What Did Greg Say?



  • So what if you find the guy annoying or an asshole or obnoxious? Does that really equate to him deserving to get his face smashed in?

    He does this literally every time he talks about The Walking Dead. He is an immature disrespectful obnoxious high-and-mighty dick. I would love to see that mod.

  • It could be a simple case of them thinking, we have this character we don't really know what to do with, so lets sacrifice her for Jane's character development.

    I hope that's closer to the truth than them trying to make a point about people with disorders being liabilities.

    Off to bed now before I miss yet another point. :)

    Spooch posted: »

    Well one, Ben got way more characterization before he died. His death scene also made a crap-ton more sense. Most importantly though is that

  • I was hoping it was more along the lines of not having enough time to write out a better story line.

    Onmens posted: »

    It could be a simple case of them thinking, we have this character we don't really know what to do with, so lets sacrifice her for Jane's ch

  • Yeah, that's true too. I've just been doing this for awhile, so I'm a little mentally exhausted. I'm off to bed too.

    Onmens posted: »

    It could be a simple case of them thinking, we have this character we don't really know what to do with, so lets sacrifice her for Jane's ch

  • You guys know he's that last walker in Lee's walk to the Marsh House right? You can easily replay that section over and over to cut off half his head.

  • Well at least he said sorry and acknowledges he didn't know Sarah was disabled so I can forgive him for that. If it'd been a real person with a disability then I might've felt different.

  • I didn't watch when Carver got his head smashed in... But Mr Miller is another story

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Someone make a mod where Greg miller gets his face bashed instead of carver!

  • edited August 2014

    I was reading this in Clementines voice LOL

    You guys know he's that last walker in Lee's walk to the Marsh House right? You can easily replay that section over and over to cut off half his head.

  • So I've heard, yeah. I would think that would make him more sympathetic to people who are disabled, honestly.

    Echopapa posted: »

    You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

  • edited August 2014

    i think it is ridiculous that people are making it about sarah being a girl and greg not liking her means he hates girls or even that he hates "neurodivergent" or disabled people, or that because sarah died telltale hates disabled people, that is just taking it to far, if you are sad about your favorite character dying that is fine, but don't go from being sad to accusing people of being sexist or ableist, that is just disgusting

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Thread: Greg Miller's Explanation on his comment about sarah on playing dead so as we know greg miller said some things about sarah on

  • I thought he beat the cancer?

    Echopapa posted: »

    You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

  • He still never apologized, saying the things he said could offend people with disabilities.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Thread: Greg Miller's Explanation on his comment about sarah on playing dead so as we know greg miller said some things about sarah on

  • Greg should visite this place

    Evil smile

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Thread: Greg Miller's Explanation on his comment about sarah on playing dead so as we know greg miller said some things about sarah on

  • edited August 2014

    well he did explain that he didn't think/realise she had a disability, many people just think sarah was to sheltered by her father and that is the reason she acts that way she acts, personally i believe it is more than that and that she does indeed have some kind of mental disability, but that is never explicitly stated, it could just be that telltale oversold how sheltered she was and that they never intended for her to be perceived as having a mental disability.

    many people don't think she has a disability so greg not thinking she did isn't a massive stretch of the imagination, and that is what he explained in that article, either way accusing him of being ableist or sexist simply because he didn't like the character is what is wrong, not him disliking a character, he has the right to have an opinion about a fictional character

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    He still never apologized, saying the things he said could offend people with disabilities.

  • Tons of games journalists and writers who have interesting opinions and topics to offer to gaming fans, and would kill to be in Greg Millers position. Yet the best we get is a guy who hates a character in the game for the most pathetic reasons. Brilliant.

  • No.

    If that's the case, how come you seem to resolutely believe that Sarah isn't autistic because of your experiences with autism? If cases can

  • Who doesn't have cancer.

    Echopapa posted: »

    You know the poor guy has cancer, right?

  • We're not talking about in real life xD

    Rock114 posted: »

    So what if you find the guy annoying or an asshole or obnoxious? Does that really equate to him deserving to get his face smashed in?

  • Sheesh people, it's just a video game at the end of the day... no need to jump into the "I wish you were dead/grievously injured" crowd. Obviously these are characters that people can get attached to, but being vicious and hateful about such things is barely even excusable with REAL people. With fictional characters though...? There are more important things to be angry about :/

    Take some aspirin, pour yourself a straight whiskey and put on some smooth jazz. You'll forget all about Greg Miller in five minutes, I promise.

  • Personally, I don't give a rat's ass that he didn't know she was disabled. He hated her for:

    • having a panic attack
    • not picking up on social cues
    • not turning out to be a "normal girl" (his words!!!)

    In summary, he hated her for her disability even if he didn't know she was disabled. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; that which we call a disability by any other name would get slammed as hard by dirtbags.

  • Replayed it 10 times.. now 43... 106...[2 hours later] 1132 times... (more replays coming soon)

    You guys know he's that last walker in Lee's walk to the Marsh House right? You can easily replay that section over and over to cut off half his head.

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

  • Kingdom Hearts 2... Good old times

  • No? Okay...?

    Echopapa posted: »


  • edited August 2014

    Hang on... Telltale's staff gave the [Slap] option because they thought people would actually enjoy to slap a scared teenager who just lost her dad?! For fuck sake, I defended Telltale against the hate many times but now, no, I won't. That is really twisted. I guess the thread skoothz made is right...

  • no, if you watch the video they were surprised that people enjoyed that because you could only do that to save her, they put it as an option to slap her into her senses so she could be saved option

    CatySky posted: »

    Hang on... Telltale's staff gave the [Slap] option because they thought people would actually enjoy to slap a scared teenager who just lost

  • I'm guessing if they had actual research into how to deal with panic attacks rather than working off old movies, they'd have realized that maybe slapping someone like her might not actually be necessary?

    no, if you watch the video they were surprised that people enjoyed that because you could only do that to save her, they put it as an option to slap her into her senses so she could be saved option

  • yeah, slapping a hysterical woman/girl is a bit cliche, but clementine isn't a psychologist, she was in a hurry (from the impending threat of zombies) in front of a hysterical girl, i would try it as a last resort after all that talking didn't work, especially if i was a little girl that couldn't carry her through the sunroof

    Bokor posted: »

    I'm guessing if they had actual research into how to deal with panic attacks rather than working off old movies, they'd have realized that maybe slapping someone like her might not actually be necessary?

  • edited August 2014

    Still, I think the fact that we had no choice except to slap her is not good at all. That was like the worst thing to do in that case.

    Hell, if they really want to have a slap option then I don't care as long as we have another way to convince her:

    [Slap Sarah] or [Try to convince her again] for example.

    no, if you watch the video they were surprised that people enjoyed that because you could only do that to save her, they put it as an option to slap her into her senses so she could be saved option

  • They were forcing an awkward parallel between her and Carver. If you slap her, Clem's ridiculously angry expression is exactly the same as the psychotic grimace Carver had when he beat Kenny to a pulp. I rolled my eyes when that happened.

    Sarah hates being hugged, but somehow being slapped pulls her out of her fugue. Um...

    CatySky posted: »

    Still, I think the fact that we had no choice except to slap her is not good at all. That was like the worst thing to do in that case. He

  • no, there was a choice, have you played the game?

    CatySky posted: »

    Still, I think the fact that we had no choice except to slap her is not good at all. That was like the worst thing to do in that case. He

  • if i ever was in an ZA with greg miller, and i had a chance to leave him, i would take that chance in an instant, while yelling "remember sarah you sick fuck"

  • Im not understanding what this Greg person did wrong from that tumblr gif to garner so much hatred. And who he even is. Whats the deal?

  • Which alternate dimension did you get the version where you didn't need to slap Sarah to save her?

    no, there was a choice, have you played the game?

  • No, tough-guy talk like that is silly. In the end, men like him deserve a chance because they're people. If they don't die or collapse from the shock, they might actually reassess their world-view and become less immature.

    if i ever was in an ZA with greg miller, and i had a chance to leave him, i would take that chance in an instant, while yelling "remember sarah you sick fuck"

  • ...I did.

    But I think you misunderstood what I said so I am going to say it differently. When you are trying to get Sarah out of the house, you can leave her or convince her. If you convince her, then you'll ultimately have to slap her if you don't want to give up on her. What I was trying to say is that it would have been better if, along with the slap option there was a second convince option.

    P.S: I didn't dislike you if you are wondering.

    no, there was a choice, have you played the game?

  • edited August 2014

    well you could just leave her at that point, i read that as the only choice not the only choice to get her to come with you/save her, because it was all convince with words up until that point and you could think of just leaving as a way to convince her (even though it doesn't work)

    Bokor posted: »

    Which alternate dimension did you get the version where you didn't need to slap Sarah to save her?

  • edited August 2014

    yeah i get that now :) i thought you meant as there was only one option and that was slap.

    CatySky posted: »

    ...I did. But I think you misunderstood what I said so I am going to say it differently. When you are trying to get Sarah out of the hous

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