''After Lee, I was alone.''
That dialouge just... touched me. Of course she had Omid and Christa but inside she was alone after all. In the begining of Season 2, you can see in Clem's eyes and her actions... she's changed. Something was off. Death is something that it can strike you in the shadows when you're not expecting it. I can't imagine her journey after Lee. Like 2 days after his death. That person, who cared for you more than anything even from himself, is gone now. His hopeful smile is no longer with you. But no matter what... life keeps going. World doesn't give a shit about it. It's weird, isn't it? In real life you thought that the person you love is immortal or something. You never thought he/she can die. And then... it happens. Now... all that remains is just a photo of him/her. In this world, death is a main part of life. No matter how you run, no matter how many miles you left behind, it'll find a way to get you. One way or another. Do you guys want to add or share something here? Your thoughts? (Nothing personal of course. Like your point of view about life and death.)
Oh no... The feels are coming again
Well I think she looked "off" because Lee died a couple days ago.
They never left.
I miss Lee
All hands, brace for feels.
It's kinda nice that she'll always have a bit of Lee with her though. She has the photo of him and it's his blood on her hat from when he was bitten
The feels, Clem should have another person like Lee near her.. She deserves better....
I love Lee. I miss him with all of my heart.I wish he was here
Noone can be a guardian,father,friend,mentor ...etc. like Lee to Clemmy

Yeah. We all miss him. I thought the hardest thing was the death of Lee, I was wrong... the hardest thing is continuing with Clem without Lee being there
Imagine how different season 2 would be if they'd never killed off Lee.
S1 wouldn't have had as much feels without Lee's death... ,RIP Lee
It would be really cool. Lee vs. Carver Showdown would be pretty epic. But if you look at the other way, it needed to be... done? I mean his death scene is unforgettable for the players now. That's what made Season One masterpiece. I wish that cutting off the arm choice is actually mattered in the game rather than mentoining in Season 2. Would it be hard? Like 2 different path for the players? Of course. But we're talking about Telltale here. If they can work 4 games at once, it's possible. It's not too late to do that. I think? You're a denial asshole Dark_Star. Get a life for Ben's sake!
Why do you have to make me feel like this at this time of the day...
'Nuff said.
I'm getting quoted? Woah, that's something new.
too much feels.
did anyone burn the photo? I decided to keep it.
You can't burn the photo.
Too many feels
Reading this just made me really sad. I know how it feels to have someone that isn't biologically family, but might as well be, and then lose them forever. Often times, family of choice can be stronger than family by blood just because you aren't obligated to love them like you are with family, you don't have to trust them or rely on them or look up to them, but they give you reasons to. Lee didn't have to look after Clementine, but he did until his very last breath and that's what makes their connection so real to me. Seeing Lee die changed Clementine - if she shot him, she has to live with the blood of her guardian on her hands forever. If she left him to turn, she has to live with the fact that he's still either chained up to the radiator or just wandering around the jewelry store for the rest of his existence as a walker. Clementine is so strong for being able to continue on, and I think she's still alive by sheer determination on both her and Christa's part - neither of them want to break the promise they made to Lee. The last time she truly felt hope for the future, for the good of mankind, was when she was with Lee. "Hope is the one thing none of this can take away." (Lee Everett 2k16) In a way, the photo of Lee can represent the hope she still feels of finding what Lee wanted for her - a safe place away from all the walkers and humans who went down the wrong path when everything went to shit.
This got longer than it should have been.
People get very caught up in what Lee meant to Clementine. What about what Clementine meant to Lee? She wasn't just a "moral compass" for his actions. She was his hope and salvation, I think Lee wanted a daughter too. When Clementine asks Lee why he doesn't have any kids, he's very quick to change the topic. He saw her as a daughter.
I'll tell you what though, what got me more than anything is when Lee professes that "I'll miss you." And a very shaken and teary eyed Clementine simply responds "me too." God, that REALLY F'd me up.
You have the option to... Does it not let you do it?
Haha I love that gif
Here's a dedication to sole survivor
sole survivor song...
I think the photo got ruined after she fell into the river
yes carver had to die even clem knows that but it was kenny's malicious way is not my clem's way shoot him in the head yea bashing his face in is not right that is just how i feel.
I dunno man, i felt worse when Carley was shot, Lee was about to score.
It's so hard to think about it... She's 11 and has seen enough shit to fall an adult to depression. She is a very strong person got to admit. Her family, friends, Old group, all gone. I honestly couldn't handle all that shit happening to me if i would be 11.
Great. Now I feel depressed. I miss Lee
I think she should have a monologue like "In the beginning I relied on everyone... but now... they rely on me".
We have no chance, abitofabellend! Our hearts cannot repel feels of THAT magnitude!
I know this sounds silly, but I can relate to the loss Clem feels. My parents are both gone- i have lived through the loss of both of them- and not with zombies everywhere, but with their spirits everywhere. Someone asked if you lost a loved one during the ZA if you could "put them down" and almost everyone said yes. But when you have the decision- to decide if someone you love, someone you idolize is to live or die, im sure you would all hesitate..
i cried so hard when Lee died- because i felt like Clem. i felt alone. I felt lost. And yet the loss of my parents made me like Clem- strong, independent.. a warrior.
I love that TT has made her human- made her a "grown up" young girl. Because you really have to be..
Too Many Feels ;_;

Nope. She'll just look at it for awhile and then hear the bandits talking to Christa.
I'm curious... has anyone thought about burning the drawing?
Died Because of water created by feels
It's not sounds silly at all. And I know what I'm gonna say is a cliché thing but... I'm REALLY sorry for your loss. And I'm SO sorry for reminding you your pain and bad memories. I shouldn't have done this discussion.
I burned it.