The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Thanks.

    The messed up one of mine completely. I was more mad when they messed up woodburys though, GOD. You just don't do that. Its not cool. And they did it TWICE. Ugh...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    But why? your pictures were masterpieces NOOOOOOOOOO I'm sorry to hear that

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    Don't give up pls rebuilt it even better don't let the haters win :'D

    Thanks. The messed up one of mine completely. I was more mad when they messed up woodburys though, GOD. You just don't do that. Its not cool. And they did it TWICE. Ugh...

  • I will admit that I drew the dick but I didn't draw over it, I just drew the dick for shits and giggles. Hope you forgive me, AND I'm sorry for saying your dad hit you. I was just confused because if he didn't hit you why would you be scared for saying, but nevermind, I'm sorry. And I drew the tongue in the animals mouth, it would be shit easy to delete so... yano... sorry. Sorry if that dad bit was off-topic but I thought I should say that. Because I forgot to say. Sorry. And sorry to Woodbury, because it's her drawing most. I think. That's a shit load of sorries but yeah. SORRY. Hope you forgive me.

    Someone put their name as Codpatrol and was messing up the drawings. I was fixing woodburys and he came and messed it up again right in front of my face. God I was mad.

  • This ain't mine, so I think it's okay to spam it since it has a water mark on it ;P

    Would you mind if i spammed this everywhere? Can I? I need your permission...

  • edited July 2014

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere @PasswordSuck @Cluke_is_Dumb @NoncyFlippledorp @Azlyn @Deceptio @Gustav_Kenny @Clubremix_Guetta @SimonElagamy @TheWalkingSheep

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    Rachelle's Awesome drawing before someone ruined it.
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    Lol, me, WtW and SweetPea drawings.
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    I think Jon made these?
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    DLB's awesome Batman drawing.
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    ATR's Sir Oink, lol.
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    WtW's unicorn.
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    Guetta and I made Bob.
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    More from JonGon.
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    Someone messed these up.
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    Someone messed up DLB's tiger, and the Clem drawing.
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    CiD meister's drawing, lol.
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    There pictures took so long to draw and were beautiful why just why not cool >:'(

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I will admit that I drew the dick but I didn't draw over it, I just drew the dick for shits and giggles. Hope you forgive me, AND I'm sorry

  • I said I drew a dick on it, I didn't scribble over them. I didn't draw a dick OVER it I drew it on the animal.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    There pictures took so long to draw and were beautiful why just why not cool >:'(

  • You are a bad person.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Don't worry Azzy. The sequel will come soon.

  • <3 Sir Oink!

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

  • It's about this girl that gets bullied a lot and has a freaky-ass mum and develops telekinesis. And pretty much fucks over her entire town.

    Ah! I've heard of it, but I've never seen the movie or read the book. I don't know what it's about.


    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

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    That was beautiful the talent of this lounge always surprises and amazes me just perfection LOVE IT <3 :'D

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

  • Ew Big Bang theory

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Rachelle that burn dude AH dayum any comeback? XD

  • Anyone available please heal Carver 3 times in this game. Mark and I have kept him alive for so long but people are cracking down.

  • edited July 2014

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    It's Ok because it's an animal? It takes so much time and effort to draw these quality pieces why not draw your own sh** and draw dicks all over it do you not understand all the time and effort it takes to make them. Something you drew in 5 seconds could ruin something what took them hours just wasted in a split second decision by you all their time spent making it meaningless. There pictures deserve respect and I'm gutted as now I'll never get to see the masterpieces finished :'(

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I said I drew a dick on it, I didn't scribble over them. I didn't draw a dick OVER it I drew it on the animal.

  • edited July 2014

    Which one? I tried to find everything.


  • hehehe <3 my unicorn

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

  • You know that deer? It... it has it's... fuck... I don't need to say. So I drew it on, that's it. Just some 3 second line. That's it. It can be deleted. I didn't delete the picture, I didn't scribble over them, I am sorry. I do respect them, the dick didn't really wreck anything at all, in fact it's quite realistic. But nevermind, it's their drawings, not mine, sorry. Can we please move on?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's Ok because it's an animal? It takes so much time and effort to draw these quality pieces why not draw your own sh** and draw dicks all

  • Lol, people fixed it, so it's okay now <3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never saw it that a-hole SHIT F**K ;-; NOOO

  • There's more stuff and thaaangs. I'll see if I find them. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That was beautiful the talent of this lounge always surprises and amazes me just perfection LOVE IT :'D

  • Heh, nice. Might check it out. B^]

    Azlyn posted: »

    It's about this girl that gets bullied a lot and has a freaky-ass mum and develops telekinesis. And pretty much fucks over her entire town.

  • edited July 2014

    Woot Woot!!

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

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    Ok I understand I don't go on paint so it's hard for me to understand this but ok just pls stop :D

    CodPatrol posted: »

    You know that deer? It... it has it's... fuck... I don't need to say. So I drew it on, that's it. Just some 3 second line. That's it. It can

  • I will, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the reason she was mad at me. She even said he came back and did something. So I'm guessing this troll account scribbled over it IDK. I haven't seen the picture since.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ok I understand I don't go on paint so it's hard for me to understand this but ok just pls stop

  • sigh if only I could draw. ;_;

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

  • Ask my parents. They'll help you.

    Which one? I tried to find everything.

  • You must heal Carver.

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    Woot Woot!!

  • You must heal Carver.

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    There's more stuff and thaaangs. I'll see if I find them. B]

  • You must heal Carver.

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    hehehe my unicorn

  • edited July 2014

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    Add my drawing I'm only a newbie :'D

    There's more stuff and thaaangs. I'll see if I find them. B]

  • Here are my drawings after they were finished and fixed:

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ok I understand I don't go on paint so it's hard for me to understand this but ok just pls stop

  • Its ok. Just don't do that anymore though. People work hard on those and don't want that stuff on there.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I will, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the reason she was mad at me. She even said he came back and did something. So I'm guessing this troll account scribbled over it IDK. I haven't seen the picture since.

  • I ddint get a tag..I feel left out :(

    These drawings are pretty cool, better than what I could do. Sucks that some of these got messed up, but atleast you could take a picture of them to savour the memories.

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

  • XD Eddie love it

    You must heal Carver. (lol)

  • They left, lol. I don't know what it is.

    Ask my parents. They'll help you.

  • I'm only a newbie


    Markd4547 posted: »

    Add my drawing I'm only a newbie :'D

  • Me and SweetPea fixed your drawing the one with the two people at the beach :)

    Woot Woot!!

  • Added and yeah, the tiger that DLB made was nice. The Clem drawing was good too.

    I ddint get a tag..I feel left out These drawings are pretty cool, better than what I could do. Sucks that some of these got messed up, but atleast you could take a picture of them to savour the memories.

  • Lol, you didn't draw this!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Add my drawing I'm only a newbie :'D

  • Its a red face that is circled and says CiD poining to it above the Woodbury and Noncy art.

    They left, lol. I don't know what it is.

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