Why His Death Sucks



  • MyushaMyusha Banned


    The fuck-up stupid idiot kid who everyone picked on for screwing up. They thought he was becoming unhinged because of Pete. He literally had Kenny's character development about two episodes ago. He was angry, scared, shot his own mother after being kind and open to an infected stranger. He ran from Carver's camp, had been with Luke since the goddamn beginning. He shot Matthew in paranoia and stress, but also out of concern and bravery. He apologizes to Walter if you tell him, and his consciousness is show on the issue. He's living with the fact he was the one who dealt such a horrible blow to a kind-hearted idealistic soul in these dark times. Hell he even risks his life to save Clementine if you went with him.

    And Episode 3 not only shoved him into the corner of his bunk doing absolutely nothing to advance the group's plans. (Oh. Mike lift me up here instead of Nick. Or, hey Nick. What do you think about this plan?).

    Then he gets shot on the shoulder, probably mixes walker blood with his blood, and then decides to leave Sarah and Luke to go find help. Did he do this knowing he'd turn? Did he go figuring he had enough time to do something right?

    Hell it would've been better to see a small portion of that Walker Group at the door feasting on him, saying he fought them off so Luke could save Sarah.

    And guess what. Sarah lives and is taken with you? She falls, dies, and everyone doesn't even look back and goes to stare at the baby. Nick? Just a brief, sorry. Sarita? You were interesting and I had hoped you would've outlived Kenny, but favoritism rules the day. Carlos? No one even batted an eye except Sarah. Alvin? Carver showed him more attention than half of his group did.

    I hope in Episode 5 we take a moment. A pause in the action, the eye of the storm. And we just take one long painful moment to look back and actually give a moment to the dead. To give a damn. Because if we don't, it's just over.

    Also final comment. As much as I love Luke and Kenny, did you really have to wait until the finale to hold onto your big punches Telltale? Offing Kenny or Luke in Episode 4 would've been the most unexpected happily received twist anyone could hope for. Now Episodes 2-5 are going to be a pissing match between the two until the inevitable death catches up to one, or both of them.

  • he was going to die anyway but I agree his death could have been handled better much better

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2014

    How do you think it could have been handled? I think either we find him in the same spot dying and actually being able to talk, or when we escape the mobile home, Nick can't make it out.

    Journey95 posted: »

    he was going to die anyway but I agree his death could have been handled better much better

  • I think Robert Kirkman put it best; not everyone gets to go out like a hero.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2014

    Double post

    Journey95 posted: »

    he was going to die anyway but I agree his death could have been handled better much better

  • Operation #SaveNick has failed

    May his breadloaf head rest in pieces...


  • The key's behind the counter. Probably.

    TheCygi posted: »

    but i went before we left....

  • I wonder how BenUseful is going to take it. :'(

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Operation #SaveNick has failed May his breadloaf head rest in pieces... ;-;

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    We'll find out in two weeks, I might have taken it the hardest, but who knows what BenUseful will do? And we're filling his feed with spoilers.

    I wonder how BenUseful is going to take it.

  • Yeah, but I can't imagine anyone coming back after an episode has been released and saying 'Welp, better check the forums.'

    dojo32161 posted: »

    We'll find out in two weeks, I might have taken it the hardest, but who knows what BenUseful will do? And we're filling his feed with spoilers.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Good point.

    Yeah, but I can't imagine anyone coming back after an episode has been released and saying 'Welp, better check the forums.'

  • Annnnndddd Hes dead.

  • Well it looks like this certainly hasn't helped him out...

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    I managed to record a LP with facecam... As soon as I found him, I had to stop recording... Cried too much...

    Ribs in peas.

    You will forever live on in our hearts.

    Nick Randall.

  • lol. This is awkward.

  • edited July 2014

    Telltale:Hey you guys wanna see Nick without his hat?!

    Fandom:Yes please!

    Telltale: :)

  • But this was a fucking joke, he didn't even get a line, unless "ARGH!" after getting shot is a line >.>

    Piggs posted: »

    I think Robert Kirkman put it best; not everyone gets to go out like a hero.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    He's actually not even credited in the credits, so I'd guess it doesn't count.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But this was a fucking joke, he didn't even get a line, unless "ARGH!" after getting shot is a line >.>

  • This is just hilarious -_-

    dojo32161 posted: »

    He's actually not even credited in the credits, so I'd guess it doesn't count.

  • That's sad. His last line of the entire series is a grunt.

    A GRUNT.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But this was a fucking joke, he didn't even get a line, unless "ARGH!" after getting shot is a line >.>

  • Fandom - :) ... :]... :| ... :[... :´(

    KSGoT posted: »

    Telltale:Hey you guys wanna see Nick without his hat?! Fandom:Yes please! Telltale:

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Now that I'm thinking about it, remember that thread about Clementine and Kenny having hatless models but Nick didn't have one? Now look where we are.

    KSGoT posted: »

    Telltale:Hey you guys wanna see Nick without his hat?! Fandom:Yes please! Telltale:

  • Reading this thread again after playing Episode 4 makes me sad.

  • I have never cried before in The Walking Dead...

    Now I have...

  • His hair is fuckin' amazing, I need that haircut right now.

    KSGoT posted: »

    Telltale:Hey you guys wanna see Nick without his hat?! Fandom:Yes please! Telltale:

  • Alt text

    I just wished we got to speak with him before he died. ;~;

  • Fandom:

    Alt text

    Pride posted: »

    Fandom - ... :]... ... :[... :´(

  • Me too! I believed he could survive... :-(

    Alt text

  • Maybe when Nick comes back... we can go back to the cabin.. where its safe. :(

  • I actually cried twice this episode. When I killed Nick as a walker, and after Sarah died. I realized I lost my two favorite characters and I emotionally broke down.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    There, there melon (why do people call you that?) he just got lucky, real lucky.

    Spooch posted: »

    I actually cried twice this episode. When I killed Nick as a walker, and after Sarah died. I realized I lost my two favorite characters and I emotionally broke down.

  • Poor guy got taken out by the ol' "shirt got trapped in the fence" misfortune. It happens to the best of us.

  • I hope so.... :(((((((
    Also thanks for your content.

    javoris767 posted: »

    Maybe when Nick comes back... we can go back to the cabin.. where its safe.

  • His death was fucking ridiculous.

    It still made me cry, though I have to admit that some of it were angry tears because just... Wtf, Telltale, wtf?

    I wish we were given the option to pick up Nick's hat and give it to Luke :( Allthough.. It looks like Luke cared more about keeping his dick wet than the death of his best friend. :/

    R.I.P. Nick, you will be missed :(

  • It hurts ='(. Anyway, they call me melon because of my picture, which is the character Trip from a free game called Facade. He would kick you out of his house if you said melon, so it kind of became a meme.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    There, there melon (why do people call you that?) he just got lucky, real lucky.

  • Lmao that's hilarious. "You told me this was regular coffee!!!"

    Pipas posted: »


  • I wish I could have left him as a walker, maybe then one day he will make his way back to the fucking river

    javoris767 posted: »

    Maybe when Nick comes back... we can go back to the cabin.. where its safe.

  • Can you really blame Luke for getting with Jane? if i was in the apocalypse, recently lost my bff for 20 years and hadn't busted a nut in god knows how long, I woulda done it too

    VanillaIce posted: »

    His death was fucking ridiculous. It still made me cry, though I have to admit that some of it were angry tears because just... Wtf, Tell


    Spooch posted: »

    I actually cried twice this episode. When I killed Nick as a walker, and after Sarah died. I realized I lost my two favorite characters and I emotionally broke down.

  • edited July 2014

    Taking Nick's hat or watch would have been a nice emotional closure to me, at least.

    But... of course Telltale overlooked it.

    Maybe bury Pete's watch along with Nick's hat... kind of meaning they'd get to rest together... I dunno...

    Sorry I couldn't keep my promise uncle Pete :[

    VanillaIce posted: »

    His death was fucking ridiculous. It still made me cry, though I have to admit that some of it were angry tears because just... Wtf, Tell

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