No Clementine in S3 Would be an Absolute Disaster



  • edited August 2014

    I like clems character but personally i think she was a poor choice to have as the playable character. Season 2 isn't as good as the first one and i think it has to do with how little the main character of the game can actually do.

    I literally cringe in every scene where there's some action, i mean putting up a little girl to fight against a group of 45-50 yo's with guns or a horde zombies is painful to watch/play through, this applies to a few other ingame dynamics such as having little to no say in the group, yeah there where some moments where the group asked clem how she wanted to do things, what she thought about X person or how she wanted to approach X scenario but come on it was weird as fuck seeing a group of adults relying on a kid to make a choice that could literally KILL everyone.

    Eitherway so while i wouldn't want clem to die, i wouldn't say i'd want her back as THE main character of the game in season 3 (maybe some similar role as to what she had in season one or a secondary character but yeah that's that). Time to move on buddies.

  • "No Clementine in S3 Would be an Absolute Disaster"

    No, because you can make a great TWD game without Clem, several characters from 400 days could easily have an entire season concentrated around them, I'd pay money to play a TWD season with Vince or Russell as the protagonist. That said, if season 3 continues as Celms story its great too.

  • The options are Clem in season 3, kill her off or just forget about her altogether.

    You kill her off, its just going to feel like the same trick they pulled in season 1, just this time, as its already been done, its going to feel like a cheap cop out ending to a character that has gone through so much development. Kill her off then what? Get rid of all the characters from season 1 and 2? Just forget about them or kill them all off too? That's going to feel like one of those shit endings, everyone dies or gets forgotten about. BUT, HEY, they're making a season 3 with a complete new cast.

    To me, that would feel unfinished to the characters that they've spend ages on developing and creating. Lets just scrap all that and pretty much start again. It wont even feel part of the series. It'll feel disconnected from the previous two episodes and have a game like this is meant so we can play in episode order and follow a story. Scrap all the characters and get rid of Clem, wont feel part of the previous stories. But a blunt ending like that, to start over? Wont feel right and it wont flow.

    How would you feel, if in the TV show of the walking dead, that this new season, Rick dies, everyone else either dies or is forgotten about. Their endings aren't finished. They just start from scratch again for series 5 with a complete new set or characters and stories. No closure for most characters, the main characters is killed off along with various other characters. Just bluntly ended. It wont feel like part of the series, we've gotten to know and care about some characters and that's how it is in the game.

  • edited August 2014

    Isnt there a spinoff going to happen for the tv series, a season 3 without Clem doesnt mean everyone has to die.

    The options are Clem in season 3, kill her off or just forget about her altogether. You kill her off, its just going to feel like the sam

  • I don't if there is one for the TV show.

    But that's what people are saying, they don't want to play Clem, they want a full set of new characters. They want Clem and co. To be none existent anymore.

    Isnt there a spinoff going to happen for the tv series, a season 3 without Clem doesnt mean everyone has to die.

  • Because they have an opinion?

    Then stop playing the game.

  • edited August 2014

    they've even hinted at, is 'Family'.

    That kind of goes into the first set of themes. My thesis though, is that there is little incentive for players to choose the "moral" side in this story.

    Maybe trust too, but that's a stretch.

    Did you watch the interviews from before All That Remains released? They mentioned trust as a major theme, but seems to have been abandoned by now. :/

    Myusha posted: »

    Sorry on misinformation then. I'm more optimistic since Nick is coming back to finish the last episode. Don't like the newer writers. Especi

  • What the hell is with this "opinion" B.S.? It has nothing to do with opinions. I'm just informing him about a perfectly viable alternative if he finds playing Clem such a headache.

    Because they have an opinion?

  • edited August 2014

    I would like to see Clementine older and cuter in season three, partly because I like her, cleverly designed and cleverly managed. Such designs deserve more!

  • Thirteen IS actually teenager: thirTEEN. But aren't the comics non-canon?

    Healoz posted: »

    Really? That sucks... Can't they find a way around that?

  • I love Clem she has come a long way since season 1. I mean I wouldn't mind playing as someone else in season 3 and seeing someone elses story but I don't see telltale doing that and on top of that it would mean that it was a waste of 2 seasons of building Clem up for the future... But we'll get a much more clearer picture of what's to come for season 3 after Episode is all set and done.

  • Spiderman is awlays Spiderman beating bad guys, villans and stuff... no younger, no older... Clementine has a variety of chalenges trough her life;

    -Learned various things from lee depending on your choices

    -Learned how to live all alone in the world

    -Socialized with new people

    -Tried to keep promises of procteting someone

    -Learned a few "Tricks" to survive with Jane

    -Will (probably) protect the baby (alone?) on the future (season 3?)

    ...and all that with walkers, roamers, creeps, lurkers and even bandits... Replacing her would be just... Re-writting a "whole" new story... And... Have you seen the new Spider-Man movie? (he looks like a friggi'n one direction member!) The old ones are better, aren't they?

    ViralType posted: »

    I'm sure that rule is set into stone and followed like the 10 commandments (oh wait...).

  • Then don't play if you don't like it...

    I don't care if she lives or not, I just don't wanna play as Clementine any longer.

  • Of that IS the case we would need to play with so eone witha an undefined personality... And that leave us... With the baby...

    SonEdo posted: »

    Don't be dramatic. At worst she'll probably won't be the playable protagonist but probably a sub character.

  • In the picture? NoNoNoNo! She's ALWAYS adorable, even when she's sassy!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    #BringClementineBack (is it just me? or does Clem look incredibly adorable in the picture?)

  • I could see her being separated from the group while you play someone else for a while. Before S3 is over you're reunited with her, or she returns in S4, and is older, and grown up a lot more....

  • I agree. Lee taught her how to survive in season 1, and other people taught her some survival skills. Jane taught her survival skills in EPISODE 4, so if they kill her, what's the meaning with this? We only get to use the skills in episode 4 & 5. I HOPE we will get to play as Clem in season 3. I will hate TTG if they kill of my favorite characters of all games i've ever played.

    And is Season 3 confirmed, i really want to know.

    We are going to be Clem next season. It wouldn't make sense to be anyone else. We have the story. Why change it? Bringing in a new group of

  • I know I wouldn't buy it if Clementine wasn't in Season Three. And there are plenty others I know who feel the same way. Take note telltale. No Clementine, no buy.


  • Clem has to be in season three otherwise the series would just loose all cohesion.

    If Clem did leave the series she'd have to fall from a cliff into rapids or something so that she could re-appear further on.

    Clem has to make it to adulthood and hopefully Kenny will die as an old man.

    How weird would it be if Clem died at the end of season two and passed the torch to Kenny.

  • I think season 3 would be good without Clem, but so much better with her.

  • I would be okay with them killing off Clementine, she had 2 seasons about her. That is like twenty hours worth of story focused on one character. I think its time to move on with the story line. Personally i'm tired of it, i don't want to play another season of Clementine for many reasons stated in previous threads. I don't think she is a realistic protagonist, and her unemotional character just ruins any feels Season 2 may of had.

    The only thing keeping Season 2 alive is Kenny.

  • It would be pointless to give us more survival knowledge for two episodes. Lee did it in season 1, and that's why it made all the sense in the world to play as Clem in season 2. Why have this much character development and knowledge and kill her off? It'll be like season 1, pulling the same trick. I was mortified when Lee got bit, but I probably wont feel much if they kill Clem, other than being annoying, for pulling the same trick twice. Clem has tons of potential left. Some people don't see it because they wont want to play a litter girl any more. They want to play another Lee.

    Emyl19 posted: »

    I agree. Lee taught her how to survive in season 1, and other people taught her some survival skills. Jane taught her survival skills in EPI

  • You dislike Clem cause she has super passionate fans? Makes sense. xD Though that's probably the same reason why alot of people dislike pewdiepie (I know there's other reasons why, no need to point them out to me :P)

    CREDIT goes to Gratefully Dead "This is just sad. Just like nobody would buy season 2 if Lee died? I'm sure everyone will do the same if

  • I'll buy season 3 with or whitout clementine... i love the game and his history.

  • TWD game is pretty much about Clementine. She doesn't have to be in the title to know that it's pretty much centred around her character.

    ViralType posted: »

    That's the beauty of having a child protagonist, it can last almost forever. That's the beauty in milking a franchise, it'll be dead

  • But if they put Clem in the game she'd probably have to be with you every step in the game. And what's the point of that? You might as well play as her. And if they only put her in one episode or something of the sort, I'd feel pretty annoyed that they wasted her character like that.

    SonEdo posted: »

    Don't be dramatic. At worst she'll probably won't be the playable protagonist but probably a sub character.

  • I think I've worked out that from this thread, everything will be a massive disaster if they kill Clem off.

  • My point was that Spider-Man is about Spider-Man as the title suggests, whereas The Walking Dead isn't about Clementine or Rick.

    Also Spider-Man has aged from 18 to 29. Hell, he was head of some laboratory or something. Then Doc Ock took over his brain and made Parker Industries, now Spider-Man 2099 is back...

    The old ones are better in terms of knowing who their target audience was (god that romance story with Gwen Stacy is such horeshit).

    Palcto! posted: »

    Spiderman is awlays Spiderman beating bad guys, villans and stuff... no younger, no older... Clementine has a variety of chalenges trough he

  • edited August 2014

    See, I hate that line of reasoning because it limits everything to and around Clementine. What's happening in Hawaii? Who cares, Clementine isn't going there, so neither is the story. What's it like in Mexico with the drug cartels and the heat? Who gives a fuck, because Clem ain't there.

    This is why Crossed is superior to The Walking Dead: every new story arc is about a different set of characters and it's well written (except the last one, Thin Red Line is complete crap and the latest one is boring as shit) because the writers get to play around with compositions. They have no arbitrary limit of ''IT MUST STAR THIS CHARACTER BECAUSE THEY ARE THE COMIC/GAME/TV SERIES''. The only thing that comes close to having a continuous main character is Wish You Were Here, where it follows one character throughout, but even that story is drawing to a close in the following weeks.

    Healoz posted: »

    TWD game is pretty much about Clementine. She doesn't have to be in the title to know that it's pretty much centred around her character.

  • Sorry, useless characters are annoying.


  • It's pointless if they just kill her off. I only want to play as Clem in season 3, she's the only one i can see as the protagonist. It has to be Clem, because she's the one we defended and kept safe in season 1, and then we play as her in season 2. I don't really see the point in making her the protagonist in only season 2 if they make a season 3 without her. And making a person we don't know the protagonist wouldn't be good if you ask me. I think it has to be someone who has been with us since the first episode, and that leave us with Clem and Kenny, but Kenny seems broken, and i think he will die in episode 5, so that leaves Clem. (If she survives, which i SURE HOPE SO!)

    It would be pointless to give us more survival knowledge for two episodes. Lee did it in season 1, and that's why it made all the sense in t

  • I dislike putting a child in like those games.Children will have more attraction thus more fake fans.Clem is good but having an adult or even a teenager could make the whole game easier.People can easily arrest Clem or beat her or LOCK HER IN A SHED,and can be easily killed by anything,because she's a child.Whatever storyline they're making,they should make Clem adult-or teenager.

  • Yes.Most players hate Kenny.But Kenny is a perfect character,who's trying to save Clem.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I would be okay with them killing off Clementine, she had 2 seasons about her. That is like twenty hours worth of story focused on one chara

  • edited August 2014

    It also makes the most sense to play as Clem I'm season 3. Where would the story go if she dies or is never seen again? It'll feel like a cheap trick to kill her off. Its not going to have the same emotions as when lee died because they've already done it. I would only feel annoyed and cheated, I would of felt annoyed with season 2 if Clem wasn't in it and if we didn't play as her. It wouldn't have felt right to play as anyone else in season 2. We kept her alive for so long and gave her new skills, it would of been a waste to not continue as her, and its going to feel like a waste if we still don't continue. She has shit loads of potential left, She's still a child, there's so much room to grow.

    I wouldn't mind a spin off series or an extra episode like 400 days to play other people, but not the main game and story. Maybe a spin off to see what's happening around the world, or an extra episode. Just not the main game.

    If she dies next episode I'll be pissed because it'll feel unfinished. We've had this much time with her, this much character development and even gotten to know new characters and learn new skills this season that it'll be pointless and stupid to throw it all away. And honestly, I can't see Kenny dying, they've brought him back, so I don't think he'll die next episode. I know we are going to lose people, send possibly a lot of them, but for some reason, I can't see Kenny dying, or bonnie or mike, or Luke... well that's what I hope. Mike is a character that you just love, I swear if they kill him and bonnie I am going to throw my PS3 controller at the writers head!

    Emyl19 posted: »

    It's pointless if they just kill her off. I only want to play as Clem in season 3, she's the only one i can see as the protagonist. It has t

  • It would lose cohesion only if they didn't fill the void she left. Right now so many people hate Kenny. If in the next season he's super nice to Clem, and saves her repeatedly he will be a fan favorite. The writers can make all kinds of changes to make you love, or hate people in the game.

    ChrisKN posted: »

    Clem has to be in season three otherwise the series would just loose all cohesion. If Clem did leave the series she'd have to fall from a

  • Yea, i agree. The main game story has to be with Clem. A dlc like 400 days (Not exactly one like 400 days) would also be great, so we could play as other characters. We've teached this little girl so much, and if they kill her off, i will be so sad and angry, because she's the only character i really care about. Most of the persons in the group who is in the gunfight, i don't want to die is Clem, Kenny & Mike, i'd like Bonnie to stay alive too, i don't know about Luke. The baby is near 100% sure. And i would probably also destroy my PC-mouse if they kill Clem off. Cmon Telltale, pls more Clem!

    It also makes the most sense to play as Clem I'm season 3. Where would the story go if she dies or is never seen again? It'll feel like a ch

  • Fuck the Comic!!

    xWally posted: »

    It's not possible the comics recently had a two year time skip. Which basically means Clementine can't be any older than 13 in season 3

  • edited August 2014

    -The Last of Us is about Ellie

    -Breaking Bad is about Walter White

    -Lost is about Jack Shephard

    -Arrow is about Oliver Queen

    -Family Guy is about Peter Griffin

    -Fables is about Bigby Wolf

    -How I met your mother is about Ted Mosby

    -Starwars is about Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)

    -Death Note is about Light Raito Yagami

    -The Big Bang Theory is about Leonard Hofstadter

    ...Hell... The list could go on and on... My point is... It's lame to call a series or game by the name of the main character...

    ViralType posted: »

    My point was that Spider-Man is about Spider-Man as the title suggests, whereas The Walking Dead isn't about Clementine or Rick. Also Spi

  • The main game has to have clementine in it!! I can't see them throwing all their character development away by killing her off and starting a new. Clem, Kenny, mike and bonnie, I want those to live, but this is the walking dead and anything can happen and by the sound of how many gun shots went off, I doubt many got out alive. I'm not too fussed on the baby, its just going to weigh them down and cause a shit load of problems when they're tying to hide and it just screams. But you kind of want it to live, because its a baby. I would like another spin off or bonus episode to play outside of Clem but, that's all. It would be nice to see what's happened in the rest of the world

    Emyl19 posted: »

    Yea, i agree. The main game story has to be with Clem. A dlc like 400 days (Not exactly one like 400 days) would also be great, so we could

  • Well, the baby wasn't in the middle of the gunfight, as Clem, Kenny, Luke, Bonnie and Mike was, so the baby survives, and Rebecca's corpse will defend the baby if it's about to get hit. Clem will survive, because it's her we're playing as and she will survive to the end of the episode (AND SEASON 3!?!??!). Also she's not as tall as the rest of the group, so she's less likely to get hit. I think she may be hit by a bullet, but hopefully it won't make her die, IT CAN'T! Clem and Kenny is the last survivors from Lee's group, Christa and Lilly might still be alive, but i doubt we will meet Lilly when we just met Kenny. I hope Christa will return. But hopefully TTG will make Clem the protagonist in season 3, if they don't, it'll be worse for themselves. No one hurts Clem, not even TTG themselves!

    The main game has to have clementine in it!! I can't see them throwing all their character development away by killing her off and starting

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