Season 2 Episode 4 Discussion: Out Now: PC/Mac, PS3, Vita, Xbox 360, iOS, Kindle, Android



  • There's allot of speculation for what will occur during this episode, I feel like Lilly will make an appearance.

  • edited July 2014

    We haven't seen the Hippy yet. Wuts up with dat.

    Also heard tonight may be the last episode of Wolf release.

  • What is up with the down voters also, do they think what they are doing is important?

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  • ITT: The problem with imaginary internet points. And I don't mean the downvotes, but rather the constant complaining about it.

    On that note, downvote away... roll eyes

  • How is this the only WWE gif?

    It seems the downvoters are rampaging! Better run while you still can!

  • Alt text

    DABhand posted: »

    What is up with the down voters also, do they think what they are doing is important?

  • It's not, dude.

    Alt text

    Alt text

    How is this the only WWE gif?

  • Here I am again. So, where's my episode?

  • An unknown location in southern Virginia.

    Brennorix posted: »

    Here I am again. So, where's my episode?

  • edited July 2014

    throws TWAU straight in the face

    Brennorix posted: »

    Here I am again. So, where's my episode?

  • Kardeng, you said yourself we're all friends, correct? Aren't friends supposed to take other friends' words into consideration? Having them spend their anger on yourself is not worth it. Believe me, I went through enough crap to know. People don't like it, they're all on their wits end now. If you keep this up, you may eventually get banned. People may start flagging your posts and "boof" your banned. I don't think you would want that. It's better to blend in, I say this cuz I blend in pretty easily, as I hanged out with punks, nerds(I'm one myself actually), teachers, elderly, and so forth. You see sometimes in order to get along with others, you gotta blend to avoid trouble. Take this into consideration please.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    People are angry because of the wait, not me, Toby. I give all there once a week. And it does not hurt. They just need something spend their anger. That's all

  • Telltale this wait is making me angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

    Now if only Brock was green...

    Telltale this wait is making me angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

  • I felt like I was back in school in this choice.

    "Well shit, every day's a school day."

    Graysonn posted: »

    except that most people found the dinner choice a tougher decision.

  • Today is exactly... uh... shit. I stopped counting how many weeks it is a while ago. HOW MANY WEEKS IS IT NOW?! D:

  • Thank you Toby. Yet, before the episode 204 I will not feed them. But then, when I'll play in the episode they ask ISF pictures and start again to give them their once a week. Once a week - it's not spam, right? :)

    Just now, people go crazy with anticipation.

    Just now, people go crazy with anticipation =)

    Kardeng, you said yourself we're all friends, correct? Aren't friends supposed to take other friends' words into consideration? Having them

  • Today begins a week 9 :/

    Today is exactly... uh... shit. I stopped counting how many weeks it is a while ago. HOW MANY WEEKS IS IT NOW?!

  • Finally! Only 2 weeks left. Probably. :P

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Today begins a week 9

  • Day 59: Still nothing

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Today begins a week 9


    Okay.... I'm calm. I'm calm. now, WHERE'S AMID THE RUINS!!?????????

  • Somewhere amid the ruins of our tears and sorrow.

    Day.... NO! FU** THIS! I WANT MY MOTHERF***ING AMID THE RUINS! I DON'T WANT YOU, BIGBY WOLF! GO AWAY! Okay.... I'm calm. I'm calm. now, WHERE'S AMID THE RUINS!!?????????

  • We're all standing on top of it. We struggle to find the episode, we keep digging until exhaustion. No avail. We must keep searching these ruins to find our salvation. For we are amid the ruins.

    Day.... NO! FU** THIS! I WANT MY MOTHERF***ING AMID THE RUINS! I DON'T WANT YOU, BIGBY WOLF! GO AWAY! Okay.... I'm calm. I'm calm. now, WHERE'S AMID THE RUINS!!?????????

  • Since TWAU came out today, I think they will start talking about The Walking Dead in 2 or 3 days.

  • Ug.... Too long.

    12494 posted: »

    Since TWAU came out today, I think they will start talking about The Walking Dead in 2 or 3 days.

  • Q.Q i cant wait want to see what happens next

  • god I hope so, ive spent so many time replaying all the episodes that all I can dream about recently is being in the zombie appocolyspe and finding my way the telltale games hq and breaking in to play the last unfinished episode...wait is that bad? being in an Actual zombie apocalypse and still trying to play the game version in the middle of it?

  • Let's hope for news next Thursday?

  • The purpose of this thread for me is to complain, seems like.

  • there does seem to be a lot of that

    Rylee posted: »

    The purpose of this thread for me is to complain, seems like.

  • Why God why...

    And he looks way too much my father grew his hair out... Which makes it all the more horrifying...

    DABhand posted: »

    What is up with the down voters also, do they think what they are doing is important?

  • What's with the TellTale clock/meter thing? We've got TWAU's finale so that's kinda step forward.

  • It's getting old.

    Rylee posted: »

    The purpose of this thread for me is to complain, seems like.

  • hmm... they will probably publish screenshots next tuesday (day 15), then trailer saturday (day 19) and episode then the another tuesday (day 22).

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Let's hope for news next Thursday?

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    Ceasing to function in 3...2...1...regulardude94 ceases to function due to the long ass wait

  • Please god....NO MORE FUDGIN' CANNIBALS!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'm hoping it's Mark Darin, who wrote Starved For Help.

  • Telltale telling us is just a tale.......

    Let's not get too excited just yet...Telltale might choose to push the release all the way back to the 29th. If it takes them that long to work out all the episode's kinks, great, but I just wish they would TELL us sometimes.

  • July 22 :^)

    Today is exactly... uh... shit. I stopped counting how many weeks it is a while ago. HOW MANY WEEKS IS IT NOW?!

  • hoping the 15th thinking its the 22nd xD

  • BOTH

    Since there isn't a poll if you only play TWD, comment if you play both TWAU and TWD or downvote for only TWAU. (This should be interesting.)

  • You are a NOT good boy tobi

    I honestly don't give a f**k about what they think. It's an opinion. So who cares.

  • same

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    I play and have both games.

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