The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Lmao, that wooden spoon though! Heh, alright, is ypu say so. B]

    I CAN'T HELP IT, I WAS BORN TO LEAD ;-; My people come before me. Always. alwaaaayssss tim hortons Alright, fine. When I get back, I'll s

  • You mean complimenting WtW?

    This isn't vital. At all. This was unnecessary to begin with, and I'm not going to argue further.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    As I said down there, I started this, I take 100% responsibility, but I'm not gonna drop something so vital like this. If you don't want to start arguments then stop saying such things, this is intolerance at it's best.

  • I know, bro. Thanks :p

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hope your ok Rachelle I'm just trying to be positive to cheer you up

  • edited July 2014

    Not a chance for me I noticed that scene with Kenny Clem walked in to the tent with a cutscene I highly doubt it but never know :D

    even though its a trailer still be in the game :/

    At this point, Mark. I wouldn't expect them, but we'll see.

  • For going to sleep after pulling 2 allnighters O_o

    Thanks for what? lol

  • I didnt even have any facial expressions. And no one else in here did it so i dont wanna be the only one.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MARK I CANT. I keep on laughing in front of the camera and cant keep a strait face omfg I just watched it. If any of you need me, I'll be crying in the corner over there pls pls DLB

  • Pssh, I'm not doing it for you. Lol, jk ;p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    For going to sleep after pulling 2 allnighters O_o

  • I know right?

    Rebecca probably dies after giving birth

  • Don't you say that... Don't you EVER say that...

    What if Kenny died? Dude no..... I love Kenny, pls pls pls ;-;

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    If I make a video will you I want to see it I'll go first ;D

    I didnt even have any facial expressions. And no one else in here did it so i dont wanna be the only one.

  • ur alredy 1 off us it'z de powa of Jaden.

    use ur magik pwrs on meh daniel teech meh da wais of ur peeple.

  • You need sleep, just do it for your sake >.>

    Pssh, I'm not doing it for you. Lol, jk ;p

  • o snap ur rite..... but i dunnoo how 2 use da magik pwrs of Jaden, im knot as smart az u r

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    ur alredy 1 off us it'z de powa of Jaden.

  • Hmmmmmm..... nah. Sleep is for the weak.

    I'm gonna set my goal for no sleep at 5 days.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You need sleep, just do it for your sake >.>

  • Just wanted to share this masterpiece, thanks to @Rigtail and @Sxphyre for making this last night XD

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    11/10 would play again !

    PS : sorry for my shitty haircut...I didn't realise how bad it looked when she took the picture...its literally everywhere...this picture is two years old anyway :P


    It must be EVIL!

    Forum of the dead crew! You guys are in for a surprise, I will be working with some people, and we will reveal something very special for you guys, later on. nooS!

  • Yeah, they just want to focus on the story, so that's why. I think this next episode is going to be insane though, can't wait!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Not a chance for me I noticed that scene with Kenny Clem walked in to the tent with a cutscene I highly doubt it but never know even though its a trailer still be in the game

  • Yeah.... I mean complimenting WtW, right >.>

    Don't play naive, this is vital, this is necessary, you don't need to argue, just listen:

    Homophobia is the same as racism.

    You mean complimenting WtW? This isn't vital. At all. This was unnecessary to begin with, and I'm not going to argue further.

  • Umm... yes? Lol. I don't know!

  • *whispers *

    Bigby and Woody gun get it oooooooooooooon.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Fuck, Bigby is really determined to find Woody...

  • 'kay >.>

    Hmmmmmm..... nah. Sleep is for the weak. I'm gonna set my goal for no sleep at 5 days.

  • lmao. >:p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    'kay >.>

  • Are you evil? B]


  • edited July 2014

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    Are you evil? B]

  • edited July 2014

    True still not a good excuse for just cutscenes but no one got time for long MD rant but I'm still very excited going to be legendary :D

    Yeah, they just want to focus on the story, so that's why. I think this next episode is going to be insane though, can't wait!

  • mi? smart? Lel im not smartz gurl u just nid 2 beliv.

    o snap ur rite..... but i dunnoo how 2 use da magik pwrs of Jaden, im knot as smart az u r

  • cuz Jaden iz almity

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Wai U to mak me dai of de laffs?

  • later on. nooS!

    Alt text

    Forum of the dead crew! You guys are in for a surprise, I will be working with some people, and we will reveal something very special for you guys, later on. nooS!

  • edited July 2014

    man...that trailer...dem feels ;_;

    I think Kenny was willing to sacrifice himself, not just for himself, but to save a life. He wouldn't just give up. He's just willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others...but for now, he'll keep fighting until the end, along with Clem.

    That's who Kenny is, a fighter and a good man. He won't leave Clementine to fend for herself in this shit world they live in. Yet Luke is willing to abandon Kenny after all he's done for us ?!!

    I don't hate Luke, but if I ever need to decide between Kenny and Luke, i'm choosing Kenny in a heartbeat. No matter the consequences. That's what Lee would've wanted...If only he knew that his best friend survived back in Savannah...

    "You don't just end it 'cause it's hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about." - Kenny 2013

    That's exactly what he intends to do, i'm willing to follow him to the bitter end.

    Yeah, they just want to focus on the story, so that's why. I think this next episode is going to be insane though, can't wait!

  • Alt text

    I sort of know what you talking about but I'm not spoiling it I can't wait :D

    Forum of the dead crew! You guys are in for a surprise, I will be working with some people, and we will reveal something very special for you guys, later on. nooS!


    Just wanted to share this masterpiece, thanks to @Rigtail and @Sxphyre for making this last night XD 11/10 would play again ! PS :

  • YESH !! :3

    But use my gravatar picture :P


  • But its not your original reaction. ;_; You already saw the trailer.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If I make a video will you I want to see it I'll go first ;D

  • Okokokok :D

    YESH !! But use my gravatar picture :P

  • I already told you how it's going to be. I'm not listening to this anymore.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah.... I mean complimenting WtW, right >.> Don't play naive, this is vital, this is necessary, you don't need to argue, just listen: Homophobia is the same as racism.

    edited July 2014

    Seems to me you're still commenting instead of ignoring this, just know that I can't take you seriously if you don't explain to me why what I said is wrong or why homophobia is ok.

    I already told you how it's going to be. I'm not listening to this anymore.

  • edited July 2014

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    XDD gimme dat!! Your always so classy and stylish love it XD you legend.even the art in the background :'D

    Mature scenes eating your breakfast :'O not sure where this is going but I'll still buy

    12/10 might get toast DLC

    Just wanted to share this masterpiece, thanks to @Rigtail and @Sxphyre for making this last night XD 11/10 would play again ! PS :

  • edited July 2014


    Edit: Lol wtf i didnt want to spoiler tag this!! xD


  • Alt text

    You missed nothing though nice feels but my reaction watching any trailer ^

    But its not your original reaction. ;_; You already saw the trailer.

  • lol, Awesome. 50/10 would play again.

    Just wanted to share this masterpiece, thanks to @Rigtail and @Sxphyre for making this last night XD 11/10 would play again ! PS :

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