What the fuck’s up why won’t you unlock it man!” whispered Jeff
“I’m trying none of the keys work!” I whispered
“Well well look at what we have here.” said the man
“Oh shit!” yelled Jeff
I couldn’t believe what was happening, I knew I was fucked. I couldn’t reach for my gun, it would get people killed. I just stayed quiet and waited to see what was going to happen.
“Are you looking for this?” the man held up the key for the door.
“Do you really think I would just keep the key for escape lying around waiting for you to come along and ruin my plan.” said the man
“You’re an insane degenerate piece of filth and you deserve to die!” I said
I took my pistol and shot him in both of his kneecaps remembering what Troy did.
“Don’t have the stones to kill me, just gonna let me crawl around.” said the man
“I’d rather let you suffer.” I growled
“You’ll soon learn, the further we get into this world, the more twisted we become. We think there's only one thing decaying, corpses but in time you'll all find out, there are two things decaying, corpses...and our humanity.” the man said
The man’s words hit me and I thought about what my group and I have done. The two men at the gas station, the two men when Cyndia and I were hiding, and the man in the sitting room who tried to kill me.
“I see the look on your face you won’t kill me, you’re weak. Even if you did it would be cold blooded murder, are you that far gone already?” the man taunted
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 3: Imprisoned
[Wait and come up with a plan]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just run… morening out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said … [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 3: Imprisoned
[Wait and come up with a plan]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just run… morening out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said … [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 3: Imprisoned
[Wait and come up with a plan]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just run… morening out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said … [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 3: Imprisoned
[Wait and come up with a plan]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just run… morening out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said … [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 3: Imprisoned
[Wait and come up with a plan]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just run… morening out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said … [view original content]
I knew I couldn’t just leave, he would follow me back to the planetarium and potentially hurt more people.
“You’re wrong.” I faltered
“Kill me, and you’re always gonna-”
BANG! I shot the man and took his keys, I gave it about a minute before 5 more guards were on us. I grabbed the mans’ AK-47 I got ready and got into a tactical position above one of the cages. I started firing at the guards and fortunately they were all hit, I started to unlock all of the prisoners. We grabbed the guards guns and ran out the door, I could finally smell something other than wet dog. I felt a raindrop on my head and knew this was going to be a troubling walk home.
“Alright we need to find a way out of this forest!” I said
“Morgan didn’t you grow up here?” Jeff asked
“Yeah we could head to the river, that’ll give us a better sense of direction along with the sun.” answered Morgan
“Alright let’s go!” I said
We walked a total of about 5 miles to finally reach the river. We filled our canteens with water and used it for boiling.
“So what’s your story?” I asked Jeff
“Not much of a story, just like getting high and having fun.” answered Jeff
“That’ What about you Morgan?” I asked
“I’m just trying to survive, I lost my husband when this all started.” Morgan replied
“I’m sorry, I lost my family when this started aswell.” I said
“So do you think those guys’ll come after us?” Jeff asked me
“I don’t know I took out 5 of the guards when I first counted there were 15, so if they do intend to follow us we’re gonna need to be ready.” I said
I heard moans coming towards us followed by more and more moaning. “Son of a bitch!” I thought
I saw a horde of them coming towards us, I told Jeff and Morgan that we needed to go. We packed up our shit until they were almost on top of us, we had to fight.
“Kill as many as you can!” I yelled
I slashed my way through 10 walkers, and I started to get their blood all over my clothes. I kept slashing until more fell beneath my feet. Until suddenly they weren’t attacking me anymore. I wondered why they were just passing me. I looked at my clothes and thought I have their blood on me, what if...they don’t detect you when you have their blood on you, as you smell like one of them.
Morgan and Jeff had the same thing happen to them, we walked right through till we noticed there were a lot more than a hundred of them. I saw maybe about 300 more of them, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw them. We walked through about 50 more of them till the rain started to pour. The blood was washing off and the walkers started to notice us again. No, No, NO! I thought
They started walking towards me, I got out my hatchet while Jeff and Morgan got their AK-47’s. I slashed one in the head, another came towards me and I swung as hard as I could and cut the top of it’s head clean off. Another lunged at me and I jumped to the side and started to run and slash as I went. I made it past 100 more, until I saw Jeff try and overcome them but he was instantly devoured. I kept running and Morgan caught up with me, we just kept killing the walkers I slipped on some mud and landed on my back. Morgan tried to help me up and a walker almost bit the back of her neck but I shot it in the head. It fell to the side and I quickly got back up.
“Shit! We need to get the fuck out of here!” I said
They were coming from all directions, I couldn’t feel anything but fear and anger. The anger resonated from not being able to ever see Lucy, Troy, or Cyndia ever again. I used my rage and kept slashing through. Morgan got in front of me and started firing the gun at all the walkers she could see. She mowed down 30 of them, but had to reload and we didn’t have time for that. the blood kept flying on our clothes but washed off in only 30 seconds. I knew the best way would be to keep getting the blood on us if we wanted to make it out of this.
I kicked a walker in the chest causing it to fall over and topple more of them on its way down. I kept going and going. It seemed like an endless amount of them were around us. I have to keep going, I have to for them. I started growling with anger, I kept attacking. Morgan saw a walker almost chomp my arm but put her knife through it’s head. When I was starting to become fatigued I knew I just had to start firing my pistol. I shot 5 walkers in the head, I’m glad I decided to take all of the ammo from the armory. I had no time to reload, I got my knife again and sliced through 5 more. I could feel the adrenaline flowing in my veins, nothing was on my mind but pure survival.
Morgan stabbed some and found a good path we could use to escape. I figured it was our best bet but we still needed to get out of this horde. More and more walkers came after us as we made our way into the forest. I found a half-way fallen tree branch and jumped up and pulled it down to buy us some time. Morgan and I ran as fast as we could until we couldn’t run anymore. I could see a treehouse, but why in the middle of the forest? I thought
Morgan and I quickly climbed up, and sat in there for a while, I got out some of the water we boiled. I wondered how long it would take us to get back to my home.
“Are you ok?” I panted
“As good as you would expect.” Morgan panted
“How the fuck did we make it out of that?” I said
“Adrenaline’s a bitch.” said Morgan
I gave her a can of peaches that I stole from the cafeteria before we made our way out.
“Thanks, I could use something to eat right now.” said Morgan
We sat there and ate for a while till we were finally asleep.
1 Day Later…
I finally woke up and saw that Morgan was still asleep. I looked outside and saw that now walkers were to be found, I still decided it would be better if we waited a while so I didn’t disrupt her sleep.
1 Day Later…
I woke up again not knowing what time it was, I checked my wristwatch and it said 7:50 A.M. I woke Morgan up to a can of beans, I opened them for her. As she thanked me I thought maybe we should try and make our way back to the planetarium.
“Morgan we need to get out of here as fast as we can.” I said
“Yeah, I agree i’m still just a bit sore.” Morgan grumbled
“I agree, I haven’t felt this sore in a long time.” I said
[Go to the Planetarium Now] or [Wait to feel better]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 4: In the Storm
[Kill the Man]
I knew I couldn’t just leave, he would follow me back to the planetari… moreum and potentially hurt more people.
“You’re wrong.” I faltered
“Kill me, and you’re always gonna-”
BANG! I shot the man and took his keys, I gave it about a minute before 5 more guards were on us. I grabbed the mans’ AK-47 I got ready and got into a tactical position above one of the cages. I started firing at the guards and fortunately they were all hit, I started to unlock all of the prisoners. We grabbed the guards guns and ran out the door, I could finally smell something other than wet dog. I felt a raindrop on my head and knew this was going to be a troubling walk home.
“Alright we need to find a way out of this forest!” I said
“Morgan didn’t you grow up here?” Jeff asked
“Yeah we could head to the river, that’ll give us a better sense of direction along with the sun.” answered Mo… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 4: In the Storm
[Kill the Man]
I knew I couldn’t just leave, he would follow me back to the planetari… moreum and potentially hurt more people.
“You’re wrong.” I faltered
“Kill me, and you’re always gonna-”
BANG! I shot the man and took his keys, I gave it about a minute before 5 more guards were on us. I grabbed the mans’ AK-47 I got ready and got into a tactical position above one of the cages. I started firing at the guards and fortunately they were all hit, I started to unlock all of the prisoners. We grabbed the guards guns and ran out the door, I could finally smell something other than wet dog. I felt a raindrop on my head and knew this was going to be a troubling walk home.
“Alright we need to find a way out of this forest!” I said
“Morgan didn’t you grow up here?” Jeff asked
“Yeah we could head to the river, that’ll give us a better sense of direction along with the sun.” answered Mo… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely healed up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, otherwise our emotions will boil inside and will result in an explosion.” I fumed
I reached around and showed Morgan a necklace I found.
“I found it yesterday, it looked pretty so I thought I would give it to Cyndia.”
“Oh, that’s her name?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, that’s her name.” I answered
Something felt wrong, I opened up the treehouse and saw the herd moving towards the planetarium. I closed the door and thought of what we could do, I ended up with nothing considering we were still exhausted from the herd.
“Damn, they have no idea what’s going to hit them.” I whispered
“What?” Morgan asked
“The herd’s walking towards the planetarium, I need to get back before they get hurt.” I said
“We can’t do much right now, we’re still stuck here for a while.” said Morgan
“I guess, no point in staying up let’s just get some sleep.” I yawned
1 Day Later…
I woke up before Morgan yet again, I wanted to check outside again to see if all the walkers had past. I noticed only a few roaming around, but none from the original herd were still here.
“Morgan, let’s get up we need to go!” I whispered
Morgan got up and we packed all of our supplies, I slipped the necklace on in case so I wouldn’t lose it. I opened the door up and we hopped down, I dropped to my hands and knees when I landed due to soreness.
“Alright I don’t know how far we’ve got till we reach the planetarium, but we keep heading in this direction we should make it there at dawn.” I said
“Why hello.” a man said
I felt the end of a pistol against the back of my head, and another was pointed at Morgan. I thought about how we could get out of this situation but I had nothing.
“Do you by any chance know who we are?” the man asked
“Are you the creeps from that prison?” I said
“You’re damn right, now we don’t take to kindly to folks who like to kill our friends.”said the man
Whether or not I should have killed that man was coming back to haunt me now. I looked at Morgan, the man pulled her hair up and threw her to the ground. He got on top of her and I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to prevent what the man was going to do. I took out the small pocket knife I hid in my boot and jammed it into the man behind me. I spun around and put him into a choke hold.
“Let her go!” I yelled
the man continued to laugh with a sinister tone, I never knew just how sick these people were. I shot the man I was holding and shot the other on top of Morgan.
“Thanks, I really couldn’t stand the idea of that guy having his way with me.” said Morgan with a scared tone
“It’s alright, they’re taken care of we have nothing to worry about.” I said
We continued to walk along a dark path, I couldn’t stop thinking of how fast I needed to get back to Cyndia. I needed to help them, I didn’t know if Morgan would stick around for long. Morgan was walking ahead of me, I thought of her to be a good leader. We saw a few walkers further up on the road. I grabbed my hatchet and threw it into one of the walkers heads, I had been practicing but I felt so badass when I finally perfected it. I grabbed the hatchet out of the walkers head and chopped another. Morgan grabbed one by it’s collar and threw it into a tree branch that pierced it’s body.
“We have Miles to go.” I said
“We’ll make it Cody, no need to be worried.” Morgan reassured me
I felt a chilly breeze come along with some troubling sounds, I heard thunder in the sky along with some beautiful visuals of some lightning. I kept walking next to Morgan, I still wondered what those people wanted with us. “Better not waste time thinking about it.” I thought
2 Hours Later…
I could see the planetarium from where I was standing, I felt overwhelming joy swell inside my body. I couldn’t wait to get back to them, I was quite confused when I noticed the herd wasn’t at the planetarium. “Must have heard a louder noise from a different area.” I thought
“Do you think your group will let me join?” Morgan asked
“Well, i’m pretty much the leader so yes.” I smiled
“Thanks, I kinda need a good place to shack up.” Morgan laughed
“Doesn’t everyone?” I joked
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” said Morgan
The planetarium was nearing closer and closer with every step I took which felt like a pound being lifted off of my back. I heard someone shouting my name, I wondered who’s voice it was, I didn’t care I started to sprint to the planetarium. Morgan was right behind me as we excitedly raced for our mutual finish line.
I finally saw Cyndia and ran and embraced her in my arms, we kissed and held each other for a while longer. I looked over and noticed Jane with stitches and a cast on her wrist.
“I’ve missed you so much!” Cyndia cried
“I’ve missed you to!” I held tighter
“You saved my life!” said Jane
Jane walked up and hugged me, I couldn’t believe I was seeing them already. But something was wrong
“Where’s everyone else?” I asked with concern
“Troy and Lucy are inside, Lucy had an incident.” Cyndia explained
I rushed in to see Cedric sitting next to Troy and Lucy who were cuddling in the corner. “Well that escalated quickly.” I thought
“Holy shit! We thought we lost you forever!” exclaimed Troy
“Lucy what the fuck happened!” I faltered
“I was bitten on the ankle, luckily Troy cut it off quick enough.” said Lucy
“Who’s with you?” asked Troy
“This is Morgan she helped me escape.” I explained
“What happened after you escaped?” asked Lucy
“Morgan and I were with this weird guy named Jeff and tried to get through a herd of walkers on barefoot. it was scary as fuck until we realized that when you get their blood or guts on you they won’t be able to detect you.” I explained
“Holy shit that info could’ve been useful a day earlier!” said Lucy
“Wait why what happened?” I asked
“We had a herd pass through here, that’s when I lost my leg.” said Lucy
I didn’t know who I wanted to talk to more, Cyndia or Troy and Lucy.
[Continue talking with Troy and Lucy] or [Go talk with Cyndia]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely heale… mored up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, othe… [view original content]
“How does it feel to not have your left leg?” I asked Lucy
“Well I guess i’ll take that for what it’s worth.” I said
“How did it go with the herd, I mean did you get rid of them quick enough?” I asked
“It went alright until I was bitten, but everything else went alright.” answered Lucy
“Well, at least you took it off in time.” I said
I got up and decided to walk up and go back outside for a while, I opened the door and I could feel just how peaceful it was right now. I hadn’t been this happy for a long time, I hoped it would stay this way forever but knowing well enough that things would never be normal again. I noticed Cyndia, Jane, and Morgan talking but decided to let them have their own chatting time. Cyndia started to walk towards me, I smiled at her while she sat down.
“Hey.” I said with a happy tone
“So, what happened out there? I mean what did they do to you?” Cyndia asked with concern
“Nothing, I got the jump on them before they could really hurt me.” I answered
“That’s good, i’m happy you’re not hurt.” Cyndia sighed
“I am two, but I wouldn’t die before seeing all of you again.” I confessed
“We were searching for you for 2 days, when we still couldn’t find you we figured the worst happened.” explained Cyndia
“Well, they trapped me in some kind of prison.” I said
“What the fuck kind of people would do that?” asked Cyndia
“The worst kind.” I explained
“I almost forgot, I wanted to give you this necklace I found.” I announced
“It’s really pretty, it’s a moon pendant.” said Cyndia
“I found it in a treehouse that Morgan and I stayed in.” I explained
“Morgan seems nice, I just don’t know that we can trust her yet.” Cyndia protested
“I agree, but hopefully she’ll become a trustworthy member.” I said quietly
Cedric walked out of the planetarium and sighed, I could tell all of the work he’s been doing with the group must be taking a toll on him.
“Are you doing alright?” I asked
“I’m fine, just tired.” explained Cedric
“I can see why, you’ve had to work on 4 people already.” I agreed
“Cyndia, how are you doing?” asked Cedric
“I’m fine now it’s alright Cedric.” Cyndia mumbled
“I just wanted to know, you haven’t had a good nights rest yet.” said Cedric with concern
“Why haven’t you slept?” I asked
“I was searching for you, for quite a long time.” Cyndia explained
“She was constantly out there searching for you, I told her that you’d find your way back home but she still wanted to search.” Cedric reminisced
“It’s a peaceful day, i’m surprised no walkers no bandits it’s feels peaceful.” Cyndia sighed with relief
“Yeah, it’s really nice I wish there were more days like this one.” I confessed
“I hope you guys don’t mind but I need some sleep, why don’t you come with me?” I asked Cyndia
“Alright, I really could use some sleep.” Cyndia confessed
6 Hours Later…
I woke up in the middle of the night, I could hear rain pattering against the windows. I got up and left Cyndia’s side so that I could get some water and stretch out a bit before finally getting some more sleep. I started walking towards the bathroom and I heard some noise coming from Troy and Lucy’s room. I don’t even want to know, I continued going and grabbed a water bottle when walking back I started to feel grateful for having this home for all of my friends. I lied back down and couldn’t fall asleep I just decided to sit down and relax there for a while then.
2 Hours Later…
“Hey, we found some stuff buried in the store room, we found a bunch of food supplies!” Jane said happily
“That’s great, how long do you think it’ll last us?” I asked
“For a while, I would say about a month!” said Jane excited
Things were starting to have a brighter outcome we were finding peace.
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 6: Crossed Over
[Continue talking with Troy and Lucy]
“When did the herd come through?” I asked
“A… morebout a day ago, I think.” said Troy
“How does it feel to not have your left leg?” I asked Lucy
“Well I guess i’ll take that for what it’s worth.” I said
“How did it go with the herd, I mean did you get rid of them quick enough?” I asked
“It went alright until I was bitten, but everything else went alright.” answered Lucy
“Well, at least you took it off in time.” I said
I got up and decided to walk up and go back outside for a while, I opened the door and I could feel just how peaceful it was right now. I hadn’t been this happy for a long time, I hoped it would stay this way forever but knowing well enough that things would never be normal again. I noticed Cyndia, Jane, and Morgan talking but decided to let them have their own chatting time. Cyndia started to walk towards me, I smiled at … [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 6: Crossed Over
[Continue talking with Troy and Lucy]
“When did the herd come through?” I asked
“A… morebout a day ago, I think.” said Troy
“How does it feel to not have your left leg?” I asked Lucy
“Well I guess i’ll take that for what it’s worth.” I said
“How did it go with the herd, I mean did you get rid of them quick enough?” I asked
“It went alright until I was bitten, but everything else went alright.” answered Lucy
“Well, at least you took it off in time.” I said
I got up and decided to walk up and go back outside for a while, I opened the door and I could feel just how peaceful it was right now. I hadn’t been this happy for a long time, I hoped it would stay this way forever but knowing well enough that things would never be normal again. I noticed Cyndia, Jane, and Morgan talking but decided to let them have their own chatting time. Cyndia started to walk towards me, I smiled at … [view original content]
I'll be going back to 1 chapter a day, I wanted to finish episode 2 before I left for vacation but now everything will be back to normal. I appreciate everyone's patience. And it's comments like these that give me the motivation to continue the story.
I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him, I cocked it and put it against his head.
“You fucking psycho!” I whispered with rage
“Kill me, but then you won’t know where she is!” he screamed back
3 Weeks Earlier…
I woke up, and wasn’t expecting that great of a meal today if I even got anything. We’ve run out of most of the food Jane found in the storage room. I couldn’t believe that we were almost out it seemed like so much at the time. Cyndia brought me a protein bar that she found on a supply run.
“Have you had anything to eat?” I asked
“Yeah, I brought back two but decided that I would give one to you and eat aswell.” Cyndia replied
“I can’t believe we’re already having to go on supply runs again, we had so much food but the days passed away as did the food.” I grumbled
“We’ll make do with what we got I suppose.” Cyndia said lightly
I started to eat, and just the feeling of finally getting some food in me, was amazing. I couldn’t believe a whole month had passed, but that wasn’t an exact measure I couldn’t tell if it was Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
“Thanks sweetie.” I kissed Cyndia on the forehead and got up to go the door
I looked around and walker activity was at a minimal, I was surprised we usually had close to 20 in view before. I noticed that Lucy was able to zip around on her crutches better than she had before. Troy and Lucy were getting a lot closer, they took to calling themselves the cripple squad. I had no earthly idea why but whatever floats their boat I guess. It was already 12:00 P.M. when I woke up but now it was already 1:00 P.M. time had really flowed the past few weeks. Everything felt like it was in fast motion, I couldn’t believe how long I’ve survived this ordeal, I haven’t had the best luck and still I somehow manage to get myself out of a tight spot.
“We need to find some more food, we don’t want to die of starvation this far into the apocalypse.” said Jane as she walked towards me
“I agree, we’ve survived people, weather, and walkers, but dying of starvation after all of that, is would be a terrible way to go.” I replied
“I’m gonna go back to Cyndia, I haven’t seen her a lot lately she’s been volunteering for a lot of the supply runs.” I said
“She’s really been doing a lot, she’s a really good hunter her dad taught her a lot when she was growing up.” said Jane
I walked back to Cyndia and noticed she was looking out one of the windows, I walked up and looked out myself and looked out and saw that there were 5 people walking towards the planetarium.
“Cyndia, grab your gun!” I whispered
Cyndia ran into the storage room and grabbed her pistol, Cedric, Troy, Lucy, Jane, and Morgan were prepared for a fight amongst the group.
“I’m going to go out and talk to them, I want to see what they’re doing here.” I said
“No, they might hurt you!” said Cyndia
“I’ll try and make sure that doesn’t happen.” I reassured her
I walked to the door with my pistol in the back of my pants, I waited for a knock or any indication of wanting inside. Knock Knock I heard come from the door. I opened it and noticed that they had their guns put away and were standing there calmly.
“What do you want?” I answered demandingly
“We need food, if you have any that would be appreciated.” said the leader
“Sorry but we have no food to give out, we’re barely getting by ourselves.” I replied
“Well if no food could we have a place to stay for the night?” the leader asked
“No, I’m sorry but we have no room you’re just gonna have to leave.” I demanded
“Well thanks anyway, i’m glad this didn’t have to become violent.” said the leader
“So am I, we have enough problems nowadays.” I said
The group left in peace, I couldn’t help but feel something was wrong, I locked the door and motioned for everyone to come out.
“I don’t trust that shit a single bit!” said Cedric
“I don’t either, they were too friendly it doesn’t make sense.” said Morgan
“Well they’re gone that’s all we have to worry about.” I said
“Cody, can you come here?” Cyndia asked
I walked over to her, I didn’t know what to expect.
“We only have a weeks worth of food left, and we have no way to find anymore food, the towns been picked clean, and walkers are getting all of the animals.” Cyndia announced
“Well, moving on would probably be the best idea but I want to do that when we have no food left so in a week we can move out.” I said
“I agree with that, but I’m letting you know we just need to find someplace else.” said Cyndia
“I appreciate it thanks sweetie.” I kissed her and walked over to my bed
I thought about a lot of things, I didn’t know why that group seemed so familiar I couldn’t put my finger on it. I just decided to sharpen up my knife for a while and wait till it was bedtime.
1 Day Later…
I woke up and Cyndia was cuddled up next to me, I didn’t want to wake her so I just decided to stay in place and think where we were going to go for a while. Only two places came to mind when I thought about where we should go.
“Morning.” Cyndia mumbled tiredly
“Morning sweetie, I’m thinking about going around the perimeter today I want to make sure that no walkers have made it through the fence.” I said
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, the people that were here a day ago might not have been as friendly as they seemed, we should just stay inside for a while.” Cyndia said worried
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Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 2: Meaningless Hope
[Check Supermarket]
“Let’s just check out the supermarket I don’t intend on getting lost in the woods.” I said
“Alright I agree, we can save that for when we can’t find anything else.” Cyndia agreed
We walked 6 blocks up to the supermarket and heard some walkers on the other side of the wall, I got out my knife and turned quick and brought it above my head. I stabbed one in the eye and kicked it off the blade. Cyndia smashed one’s face in with the butt of her rifle, she she pulled out her knife and stabbed another. I turned and saw Cyndia was about to get bit, I tackled the walker and started to stab it uncontrollably I couldn’t lose anyone else the same way. I got up and kicked another in a fence and stabbed it.
“Thanks!” Cyndia faltered
“Are you alright?” I asked
“Yeah, I’m fine just kind of scary that’s all.” said Cyndia
“Alright let’s keep going, we need to hurry back.” I said
We kept walking and reached the supermarket. I looked around for anymore walkers, to my surprise there weren’t any but we all knew that could change in a matter of mere seconds. It felt particularly misty today.
“It’ll only be about a 5 minute walk till we get there.” I foretold
“Good, I’m getting really hot.” Cyndia moaned
i just smiled and kept walking, we reached the supermarket. I opened the door to find lots of canned food and bottled water. I quickly ran over and started to pack it all up along with Cyndia.
“This’ll last us a while.” I said
“Yeah, we just need to hurry back to the planetarium.” said Cyndia
“I agree let’s go hopefully we’ll get back before anything bad happens.” I said
We got back to the planetarium and got out all of the stuff we’d found and made our way back to our beds.
“It’s getting a lot hotter in here, maybe we should stay outside for a bit.” said Jane
“Alright go ahead.” I said
Jane walked outside and tried to cool off. I stayed in here thinking it was safer I decided to just sleep for a while.
1 Hour Later…
“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” a woman screamed
“Oh fuck! Where’s Jane!” I said
I ran outside and looked around and only saw a blood trail leading into the forest. I quickly ran into the forest with my gun in my right hand and my knife in the other. I looked around the tall trees towered over me I could still see some of the blood trail I kept running. I heard another cry for help coming from deeper into the forest.
“Cody come back!” I heard Lucy yell
I ignored her and kept running to Jane’s aid. I found her in the woods lying motionless I checked her heartbeat and she was still alive but I needed to get her back as soon as possible. I cradled her into my arms i was running back to the planetarium I heard shots being fired from behind me.
“Fuck, they must’ve set this up!” I whispered with a fearful tone
I heard more gunshots and running coming my way I had no other choice, I would have to make a run for it. I quickly took a second to get focused and I ran to the planetarium. My shoulder started hurt a lot. I couldn’t let that slow me down I got out of the forest and fell on my side I was panting.
“Holy shit are you alright!” asked Lucy
“Just get Jane inside she needs medical attention!” I moaned in pain
They ran inside along with Jane, I could feel hands on my ankles I was being dragged into the forest! I weakly cried out for help till something came across and hit me in the head.
4 Hours Later…
I slowly slipped back into conciousness I could feel the musty air surround me. I looked around and it looked like I was in a sort of prison-like building I looked around and there was hardly any light. I tried to get up but I was tied down, I struggled to try and free myself but nothing was working I looked on in horror as I saw a man standing beside me
“Where am I!” I said weakly
The man just kept watching me, he started to walk away. I continued to struggle it was no use. I looked to the side and saw a small pocket knife I quickly reached over to it but couldn’t quite reach. I continued till I got a hold of it, I started to cut the rope constricting my arms and I did the same with the other I got up and tried to open the cage
“Fuck it’s still locked!” I whispered I felt blood running from my head
I need to get out of here as soon as possible! I thought
I saw another person was locked up in a cage across from me, they were moaning and I whispered to them
“Hey! Where the fuck are we!” I whispered loudly
I looked around and saw a safety pin, I quickly grabbed it and used the bars to bend it into the correct shape. I took it and started to open the door but thought to myself.
“I might need a better plan to escape this place.” I thought
[Escape immediately] or [Wait and come up with a plan]
End of Chapter Song:
I need votes so I can make a new chapter tomorrow!
[Wait and come up with a plan]
[Wait and come up with a plan]
[Wait and come up with a plan]
**[Wait and come up with a plan]***
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 3: Imprisoned
[Wait and come up with a plan]
“I need to wait and come up with a better plan, just running out and not knowing what’s out there is fucking stupid.” I thought
I heard someone walking towards me, I got my knife ready and stepped to the side I got ready. The door opened and I jammed the knife into the man’s shoulder and pulled it back and stabbed him again until he pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill me.
I got back on the table I started to breathe heavy. I saw the man pick up a scalpel, I instantly started to struggle.
“If you ever try to kill me, I will cut you open and pull your guts myself.” the man said
“Fuck you, why did you bring me here!” I yelled
“You will know in time, now put these on.” said the man
He handed me handcuffs and I put them on wondering what on earth he was doing.
“You’re going to be getting a meal, I will lead you to the cafeteria.” said the man
He lead me to the cafeteria I could see other prisoners, they looked at me with wondering eyes. I sat next to a funny looking man a woman with Long curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, full middle height and an athletic figure.
“Hey man, what’s your name?’ the man asked
“I’m Cody how about you?” I asked back
“I’m Jeff and this is Morgan.” Jess answered
“Nice to meet you Jeff and Morgan.” I said
I looked at them with suspicion I didn’t know whether or not I could trust anyone here, I would need people for my plan. I looked down at the food, I had a can of peach slices. Atleast i’ll have a some food that I actually like, I heard a scream coming from down the hall, I looked and saw a man getting tortured.
“What the fuck is going on in this place!” I whispered
“I guess these guys thought it would be fun to lock us up and take a look at our insides.” Jeff laughed
“What exactly is your fucking problem? I asked
“I’m trying to make the best of a pretty bleak situation here.” answered Jeff
“How’d you end up here?” asked Morgan
“I was saving my friend from these psycho’s.” I answered
“Damn, you took her fate for her that’s pretty brave.” said Morgan
I continued to eat and we heard an intercom go off.
“Everyone go out to the yard, we’re going to be making an announcement.” BZZT
“We need to get out of here.” I said
“Well do you have a plan?” Jeff asked
“I’m working on one, I’m gonna need some help.” I said
“Well count me in these sick fucks need to go!” Morgan growled
“I don’t even know why they want us, it’s disgusting to keep people trapped like this!” I whispered
The man who I stabbed came out and told us he was going to kill us all, I had an impulsive nature to get up and curse him out but I held back my anger. I had no idea how anyone back at the planetarium was doing. I was just stuck here, I couldn’t stand the thought that they could be looking for me and risking their lives. We all walked out to the yard and they lined us up and started beating on the people in front of me nearly to death. I had a shocked look on my face, I was up next.
“Well you may now see that this is why I waited to punish you i’m going to have extra fun with this.” the man said menacingly
He punched me in the gut and while I was down kicked me. I got up and used the rock I found on the ground and slammed it across his face he started to bleed. Men around us pointed their guns at me
“No, I want this to be a fun fight.” said the man
He punched me in the face, I felt terrible the pain was coming back in my shoulder and I couldn’t do anything to help myself now. the man just walked away from us all, I had bottled up energy and was ready to get revenge.
“Alright, you wanna know the plan? Well i’m thinking this is how it’s gonna go...” I said
5 Hours Later…
I got my safety pin ready and started to unlock my door, I got out and I saw all of the cages from left to right. I started to sneak around to try and find the keys to the cages, I looked at one of the doors that said “Armory” I looked to my right and saw a guard walking towards me, I quickly hid behind one of the cages. He walked by and I reached around and choked him, I dragged him back to where I was hiding. I took his gun and ran around to find the door leading into a room where the man was sleeping.
I opened it up slowly and found the keys on the desk, I quickly grabbed them and snuck to Jeff’s cage and released him.
“Thanks man, let’s go get Morgan.” Jeff whispered
I unlocked Morgan’s cage and we went back to the armory. We grabbed the last AK-47 and my pistol along with a lot of ammo. We went to the door leading out of the prison, I tried to use all of the keys but none of them would work.
“What the fuck’s up why won’t you unlock it man!” whispered Jeff
“I’m trying none of the keys work!” I whispered
“Well well look at what we have here.” said the man
“Oh shit!” yelled Jeff
I couldn’t believe what was happening, I knew I was fucked. I couldn’t reach for my gun, it would get people killed. I just stayed quiet and waited to see what was going to happen.
“Are you looking for this?” the man held up the key for the door.
“Do you really think I would just keep the key for escape lying around waiting for you to come along and ruin my plan.” said the man
“You’re an insane degenerate piece of filth and you deserve to die!” I said
I took my pistol and shot him in both of his kneecaps remembering what Troy did.
“Don’t have the stones to kill me, just gonna let me crawl around.” said the man
“I’d rather let you suffer.” I growled
“You’ll soon learn, the further we get into this world, the more twisted we become. We think there's only one thing decaying, corpses but in time you'll all find out, there are two things decaying, corpses...and our humanity.” the man said
The man’s words hit me and I thought about what my group and I have done. The two men at the gas station, the two men when Cyndia and I were hiding, and the man in the sitting room who tried to kill me.
“I see the look on your face you won’t kill me, you’re weak. Even if you did it would be cold blooded murder, are you that far gone already?” the man taunted
[Kill the man] or [Let him go]
End of Chapter Song:
[Kill the man], it's not murder, it's more or less self-defense.
[Let him go]
[Kill the man]
[Let him goooo, let him goooo~]
[Kill the man]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 4: In the Storm
[Kill the Man]
I knew I couldn’t just leave, he would follow me back to the planetarium and potentially hurt more people.
“You’re wrong.” I faltered
“Kill me, and you’re always gonna-”
BANG! I shot the man and took his keys, I gave it about a minute before 5 more guards were on us. I grabbed the mans’ AK-47 I got ready and got into a tactical position above one of the cages. I started firing at the guards and fortunately they were all hit, I started to unlock all of the prisoners. We grabbed the guards guns and ran out the door, I could finally smell something other than wet dog. I felt a raindrop on my head and knew this was going to be a troubling walk home.
“Alright we need to find a way out of this forest!” I said
“Morgan didn’t you grow up here?” Jeff asked
“Yeah we could head to the river, that’ll give us a better sense of direction along with the sun.” answered Morgan
“Alright let’s go!” I said
We walked a total of about 5 miles to finally reach the river. We filled our canteens with water and used it for boiling.
“So what’s your story?” I asked Jeff
“Not much of a story, just like getting high and having fun.” answered Jeff
“That’ What about you Morgan?” I asked
“I’m just trying to survive, I lost my husband when this all started.” Morgan replied
“I’m sorry, I lost my family when this started aswell.” I said
“So do you think those guys’ll come after us?” Jeff asked me
“I don’t know I took out 5 of the guards when I first counted there were 15, so if they do intend to follow us we’re gonna need to be ready.” I said
I heard moans coming towards us followed by more and more moaning. “Son of a bitch!” I thought
I saw a horde of them coming towards us, I told Jeff and Morgan that we needed to go. We packed up our shit until they were almost on top of us, we had to fight.
“Kill as many as you can!” I yelled
I slashed my way through 10 walkers, and I started to get their blood all over my clothes. I kept slashing until more fell beneath my feet. Until suddenly they weren’t attacking me anymore. I wondered why they were just passing me. I looked at my clothes and thought I have their blood on me, what if...they don’t detect you when you have their blood on you, as you smell like one of them.
Morgan and Jeff had the same thing happen to them, we walked right through till we noticed there were a lot more than a hundred of them. I saw maybe about 300 more of them, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw them. We walked through about 50 more of them till the rain started to pour. The blood was washing off and the walkers started to notice us again. No, No, NO! I thought
They started walking towards me, I got out my hatchet while Jeff and Morgan got their AK-47’s. I slashed one in the head, another came towards me and I swung as hard as I could and cut the top of it’s head clean off. Another lunged at me and I jumped to the side and started to run and slash as I went. I made it past 100 more, until I saw Jeff try and overcome them but he was instantly devoured. I kept running and Morgan caught up with me, we just kept killing the walkers I slipped on some mud and landed on my back. Morgan tried to help me up and a walker almost bit the back of her neck but I shot it in the head. It fell to the side and I quickly got back up.
“Shit! We need to get the fuck out of here!” I said
They were coming from all directions, I couldn’t feel anything but fear and anger. The anger resonated from not being able to ever see Lucy, Troy, or Cyndia ever again. I used my rage and kept slashing through. Morgan got in front of me and started firing the gun at all the walkers she could see. She mowed down 30 of them, but had to reload and we didn’t have time for that. the blood kept flying on our clothes but washed off in only 30 seconds. I knew the best way would be to keep getting the blood on us if we wanted to make it out of this.
I kicked a walker in the chest causing it to fall over and topple more of them on its way down. I kept going and going. It seemed like an endless amount of them were around us. I have to keep going, I have to for them. I started growling with anger, I kept attacking. Morgan saw a walker almost chomp my arm but put her knife through it’s head. When I was starting to become fatigued I knew I just had to start firing my pistol. I shot 5 walkers in the head, I’m glad I decided to take all of the ammo from the armory. I had no time to reload, I got my knife again and sliced through 5 more. I could feel the adrenaline flowing in my veins, nothing was on my mind but pure survival.
Morgan stabbed some and found a good path we could use to escape. I figured it was our best bet but we still needed to get out of this horde. More and more walkers came after us as we made our way into the forest. I found a half-way fallen tree branch and jumped up and pulled it down to buy us some time. Morgan and I ran as fast as we could until we couldn’t run anymore. I could see a treehouse, but why in the middle of the forest? I thought
Morgan and I quickly climbed up, and sat in there for a while, I got out some of the water we boiled. I wondered how long it would take us to get back to my home.
“Are you ok?” I panted
“As good as you would expect.” Morgan panted
“How the fuck did we make it out of that?” I said
“Adrenaline’s a bitch.” said Morgan
I gave her a can of peaches that I stole from the cafeteria before we made our way out.
“Thanks, I could use something to eat right now.” said Morgan
We sat there and ate for a while till we were finally asleep.
1 Day Later…
I finally woke up and saw that Morgan was still asleep. I looked outside and saw that now walkers were to be found, I still decided it would be better if we waited a while so I didn’t disrupt her sleep.
1 Day Later…
I woke up again not knowing what time it was, I checked my wristwatch and it said 7:50 A.M. I woke Morgan up to a can of beans, I opened them for her. As she thanked me I thought maybe we should try and make our way back to the planetarium.
“Morgan we need to get out of here as fast as we can.” I said
“Yeah, I agree i’m still just a bit sore.” Morgan grumbled
“I agree, I haven’t felt this sore in a long time.” I said
[Go to the Planetarium Now] or [Wait to feel better]
End of Chapter Song:
[Wait to feel better]
Good part man.
Need more votes so I can make Chapter 5 tommorow!
[Wait to feel better]
So, they're heading to the planetarium? That's cool. I was in planetarium yesterday. But let's [wait to feel better].
[Wait to feel better]
Voting closed we will wait to feel better, Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon will come out in a few hours!
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 5: Dark Side of the Moon
[Wait to feel better]
We need to wait a while so we can get completely healed up. I thought
“How much food do we have left?” asked Morgan
“Not a lot, we have 2 cans left, one for you and one for me.” I replied
“Well let’s only eat when we absolutely need to.” said Morgan
I set my gear up in case of an emergency, Morgan seemed to be more of a lonewolf. I couldn’t blame her after losing family it takes a chunk out of you.
“So do you have any significant other?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, I guess we met up when this all started we’ve been protecting each other and staying with one another.” I said
“It’s best not to get to attached, that’s how you start to lose everything.” said Morgan
“I’m trying not to, I don’t want to sound like an asshole but…” I said
“It’s alright, I try to keep my feelings to myself.” said Morgan
“You need someone you can open up to, otherwise our emotions will boil inside and will result in an explosion.” I fumed
I reached around and showed Morgan a necklace I found.
“I found it yesterday, it looked pretty so I thought I would give it to Cyndia.”
“Oh, that’s her name?” asked Morgan
“Yeah, that’s her name.” I answered
Something felt wrong, I opened up the treehouse and saw the herd moving towards the planetarium. I closed the door and thought of what we could do, I ended up with nothing considering we were still exhausted from the herd.
“Damn, they have no idea what’s going to hit them.” I whispered
“What?” Morgan asked
“The herd’s walking towards the planetarium, I need to get back before they get hurt.” I said
“We can’t do much right now, we’re still stuck here for a while.” said Morgan
“I guess, no point in staying up let’s just get some sleep.” I yawned
1 Day Later…
I woke up before Morgan yet again, I wanted to check outside again to see if all the walkers had past. I noticed only a few roaming around, but none from the original herd were still here.
“Morgan, let’s get up we need to go!” I whispered
Morgan got up and we packed all of our supplies, I slipped the necklace on in case so I wouldn’t lose it. I opened the door up and we hopped down, I dropped to my hands and knees when I landed due to soreness.
“Alright I don’t know how far we’ve got till we reach the planetarium, but we keep heading in this direction we should make it there at dawn.” I said
“Why hello.” a man said
I felt the end of a pistol against the back of my head, and another was pointed at Morgan. I thought about how we could get out of this situation but I had nothing.
“Do you by any chance know who we are?” the man asked
“Are you the creeps from that prison?” I said
“You’re damn right, now we don’t take to kindly to folks who like to kill our friends.”said the man
Whether or not I should have killed that man was coming back to haunt me now. I looked at Morgan, the man pulled her hair up and threw her to the ground. He got on top of her and I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to prevent what the man was going to do. I took out the small pocket knife I hid in my boot and jammed it into the man behind me. I spun around and put him into a choke hold.
“Let her go!” I yelled
the man continued to laugh with a sinister tone, I never knew just how sick these people were. I shot the man I was holding and shot the other on top of Morgan.
“Thanks, I really couldn’t stand the idea of that guy having his way with me.” said Morgan with a scared tone
“It’s alright, they’re taken care of we have nothing to worry about.” I said
We continued to walk along a dark path, I couldn’t stop thinking of how fast I needed to get back to Cyndia. I needed to help them, I didn’t know if Morgan would stick around for long. Morgan was walking ahead of me, I thought of her to be a good leader. We saw a few walkers further up on the road. I grabbed my hatchet and threw it into one of the walkers heads, I had been practicing but I felt so badass when I finally perfected it. I grabbed the hatchet out of the walkers head and chopped another. Morgan grabbed one by it’s collar and threw it into a tree branch that pierced it’s body.
“We have Miles to go.” I said
“We’ll make it Cody, no need to be worried.” Morgan reassured me
I felt a chilly breeze come along with some troubling sounds, I heard thunder in the sky along with some beautiful visuals of some lightning. I kept walking next to Morgan, I still wondered what those people wanted with us. “Better not waste time thinking about it.” I thought
2 Hours Later…
I could see the planetarium from where I was standing, I felt overwhelming joy swell inside my body. I couldn’t wait to get back to them, I was quite confused when I noticed the herd wasn’t at the planetarium. “Must have heard a louder noise from a different area.” I thought
“Do you think your group will let me join?” Morgan asked
“Well, i’m pretty much the leader so yes.” I smiled
“Thanks, I kinda need a good place to shack up.” Morgan laughed
“Doesn’t everyone?” I joked
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” said Morgan
The planetarium was nearing closer and closer with every step I took which felt like a pound being lifted off of my back. I heard someone shouting my name, I wondered who’s voice it was, I didn’t care I started to sprint to the planetarium. Morgan was right behind me as we excitedly raced for our mutual finish line.
I finally saw Cyndia and ran and embraced her in my arms, we kissed and held each other for a while longer. I looked over and noticed Jane with stitches and a cast on her wrist.
“I’ve missed you so much!” Cyndia cried
“I’ve missed you to!” I held tighter
“You saved my life!” said Jane
Jane walked up and hugged me, I couldn’t believe I was seeing them already. But something was wrong
“Where’s everyone else?” I asked with concern
“Troy and Lucy are inside, Lucy had an incident.” Cyndia explained
I rushed in to see Cedric sitting next to Troy and Lucy who were cuddling in the corner. “Well that escalated quickly.” I thought
“Holy shit! We thought we lost you forever!” exclaimed Troy
“Lucy what the fuck happened!” I faltered
“I was bitten on the ankle, luckily Troy cut it off quick enough.” said Lucy
“Who’s with you?” asked Troy
“This is Morgan she helped me escape.” I explained
“What happened after you escaped?” asked Lucy
“Morgan and I were with this weird guy named Jeff and tried to get through a herd of walkers on barefoot. it was scary as fuck until we realized that when you get their blood or guts on you they won’t be able to detect you.” I explained
“Holy shit that info could’ve been useful a day earlier!” said Lucy
“Wait why what happened?” I asked
“We had a herd pass through here, that’s when I lost my leg.” said Lucy
I didn’t know who I wanted to talk to more, Cyndia or Troy and Lucy.
[Continue talking with Troy and Lucy] or [Go talk with Cyndia]
End of Chapter Song:
Oh sweet dirt pie!
[Stay with Troy and Lucy]
[Stay with Troy and Lucy]
I should rephrase the choice it means who to talk to continue talking to Troy and Lucy or talk to Cyndia
[Stay with Troy and Lucy]
[Go talk with Cyndia]
[Go talk to Cyndia]
Yep, I got it. :-)
[Stay with Troy and Lucy]
Voting has closed we'll continue talking the Troy and Lucy
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 6: Crossed Over
[Continue talking with Troy and Lucy]
“When did the herd come through?” I asked
“About a day ago, I think.” said Troy
“How does it feel to not have your left leg?” I asked Lucy
“Well I guess i’ll take that for what it’s worth.” I said
“How did it go with the herd, I mean did you get rid of them quick enough?” I asked
“It went alright until I was bitten, but everything else went alright.” answered Lucy
“Well, at least you took it off in time.” I said
I got up and decided to walk up and go back outside for a while, I opened the door and I could feel just how peaceful it was right now. I hadn’t been this happy for a long time, I hoped it would stay this way forever but knowing well enough that things would never be normal again. I noticed Cyndia, Jane, and Morgan talking but decided to let them have their own chatting time. Cyndia started to walk towards me, I smiled at her while she sat down.
“Hey.” I said with a happy tone
“So, what happened out there? I mean what did they do to you?” Cyndia asked with concern
“Nothing, I got the jump on them before they could really hurt me.” I answered
“That’s good, i’m happy you’re not hurt.” Cyndia sighed
“I am two, but I wouldn’t die before seeing all of you again.” I confessed
“We were searching for you for 2 days, when we still couldn’t find you we figured the worst happened.” explained Cyndia
“Well, they trapped me in some kind of prison.” I said
“What the fuck kind of people would do that?” asked Cyndia
“The worst kind.” I explained
“I almost forgot, I wanted to give you this necklace I found.” I announced
“It’s really pretty, it’s a moon pendant.” said Cyndia
“I found it in a treehouse that Morgan and I stayed in.” I explained
“Morgan seems nice, I just don’t know that we can trust her yet.” Cyndia protested
“I agree, but hopefully she’ll become a trustworthy member.” I said quietly
Cedric walked out of the planetarium and sighed, I could tell all of the work he’s been doing with the group must be taking a toll on him.
“Are you doing alright?” I asked
“I’m fine, just tired.” explained Cedric
“I can see why, you’ve had to work on 4 people already.” I agreed
“Cyndia, how are you doing?” asked Cedric
“I’m fine now it’s alright Cedric.” Cyndia mumbled
“I just wanted to know, you haven’t had a good nights rest yet.” said Cedric with concern
“Why haven’t you slept?” I asked
“I was searching for you, for quite a long time.” Cyndia explained
“She was constantly out there searching for you, I told her that you’d find your way back home but she still wanted to search.” Cedric reminisced
“It’s a peaceful day, i’m surprised no walkers no bandits it’s feels peaceful.” Cyndia sighed with relief
“Yeah, it’s really nice I wish there were more days like this one.” I confessed
“I hope you guys don’t mind but I need some sleep, why don’t you come with me?” I asked Cyndia
“Alright, I really could use some sleep.” Cyndia confessed
6 Hours Later…
I woke up in the middle of the night, I could hear rain pattering against the windows. I got up and left Cyndia’s side so that I could get some water and stretch out a bit before finally getting some more sleep. I started walking towards the bathroom and I heard some noise coming from Troy and Lucy’s room. I don’t even want to know, I continued going and grabbed a water bottle when walking back I started to feel grateful for having this home for all of my friends. I lied back down and couldn’t fall asleep I just decided to sit down and relax there for a while then.
2 Hours Later…
“Hey, we found some stuff buried in the store room, we found a bunch of food supplies!” Jane said happily
“That’s great, how long do you think it’ll last us?” I asked
“For a while, I would say about a month!” said Jane excited
Things were starting to have a brighter outcome we were finding peace.
End of Episode 2: Finding Peace
End of Episode Song:
Sorry for the length, i'm leaving in 20 minutes and couldn't make it longer but episode 3 will come out Monday
Is it Monday yet?
Oh yes, yes it is!
I'll be going back to 1 chapter a day, I wanted to finish episode 2 before I left for vacation but now everything will be back to normal. I appreciate everyone's patience. And it's comments like these that give me the motivation to continue the story.

Episode 3: Decaying Humanity Chapter 1: Slow Decay
2 Months Later…
“You’re a fucking monster!” I screamed
I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him, I cocked it and put it against his head.
“You fucking psycho!” I whispered with rage
“Kill me, but then you won’t know where she is!” he screamed back
3 Weeks Earlier…
I woke up, and wasn’t expecting that great of a meal today if I even got anything. We’ve run out of most of the food Jane found in the storage room. I couldn’t believe that we were almost out it seemed like so much at the time. Cyndia brought me a protein bar that she found on a supply run.
“Have you had anything to eat?” I asked
“Yeah, I brought back two but decided that I would give one to you and eat aswell.” Cyndia replied
“I can’t believe we’re already having to go on supply runs again, we had so much food but the days passed away as did the food.” I grumbled
“We’ll make do with what we got I suppose.” Cyndia said lightly
I started to eat, and just the feeling of finally getting some food in me, was amazing. I couldn’t believe a whole month had passed, but that wasn’t an exact measure I couldn’t tell if it was Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
“Thanks sweetie.” I kissed Cyndia on the forehead and got up to go the door
I looked around and walker activity was at a minimal, I was surprised we usually had close to 20 in view before. I noticed that Lucy was able to zip around on her crutches better than she had before. Troy and Lucy were getting a lot closer, they took to calling themselves the cripple squad. I had no earthly idea why but whatever floats their boat I guess. It was already 12:00 P.M. when I woke up but now it was already 1:00 P.M. time had really flowed the past few weeks. Everything felt like it was in fast motion, I couldn’t believe how long I’ve survived this ordeal, I haven’t had the best luck and still I somehow manage to get myself out of a tight spot.
“We need to find some more food, we don’t want to die of starvation this far into the apocalypse.” said Jane as she walked towards me
“I agree, we’ve survived people, weather, and walkers, but dying of starvation after all of that, is would be a terrible way to go.” I replied
“I’m gonna go back to Cyndia, I haven’t seen her a lot lately she’s been volunteering for a lot of the supply runs.” I said
“She’s really been doing a lot, she’s a really good hunter her dad taught her a lot when she was growing up.” said Jane
I walked back to Cyndia and noticed she was looking out one of the windows, I walked up and looked out myself and looked out and saw that there were 5 people walking towards the planetarium.
“Cyndia, grab your gun!” I whispered
Cyndia ran into the storage room and grabbed her pistol, Cedric, Troy, Lucy, Jane, and Morgan were prepared for a fight amongst the group.
“I’m going to go out and talk to them, I want to see what they’re doing here.” I said
“No, they might hurt you!” said Cyndia
“I’ll try and make sure that doesn’t happen.” I reassured her
I walked to the door with my pistol in the back of my pants, I waited for a knock or any indication of wanting inside. Knock Knock I heard come from the door. I opened it and noticed that they had their guns put away and were standing there calmly.
“What do you want?” I answered demandingly
“We need food, if you have any that would be appreciated.” said the leader
“Sorry but we have no food to give out, we’re barely getting by ourselves.” I replied
“Well if no food could we have a place to stay for the night?” the leader asked
“No, I’m sorry but we have no room you’re just gonna have to leave.” I demanded
“Well thanks anyway, i’m glad this didn’t have to become violent.” said the leader
“So am I, we have enough problems nowadays.” I said
The group left in peace, I couldn’t help but feel something was wrong, I locked the door and motioned for everyone to come out.
“I don’t trust that shit a single bit!” said Cedric
“I don’t either, they were too friendly it doesn’t make sense.” said Morgan
“Well they’re gone that’s all we have to worry about.” I said
“Cody, can you come here?” Cyndia asked
I walked over to her, I didn’t know what to expect.
“We only have a weeks worth of food left, and we have no way to find anymore food, the towns been picked clean, and walkers are getting all of the animals.” Cyndia announced
“Well, moving on would probably be the best idea but I want to do that when we have no food left so in a week we can move out.” I said
“I agree with that, but I’m letting you know we just need to find someplace else.” said Cyndia
“I appreciate it thanks sweetie.” I kissed her and walked over to my bed
I thought about a lot of things, I didn’t know why that group seemed so familiar I couldn’t put my finger on it. I just decided to sharpen up my knife for a while and wait till it was bedtime.
1 Day Later…
I woke up and Cyndia was cuddled up next to me, I didn’t want to wake her so I just decided to stay in place and think where we were going to go for a while. Only two places came to mind when I thought about where we should go.
“Morning.” Cyndia mumbled tiredly
“Morning sweetie, I’m thinking about going around the perimeter today I want to make sure that no walkers have made it through the fence.” I said
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, the people that were here a day ago might not have been as friendly as they seemed, we should just stay inside for a while.” Cyndia said worried
High Risk Decision!
[Stay in the Planetarium] or [Check the fences]
End of Chapter Song: