The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • LOL

    Wow I failed miserably at this one. Ill do better next time.


  • Eren is on my side, ATR ;P

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    edited July 2014

    He's a douche, yet it's still hilarious, and it's a prank show, they all took pictures with him later, it's all in good fun :P

    Man I didn't even crack a smile, he wasn't funny he was just an ass hole.

  • We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He's a douche, yet it's still hilarious, and it's a prank show, they all took pictures with him later, it's all in good fun :P

  • I went to the doctor and they said I have a cold. Now look at me, one moth later and I'm still sick. -_-

    Your still sick?!?! GO TO THE DOCTOR.

  • Good luck on the new job!

    Only gone and got myself a job! BOW DOWN TO ME I'M IMMORTAL NOW!!

    edited July 2014

    Have fun man ;)

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I'm gonna be gone in a little bit for 2-3 days. Going to Mount Rushmore.

  • Nothing is happening so I'm going to post a random pic...

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    ^I do this sometimes. X_X

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    Nothing is happening so I'm going to post a random pic... ^I do this sometimes. X_X

  • edited July 2014

    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night...

    We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and distorted...soon after that we started hearing faint voices and some kind of I started thinking that maybe Rig and Goustttt were doing it.

    Then they left to prove me I was wrong and the weird faint voices continued...

    I couldn't understand what It was saying...but I do remember hearing something quite similar years ago...
    in the same town...
    near the same location....
    on a walkie-talkie...

    its a long story but when I was a kid, I used to play with my walkie-talkie to communicate with my other friends. In the middle of the family reunion, I heard a shriek and then a blood curdling scream...

    It was the middle of the night, I was playing with my cousins and some friends our family. They all heard it...

    I guess I didn't change much, since I took it upon myself to go in the middle of the woods to investigate. We could hear a similar faint voices and static. I never understood what It was saying, but the voice was becoming more and more clear as we progressed through the woods.

    Then, suddenly..nothing. Just silence.

    We kept walking until we stumbled upon an old cabin, unknown to me and I never saw it ever since...its actually true...I've known that place for years now, but never saw that cabin ever again...

    The voice came back on the walkie-talkie....

    "I see you, I know what you did"

    everyone screamed in panic and went back to my grandfather's house.

    I thought it was a prank back then....i'm still not sure if it was...but last night reminded me of that fateful night...

    I was in the voice chat with Ana, Devyn and Elian. They all heard it too....even if we were all on mute...Devyn apparently heard a scream and I heard the same faint voices I heard when I was a kid...or at least similar faint voices...

    The fuck was that all about ?

    I'm going to try again tonight and see if I can pick up the weird frequency again...

  • 300 PAGES! Let's party.

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  • I'll join, that shit seems weirdo deirdo!

    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night... We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and disto

  • Omg, that sounds not creepy at all...

    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night... We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and disto

  • edited July 2014

    Holy crap...

    -nudges away from password-

    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night... We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and disto

  • It makes me sad to see comments like "this thread is dying!" and "what the hell happened to this thread?"


  • My thoughts when reading this:

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    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night... We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and disto

  • It wont die. Considering what I'm about to post, it will come back. :3

    It makes me sad to see comments like "this thread is dying!" and "what the hell happened to this thread?" PLEASE DON'T LET THE LOUNGE DIE ;-;

  • Why do you have a bag on your head?? Lol xD

    Me wearing Sarah glasses.

  • To cover my face. :P

    Why do you have a bag on your head?? Lol xD

  • 300 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    edited July 2014

    We never die, we will stand strong until the last one is out.

    It makes me sad to see comments like "this thread is dying!" and "what the hell happened to this thread?" PLEASE DON'T LET THE LOUNGE DIE ;-;

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    300 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The Queen is having the time of her life . That's her fun face right there.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    300 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Users don't comment for couple of hours = the thread is finally dead HAHAHHAHHAHAHH I needed that as long I'm a user here this thread will never die always darkest before the dawn indeed an honorable thought but mistaken ;D

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    papai46 posted: »

    Holy Shit! It finally died! Which is actually sad...

  • I said I would wear them, so I'll wear them...

    DONT MAKE FUN OF ME! My nose looks big when wearing glasses. X_X UGH.

    Me wearing Sarah glasses.

  • Lol, NOPE!

    papai46 posted: »

    Holy Shit! It finally died! Which is actually sad...

  • You're such a cutie, Rachel ^-^

    I said I would wear them, so I'll wear them... DONT MAKE FUN OF ME! My nose looks big when wearing glasses. X_X UGH.

  • I was watching TV with a friend earlier today and we heard a huge BOOM in the sky, and we were like...

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    Apparently a rocket was shot down in the sky and there was no fucking alarm O_o Some shreds of the rocket fell in the same area where my grandpa's store was at, luckily nothing happened and he's ok :D

  • The queen tells me to send you this message:

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    The Queen is having the time of her life . That's her fun face right there.

  • Lmao. I'm 100% Sarah right there.

    You're such a cutie, Rachel ^-^

  • More like 89%.... you still have blonde hair :P

    Lmao. I'm 100% Sarah right there.

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    :O Awesome

    I said I would wear them, so I'll wear them... DONT MAKE FUN OF ME! My nose looks big when wearing glasses. X_X UGH.

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    Cool story bro :D

    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night... We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and disto

  • Damn.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I was watching TV with a friend earlier today and we heard a huge BOOM in the sky, and we were like... Apparently a rocket was shot d

  • That's some creepy shit right there...

    Just wanted to share our strange experience on Skype last night... We started hearing weird noises and our voices became creepy and disto

  • edited July 2014

    Its not a story if it really happened...I'm not the kind of person to create lies.

    What happened last night just reminded me of a similar experience that happened when I was a kid.

    It still creeps me out to this just served as a reminder I suppose...

    Can Skype pick up frequencies ? I looked on the internet for an answer but so far NO ONE as experienced the same thing...just technical difficulties and weird beeping noises...

    Nothing about distorted voices and weird frequencies accompanied by faint unknown voices....while everyone was on is that even possible ?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cool story bro

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    300 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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