Them funny Russians... [FINAL UPDATE]



  • Really? Fuck you too buddy.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    I get it. I cringe when people from the American South try to speak English.

  • Maybe he's kin to one of the group?

    Well he could be from a mixed Estonian Russian family, thats not so unusual in Estonia, never seem a Russian named Arvo, he also seems to be

  • in Bigby's voice Well, fuck you, too.

    Really? Fuck you too buddy.

  • edited July 2014

    why do Russians love to squat so much and wear track suits?

    Simple: to check out stuff on corpses. But realy it takes its roots from jail culture: in old times convicts were ordered to squat and hold their hands behind their heads, also it was (and is) the only pose you can take to have a rest with nothing to sit on besides dirt.

    Track suits are f#ckin' cheap. So if you're fresh out of jail, you're probably be wearing a track suit and squating all the time.

    ViralType posted: »

    I don't think most Russians are criminals. I think most Russians are gopniks. Seriously, why do Russians love to squat so much and wear track suits?

  • хахахахахаххахахахаххахаххахахахааххахахахахаахаххахахахахаххахахха
    лалки вы

    ViralType posted: »

    I don't think most Russians are criminals. I think most Russians are gopniks. Seriously, why do Russians love to squat so much and wear track suits?

  • Hmm, interesting trivia. Thanks for explaining that.

    Mafon2 posted: »

    why do Russians love to squat so much and wear track suits? Simple: to check out stuff on corpses. But realy it takes its roots from

  • edited January 2015

    Да откуда ж вы берётесь, а?

    Svetlana_ posted: »

    хахахахахаххахахахаххахаххахахахааххахахахахаахаххахахахахаххахахха лалки вы

  • Like Merovingian said:

    I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculer ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it.

    CatySky posted: »

    Well, I can't even recognize my accent (and I have a pretty big one) but when they talked in french it did sound really french to me, so...

  • кто "вы"?

    Lingvort posted: »

    Да откуда ж вы берётесь, а?

  • Люди, которые говорят "хахахаха лалка" или типа того. Мне вас и Вконтакте хватает.

    Svetlana_ posted: »

    кто "вы"?

  • Yep, I actually found myself cringing when that guy said ''None guns''.It was that bad xD Not that my russian accent is any better but it seemed so..unnatural.Arvo's was perfectly fine though.

  • For real though, our accents aren't that bad. But maybe it's because I'm so used to it though. IDK.

    Lingvort posted: »

    in Bigby's voice Well, fuck you, too.

  • Yeah, that phrase (and not just it) made me cringe quite a lot. It was plain terrible.

    Yep, I actually found myself cringing when that guy said ''None guns''.It was that bad xD Not that my russian accent is any better but it seemed so..unnatural.Arvo's was perfectly fine though.

  • мм, ясно)

    Lingvort posted: »

    Люди, которые говорят "хахахаха лалка" или типа того. Мне вас и Вконтакте хватает.

  • Ah, french swears... You can be so inventive to insult someone, it's amazing!

    Mafon2 posted: »

    Like Merovingian said: I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especiall

  • Care to translate it? I've only understood "putain" and "bordel".

    CatySky posted: »

    Ah, french swears... You can be so inventive to insult someone, it's amazing!

  • Back to the first page, now.

  • Hollywood can easily do it if they want to, usually they force some popular actor to play Russian, Black Widow in Marvel films is an excellent example, there are some tv shows that have a lot smaller budget and get it right, heck, I bet Lingvort would do the voice recording for free if TTG covered his travel expenses and stay in the US :)

    Rascat posted: »

    Yea, kinda like that. But still, even one actually eastern european actor is good enough. I'm usually dont play a lot of games, but the game

  • Hehe, I wish. But, since that's not likely, we'll have to bear with it.

    Hollywood can easily do it if they want to, usually they force some popular actor to play Russian, Black Widow in Marvel films is an excelle

  • At least they fucking tried compared to other games attempting different languages. cough Resident Evil 4 cough

  • IMO , for TT doing this "russians" with their wrong - built phrases, stupid stereotypical accent was kinda fail. TWD is not this kind of the game , where you can put in angry russian alcohol-addicted sportswear bandits. Game like that should have good writed and sounded characters.

  • Translation: In the name of god fucking shit whorehouse of a shitass motherfucker.

    It's hard to translate french swearing because some words don't even exist in english like "putain", it normally means whore but you can use it as "shit" for example. "bordel de merde" is also difficult to translate, litteraly, it makes "shit whorehouse" but that doesn't sound really good in english...

    Anyway, how is swearing in Russian like?

    Lingvort posted: »

    Care to translate it? I've only understood "putain" and "bordel".

  • This scene at the end with the Russians just summed up how shit the writers of Season Two are. Oh let's just throw a group of poor stereotypical Russian bad guys in their even though it makes no sense why they are so many of them in that part of the USA.

    Thanks TT for hiring these numpties, I bet I could write a better story and I hardly ever read books!

  • edited July 2014

    like "putain", it normally means whore but you can use it as "shit" for example.

    In rus we have exact same word – «блядь» (whore). It's all your french influence during XVIII!
    Not realy, we have adopted word «путана» (sounds something like: putana) and it's romanticized "prosty". (What? It was very respectful job during 80s-90s!)

    • 3 others: хуй (dick), ебать (fuck), пизда (cunt) . But, as you said before, you can be realy creative with them and with different morphemes they have totaly different meanings, like, for example:

    "Пиздец!" – cluster-fuck! , "Пиздато" - fucking awesome , "Пиздабол" – Liar "Пиздюхать" – going on foot , "Спиздить" – to nick / to steal. And the list is only limited by your imagination

    You can build your conversation (in known limits of course) enteirely with this 4 lexemes.

    There are also some old svearing, most people don't even understand, like «Елда» (Dick) and some borderline vocabulary: «мудак» (moron), «говно» (shit) and few others...

    • It's interesting observation by me that huge segment of abusive language is filled with animal-names: Собака (dog), Козел (goat), Гад (Serpent), Осел (Donkey), Олень (Deer), Баран (Ram), Петух (Rooster), Лось (Moose), Змеюка (Snake), Жаба (Toad)... and the list goes on. If someone call you animal-name in rus, it's probably an insult.

    • Infamous "cyka" is pretty tame. It's like bitch-light and also can be used as an interjection.

    P.S. Language studies were one of my favourite disciplines.

    CatySky posted: »

    Translation: In the name of god fucking shit whorehouse of a shitass motherfucker. It's hard to translate french swearing because some wo

  • Бурико - украинская фамилия и это,возможно,могла быть его кличка на зоне (он сидел и судя по всему не раз) Также я однажды находил в гугле латыша по имени Бурико.
    Виталий тоже может быть прибалтом,в Латвии это популярное имя. Девушку зовут Матильда,а Мод - сокращенная форма. Ну и у Арво вполне может быть кто-то из родителей финном. На счет фразы "Никаких оружий",то я думаю,что так специально показали,что Бурико - не россиянин. Ведь даже гугл так не переведет,а с фразой "Никакого оружия" она различается значительно.

  • edited July 2014

    It sounds amazing, cyka is my favorite, I'll be sure to remember it for the day I'll go to Russia!

    The best languages to swear are obviously russian, french and german (don't speak it but heard it's super funny). I might learn how to speak russian when I'll have less difficulties with the chinese (very interesting but a real pain to learn).

    Mafon2 posted: »

    like "putain", it normally means whore but you can use it as "shit" for example. In rus we have exact same word – «блядь» (whore). I

  • Пытаемся натянуть сову на глобус? Хехехе.

    Просто авторы слишком ленивы и сами подвержены стереотипам. Что мешало им назвать парня Алексом, а девушку Таней? Но нет, взяли первые попавшиеся экзотические имена и вуаля! Типа "и так сойдёт, пипл схавает".

    Бурико - украинская фамилия и это,возможно,могла быть его кличка на зоне (он сидел и судя по всему не раз) Также я однажды находил в гугле л

  • edited July 2014

    Too bad our goverment forbidded the cursing in books, movies and theatre plays with the newest law.

    CatySky posted: »

    It sounds amazing, cyka is my favorite, I'll be sure to remember it for the day I'll go to Russia! The best languages to swear are obviou

  • Well "сука" pretty much resembles "cyka" to the non-Cyrillic user. Living in a non-Slav country I have to explain this like a lot.

    On another note was gonna make a post about the Russian in the game too. You ruined my chance of glory! It started quite okay with Arvo (naming wtf?) but then... At least if they war gonna stereotype all the way, they should have created a goon in an Adidas tracksuit while squatting. Then I would have laughed my ass off.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Yeah, it does mean "bitch". It's just this "cyka" that was strange to me. Well, good to know. You sure, though, that it's not Semichaevsky?

  • What? Cursing is not allowed everywhere anymore?! What kind of law is this!

    I am glad french media and governement doesn't give a flying damn about cursing or butt related stuff on TV or newspapers.

    Mafon2 posted: »

    Too bad our goverment forbidded the cursing in books, movies and theatre plays with the newest law.

  • They want to have nice butts, right?

    Lingvort posted: »

    Well, I don't know why. Maybe because they are copying gopnik-like lumpens back from the 90s, who were the main criminal force. I hear many

  • Why are you worked up on that bald guy? He is a bandit, of course he looks like a criminal.

    And about the names, my name is german even though I'm hungarian. This is quite common nowadays, imo. The pronunciation what counts I guess.

  • Yeah yeah. They surely made Arvo as the son of a mixed Estonian-Russian couple from the outskirts of Narva. And he had the best Russian cause his ethnic Estonian father left the home when he was very little so he was left with his monolingual ethnic Russian mother who decided to emmigrate to Leningrad for a better life.

    Karaj posted: »

    Why are you worked up on that bald guy? He is a bandit, of course he looks like a criminal. And about the names, my name is german even though I'm hungarian. This is quite common nowadays, imo. The pronunciation what counts I guess.

  • Я тебя отлично понимаю. Странно, что ты еще не упомянул "грудничкового младенца". Серьезно, ну кто так говорит по русски? А уж парень Буррито меня вообще убил. Хотя Арво неплохо так вышел. И по русски хорошо говорил. А вот остальные.... Шварцнеггер бы ими гордился.

    Эх, даже и не знаю - смеяться мне или плакать? С одной стороны, это интересно, что наконец в игре появились русские. Да и вообще русскую речь услышать было классно. Но опять нас варварами какими-то выставляют. Я уж надеялась, что Арво будет хорошим парнем.... Увы и ах, но нет :(

  • I wouldn't know about that, but I figure I shouldn't go asking them about it...

    Karaj posted: »

    They want to have nice butts, right?

  • I totally agree.

    Asscrack posted: »

    IMO , for TT doing this "russians" with their wrong - built phrases, stupid stereotypical accent was kinda fail. TWD is not this kind of the

  • Yeah, while I personally like Season 2 (mostly), the lack of Season 1 main writers makes the series suffer.

    Though, personally, I don't know whether their Russians would be better written, but we would never know.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    This scene at the end with the Russians just summed up how shit the writers of Season Two are. Oh let's just throw a group of poor stereotyp

  • Я уверен, что Telltale и не задумывали ничего такого. Если бы задумывали, то получилось бы что-то более сносное.

    Насчёт "Никакие оружий", если бы этот Бурико был украинцем, то он бы плохо говорил по-русски? Он бы говорил с украинским акцентом, например, или говорил бы без акцента, но нет, он говорит с чудовищно преувеличенным американским (он, кстати, в конце, по идее, говорит фразу на чистейшем английском. Ребята из Telltale, вы чё, издеваетесь?) акцентом. Некоторые люди предполагают, что он долго не проживет, поэтому его и хреново сделали (а заодно и того второго, который вроде как Виталий).

    Бурико - украинская фамилия и это,возможно,могла быть его кличка на зоне (он сидел и судя по всему не раз) Также я однажды находил в гугле л

  • Да, но пипл не схавал, хотя Telltale, скорее всего, на этот факт плевать.

    Arrows posted: »

    Пытаемся натянуть сову на глобус? Хехехе. Просто авторы слишком ленивы и сами подвержены стереотипам. Что мешало им назвать парня Алексом

  • You're giving these characters more backstory than Telltale ever did. Congratulations.

    kavkazets posted: »

    Yeah yeah. They surely made Arvo as the son of a mixed Estonian-Russian couple from the outskirts of Narva. And he had the best Russian caus

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