I've seen the screens for EP4. Super excited about the snow! Can't wait to get to play with the new environments
I'm a little unsure on how to continue this for the picture I want to post tomorrow. I'm wondering whether having Kenny stroke her cheek is so much. Is stroke the right word, in the context of comforting someone?
Stroke is an okay word for it, although there's not really an English word that wouldn't be at least very slightly creepy. Touching someones face is pretty intimate here (dunno about elsewhere).
I've seen the screens for EP4. Super excited about the snow! Can't wait to get to play with the new environments
I'm a little unsure… more on how to continue this for the picture I want to post tomorrow. I'm wondering whether having Kenny stroke her cheek is so much. Is stroke the right word, in the context of comforting someone?
I've seen the screens for EP4. Super excited about the snow! Can't wait to get to play with the new environments
I'm a little unsure… more on how to continue this for the picture I want to post tomorrow. I'm wondering whether having Kenny stroke her cheek is so much. Is stroke the right word, in the context of comforting someone?
I've seen the screens for EP4. Super excited about the snow! Can't wait to get to play with the new environments
I'm a little unsure… more on how to continue this for the picture I want to post tomorrow. I'm wondering whether having Kenny stroke her cheek is so much. Is stroke the right word, in the context of comforting someone?
I've seen the screens for EP4. Super excited about the snow! Can't wait to get to play with the new environments
I'm a little unsure… more on how to continue this for the picture I want to post tomorrow. I'm wondering whether having Kenny stroke her cheek is so much. Is stroke the right word, in the context of comforting someone?
Stroke is an okay word for it, although there's not really an English word that wouldn't be at least very slightly creepy. Touching someones face is pretty intimate here (dunno about elsewhere).
"If...If only I'd shown Carver the radio...he ..he wouldn't..."
"Aw darlin', don't go blaming yourself. There's no telling what that sonuvabitch would have done to you."
If it was Luke instead of Kenny some folks would have went wild xD.
Yup, which is a damn shame.
I know you can't say anything about them in one sentence or you'll get slammed with dislikes
Oh well, I guess I'll be among the few who actually like the friendship between Luke and Clem.
I'm part of that few
At least credit Clem_Everett (I think it's his/hers). And, by the way, it was already uploaded here.
Double post.
Might I suggest removing "it" from your post? I just don't want to see you get in trouble
What are you referring to exactly?
Too many awesome pictures! Phone... can't. ... download. .... fast enough!!!
We don't talk about banned users.
Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know.
Umm, was there a point in your response?
Um I didn't know -__- I'm not on here 24/7.
It's no trouble, just so you know, Clem_Everett made this pic and already uploaded it twice.
This one is fucking great! The feels are real.
NICE!!! ;D
Thanks @Lingvort!
Gunab=Feels master
Yea... sorry for that
There will be at least three more pictures of that scene. Clem looks like she needs a hug, doesn't she?
I've seen the screens for EP4. Super excited about the snow! Can't wait to get to play with the new environments
I'm a little unsure on how to continue this for the picture I want to post tomorrow. I'm wondering whether having Kenny stroke her cheek is so much. Is stroke the right word, in the context of comforting someone?
Stroke is an okay word for it, although there's not really an English word that wouldn't be at least very slightly creepy. Touching someones face is pretty intimate here (dunno about elsewhere).
She sure does
Damn I feel sad just looking at this picture
I feel like number 1 would of been more reasonable
EP04 is coming!! I am anxious man!
About the cheek. I don't see anything offensive if Kenny strokes Clem's cheeks. in my opinion they have enough friendship for that.
If you have time Gunab, can you please make a picture with Clementine face palming? I would like to use it when necessary
That's another word.
Haha, why didn't I think of that? You're right, the forum definately needs this!
Yep, but don't forget, she's just a kid
Around here it's quite normal when you're comforting a child, or wiping their tears 
Wait for the next stage, were she's looking up to Kenny and you'll be able to actually see her face
Kenny would NEVER do that!
Caress : To touch someone in a gentle way.
I see nothing wrong with that.
Hmm... somehow it has a really negative ring to it.