The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hello Gustac.

    Hello fellas.

  • O_O my parents are........

    I'm the dad.


    Okokokokok, picture dying kittens.

    damn freaking forum not showing my comments i'm up to here with ur bullshit

    lol my gawd gurl you be changing your picture every two seconds I cant keep up. Your worse than Brent. Because I just woke up 2 min ago and it hurts to laugh hard. And when I laugh hard I go on a coughing attack.

  • Your hair. Wait........ yeah it was the hair. XD

    What gave it away??

  • edited July 2014

    Go to your room, Brent. Don't make me get the belt.

    O_O my parents are........

  • Tried to find 1 moment... Let's just say you have a point.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    When is she not extra bitchy though?

  • O_o sorry...... Dad?

    Go to your room, Brent. Don't make me get the belt.

  • ummm what are some dad things to say....

    Maybe if you're a good boy we can go play catch in the field? I'll teach you how to throw a curve ball.

    O_o sorry...... Dad?

  • -Face palm- Okay Dad.....

    ummm what are some dad things to say.... Maybe if you're a good boy we can go play catch in the field? I'll teach you how to throw a curve ball.

  • After reading the replies to Juice about all those crushes, I feel like I need to say something:

    People with a crush (most of them) are like blind people after surgery, when they get their sight back, it's known that their beauty (or any standards anyway) are decided by that first person they see, even if s/he's not "perfect", and maybe when you get to know that "crush", it could make you realize that "All that glitters is not gold".

    So if you think your crush will "never notice you" or "never go out with you", don't be disappointed, because all of us here are still really fucking young, and in the end most people settle down with someone anyway, maybe not someone "perfect" (Dream guy/girl etc.), but someone you get used to, and if there's love, it's enough to last just like any other relationship.

  • Hello only person that ever replies to me, aka Rachellec.

    How are ya?

    Hello Gustac.

  • I'm just peachy, Sir Gustac. You?

    Hello only person that ever replies to me, aka Rachellec. How are ya?


    Ohohohohoh did I mention he was married??? lmfao

  • Words of wisdom from the great AWESOMEO! XD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    After reading the replies to Juice about all those crushes, I feel like I need to say something: People with a crush (most of them) are l

  • Alt text

    I will good sir HI Gust

    Hello fellas.

  • edited July 2014

    Rachelle, I don't wanna picture dying kittens. Why would I wanna picture dying kittens? No.

    IT'S NOT MY FAULT, IT'S IN GOD'S PLAN, HE MADE THE DEVIL SO MUCH STRONGER THAN A MANNNN Okokokokok, picture dying kittens. damn freaking forum not showing my comments i'm up to here with ur bullshit

  • I can be serious, and I can be random as fuck.

    Words of wisdom from the great AWESOMEO! XD

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    @AWESOMEO I forgot Friday's anime boobs gif, so here's some extra xD No comment from me... plot of this anime is good at least.

  • Also, as your father, I am not obligated to take any lip from you. So if you got any problems, take them up with your mother. I won't listen to them.

    hehehehe being a dad is fun.

    -Face palm- Okay Dad.....

  • Peachy? Can I drink you?

    I still feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack.

    I'm just peachy, Sir Gustac. You?

  • Yo what's up?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Good morning everyone.


    ummm what are some dad things to say.... Maybe if you're a good boy we can go play catch in the field? I'll teach you how to throw a curve ball.

  • Adele is rolling in that shit.

    Am I the only person here without a crush?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    After reading the replies to Juice about all those crushes, I feel like I need to say something: People with a crush (most of them) are l

  • Heyo

    Hello fellas.

  • Hi Dad.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I will good sir HI Gust

  • I'd rather you didn't.

    Awww, poor Gustac.

    Peachy? Can I drink you? I still feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack.

  • Hey CiD's mom.


  • Can I drink you?

    Alt text

    Peachy? Can I drink you? I still feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack.

  • Okay mom... I MEAN Dad....

    Also, as your father, I am not obligated to take any lip from you. So if you got any problems, take them up with your mother. I won't listen to them. hehehehe being a dad is fun.

  • Alt text

    Thunder and rain so I got to leave work early today, but I still get paid ^-^ Now I need something to do. I have a lot of pages to read, don't want to be a forgotten Lounger lol

  • Hmmm... picture Pennywise.

    Rachelle, I don't wanna picture dying kittens. Why would I wanna picture dying kittens? No.

  • Wow GTA V has freaky easter eggs O_o

  • This shit is so deep I found oil.

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    After reading the replies to Juice about all those crushes, I feel like I need to say something: People with a crush (most of them) are l

  • Hi!!!! :D

    Did you see my drawings from yesterday?

    Thunder and rain so I got to leave work early today, but I still get paid ^-^ Now I need something to do. I have a lot of pages to read, don't want to be a forgotten Lounger lol

  • dood ur so deep i can't even see u anymore

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    After reading the replies to Juice about all those crushes, I feel like I need to say something: People with a crush (most of them) are l

  • Hmmm.. yeah, pennywise amuses me, that'll work.

    Hmmm... picture Pennywise.

  • edited July 2014

    Ooh AWESOMEO! Please make a pic of me and my mom and dad :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I can be serious, and I can be random as fuck.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    XD and Gust remember you promised me you would sing imagine dragon or some song but then I got banned are you still going to do it?

    Hi Dad.

  • Thunder and rain so I got to leave work early today, but I still get paid ^-^

    Alt text

    Thunder and rain so I got to leave work early today, but I still get paid ^-^ Now I need something to do. I have a lot of pages to read, don't want to be a forgotten Lounger lol


    ~passes out on couch with beer in hand~

    Okay mom... I MEAN Dad....

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