I got sick so I couldn't finish it. Still feel like crap. I'll show you what I did. Maybe next time I could join if there's another like this. Sorry guys.
I got sick so I couldn't finish it. Still feel like crap. I'll show you what I did. Maybe next time I could join if there's another like this. Sorry guys.
I got sick so I couldn't finish it. Still feel like crap. I'll show you what I did. Maybe next time I could join if there's another like this. Sorry guys.
I just realized that today was the 25th, and all along I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd, etc. I didn't even know that I was supposed to stop taking submissions last night,
Due to the confusion, I'll still take the submissions I received today and yesterday. The voting will begin tomorrow, Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Funny, I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd. I didn't even know today was the 25th and a day past the deadline. Sorry for the confusion, but due to this, voting will start tomorrow!
I just realized that today was the 25th, and all along I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd, etc. I didn't even k… morenow that I was supposed to stop taking submissions last night,
Due to the confusion, I'll still take the submissions I received today and yesterday. The voting will begin tomorrow, Sorry for the misunderstanding!
I just realized that today was the 25th, and all along I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd, etc. I didn't even k… morenow that I was supposed to stop taking submissions last night,
Due to the confusion, I'll still take the submissions I received today and yesterday. The voting will begin tomorrow, Sorry for the misunderstanding!
I just realized that today was the 25th, and all along I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd, etc. I didn't even k… morenow that I was supposed to stop taking submissions last night,
Due to the confusion, I'll still take the submissions I received today and yesterday. The voting will begin tomorrow, Sorry for the misunderstanding!
I just realized that today was the 25th, and all along I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd, etc. I didn't even k… morenow that I was supposed to stop taking submissions last night,
Due to the confusion, I'll still take the submissions I received today and yesterday. The voting will begin tomorrow, Sorry for the misunderstanding!
I apologize if I missed anyone, it's hard to keep track of this kind of stuff. If I missed your artwork, tell me and send me another PM, but I'm sure I got all of them.
I forgot to say this yesterday, but I have moved up the deadline by one day.
I haven't drawn anything since I was 10. This'll be interesting.
Just wondering, did you recieve my message?
I got sick so I couldn't finish it. Still feel like crap. I'll show you what I did. Maybe next time I could join if there's another like this. Sorry guys.
Brent Rambo and ClementineCultist approve.
Damn you! great fucking art, shame that it won't be submitted ;~;
I might be mistaken, but didn't we hit the deadline a couple of hours ago?
Why is this dead?!
People have been mainly focused on episode 4 for the past couple of days, I guess.
Nope, the deadline is tomorrow night, for me at least. The voting will start in 2 days, the 25th.
Yes, I did.
Damn... I was looking forward to this.
Did you get my pm?
Yes, but I can't see the picture.
Hey Shale, got my PM?
I'm not gonna be able to finish my drawing in time
although it probably won't be as good as the others.
Oh shieeet so what do i do?i'll try to upload it agian
I just realized that today was the 25th, and all along I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd, etc. I didn't even know that I was supposed to stop taking submissions last night,
Due to the confusion, I'll still take the submissions I received today and yesterday. The voting will begin tomorrow, Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Funny, I thought today was the 24th and yesterday was the 23rd. I didn't even know today was the 25th and a day past the deadline. Sorry for the confusion, but due to this, voting will start tomorrow!
I was so confused!
Alright, thanks for clearing that up bro!
It's cool! Thanks for explaining! :P
Ignore this comment.
Alright guys, the entries are up! Vote here!
I apologize if I missed anyone, it's hard to keep track of this kind of stuff. If I missed your artwork, tell me and send me another PM, but I'm sure I got all of them.
I know who did #9.
Did anybody even look at 10?
8... was a freaking joke >_> There's no way ANYONE could be serious about that!
I knew I couldn't win anyway, so ha, it was fun.
Me too! xD
Wow, 43 votes already?! I didn't expect this much this quick! You guys are awesome! Thanks for the support!
I just looked at the votes...there is no chance im gonna win
There's a chance!
As great as #9 is, I gotta vote for #7.
Feels overpowered me.
EDIT: Double post.
Never give up!