Season 3 should have a 13 year old Clem. Not only will it then be caught up with the comics (as far as time goes) but it'll also be good, since by the time it comes out, Clem will be more relateable for me, as she'll nearly be my age.
However, that last "point" isn't really logical, since it's not like they're creating the game for me specifically.
Season 3 should have a 13 year old Clem. Not only will it then be caught up with the comics (as far as time goes) but it'll also be good, si… morence by the time it comes out, Clem will be more relateable for me, as she'll nearly be my age.
However, that last "point" isn't really logical, since it's not like they're creating the game for me specifically.
Nah, why even make a thread about this? It's obviously just gonna be flooded with the "No Clem No Buy" Bandwagon, so what's the point?
I want Kenny in S3, but i don't see him as a protagonist.
On here, the talk about a new protagonist gets you attacked and jumped by Clem fan girls.
I don't understand why just some guy coming up with an idea for a protagonist gets 20 dislikes. It's honestly embarrassing to be apart of such a disgusting fan base. Not only do they disrespect the game developers but flat out disrespect someone's idea.
I agree that with his personality as it is, Kenny would not make a good protagonsit. however, consider this scenario:
No Going Back, Kenny and Clementine are walking through the snow. clementine was bitten on the shoulder, however, and is quickly dying. she trips, falls to the ground, and tries to get back up, but can't. Kenny walks to her side and says
"Clem? How ya feeling honey?"
"Everythings gonna be alright clem. don't you worry. You'll be fine." Takes out his pistol
Kenny arrives at Wellington, where he meets some survivors. A man on the wall says: "What's your name?"
"Don't matter"
"What's yours?"
Again, I would only enjoy playing as Kenny if losing Clemenitne was the final straw and it made him completely change his personality.
Nope. I don't see how he can work. He's a fully developed character with his own set of personality. Plus, I'm getting real tired of his shi… moret. His story is endless cycle. Relatively calm the start, shit hits the fan so he does something reckless, he does something drastic to a character, loses someone close to him, hides in a corner feeling sorry for himself, finds a purpose, barking out orders to keep moving to a destination (S1 Savannah for a boat, S2 Wellington= practically boat 2.0), and just watch: in the end the path goes all to hell and people get killed. It would be very boring if we play as him and it's the SAME shit in Season 3(BUT I will try it out in demo even if he does become the protagonist, cuz I'm a massive fan of the universe).
Come on Kenneth fans! Let's see some of that hate!
I think it is totally possible for Kenny to become lead protagonist, why else would they bring him back, just to kill him in the next season… more? I don't buy it. Then again this is Telltale. I personally do not want to play as Clementine. I am done playing a 11 year old girl. To be honest i don't think she will survive the next episode anyways after what Jane said as possible foreshadowing.
I kind of want to play as Arvo
Not bad. But Kenny just became WAY too predictable for me. I have no interest in playing him. He's fine where he is, as an NPC in the tent and by the corner giggling and bleeding as I deal with his shit every episode until he dies. I had hoped he would improve, Ep2 did a great job on him, but I wasn't impressed since Ep4 cuz it's the same shit like before. I would give him a chance if he's a PC, but if it's same damn thing with him, I would be EVEN more disappointed and just rather have him die to end his miserable sorry life.
Hehe... I feel better now that took my some anger out of me.
I agree that with his personality as it is, Kenny would not make a good protagonsit. however, consider this scenario:
No Going Back, Kenn… morey and Clementine are walking through the snow. clementine was bitten on the shoulder, however, and is quickly dying. she trips, falls to the ground, and tries to get back up, but can't. Kenny walks to her side and says
"Clem? How ya feeling honey?"
"Everythings gonna be alright clem. don't you worry. You'll be fine." Takes out his pistol
Kenny arrives at Wellington, where he meets some survivors. A man on the wall says: "What's your name?"
"Don't matter"
"What's yours?"
Again, I would only enjoy playing as Kenny if losing Clemenitne was the final straw and it made him completely change his personality.
Season 3 should have a 13 year old Clem. Not only will it then be caught up with the comics (as far as time goes) but it'll also be good, si… morence by the time it comes out, Clem will be more relateable for me, as she'll nearly be my age.
However, that last "point" isn't really logical, since it's not like they're creating the game for me specifically.
Nah, why even make a thread about this? It's obviously just gonna be flooded with the "No Clem No Buy" Bandwagon, so what's the point?
I … morewant Kenny in S3, but i don't see him as a protagonist.
On here, the talk about a new protagonist gets you attacked and jumped by Clem fan girls.
I don't understand why just some guy coming up with an idea for a protagonist gets 20 dislikes. It's honestly embarrassing to be apart of such a disgusting fan base. Not only do they disrespect the game developers but flat out disrespect someone's idea.
Why do people hate playing as a freaking 11 year old?! I find it pretty interesting and I want to play season 3 - 5 with clementine. Damn all of you who want clementine to die <
Why do people hate playing as a freaking 11 year old?! I find it pretty interesting and I want to play season 3 - 5 with clementine. Damn all of you who want clementine to die <
I agree. Clem fans didn't. They only bring it up when a thread is a made about the protagonist subject. I paid attention and I saw the Clem fans being reasonable in their explanations until someone starts the fight, THEN they fight.
from pre ep 2 up until episode 4 they PLAGUED the forms insultin people all tha time and bein rude and bringing him up at EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY
clem fans dnt do tht
men like clem 2
come on kenny fans have been way worse at least clem fans provide a nic change from tht
rather have new hardline clem fans than the old disprectful keny ones lol
I am tired of playing a unbelievable story, they may as well give Clementine Super Powers at this point. Why not right. People blame the writing, i'm blaming the unrealistic protagonist, and the crazy things she does/says.
Why do people hate playing as a freaking 11 year old?! I find it pretty interesting and I want to play season 3 - 5 with clementine. Damn all of you who want clementine to die <
Not bad. But Kenny just became WAY too predictable for me. I have no interest in playing him. He's fine where he is, as an NPC in the tent a… morend by the corner giggling and bleeding as I deal with his shit every episode until he dies. I had hoped he would improve, Ep2 did a great job on him, but I wasn't impressed since Ep4 cuz it's the same shit like before. I would give him a chance if he's a PC, but if it's same damn thing with him, I would be EVEN more disappointed and just rather have him die to end his miserable sorry life.
Hehe... I feel better now that took my some anger out of me.
Well the whole of the walking dead is unrealistic, I mean cmon zombies pffft. I understand what Clementine usually does is unrealistic but I guess they could fix it without changing the protagonist.
I am tired of playing a unbelievable story, they may as well give Clementine Super Powers at this point. Why not right. People blame the writing, i'm blaming the unrealistic protagonist, and the crazy things she does/says.
ys but they r stil responsible 4 their own actions
they bullied people who didn like him
regardless of wether people thought he is ded that dont mean they have right to bully people an spam forums with gif
Well the whole of the walking dead is unrealistic, I mean cmon zombies pffft. I understand what Clementine usually does is unrealistic but I guess they could fix it without changing the protagonist.
I wouldn't describe nice Lee as a 'pansy'. But I agree with most people here - Kenny's already been established way too much as a character to be playable, and his character arc seems to be leading him down a path of insanity. His story will likely end now.
Besides, we've already got too many games starring an angry dad who does morally questionable things. How many star a growing girl, who's lost even more than Kenny has yet hasn't collapsed with the grief?
we shouldnt let everythin in tha past go
keny fans were doin that 2
u cnt just say 'keny fans wernt doin wrong it in past' and now say… more clem fans r wrong for doin a less harsh version of wht they did
past actions r importnt its how u know hw to make friends and no like some people
Playing as Arvo would be kind of interesting, as you'd have a disability and your leg brace would attract zombies much ore easily, it'd be interesting to see how he fights, or how he works with his group, though him being Russian would be a bit difficult to use, though it'd be funny if you chose some sentences and he suddenly spoke Russian to remember what the word is in English like he did with Clementine.
"Especially, (Маленькая девочка)... uh, little girl."
I think it is totally possible for Kenny to become lead protagonist, why else would they bring him back, just to kill him in the next season… more? I don't buy it. Then again this is Telltale. I personally do not want to play as Clementine. I am done playing a 11 year old girl. To be honest i don't think she will survive the next episode anyways after what Jane said as possible foreshadowing.
I kind of want to play as Arvo
I don't mean 'No Clem, No Buy'. I would still buy it if it was a new character, but for Kenny... no. Well I might try it out, but I for sure wouldn't come back to the forum where hardcore Kenny fans would go around preaching that shit all of the time.
Nah, why even make a thread about this? It's obviously just gonna be flooded with the "No Clem No Buy" Bandwagon, so what's the point?
I … morewant Kenny in S3, but i don't see him as a protagonist.
On here, the talk about a new protagonist gets you attacked and jumped by Clem fan girls.
I don't understand why just some guy coming up with an idea for a protagonist gets 20 dislikes. It's honestly embarrassing to be apart of such a disgusting fan base. Not only do they disrespect the game developers but flat out disrespect someone's idea.
I'd be okay with Kenny as the S3 protagonist, but it won't happen. The answer why? Look to the ratio of upvotes to downvotes that you have.
As it is, I do want a new playable character. Probably Bonnie, or maybe even Mike. Luke's got his own fair share of haters, so I'd say that's fairly out of the question to. I do like Clem's story, but we're handicapped in playing as a child.
Well the whole of the walking dead is unrealistic, I mean cmon zombies pffft. I understand what Clementine usually does is unrealistic but I guess they could fix it without changing the protagonist.
Kenny as a protaganist? That'd actually be worst than playing as a mentally retarded quadruple amputee with multiple sclerosis... and is blind... and mute... and has a big fat rash RIGHT on his chin
Kenny as a protaganist? That'd actually be worst than playing as a mentally retarded quadruple amputee with multiple sclerosis... and is blind... and mute... and has a big fat rash RIGHT on his chin
I am tired of playing a unbelievable story, they may as well give Clementine Super Powers at this point. Why not right. People blame the writing, i'm blaming the unrealistic protagonist, and the crazy things she does/says.
What are you talking about, Nate is a psychopath who will kill you if you cross him, he is a totally believable character. I think the writers should just let Clementine shoot lasers out of her eyes, and KFC out of her mouth. Chicken attack !
I think it would be interesting because if Arvo was lead and Clementine was Arvo's partner and they would help each other. I would like to see how the two would work together, one being older but handicapped, the other able bodied but young and naive. They would compliment each others weaknesses.
Playing as Arvo would be kind of interesting, as you'd have a disability and your leg brace would attract zombies much ore easily, it'd be i… morenteresting to see how he fights, or how he works with his group, though him being Russian would be a bit difficult to use, though it'd be funny if you chose some sentences and he suddenly spoke Russian to remember what the word is in English like he did with Clementine.
"Especially, (Маленькая девочка)... uh, little girl."
This would not work, as Kenny already has set characteristics. Lee and Clementine work as PCs they don't have set characteristics. Ex: Lets … moresay Larry got his own DLC, and you got to play as him in it. You could get options to be nice to Lee, and options to be less aggressive. But having options like this for Larry would not make sense, because we all know Larry hated Lee and was very aggressive. A similar problem would occur if you were playing as Kenny: you could end up playing him completely out of character.
I think they didn't anticipate some of the problems that come with a child protagonist, a lot of the time clementine has to be the much smarter one and solve "puzzles" if you can call them that, now in any case any adult would be able to do that but they have to made to look darn stupid so the player can actually have some interactivity. I feel that this has been a major problem in season 2, we don't really have much interactivity because it doesn't make sense for an 11 year old to do such daring things in a group which limits interaction and when
clementine is made to do things it seems quite off because you really don't expect an 11 year old girl to do these things.
There's been situations where clem has done things that seems illogical (it would make more sense for Jane to kick down the door quickly I mean there was a good chance clementine couldn't have done it? what would they do then?) but telltale has also tried to show clementine's physical limitations (her not being able to carry the water tank)
An older version of clementine would fix it all though.
The adult protagonist gets dull very fast. I get bored too fast when I play as an adult. It's cliché. A child character is refreshing, hence… more why I play S2 more than other games.
I have no problem with a new protagonist, I just feel it should wait till later on, cuz Season 2 is building up something in Clem's story. If they switch to someone new off the bat, scrapping all the build up made, that would be HUGE disappointment to the story. Take Rick's story for example, his is still building up but slowly.
I'm pretty sure the wood was corroded pretty badly where the lock was, being 2 years in the apocalypse and for god knows how that door's been around. And uh... she can take a walker out with a weapon and she can kick their knees to make them fall to kill them quickly.
So yeah... I don't see a problem with Clem's character besides how she does a lot of the work. There's a chance Telltale can learn from this and improve on they can make the adults seem not as stupid.
it is, they seem to be violent when there character is nice and then hide away when he does somethin they dont like
maybe they be have a crisis of faith lol they say he jesus afterall
Season 3 should have a 13 year old Clem. Not only will it then be caught up with the comics (as far as time goes) but it'll also be good, since by the time it comes out, Clem will be more relateable for me, as she'll nearly be my age.
However, that last "point" isn't really logical, since it's not like they're creating the game for me specifically.
I hope Clem reunites with Juice Box in Season 3!![:D :D](
True, but i haven't seen any Kenny Fans in a while. The Clementine Fans have scared them off but not me.
Nah, why even make a thread about this? It's obviously just gonna be flooded with the "No Clem No Buy" Bandwagon, so what's the point?
I want Kenny in S3, but i don't see him as a protagonist.
On here, the talk about a new protagonist gets you attacked and jumped by Clem fan girls.
I don't understand why just some guy coming up with an idea for a protagonist gets 20 dislikes. It's honestly embarrassing to be apart of such a disgusting fan base. Not only do they disrespect the game developers but flat out disrespect someone's idea.
He annoys me, but I would still buy the game if he was the lead in S3.
I agree that with his personality as it is, Kenny would not make a good protagonsit. however, consider this scenario:
No Going Back, Kenny and Clementine are walking through the snow. clementine was bitten on the shoulder, however, and is quickly dying. she trips, falls to the ground, and tries to get back up, but can't. Kenny walks to her side and says
"Clem? How ya feeling honey?"
"Everythings gonna be alright clem. don't you worry. You'll be fine." Takes out his pistol
Kenny arrives at Wellington, where he meets some survivors. A man on the wall says: "What's your name?"
"Don't matter"
"What's yours?"
Again, I would only enjoy playing as Kenny if losing Clemenitne was the final straw and it made him completely change his personality.
Playing as a crippled young man trying to survive would make a decent DLC episode.
Not bad. But Kenny just became WAY too predictable for me. I have no interest in playing him. He's fine where he is, as an NPC in the tent and by the corner giggling and bleeding as I deal with his shit every episode until he dies. I had hoped he would improve, Ep2 did a great job on him, but I wasn't impressed since Ep4 cuz it's the same shit like before. I would give him a chance if he's a PC, but if it's same damn thing with him, I would be EVEN more disappointed and just rather have him die to end his miserable sorry life.
Hehe... I feel better now that took my some anger out of me.![:3 :3](
from pre ep 2 up until episode 4 they PLAGUED the forms insultin people all tha time and bein rude and bringing him up at EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY
clem fans dnt do tht
They are creating the game for the fans.
If it's not the fans way, they won't buy the game. Correct?
I know not everyone is like this..
men like clem 2
come on kenny fans have been way worse at least clem fans provide a nic change from tht
rather have new hardline clem fans than the old disprectful keny ones lol
Why do people hate playing as a freaking 11 year old?! I find it pretty interesting and I want to play season 3 - 5 with clementine. Damn all of you who want clementine to die
yh an she wont be 11 next season lol 13 then nexrt one 15 and then 17 and then 19 then boom she an adult 2
I agree. Clem fans didn't. They only bring it up when a thread is a made about the protagonist subject. I paid attention and I saw the Clem fans being reasonable in their explanations until someone starts the fight, THEN they fight.
I don't see what your point is. Kenny fans were bad because they were tired of everyone saying that he's dead or he'll die.
I am tired of playing a unbelievable story, they may as well give Clementine Super Powers at this point. Why not right. People blame the writing, i'm blaming the unrealistic protagonist, and the crazy things she does/says.
I know exactly what you mean, and I can't see being the PC as Kenny unless they overhauled his personality. otherwise are options would be:
"Shut the hell up Luke"
"You're fu**in stupid Luke"
"Clementine? what is with this guy"
Well the whole of the walking dead is unrealistic, I mean cmon zombies pffft. I understand what Clementine usually does is unrealistic but I guess they could fix it without changing the protagonist.
I really would like to see Clementine grow up throughout the seasons (1-5). I think it would be pretty interesting.
ys but they r stil responsible 4 their own actions
they bullied people who didn like him
regardless of wether people thought he is ded that dont mean they have right to bully people an spam forums with gif
Yeah, that was in the past. Let that go.
I can let this go if the Clem fans will stop telling TTG how to do their job.
No. Kenny already has a stable personality. It'd be kinda strange if you'll play him as a nice pansy.
A one-eyed guy whose escape through a horde is never explained is even less 'realistic'.
we shouldnt let everythin in tha past go
keny fans were doin that 2
u cnt just say 'keny fans wernt doin wrong it in past' and now say clem fans r wrong for doin a less harsh version of wht they did
past actions r importnt its how u know hw to make friends and no like some people
I wouldn't describe nice Lee as a 'pansy'. But I agree with most people here - Kenny's already been established way too much as a character to be playable, and his character arc seems to be leading him down a path of insanity. His story will likely end now.
Besides, we've already got too many games starring an angry dad who does morally questionable things. How many star a growing girl, who's lost even more than Kenny has yet hasn't collapsed with the grief?
ironic cause hes like the least stable person in the game lol
Whatever. Please learn English. It's driving me insane.
Playing as Arvo would be kind of interesting, as you'd have a disability and your leg brace would attract zombies much ore easily, it'd be interesting to see how he fights, or how he works with his group, though him being Russian would be a bit difficult to use, though it'd be funny if you chose some sentences and he suddenly spoke Russian to remember what the word is in English like he did with Clementine.
"Especially, (Маленькая девочка)... uh, little girl."
I don't mean 'No Clem, No Buy'. I would still buy it if it was a new character, but for Kenny... no. Well I might try it out, but I for sure wouldn't come back to the forum where hardcore Kenny fans would go around preaching that shit all of the time.
I'd be okay with Kenny as the S3 protagonist, but it won't happen. The answer why? Look to the ratio of upvotes to downvotes that you have.
As it is, I do want a new playable character. Probably Bonnie, or maybe even Mike. Luke's got his own fair share of haters, so I'd say that's fairly out of the question to. I do like Clem's story, but we're handicapped in playing as a child.
Just pointing out that a little girl being competent isn't "illogical" simply because it's not seen as often in the genre.
Just because something is unrealistic doesn't mean we should throw logic out the window.
Kenny as a protaganist? That'd actually be worst than playing as a mentally retarded quadruple amputee with multiple sclerosis... and is blind... and mute... and has a big fat rash RIGHT on his chin
Stephen Hawking would make a great character!
For an April Fool's DLC.
"the crazy things she does/says."
But don't you like Nate? A character who was built to be crazy and unrealistic and zany.
What are you talking about, Nate is a psychopath who will kill you if you cross him, he is a totally believable character. I think the writers should just let Clementine shoot lasers out of her eyes, and KFC out of her mouth. Chicken attack !
I think it would be interesting because if Arvo was lead and Clementine was Arvo's partner and they would help each other. I would like to see how the two would work together, one being older but handicapped, the other able bodied but young and naive. They would compliment each others weaknesses.
Except Kenny's personality changes rapidly. He goes from nice to aggressive a lot, So i think no matter how you play him it would make sense.
I think they didn't anticipate some of the problems that come with a child protagonist, a lot of the time clementine has to be the much smarter one and solve "puzzles" if you can call them that, now in any case any adult would be able to do that but they have to made to look darn stupid so the player can actually have some interactivity. I feel that this has been a major problem in season 2, we don't really have much interactivity because it doesn't make sense for an 11 year old to do such daring things in a group which limits interaction and when
clementine is made to do things it seems quite off because you really don't expect an 11 year old girl to do these things.
There's been situations where clem has done things that seems illogical (it would make more sense for Jane to kick down the door quickly I mean there was a good chance clementine couldn't have done it? what would they do then?) but telltale has also tried to show clementine's physical limitations (her not being able to carry the water tank)
An older version of clementine would fix it all though.