Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    (?) LeeTheProfessional will remember that.

  • edited July 2014

    Never mind, fixed it. B]

  • Lol, nope.



    Hides in the corner

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, nope.

  • You're alive!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, nope.

  • Mwuahahaha! Fan vs Gustav. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, nope.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    Never mind, fixed it. B]

  • It's working now. Going to start the next part in a few. :p

  • No! I won't do it ;-;

    c r I e s

    Vote! >:p But good to see that you stopped by. B]

  • Lol, damn it, Rachelle! You have to get used to these difficult votes from now on. B]

    No! I won't do it ;-; c r I e s

  • edited July 2014

    These riddles...

    Alt text

    What do they mean?!

    Will it? Or will it not? B]

  • edited July 2014

    This is what our mansion sorta looks like, but bigger!

    Alt text

    These riddles... What do they mean?!

  • Alt text

    Then maybe we won't be killed by Pro's writing.

  • edited July 2014

    Damn. We're all like:

    Alt text

    This is what our mansion sorta looks like, but bigger!

  • Got it.

    Alt text

    Then maybe we won't be killed by Pro's writing.

  • That looks like a plantation house. So much space for Angel to run and play around in though ^-^

    Maybe I could find an owl suit in the closet, and later a walker tries to bite me but it can't bite through the owl suit and I survive.

    Owl suit is love, owl suit is life.

    This is what our mansion sorta looks like, but bigger!

  • Owl suits are weird. I'm more of a... ''Donkeyskin Coat" kinda' guy.

    That looks like a plantation house. So much space for Angel to run and play around in though ^-^ Maybe I could find an owl suit in the cl

  • 4) Torture Guilty first.

    Nothing against Guilty at all, but he can probably take the most.

    LeeTheProfessional "Alright... so how do we do this?" Jon asked me. I looked around."Seems isolated. I don't know if anyone is inside,

  • edited July 2014

    Owl suits are weird.

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    Owl suits are weird. I'm more of a... ''Donkeyskin Coat" kinda' guy.

  • ATR... I forgot about the owl suit, but now that you mention it, heh. B]

    That looks like a plantation house. So much space for Angel to run and play around in though ^-^ Maybe I could find an owl suit in the cl

  • But I don't want anyone to get tortured, and then I'll feel like a douche canoe for choosing one over the other T_T

    Also.... hedge shears????? Dafuq!?!? omg Pro.

    Alright fine. I can't choose Shadow because he's a kid... AC and broken are young too and are probably too weak to handle it, same with Valky... Gary is injured so he might not be able to take much of it either...

    But sardines.... she says that she has a high pain tolerance and she's willing to sacrifice herself for her friends, so.... SHIT I'm sorry sard :( I don't want anyone to get hurt, but you volunteered.... ;-;

    1) Torture Sardines first

    God I feel so mean... D:

    Lol, damn it, Rachelle! You have to get used to these difficult votes from now on. B]

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    Owl suits are weird.

  • Shadow and AC are 14. Valky and Guilty are 17. Sardines is 20 and Broken is 23.

    Yep, I told you guys that you were going to start to hate Tobi even more. B]

    But I don't want anyone to get tortured, and then I'll feel like a douche canoe for choosing one over the other T_T Also.... hedge shears

  • edited July 2014

    Lol, I think this should be her owl suit.

    Alt text

  • "Owl Suit" sounds like some kind of sexual innuendo for something... kinky. lol

    Lol, I think this should be her owl suit.

  • Lmao, nah. She uses it to watch people sleep at night.

    "Owl Suit" sounds like some kind of sexual innuendo for something... kinky. lol

  • edited July 2014

    Because that's just so much better. ;)

    Lmao, nah. She uses it to watch people sleep at night.

  • Broken is 23!? I thought she was a teenager, lol . Well.... at least sard isn't that young. Man.... you gotta give her props though, for being willing to do that. Honestly, id probably have done the same thing.
    Dammit Pro, you make me want to cry ;-;

    Shadow and AC are 14. Valky and Guilty are 17. Sardines is 20 and Broken is 23. Yep, I told you guys that you were going to start to hate Tobi even more. B]

  • edited July 2014

    Lol, whatever helps people sleep at night. B]

    Because that's just so much better.

  • It's looking like Guilty will get tortured first. Save those tears for later...

    Broken is 23!? I thought she was a teenager, lol . Well.... at least sard isn't that young. Man.... you gotta give her props though, for bei


    I hope we get to save them and bring them back to our mansion..... that house is perfect....

    ..... almost.... too perfect....

    It's looking like Guilty will get tortured first. Save those tears for later...

  • You ain't seen nothing yet. >B]

    All will be revealed nooS.

    LATER!?!? NOOOOO! I hope we get to save them and bring them back to our mansion..... that house is perfect.... ..... almost.... too perfect....

  • edited July 2014


    We continued on, trying to get out of the woods. I was wondering if Gary and Azlyn were okay, but I had my doubts. I still thought that we should have at least tried to help them, leaving them like that wasn't right. Maybe we were just in this mess for too long, and holding onto morals wasn't what we needed to do now. Maybe Awesomeo was right about leaving, maybe they were dead by now, but we were still alive. I just wished it didn't have to be this way. We followed a small dirt road, we had been walking all day and the sun had gone down."I'm getting tired..." I said out loud.

    "Shh. You hear that?" Awesomeo asked me.

    "What is it?" I whispered.

    Awesomeo looked around and tried listening to any noises."Thought I heard a crackling noise. Maybe it was nothing."

    "Well, you are tired, and you didn't get any sleep..." I replied.

    "Yeah, maybe I'm just hearing things. Come on, let's keep walking." He told me.

    I looked around before I continued to walk. Awesomeo was moving fast."Hey! Wait up!" I started running towards him.

    "Come on, SweetPea. You have to keep up." He said to me.

    "Sorry, I was just looking around for a bit." I said to him as I was catching up.

    Awesomeo turned around."Well, we have to get out of these--" Before he finished his sentence, I saw blood coming out of his head and he quickly hit the floor. I noticed a bullet hole on a tree and realized that he had been shot right in front of me.

    "Holy shit! Awesomeo!" I shouted.

    His lifeless corpse was gazing up at me. I didn't know who shot him, but I had to get out of here. I quickly ran behind a tree and waited. I heard a snapping noise as another bullet hit the tree."Shit..." I said to myself. Awesomeo had Stache's rifle, but it was a bit further away."No... not Awesomeo..." I wanted to cry, but I had to stay focused.

    "Come on out! I know where you are." I heard a man with a raspy voice.

    My heart was beating rapidly. I turned to look over at Awesomeo's corpse. I saw his body move as another bullet hit it. This guy had a silenced weapon, which made him more dangerous. I had no idea where he was."Come on, SweetPea. Think!" I said to myself.

    "You're making this more difficult for the both of us. Don't make me come out and find you." He said to me."I know you killed my partner back at the river. I'll make you pay for that."

    "What is he talking about?!" I said to myself.

    "You're prolonging your death, but don't worry. I promise you, that it's coming." He told me.

    "We didn't kill anyone by a river. We haven't even been near any rivers! I don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted.

    "Fuck you! I know what you guys did! I followed the tracks until I found you two. I know you have more people in your group!" He shouted.

    "It was only me and the man you killed! I'm telling you the truth! I seriously don't know what you're talking about right now!" I said to him.

    "You're starting to piss me off! After I kill you, I'll make sure I find the rest of your group and make them pay!" He shouted.

    I took off my backpack and quickly looked inside."Damn it! Nothing I can use as a weapon!" I couldn't find anything.

    I started to hear some footsteps and leaves crunching."Get ready, bitch. I'm coming for you!"

    "Fuck! I have to do something..." I looked inside my backpack again."Mokonage's apple... hmm." I could hear the man getting closer. I thought about it...

    "Heh, you'll end up dead like your friend over there. Look at him, lying dead on the ground. Don't worry, though. You'll be joining him soon." I heard him say. I got out from hiding and threw the apple as hard as I could. It got him square in the nose, and it almost snapped in half."Agh! What the fuck?!" The man fell down and was sitting up while holding his nose.

    Without wasting any time, I ran up to him and kicked him in the face. He fell down and I grabbed his sniper rifle. I moved back."Don't you fucking move! I was telling you the Goddamn truth! I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! You shot and killed my friend Awesomeo without any proof! We were alone! We didn't have a group with us!"

    He started laughing."Ahahaha! Well, excuse me! I don't give a shit about your friend! I saw him holding the rifle, so I killed him before he complicated things for me. I thought he was the one who killed my partner by the river."

    "You fucked up..." I looked up at Awesomeo's dead body. I looked back down at the man."You're the one who's going to pay..."

    He smiled."Fuck are you going to do, huh? Go ahead and shoot me!" He grabbed the apple and took a bite."Mmm, so sweet." He said. I got angry and clenched my teeth. I aimed the sniper rifle at his leg, and shot his knee. He let out an agonizing scream and started holding his knee."Holy shit... ugh... didn't think you had it in ya."

    "Shut up." I said to him and shot his other knee.

    "Augh! You fucking.... shit... fuck...." He was trying to hold the pain in.

    "People like you don't deserve to live. I can tell that you're a bad guy..." I said to him.

    "Look who's talking!... I was just getting revenge for my partner... anyone would do the same. Just look at you... killing me to avenge your dead friend over there... you and I are the same! Just fucking aim that thing at my head and finish me off!" He said to me.

    "I'm not like you." I said to him. I looked over at Awesomeo's corpse one more time... I looked back down at the dying man...

    1) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off.

    2) Leave him.


    I was riding the bicycle into the woods. I had no idea where these guys were going, but I had to find my group. Good thing they mostly took dirt roads, it was easier to track them down. I saw were their tire tracks led, and I saw a warehouse. It was dark out, but I could see a few guards patrolling the area."So this is where they took them." I said to myself. I placed my sister's bicycle on a tree and looked around some more. I had to figure out a way to get inside without them noticing me, but how? I was just a teenage girl with a knife. This wasn't going to be easy."I just hope they're all still alive in there..."


    After juice knocked me out, I woke up in the medical station. I turned and saw Emu laying down on the bed next to me. Gustav and Juice were in the room with us."He's finally waking up." Juice said.

    "Yup, next time when you lose your temper, just try to fucking calm down, Juice." Gustav told him.

    "Not my fault I'm dealing with assholes like Rafoli." He replied.

    "That ain't the problem, man. Tobi needs his workers, if he catches you doing this shit again, he'll probably end up killing you. Just giving you a heads up."

    "What? You scared of Tobi, man? I don't care, I'll do what I want."

    "Whatever, Juice. I'm going to go see what Tobi is doing." Gustav said and left.

    "I'm starting to feel better. I don't want to stay in this place, makes me feel useless." Emu spoke up.

    "You sure about that, Emu?" Juice asked him.

    "Yeah, I don't want to stay here any longer."

    "Alright, if you're up to it, then you can go, man. No one is stopping you." Juice told him.

    Emu tried getting up. He stood up and put his feet on the ground."I'm good... besides, I want revenge on the fucker who did this."

    "Heh, yeah. I heard about the new group of people that came in. Hope they're ready to start working. Heard Tobi had to kill one of them, too." Juice said.

    Emu started walking towards the door."Yup. I'll see you around, Juice."

    "Alright, Emu. I'll stay here with Rafoli."

    "What happened to Emu?" I asked.

    "None of your business. Don't talk to me Rafoli." Juice said in an angered tone. I decided to keep my mouth shut and not say anything."Now that you're up, you can go out there and get some dinner."

    "Nah, I'm actually not feeling to good. I still have a headache, and I can barely move." I replied.

    "Heh, fucking weakling. Why Tobi hasn't killed you is beyond me." Juice said to me.

    "Maybe he really wants that fence done..." I said sarcastically.

    "Heh, whatever. Get some fucking sleep then, you have to be ready to start working again." Juice told me, and he left.

    I quickly got up and looked around. I found some pain killers and took a few of them. I searched some more and found a scalpel."Don't mind if I do." I said while putting it in my pocket. I decided to go back to bed and pretend to sleep. I just needed to wait for a guard to walk in...


  • edited July 2014

    1) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off.

    Kill him.

    I am pure fury right now. Kill the fucker.

    If we don't, he could come back after SweetPea anyway. And he killed Awesomeo.


    SweetPeaClem We continued on, trying to get out of the woods. I was wondering if Gary and Azlyn were okay, but I had my doubts. I still t

  • Okay, I read it a second time...

    Gustav is going to see Tobi. Who currently has Sardines in the torture room. Gustavdines confirmed? (Nah, SardinesFan86 m8)

    Also Rafoli... why??? YOU'RE GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED!!!! ;_;

    sardines posted: »

    1) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. Kill him. I am pure fury right now. Kill the fucker. If we don't, he could come back after SweetPea anyway. And he killed Awesomeo. RIP.

  • Random deaths can happen...

    WHY PRO, WHY? Now I'm all alone. :c 1) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. I'm depressed. RIP AWESOMEO. :c

  • WHY PRO, WHY? Now I'm all alone. :c

    1) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off.

    I'm depressed. RIP AWESOMEO. :c

    SweetPeaClem We continued on, trying to get out of the woods. I was wondering if Gary and Azlyn were okay, but I had my doubts. I still t


    SweetPea....... <3 guuuurrll..... damn.

    2) Leave him.

    that's a no brainer.

    SweetPeaClem We continued on, trying to get out of the woods. I was wondering if Gary and Azlyn were okay, but I had my doubts. I still t

  • SweetPea is becoming a badass.

    No brainer, hmm, why so?

    OH SHIT NOOOOOOOOOO NOT AWESOMEO ;-; RIP c r i e s SweetPea....... guuuurrll..... damn. 2) Leave him. that's a no brainer.

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