Do You Actually Want The Zombie Apocalypse To Happen?

I've heard a lot of people saying that they would want the zombie apocalypse to happen, personally I think it would be fun to kill a few zombies but overall I wouldn't want it to happen, watching your families and friends die or not knowing their fate would be terrible, having to watch you're back almost every second and sleeping with one eye open, wouldn't be my ideal kind of life
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Honestly, as much as I might convince myself sometimes that I do, I really don't. I don't always fit into this world all that well, but still, too many people I care about would end up dead if it actually happened.
No, even before I played or even saw or read The Walking Dead, I did not understand why anyone wanted one to happen. Though I believed if one did happen, I could survive it alone. After playing The Walking Dead, I knew I couldn't.
Nope... because I dont want to die and im a bad survivor in real life xD
Not at all. The world is already f8cked up as it is.
Anyone who wants a zombie apocalypse to happen is not living in reality. Ive seen people say that too and I get the impression that they think it would be like a game where they are the star, so of course they would survive and have fun shooting zombies. The reality is most of those people would probably be dead within a day.
Kind of.It would be nice to not have to deal with school, jobs, and all of that sort of stuff. At the same time, the thought of getting eaten alive by flesh consuming corpses or getting getting raided by bandits trying kill me and take all my stuff isn't so great. I would much rather be the last person on earth or something.
most days I already feel like I'm surrounded by mindless, subhuman wretches.... the ZA would just give me something constructive to do.
Yes please. A life with a goal and purpose
Of course not. I'm all for fantasy, but at the end of the day, that's just what it is.
Maybe a little... At least in those deep little recesses of my heart...
This article explains it all:
maybe a little bit, then maybe people would be on my level of misery,
No way. It would be too brutal and miserable. It's best that any sort of apocalypse only happens in entertainment. Because that's truly when and why we enjoy it. Although, the idea of not having the burden of society anymore and just surviving like animals is interesting.
I have been asking myself if I want a Zombie Apocalypse to happen, then why would I want it to happen? I ponder about it and I think it is just a way of escape.
Gleen from the comics told the group how he have so many problems in the life before the apocalypse. He have debts and he don't want to move back to his parents whom he had a bad relationship with. When the zombie apocalypse happened, all of his problems are gone and "fixed" as he longer have to worry about that.
Lee was heading to prison and his life was practically in ruin. When the apocalypse happened, his past crimes no longer matters and he has been given a second chance.
I think those who want a zombie apocalypse to happen, just want to escape their current life and their problems and start over.
So you want the end of the world to happen just as an endurance test for yourself?
Nothing is worth not being able to shower everyday.
I totally understand wanting to escape your problems and live a simpler life but youd be trading not having to pay rent for losing every convenience in life, including simply having a steady meal or getting medical care or just not having to live in constant fear every day.
Misery loves Company !
I of course don't want to live in a zombie apocalypse. I certainly don't want to witness my family getting killed. Both Gleen and Lee want the apocalypse to end and to live in the life before the apocalypse.
It is a message and a bad trade-off really. "You think that you have a terrible life before the apocalypse? Well now you no longer have to worry about these problems, but you now live in a world in constant danger with constant fear."
A life is full of problems, there is no escape. All you can do is to take them head on and live your life.
Sorry for being all philosophic all of a sudden, but that's just what I am with the Walking Dead. It wasn't until I played the game that I realized that a zombie apocalypse setting could be art.
Yes but would think different if it actually happened!
But company doesn't love misery...
Some people think it would be fun because it would be like some video games. The only video game you should really be looking at for a supposed zombie apocalypse is either the Last of Us or the Walking Dead, because those two clearly show how bad it would really be if any sort of infection took over the world.
That being said, its always nice to imagine myself in a situation like these characters, but I would never really want to be in one myself.
You forgot DayZ
Nope, I'm addicted to Facebook and The Walking Dead. Zombie Apocalypse=No Fb, No TWD=No Life.
I'm not crazy so no.
stay away.
You forgot the part where they handcuff you and steal your pants.
I want the freedom and adventure the apocalypse has. Sounds cheesy but it'd be fun to know what you and everyone you know are like when you're stripped of everything you thought you were, everything you had. But losing friends, family, innocent people and my own life would not be worth it. And I'd probably shit my pants if I saw a zombie
Well, the apocalypse would get rid of that pesky tuition problem...
I never been robbed, just killed by other players and i been playing for at least a year.
The zombie apocolypse couldn't happen.
no but ebola could.
Actually it is possible for a zombie like virus to spread where people lose all control and have a desire to eat human flesh, but the dead people walking thing? that part actually is impossible
It would be cool to smash a zombies head in but saying that I would probably end up running away anyway...
Well in general, no. But wouldn't it be cool if it lasted for just a day, or there was a simulator where we could kill zombies for a little while?
i have a nice big garden, plenty of sunshine and a lawn mower, come at me zombies!
I have been robbed multiple times in one week XD
This one guy freed me from these handcuffs that another guy put on me, then he stole my beans and hit me over the head with an axe.
I love my beans, before i died i had like tens cans of pristine beans. I was on a mission.
Oh, a little one.
I've asked myself this question before, its why I'm writing a story about what if it happened at my school.