Interesting You guys do know what would happen in "2"? It WILL backfire for Clem, as I don't see her being a physical match for Sarah, if they start fighting
When I first saw this, I thought that she was possessed or something and was floating on top of the bed while doing some magic voo-doo to bring Lee back alive- Aw, mah feels.
I wanted to continue working on the cabin. But Clem just wasn't there. Eventually I found her upstairs jumping on the bed.That girl sometime… mores... gonna have to talk with her about this...
This pic could really use some motion-blur
I don't think we ever saw the wall on the right in the game. Telltale even decorated it Now, try to find the correct texture for something you didn't even see!
I have THE most adorable pic about what would happen if you got angry with her for jumping on the bed... It'll melt your hearts! Gonna post it tomorrow.
Alright! I have a serious question. Is there a program I could download, or request someone to do, that let's us make 3D models of people? I have an OC for a Fanfiction I write (Kirsten, if y'all read it.) and I want to make her, and make her look like an average TWDG character. Including the lines around their faces, on their clothes, ect.
Alright! I have a serious question. Is there a program I could download, or request someone to do, that let's us make 3D models of people? I… more have an OC for a Fanfiction I write (Kirsten, if y'all read it.) and I want to make her, and make her look like an average TWDG character. Including the lines around their faces, on their clothes, ect.
Busy weekend for me, doing lots of non-PC-related stuff! Made it past a phone-interview for a job at a video-game company (no, not Telltale), so maybe I won't be unemployed much longer!
I wonder, if you guys already notice it on this picture
Busy weekend for me, doing lots of non-PC-related stuff! Made it past a phone-interview for a job at a video-game company (no, not Telltale), so maybe I won't be unemployed much longer!
I wonder, if you guys already notice it on this picture
Busy weekend for me, doing lots of non-PC-related stuff! Made it past a phone-interview for a job at a video-game company (no, not Telltale), so maybe I won't be unemployed much longer!
I wonder, if you guys already notice it on this picture
Originally I intended to end this little story here with Sarah just turning around and continue sleeping. But I decided that it's not over, … moreyet
I have some ideas of what could happen next. But I would like to let you guys decide what should happen next. That's why I kept Clems facial expression a little ambiguous. Anyway, these are my ideas, and of course you can post your own idea
* It did hurt a lot, and Clem starts crying. Sarah comforts her.
* Clem pretends to cry and when Sarah bends over to comfort her, Clem pulls her down to the floor. And we'll see what happens then
* Sarah uses the situation and tackles Clem on the floor, and maybe takes her hat.
I looking forward to see your ideas
Alright! I have a serious question. Is there a program I could download, or request someone to do, that let's us make 3D models of people? I… more have an OC for a Fanfiction I write (Kirsten, if y'all read it.) and I want to make her, and make her look like an average TWDG character. Including the lines around their faces, on their clothes, ect.
Today I'll start with another picture of Clem fighting the Walker
You'll notice that on the new pictures the black outline is thicker. I noticed that they were to thin, compared to screens from the game. And since I want to get as close to the game as possible, I needed to change that
Early this morning I finished setting up another adorable scene with Kenny and Clem I will post the first pic of that later today!
I'm back with new pictures!
Today I'll start with another picture of Clem fighting the Walker
You'll notice that on the new pict… moreures the black outline is thicker. I noticed that they were to thin, compared to screens from the game. And since I want to get as close to the game as possible, I needed to change that
Early this morning I finished setting up another adorable scene with Kenny and Clem I will post the first pic of that later today!
I've reuploaded it again. Don't know why it was deleted, must have been a server-error or something like that, since I literally only uploaded it a few seconds before posting it here
I'll do the link, I don't want to distract anyone from Gunab's awesome work!
If she can get Winston killed she can probably take on Sarah in a fight. Just saying
And then this happened,
But this time there is no walker to help Clem
"In action"
When I first saw this, I thought that she was possessed or something and was floating on top of the bed while doing some magic voo-doo to bring Lee back alive- Aw, mah feels.
This is in no way intended to be rude, but look how big Christa's ass is due to the pregnancy. HAHAHAHA.
Alright! I have a serious question. Is there a program I could download, or request someone to do, that let's us make 3D models of people? I have an OC for a Fanfiction I write (Kirsten, if y'all read it.) and I want to make her, and make her look like an average TWDG character. Including the lines around their faces, on their clothes, ect.
So, to sum up what you just said...
"I don't ship it, but I'll say some of the possible names for the ship that I'm totally against!"
You lie. You likey. c:<
I think I like it!
Wait, like what?
If there was a 3D program to transform people into characters. with the same style and such. would be really cool!
But I'm sure she gets a lot more exercise. Sarah kinda just sat in a Cabin.
Yeah but Sarah is also bigger than Clem
Busy weekend for me, doing lots of non-PC-related stuff!
Made it past a phone-interview for a job at a video-game company (no, not Telltale), so maybe I won't be unemployed much longer!
I wonder, if you guys already notice it on this picture
That's my point
Wait what are we supposed to notice again?
I've taken down a guy bigger and stronger than me. It's possible.
Aww is Sarah holding onto Clem!
Oh, right. Yeah, I know! Telltale should really make that, it'd be amazing!
Yep, I thought it would be cute
Still quite busy. Don't think that'll change in the next few days... With TWAU tomorrow and the world cup semi-finals tomorrow.
So adorable! I wish Sarah would do this in game too.
Where are Sarahs glasses?
She's wearing them
Thanks. c: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I know my request will probably be rejected but, could you make a pic where Clam rides in the back of Bibgy's final form?
Yep, she is.
You should go look for @JonGon 's Art. He did something similar some time back
He drew The Big BAD Wolf and Clem standing next to each other. But it would be cool to see her on Bigby's back
I'm back with new pictures!
Today I'll start with another picture of Clem fighting the Walker
You'll notice that on the new pictures the black outline is thicker. I noticed that they were to thin, compared to screens from the game. And since I want to get as close to the game as possible, I needed to change that
Early this morning I finished setting up another adorable scene with Kenny and Clem
I will post the first pic of that later today!
What the...? Give me a second!
I've reuploaded it again. Don't know why it was deleted, must have been a server-error or something like that, since I literally only uploaded it a few seconds before posting it here
Sarah and Clem's story continues.
I hope you guys are happy now! Clem's certainly isn't... (remember she's just pretending!)
My newest scene
I somehow have the feeling that Kenny is goning to have to do this in Ep4, too!
Shadows are so much better now!