What Did Greg Say?

Ive been seeing a lot of people hating on Greg so can someone tell me what he said and/or did?



  • http://thewalkingliability.tumblr.com/tagged/playing+dead

    This link is the best way to encapsulate what he's said (and the Telltale writers/developers' response) that really rustled the jimmies of a lot of fans, me included.

  • Wow, that is simply awful. Just reading what he said pissed me off. So glad I didn't watch the interview.

    Bokor posted: »

    http://thewalkingliability.tumblr.com/tagged/playing+dead This link is the best way to encapsulate what he's said (and the Telltale writers/developers' response) that really rustled the jimmies of a lot of fans, me included.

  • Wow now I can understand why people are pissed off at him! #FuckGregMiller

    Bokor posted: »

    http://thewalkingliability.tumblr.com/tagged/playing+dead This link is the best way to encapsulate what he's said (and the Telltale writers/developers' response) that really rustled the jimmies of a lot of fans, me included.

  • Fucking fat Ogre

  • Whoa, hold on. I loathe the guy too, but there's no need to insult his weight.

    (Though it sure wouldn't help his chances of survival.)

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Fucking fat Ogre

  • edited August 2014

    Who cares, he will probably never read this, He is just so fucking annoying, attention seeking and always interrupts... GET A DIFFERENT GUY TO DO THIS....

    I have seen personalities like Greg's before.. Insensitive and just fucked...

    Bokor posted: »

    Whoa, hold on. I loathe the guy too, but there's no need to insult his weight. (Though it sure wouldn't help his chances of survival.)

  • Everything is worse than it was before: The walking dead game, playing dead... some fucking Geg miller jumps out from no where and ruins the whole show with his annoying face and comments.

  • Someone make a mod where Greg miller gets his face bashed instead of carver!

    Bokor posted: »

    http://thewalkingliability.tumblr.com/tagged/playing+dead This link is the best way to encapsulate what he's said (and the Telltale writers/developers' response) that really rustled the jimmies of a lot of fans, me included.

  • I dislike Greg from this whole fiasco but I think doing that is going a bit too far.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Someone make a mod where Greg miller gets his face bashed instead of carver!

  • You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Who cares, he will probably never read this, He is just so fucking annoying, attention seeking and always interrupts... GET A DIFFERENT GUY TO DO THIS.... I have seen personalities like Greg's before.. Insensitive and just fucked...

  • Ok i feel i little bad now.. but still...

    Echopapa posted: »

    You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

  • C'mon man, you don't need to want to kill someone just because they annoyed you. That would be no better than Greg hating Sarah for being "annoying". You're better than the likes of him! :P

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Someone make a mod where Greg miller gets his face bashed instead of carver!

  • And that makes his behavior even less sympathetic to me. Having shitty things happen to you does not excuse you being a shitty person.

    Echopapa posted: »

    You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

  • He does this literally every time he talks about The Walking Dead. He is an immature disrespectful obnoxious high-and-mighty dick. I would love to see that mod.

    Lumlotus posted: »

    I dislike Greg from this whole fiasco but I think doing that is going a bit too far.

  • I wonder what Greg's opinion on Kenny is...?

    Bokor posted: »

    And that makes his behavior even less sympathetic to me. Having shitty things happen to you does not excuse you being a shitty person.

  • Thread: Greg Miller's Explanation on his comment about sarah on playing dead

    so as we know greg miller said some things about sarah on playing dead and both the telltale staff and him laughed about it and I managed to find this and I though you all would be interested


  • But you'll still throw me the dislike anyway :P

    I'm perfectly happy with his interviewing style he does laugh and joke, but that's his job as an entertainer. I haven't really noticed him interrupting people, and the times he has done it it's to finish their sentence when they're struggling. I get to see Greg's perspective on the game, because all playthroughs are different and what I think the forum and especially Tumblr are doing is blowing his comments out of the water, especially on Sarah. They're assigning personality traits to her that simply aren't there, and won't be unless Telltale points it out. I saw posts about her missing a social cue, like when Reggie says "When was the last time you had electricity?" and Sarah points out they literally just had it before Carver came... apparently that proves she's Austistic?

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Ok i feel i little bad now.. but still...

  • He's a strong, good-hearted hero who's been through so much pain but soldiers on because of his duty.

    (Which, on a surface level, I would agree with. But I bet Greg would excuse Kenny's flaws.)

    I wonder what Greg's opinion on Kenny is...?

  • edited August 2014

    She doesn't know to keep quiet when Carver's talking, which is a really noticeable oddity. Granted, I literally know next to nothing about autism, but I thought one trait of autism is that you have difficulty reading social situations?

    Echopapa posted: »

    But you'll still throw me the dislike anyway :P I'm perfectly happy with his interviewing style he does laugh and joke, but that's his jo

  • He says he's a Kenny apologist, but if you watched the full interview instead of picking out the flaws cough Tumblr cough he says he wasn't cool with Kenny flipping out on Clem as he couldn't be Sarita's "bodyguard."

    Bokor posted: »

    He's a strong, good-hearted hero who's been through so much pain but soldiers on because of his duty. (Which, on a surface level, I would agree with. But I bet Greg would excuse Kenny's flaws.)

  • :(

    Echopapa posted: »

    You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

  • That's true, to be fair. I've been on the high end of the spectrum all my life (You wouldn't even know unless I told you) but when I was pretty young I did struggle slightly, not as much as other people I knew who were further on the lower end of the spectrum (down syndrome, etc) I've lived with Autism and been around people with Autism enough (did some work at a special school, thought my experiences would better my understanding) to know that's she's not on the spectrum. For some reason people tend to associate things that a normal person would have as exclusive to the spectrum, e.g. Sarah freaking out when she saw Carver, she knew he was a bad dude and presumably Carlos didn't say why, so all she knew was to be afraid of him.

    She doesn't know to keep quiet when Carver's talking, which is a really noticeable oddity. Granted, I literally know next to nothing about autism, but I thought one trait of autism is that you have difficulty reading social situations?

  • Dislikes for pointing out what he said? Damn, not popular today.

    Echopapa posted: »

    He says he's a Kenny apologist, but if you watched the full interview instead of picking out the flaws cough Tumblr cough he says he wasn't cool with Kenny flipping out on Clem as he couldn't be Sarita's "bodyguard."

  • In that case, I have to wonder if Telltale intended for Sarah to come off as neurodivergent, but was simply inconsistent with her portrayal (inconsistent characters in TWD: Season Two, can you imagine? :P ), because I've seen posts that argue that she does show several signs of suffering some kind of developmental disorder.

    Echopapa posted: »

    That's true, to be fair. I've been on the high end of the spectrum all my life (You wouldn't even know unless I told you) but when I was pre

  • It's good he made a statement about it. Although, people will still be up in arms.

  • It's ambiguous, much like a lot of other ill-defined mysteries in Season 2. I personally think Sarah is an autistic, traumatized girl who was highly sheltered by an over-protective dad, and Carlos' coddling actually made her even more unable to live independently.

    In that case, I have to wonder if Telltale intended for Sarah to come off as neurodivergent, but was simply inconsistent with her portrayal

  • edited August 2014

    As someone one with Aspergers with a small collection of other disabilities along side, I can heavily relate to Sarah. Maybe your experiences are just that different that you can't see the connections but many of us do.

    Echopapa posted: »

    That's true, to be fair. I've been on the high end of the spectrum all my life (You wouldn't even know unless I told you) but when I was pre

  • edited August 2014

    Here's a like to cheer you up. Anyhow, I haven't watched the interview for fear of my blood pressure, but I'm betting Greg didn't ever note how Kenny's reaction to Sarita's death was literally exactly the same as Sarah's to Carlos' death.

    Echopapa posted: »

    Dislikes for pointing out what he said? Damn, not popular today.

  • Personally, I think she's meant to come off as the Clem Season 1 parallel, Sarah is what Clementine would have become if Lee had coddled and sheltered her throughout the apocalypse. If Clem wasn't exposed to the brutality and wasn't told by Lee that she needed to learn to survive, I'm almost certain Clementine would be in a similar situation to Sarah. I wanted to tell Carlos that Sarah needed to toughen up, but didn't out of respect. When I taught her how to use I gun I thought "Finally, progress!" but like you said, inconsistent characters/writing :P

    In that case, I have to wonder if Telltale intended for Sarah to come off as neurodivergent, but was simply inconsistent with her portrayal

  • She doesn't behave like any 'normal' 15 year old girl, and considering that she'd have been 13 at the start of the zombie rising I'm inclined to believe she was abnormal long before the events of Season 1. I think Carlos had been sheltering her from very early on, hence why she acts like an 8-year-old rather than, uh, a young woman going through puberty.

    Echopapa posted: »

    Personally, I think she's meant to come off as the Clem Season 1 parallel, Sarah is what Clementine would have become if Lee had coddled and

  • Haha, thanks :P Honestly mate it's not as bad as everyone says it is, like they say you can't judge a book by it's cover. Surprisingly, he was negative about Kenny this episode! Only slightly, don't get your hopes up :)

    Here's a like to cheer you up. Anyhow, I haven't watched the interview for fear of my blood pressure, but I'm betting Greg didn't ever note how Kenny's reaction to Sarita's death was literally exactly the same as Sarah's to Carlos' death.

  • I agree with you there, supposedly the sheltering got worse as the apocalypse hit which gives her no space to grow up. :/

    Bokor posted: »

    She doesn't behave like any 'normal' 15 year old girl, and considering that she'd have been 13 at the start of the zombie rising I'm incline

  • Maybe. No two people on the spectrum have the exact same case, it varies greatly.

    Lumlotus posted: »

    As someone one with Aspergers with a small collection of other disabilities along side, I can heavily relate to Sarah. Maybe your experiences are just that different that you can't see the connections but many of us do.

  • If that's the case, how come you seem to resolutely believe that Sarah isn't autistic because of your experiences with autism? If cases can vary so greatly and some posters are claiming that Sarah exhibits similar signs of autism as they do, doesn't it stand to reason that Sarah was intended to be autistic?

    Echopapa posted: »

    Maybe. No two people on the spectrum have the exact same case, it varies greatly.

  • Not trying to be a dick here, but why was there no outcry when Ben was killed?
    He had pretty much the exact same death scenes as Sarah.

    Why was it okay for us to get rid of him, but not Sarah?

    Was he really that more deserving of death?

    I've seen comments like Greg made about Sarah made about Ben hundreds of times, yet nobody gave a fuck.

    Poor fucking Ben.

  • I think the difference is that the writers who created Ben seemed to care about his character arc, and rewarded players who spared him by giving him a tragic death right after he redeems himself by standing up to Kenny. There's still a large portion of the fan-base that irrationally hates on him, but I never got the sense that the writers were trying to push for us to think he deserved to die.

    There's something mean-spirited about the way the designer and writer for Amid The Ruins agreed about letting Sarah die, and took glee in allowing her to be slapped. It's a mind-set that doesn't need any more encouraging.

    Onmens posted: »

    Not trying to be a dick here, but why was there no outcry when Ben was killed? He had pretty much the exact same death scenes as Sarah.

  • Well one, Ben got way more characterization before he died. His death scene also made a crap-ton more sense. Most importantly though is that Ben didn't have any mental disorders that we know of, while most people are pretty sure that Sarah had some kind of disorder. People had reasons to drop Ben other than him being useless though. You could drop him for being the traitor, for lying about being the traitor, for leaving Clem, and many other things that I don't agree with. What can you blame Sarah for other than her being "useless". Why do people think she is useless? Because she had some sort of mental condition, plus she was sheltered because of it. Therefore, the only reason to drop Sarah is because she has a mental condition.

    Onmens posted: »

    Not trying to be a dick here, but why was there no outcry when Ben was killed? He had pretty much the exact same death scenes as Sarah.

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah I get that.

    But I get that feeling with all the characters really. That the writers of season two don't care about them as much as the writers of season 1 did. I don't think it's just Sarah.

    You could say they killed Nick off just like Chuck, only Chuck got a heroic moment before he died.

    Bonnie and Mike take up Christa and Omid's roles as the "normal" people in the group, but get shoved to the background.

    Jane, well sort of a Molly copy.

    And Kenny is the exact same guy even though they tried to make us believe he changed somehow.

    Hum, I don't really know what my point was when I started this post, but I'm dead tired, so forgive me. :)

    Bokor posted: »

    I think the difference is that the writers who created Ben seemed to care about his character arc, and rewarded players who spared him by gi

  • Ha, it's cool, I agree with you there.

    You have to make a lot of mental gymnastics to try to come up with compelling reasons for why Nick, Sarah and Sarita's deaths were meaningful. But after learning from the devs themselves that they had no empathy for the characters, I can't feel bothered.

    Onmens posted: »

    Yeah I get that. But I get that feeling with all the characters really. That the writers of season two don't care about them as much as t

  • I have never cared for Greg Miller either through the podcasts and what not but I didn't see anything wrong with what he said. Everyone has the right to enjoy and play these games however the want. Whats annoying is that there is an outcry and new rant posted anytime someone says something negative about Sarah. It's a video game, people have the right to have their own opinions about characters in the game. Best advice I can give you is, get over it.

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