Both kind of annoyed me in this episode but Kenny I understand why he lashed out at Clementine afterall he was grief stricken and just saw a… morenother person he loved die. So ya im firmly with Kenny ive known him longer and he actually thinks about the group and helps while Luke goes to hump Jane.
I have to side with Luke more than I do Kenny. I do so because I'm worried about Kenny's strength mentally and what he'd be capable of if someone in the group crossed him. After losing Sarita, he is barely keeping it together and I noticed he is getting 'really' protective of that baby [wanting to keep holding it all the time when Rebecca wants to] It's for that I'm questioning how Kenny would be if that baby died, or somebody tried to take it away from him thinking he wasn't fit enough to be taking care of it. And with the way he snapped at Clementine too [again this is optional, but this is something that happened when I didn't pick silence] Kenny scared me that I was scared he'd hurt Clementine, and I've never felt like that before.
But that didn't go into my decision to wait a few days before heading out. I just thought 'hey, there are raccoons and other animals around, maybe if they're lucky they'll find some to hunt and cook up in that time' because Rebecca looked terrible and I really thought she needed rest :S
But yeah, when I compare Luke and Kenny together, I think Luke is easier to talk sense to and less violent. Even if he's a wuss for killing people and goes off porking at bad times, you know, Clem can just stand on a chair and slap him across the face every once and while, that'll sort him out XD
Luke isn't perfect, but he appears to be a good guy and an actual friend. Kenny is a selfish asshole who berates anyone who doesn't go with everything he says.
I'm pretty sure I would side with Luke. Kenny is just too unpredictable and even though I know that Luke isn't always 100% reliable, I'd still rather go with him.
Actually, Luke ran off to care for Sarah. All in all, Luke tries to do what is right, just like Kenny. But both have fucked up. People always judge people on what they mess up on that they never bother to look on the positive sides. I see the positive sides of both Luke and Kenny, but so far, Luke has shown far more loyalty than Kenny, Kenny has the knack for brushing others aside for his own goal, a la Lilly, Rebecca, and he is also irrational as hell. If he was leader and I decided to follow his will everytime in real life, I would be walking dead in two days.
I don't think it's fair to blame Kenny for leaving Clem behind in the herd. Considering what happened with Sarita, Kenny had every right to … morefreak out and lose his cool. And, by the way, where was Luke during all of that? Oh, that's right, he ran off and left Clem behind too...
As for Rebecca, I don't think Kenny voted to have her on her feet without remorse and I don't think it's fair to say that he doesn't care for her. He responds to Luke's objections by talking about how it's not warm there and there's no food, explaining that the group needs to get moving immediately because Rebecca needs food and warm shelter. Seems like his intentions were good, even if it pushed Rebecca too hard.
As you ultimately see (if you make both choices), waiting a few days is no better for Rebecca than leaving immediately (except Luke gets annoyed at Clem for backing Kenny). Kenny might be hot-headed, but most of the decisions and choices he makes are bas… [view original content]
I'm siding with Kenny, I didn't see anything he did wrong this season . Carver deserved it and he looked at Rebecca and wanted to hold the baby (most of us now know why i hope) plus kenny and clem have a history together.
Luke is a good guy but personally I don't have a bond with him, so Kenny it is...
I like them both equally. Sometimes I agree and side with Kenny, other times I agree and side with Luke. It mostly just depends on the situation, really.
I think that I may be safer with Luke, he seems to be more stable, but on the other hand it's hard for me to let go of Kenny and... Ugh, I just don't know. Fuck.
Watch Kenny's "death" scene in season one. See all those walkers? Tell me he isn't Superman.
And Kenny picking the baby over Clementine is a bad thing because the baby won't be useful until it's older, and honestly, what are the odds of it surviving for the next 7-9 years?
A safe place for the baby would be a safe place for Rebecca too. The group had no food, no shelter, and it was beginning to snow out just af… moreter Rebecca gave birth. She was clearly not doing well, yes, but waiting around for a few days doesn't improve the situation any when it just means that everyone gets hungrier and colder. If you decide to wait a few days it turns out that Rebecca is actually doing WORSE on the trip and ends up dying anyway. On the trip when Rebecca was dying, she fell and nearly dropped her baby on the ground. She could barely stand, let alone carry her own child. The kid needed to get handed off to someone else and Kenny volunteered. When Kenny shot Rebecca she was a walker, of course he had no remorse. She was dead and about to eat her own baby. Hell, I shot Rebecca without any remorse.
Tell me why Kenny saving the baby over Clem is a bad thing. Especially when he's holding said baby. Do you really expect Kenny to fi… [view original content]
Oh my bad about Luke. It was all so hectic, was hard for me to catch wth was going on. You are right that both have good qualities and both are flawed. I am just biased toward Kenny and Luke's writing has been all over the place (and the sleeping with Jane thing was a huge letdown). Like, I expect Kenny to brush people aside/etc, but I wasn't expecting Luke to be so irresponsible (and then not be man enough to admit he made a mistake). All in all, I actually think both are good people, but I would prefer Kenny over Luke because I think Kenny's problems mostly come from him trying to care for other people (while a lot of Luke's issues stem from his choice to satiate his own desires). ANyway, ty for the back and forth. I don't mean to trash Luke so much, I just can't deny the godly stache and epic beard that Kenny's sporting
Actually, Luke ran off to care for Sarah. All in all, Luke tries to do what is right, just like Kenny. But both have fucked up. People alway… mores judge people on what they mess up on that they never bother to look on the positive sides. I see the positive sides of both Luke and Kenny, but so far, Luke has shown far more loyalty than Kenny, Kenny has the knack for brushing others aside for his own goal, a la Lilly, Rebecca, and he is also irrational as hell. If he was leader and I decided to follow his will everytime in real life, I would be walking dead in two days.
Kenny is loyal? In my experience the loyalty of Kenny is more akin to "I'll tolerate you if you align with my wishes". He sure as heck wasn't loyal at the end of my season 1 (partly because I had deliberately been pissing him off, on account of him being a jerk of hyperdimensional proportions).
I'm guessing what this really shows us, is that Kenny is either a really well written character, or an exceedingly poorly written one. I'm going to just go with well written.
Yes! Kenny forever. He may be capricious, stubborn, and prone to anger, but he's focused on whatever he sets his mind to (boat?) and above a… morell else, loyal. He knows how to be a father and a leader. Luke is a good, faithful guy, but he's a bit of a flake- younger and more inexperienced, prone to... distractions, cough cough, sex while on guard duty, and though he professes and shows a great love for "the group", he sometimes seems to "always keep moving" a bit too fast, quickly dismissing friends and companions once they lose their usefulness or die (two words of mourning for his lifelong best friend puts me off).
As Flog points out above, Kenny did really well caring for Clem when he abandoned her with a herd.
"It's your fault because Sarita got bit and you had the audacity to try and save her. So now you can deal with this yourself, I'll go mope".
Seems a tad worse - at least to me - than "Hey I came to check up on you. If you're done here I think someone else could use your help. Why hello Jane - no that isn't a roll of quarters in my pocket"
Oh he really did well caring for clems well being while he was getting laid by jane, not saying kenny is a saint but he has done way better at caring for clem than luke has ever done.
Yeah that was before the baby was even born, I don't think he would have just let him kill her. It was after the baby was born that he said to Luke that this baby is what is important now.
Kenny for sure.
Luke is incredibly unreliable. Kenny may have bouts of depression and anger, but at least they're predictable. They alway… mores have obvious reasons behind them: getting beaten by Carver, losing Sarita... etc.
And when it comes down to it, Kenny has actually proven himself for Clem. He was beaten almost to death for Clem.
When has Luke ever shown that he would be there for Clem in a case like that? When has Luke ever shown that he would protect her, not from the dead, but from the far worse threat of the living? When has he ever shown that he would die for her?
Yeah, he saved her from the walkers in episode 1, and that was good, but he gave up on helping her when it got hard because Rebecca, Nick, and Carlos were against it. Yeah, he traveled from the ski lodge to Carver's camp to find her, and I'm sure that was exhausting, but he did that for everyone, not just her. And was that trip really any more life threatening th… [view original content]
Kenny is loyal? In my experience the loyalty of Kenny is more akin to "I'll tolerate you if you align with my wishes". He sure as heck wasn'… moret loyal at the end of my season 1 (partly because I had deliberately been pissing him off, on account of him being a jerk of hyperdimensional proportions).
I'm guessing what this really shows us, is that Kenny is either a really well written character, or an exceedingly poorly written one. I'm going to just go with well written.
Luke. There's really no doubt in my mind that I'd go with Luke.
Kenny is just way way way too erratic for me. I redid parts of episode 4, because I accidentally picked something where I supported Kenny or in some way expressed trust in him; if the option I selected was something like "I think we should do X" and then Clementine actually says "Kenny is right, we should do X" - I'll redo the section and choose differently. If Kenny thinks it's a good idea, it's bound to be a horrible idea.
I've been trying my best to get Kenny killed since season 1 - can't pinpoint the exact moment - but damn it if it hasn't worked yet.
Luke is young, foolhardy, and sometimes stupid. But he's also sympathetic, loyal, and has something resembling a conscience. He asks about how people are doing, he runs to take care of Sarah, he sneaks in to Carver's compound to attempt to help.
Kenny on the other hand is old, foolhardy, and always an idiot. He's stubborn, quick to anger, doesn't suffer criticism well, overly emotional, has an incredible ability to shift the blame, and is just generally not someone I want to hang around. I'm trying to think of something positive about Kenny... Guess I'll go with decent at fighting walkers.
Finally - I guess I should recognize that the wide range of emotions that Kenny can produce must be seen as a testament to some decent writing, and some actually changing gameplay - even amidst accusations of choices not mattering at all. I see people who are die hard Kenny fans, and I haven't got a clue what you guys are thinking, but I assume it's because you simply had a different experience than me.
I'm on good old Kenny's side. I always liked him as a character. He has his flaws but all the best characters do and let's be honest the guy literally went through hell and still despite the anger and sadness inside him he still goes on and finds reasons to fight. Luke is cool too but he is just complaining too much and definitely has something against Kenny and what I really really don't like is that he tries to turn Clementine against him for whatever goddamn reason. While Kenny was helping the group Luke was screwing Jane. And a lot of people seem to forget that Kenny took a huge risk and lost his eye protecting Clementine in episode 3 by taking the walkie talkie and giving it to Carver. Let's be honest Luke wouldn't do that. So yeah... Kenny all the way.
You want to think about something positive about Kenny? How about he probably saved Clementines life in episode 3? Or at least he kept her from getting beaten brutally by Carver...
Luke. There's really no doubt in my mind that I'd go with Luke.
Kenny is just way way way too erratic for me. I redid parts of episode 4,… more because I accidentally picked something where I supported Kenny or in some way expressed trust in him; if the option I selected was something like "I think we should do X" and then Clementine actually says "Kenny is right, we should do X" - I'll redo the section and choose differently. If Kenny thinks it's a good idea, it's bound to be a horrible idea.
I've been trying my best to get Kenny killed since season 1 - can't pinpoint the exact moment - but damn it if it hasn't worked yet.
Luke is young, foolhardy, and sometimes stupid. But he's also sympathetic, loyal, and has something resembling a conscience. He asks about how people are doing, he runs to take care of Sarah, he sneaks in to Carver's compound to attempt to help.
Kenny on the other hand is old, foolhardy, and always an idiot. He's stub… [view original content]
You want to think about something positive about Kenny? How about he probably saved Clementines life in episode 3? Or at least he kept her from getting beaten brutally by Carver...
Neither. Kenny is losing it and yelled at Clem for killing Sarita, which is unfair because no matter how much of a badass Clem is she's still a kid. Meanwhile Luke is to busy screwing Jane to do his job and secure the perimeter. Neither are role models for Clem not even close.
Definitely Luke.... after that whole little speech cursing and yelling at Clem.... I didn't really care too much for him... Luke may not be the brightest, but he always looks out for Clem.... if this baby dies... Kenny will go crazy again and not give a shit about anybody
To be honest, my Clementine has drifted apart from both of them. Luke reveals himself to be a likeable but nonetheless knucklehead and Kenny's unfair and disproportionate cattiness irks me. Clementine is already, at such a young age, much more headstrong and resourceful than the pair of them. Quite frankly I think Clementine's relationships with Bonnie, Rebecca and Sarah have been more well defined. My Clementine was eventually rendered into submission by Sarah's futility, even though she liked and did all she could to help her; Clementine and Rebecca overcame the initial hostility and shared an affectionate bond built on trust. Then there's Bonnie, who tests Clementine's trust but remains, more than anyone else in the group, the most aware that she's still only a child. Even Jane seems to do much more for Clementine's growth than the two warring egos of Kenny and Luke.
We'll, I guess it's kind of a matter of opinion, kind of, but I don't consider that nearly as life-threatening as what Kenny did for her. Kenny put himself far more directly In Harm's Way (lol). Obviously. As he ended up almost dead.
Plus, my point was kind of that Luke did that for the cabin group in general, which doesn't prove that he would do anything like that for Clem specifically. I think Luke defends people to a degree proportional to how long he's known them. Which is why he could suggest leaving Kenny behind but he never suggested leaving, say, Rebecca behind, even though that would help their escape greatly since Carver would be a whole lot less likely to chase them. I suspect Luke would even have left Clem behind if she'd been the one beaten senseless.
Besides, as I said, Luke is unbelievably unreliable. Even if he were to almost die for Clem once, I would NOT bet money on him ever doing it again. Kenny is far more consistent a character, with a boat load (lol, boat!) more follow-through. I trust him to continue putting his own life on the line for Clem (except when he's mad, and the great thing about Kenny is that you can always tell when he is/will be mad). The only thing I trust Luke to do is continue being unreliable.
"When has Luke ever shown that he would be there for Clem in a case like that? When has Luke ever shown that he would protect her..."
I'd… more say sneaking into Carver's compound and attempting stealthy shit to help Clem and the rest would at least fall into a similar category
What you said about Mike and Bonnie is pretty much why I figure they won't survive (even though I hope they do)... We all know this IP (and TTG) will ensure that none of us can have nice things (including Clem).
One thing a lot of people have forgotten about at this point, what about the possibility of Christa still being out there somewhere? I think there's a good chance that Clem and the baby will somehow be the only ones who make it to safety, and Clem will meet Christa there (and the baby Clem has will somehow replace the one Christa mysteriously lost).
Three predictions for the baby's name: Omid (seems most fitting considering the start of the season); Duck (if and when Kenny gives up his life to save the baby and Clem); or... Lee... b/c, well... obvious reasons! (T-T)/
I agree with this, but it seems even some of the adults imply Clementine is extremely smart and resourceful for her age (Lee, Kenny, Chuck, Christa, Carlos, Carver, Jane), while others have specifically asked for her help (Pete, Luke, Alvin, Rebecca, Bonnie). A third of the time, it's Clementine doing the legwork and brainwork to get things done.
To be honest, my Clementine has drifted apart from both of them. Luke reveals himself to be a likeable but nonetheless knucklehead and Kenny… more's unfair and disproportionate cattiness irks me. Clementine is already, at such a young age, much more headstrong and resourceful than the pair of them. Quite frankly I think Clementine's relationships with Bonnie, Rebecca and Sarah have been more well defined. My Clementine was eventually rendered into submission by Sarah's futility, even though she liked and did all she could to help her; Clementine and Rebecca overcame the initial hostility and shared an affectionate bond built on trust. Then there's Bonnie, who tests Clementine's trust but remains, more than anyone else in the group, the most aware that she's still only a child. Even Jane seems to do much more for Clementine's growth than the two warring egos of Kenny and Luke.
Luke has lost a lot to, he's the only one left from the cabin survivors (save for Clem) he lost his best friend nick, Pete whom he seemed to have a good close relationship with, and his parents. I'm not saying Luke's suffering is worse because it sucks for everyone to lose someone. But dispute all that Luke has seemed to keep his sanity and I think I would rather take a few bouts of stupidity before Kenny's extreme rage
Kenny for sure.
Luke is incredibly unreliable. Kenny may have bouts of depression and anger, but at least they're predictable. They alway… mores have obvious reasons behind them: getting beaten by Carver, losing Sarita... etc.
And when it comes down to it, Kenny has actually proven himself for Clem. He was beaten almost to death for Clem.
When has Luke ever shown that he would be there for Clem in a case like that? When has Luke ever shown that he would protect her, not from the dead, but from the far worse threat of the living? When has he ever shown that he would die for her?
Yeah, he saved her from the walkers in episode 1, and that was good, but he gave up on helping her when it got hard because Rebecca, Nick, and Carlos were against it. Yeah, he traveled from the ski lodge to Carver's camp to find her, and I'm sure that was exhausting, but he did that for everyone, not just her. And was that trip really any more life threatening th… [view original content]
I want a scene where Clem just breaks down and starts yelling at everyone for their faults, saying how she does all the work for them and they disappoint her and she makes all the tough choices for the group.
Its an impossible decision for me right now. I tend to agree with Kenny more on decisions such as leaving in the morning but I agree with Luke about his view on Kenny and what he did to Carver.
Both really pissed me off in this episode, but overall, I'm still going with Luke, though not with the same gusto I once would have. Kenny w… moreill always be unyielding, self-centered, hot-headed Kenny and I wasn't up for kissing his ass to stay on his good side as Lee and I'm not up for it as Clementine. He's cracking, he's obsessed with that baby to the exclusion of everyone and everything else, and I don't trust him to have my back. Someone raised a great point in the thread about whether Kenny cares about Clem anymore, paraphrasing: if it came down to it, Kenny would obviously save that baby over Clem. Luke would in all likelihood save Clem over that baby. That's about that to me.
Plus, as I mentioned in another thread on the subject, if the price of siding with Luke is dealing with occasional bouts of dumbassery or flakiness, I will gladly take it over Kenny's violence and rage. And, I would add, that even when Luke is pissed off at you, … [view original content]
I'm not complaining but im just curious. Whats with the downvotes?
Lol i read it mike is never white
cause they are stupid:')
I have to side with Luke more than I do Kenny. I do so because I'm worried about Kenny's strength mentally and what he'd be capable of if someone in the group crossed him. After losing Sarita, he is barely keeping it together and I noticed he is getting 'really' protective of that baby [wanting to keep holding it all the time when Rebecca wants to] It's for that I'm questioning how Kenny would be if that baby died, or somebody tried to take it away from him thinking he wasn't fit enough to be taking care of it. And with the way he snapped at Clementine too [again this is optional, but this is something that happened when I didn't pick silence] Kenny scared me that I was scared he'd hurt Clementine, and I've never felt like that before.
But that didn't go into my decision to wait a few days before heading out. I just thought 'hey, there are raccoons and other animals around, maybe if they're lucky they'll find some to hunt and cook up in that time' because Rebecca looked terrible and I really thought she needed rest :S
But yeah, when I compare Luke and Kenny together, I think Luke is easier to talk sense to and less violent. Even if he's a wuss for killing people and goes off porking at bad times, you know, Clem can just stand on a chair and slap him across the face every once and while, that'll sort him out XD
Luke isn't perfect, but he appears to be a good guy and an actual friend. Kenny is a selfish asshole who berates anyone who doesn't go with everything he says.
I'm pretty sure I would side with Luke. Kenny is just too unpredictable and even though I know that Luke isn't always 100% reliable, I'd still rather go with him.
...TeamBike... But between the two, I'd pick Luke cuz he's less of a loose cannon than Kenny.
Kenny. He's a loudmouth and hotheaded, but I like him. I like Luke too, but I just prefer Kenny.
Actually, Luke ran off to care for Sarah. All in all, Luke tries to do what is right, just like Kenny. But both have fucked up. People always judge people on what they mess up on that they never bother to look on the positive sides. I see the positive sides of both Luke and Kenny, but so far, Luke has shown far more loyalty than Kenny, Kenny has the knack for brushing others aside for his own goal, a la Lilly, Rebecca, and he is also irrational as hell. If he was leader and I decided to follow his will everytime in real life, I would be walking dead in two days.
I'm siding with Kenny, I didn't see anything he did wrong this season . Carver deserved it and he looked at Rebecca and wanted to hold the baby (most of us now know why i hope) plus kenny and clem have a history together.
Luke is a good guy but personally I don't have a bond with him, so Kenny it is...
I really have no fucking clue.
I like them both equally. Sometimes I agree and side with Kenny, other times I agree and side with Luke. It mostly just depends on the situation, really.
I think that I may be safer with Luke, he seems to be more stable, but on the other hand it's hard for me to let go of Kenny and... Ugh, I just don't know. Fuck.
I think I just have to decide instinctively
Watch Kenny's "death" scene in season one. See all those walkers? Tell me he isn't Superman.
And Kenny picking the baby over Clementine is a bad thing because the baby won't be useful until it's older, and honestly, what are the odds of it surviving for the next 7-9 years?
Oh my bad about Luke. It was all so hectic, was hard for me to catch wth was going on. You are right that both have good qualities and both are flawed. I am just biased toward Kenny and Luke's writing has been all over the place (and the sleeping with Jane thing was a huge letdown). Like, I expect Kenny to brush people aside/etc, but I wasn't expecting Luke to be so irresponsible (and then not be man enough to admit he made a mistake). All in all, I actually think both are good people, but I would prefer Kenny over Luke because I think Kenny's problems mostly come from him trying to care for other people (while a lot of Luke's issues stem from his choice to satiate his own desires). ANyway, ty for the back and forth. I don't mean to trash Luke so much, I just can't deny the godly stache and epic beard that Kenny's sporting
Well you're not wrong.
Kenny is loyal? In my experience the loyalty of Kenny is more akin to "I'll tolerate you if you align with my wishes". He sure as heck wasn't loyal at the end of my season 1 (partly because I had deliberately been pissing him off, on account of him being a jerk of hyperdimensional proportions).
I'm guessing what this really shows us, is that Kenny is either a really well written character, or an exceedingly poorly written one. I'm going to just go with well written.
As Flog points out above, Kenny did really well caring for Clem when he abandoned her with a herd.
"It's your fault because Sarita got bit and you had the audacity to try and save her. So now you can deal with this yourself, I'll go mope".
Seems a tad worse - at least to me - than "Hey I came to check up on you. If you're done here I think someone else could use your help. Why hello Jane - no that isn't a roll of quarters in my pocket"
And don't forget, Kenny would've had to get past the walker anyway.
"When has Luke ever shown that he would be there for Clem in a case like that? When has Luke ever shown that he would protect her..."
I'd say sneaking into Carver's compound and attempting stealthy shit to help Clem and the rest would at least fall into a similar category
Clem was his chance at having a family again but now he has the baby, which he can raise as his own.
He isn't poorly written, it's just his personality. He is also impulsive.
Luke. There's really no doubt in my mind that I'd go with Luke.
Kenny is just way way way too erratic for me. I redid parts of episode 4, because I accidentally picked something where I supported Kenny or in some way expressed trust in him; if the option I selected was something like "I think we should do X" and then Clementine actually says "Kenny is right, we should do X" - I'll redo the section and choose differently. If Kenny thinks it's a good idea, it's bound to be a horrible idea.
I've been trying my best to get Kenny killed since season 1 - can't pinpoint the exact moment - but damn it if it hasn't worked yet.
Luke is young, foolhardy, and sometimes stupid. But he's also sympathetic, loyal, and has something resembling a conscience. He asks about how people are doing, he runs to take care of Sarah, he sneaks in to Carver's compound to attempt to help.
Kenny on the other hand is old, foolhardy, and always an idiot. He's stubborn, quick to anger, doesn't suffer criticism well, overly emotional, has an incredible ability to shift the blame, and is just generally not someone I want to hang around. I'm trying to think of something positive about Kenny... Guess I'll go with decent at fighting walkers.
Finally - I guess I should recognize that the wide range of emotions that Kenny can produce must be seen as a testament to some decent writing, and some actually changing gameplay - even amidst accusations of choices not mattering at all. I see people who are die hard Kenny fans, and I haven't got a clue what you guys are thinking, but I assume it's because you simply had a different experience than me.
I'm on good old Kenny's side. I always liked him as a character. He has his flaws but all the best characters do and let's be honest the guy literally went through hell and still despite the anger and sadness inside him he still goes on and finds reasons to fight. Luke is cool too but he is just complaining too much and definitely has something against Kenny and what I really really don't like is that he tries to turn Clementine against him for whatever goddamn reason. While Kenny was helping the group Luke was screwing Jane. And a lot of people seem to forget that Kenny took a huge risk and lost his eye protecting Clementine in episode 3 by taking the walkie talkie and giving it to Carver. Let's be honest Luke wouldn't do that. So yeah... Kenny all the way.
Indeed. Hence my conclusion that it's probably well written
You want to think about something positive about Kenny? How about he probably saved Clementines life in episode 3? Or at least he kept her from getting beaten brutally by Carver...
That's one point for Kenny. And I almost feel bad for hoping Kenny would die from his wounds now o.0
Neither. Kenny is losing it and yelled at Clem for killing Sarita, which is unfair because no matter how much of a badass Clem is she's still a kid. Meanwhile Luke is to busy screwing Jane to do his job and secure the perimeter. Neither are role models for Clem not even close.
Definitely Luke.... after that whole little speech cursing and yelling at Clem.... I didn't really care too much for him... Luke may not be the brightest, but he always looks out for Clem.... if this baby dies... Kenny will go crazy again and not give a shit about anybody
To be honest, my Clementine has drifted apart from both of them. Luke reveals himself to be a likeable but nonetheless knucklehead and Kenny's unfair and disproportionate cattiness irks me. Clementine is already, at such a young age, much more headstrong and resourceful than the pair of them. Quite frankly I think Clementine's relationships with Bonnie, Rebecca and Sarah have been more well defined. My Clementine was eventually rendered into submission by Sarah's futility, even though she liked and did all she could to help her; Clementine and Rebecca overcame the initial hostility and shared an affectionate bond built on trust. Then there's Bonnie, who tests Clementine's trust but remains, more than anyone else in the group, the most aware that she's still only a child. Even Jane seems to do much more for Clementine's growth than the two warring egos of Kenny and Luke.
We'll, I guess it's kind of a matter of opinion, kind of, but I don't consider that nearly as life-threatening as what Kenny did for her. Kenny put himself far more directly In Harm's Way (lol). Obviously. As he ended up almost dead.
Plus, my point was kind of that Luke did that for the cabin group in general, which doesn't prove that he would do anything like that for Clem specifically. I think Luke defends people to a degree proportional to how long he's known them. Which is why he could suggest leaving Kenny behind but he never suggested leaving, say, Rebecca behind, even though that would help their escape greatly since Carver would be a whole lot less likely to chase them. I suspect Luke would even have left Clem behind if she'd been the one beaten senseless.
Besides, as I said, Luke is unbelievably unreliable. Even if he were to almost die for Clem once, I would NOT bet money on him ever doing it again. Kenny is far more consistent a character, with a boat load (lol, boat!) more follow-through. I trust him to continue putting his own life on the line for Clem (except when he's mad, and the great thing about Kenny is that you can always tell when he is/will be mad). The only thing I trust Luke to do is continue being unreliable.
What you said about Mike and Bonnie is pretty much why I figure they won't survive (even though I hope they do)... We all know this IP (and TTG) will ensure that none of us can have nice things (including Clem).
One thing a lot of people have forgotten about at this point, what about the possibility of Christa still being out there somewhere? I think there's a good chance that Clem and the baby will somehow be the only ones who make it to safety, and Clem will meet Christa there (and the baby Clem has will somehow replace the one Christa mysteriously lost).
Three predictions for the baby's name: Omid (seems most fitting considering the start of the season); Duck (if and when Kenny gives up his life to save the baby and Clem); or... Lee... b/c, well... obvious reasons! (T-T)/
Team Mike.
But if it's just Kenny and Luke in the group, i'd pick Kenny.
I agree with this, but it seems even some of the adults imply Clementine is extremely smart and resourceful for her age (Lee, Kenny, Chuck, Christa, Carlos, Carver, Jane), while others have specifically asked for her help (Pete, Luke, Alvin, Rebecca, Bonnie). A third of the time, it's Clementine doing the legwork and brainwork to get things done.
Luke has lost a lot to, he's the only one left from the cabin survivors (save for Clem) he lost his best friend nick, Pete whom he seemed to have a good close relationship with, and his parents. I'm not saying Luke's suffering is worse because it sucks for everyone to lose someone. But dispute all that Luke has seemed to keep his sanity and I think I would rather take a few bouts of stupidity before Kenny's extreme rage
I feel neutral is always the best route
I want a scene where Clem just breaks down and starts yelling at everyone for their faults, saying how she does all the work for them and they disappoint her and she makes all the tough choices for the group.
Carver deserved his death 100%
I was with kenny till just now because as you said kenny to be on his good side you needed to be his bitch and his loosing it
That was before serita
But again this was before when he still had a family not a dead family when he began to brake