*New Tweet By Job* ... Now i'm even more nervous.
What do you guys think about this tweet? Now i feel like Clementine WONT die.. i mean my initial reaction would be that after that tweet she will die but why would he just spoil it like that? I'm saying that its possible he COULD be throwing us off, making us more nervous. Anyways i REALLY hope she doesn't die
Heres all possible things he could mean
1) Clementine will die, he just spoiled it because he is an idiot (Doubt it)
2) He is referring to the fact we may not see Clementine for 1 - 2 more years
3) Clementine can still be alive but Season 3 will start with new characters
4) It means nothing, Job is trying to make us more nervous.
5) Clementine turns loses her humanity and turns into a heartless person (Doubt it)
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He probably means because we won't see her for a while... it's going to be 1-2 years before season 3... that's what he means... probably :P
He's messing with us. Getting in our heads. Giving us pre-feels before the tidal wave of feels incoming.
It's either a deliberate red herring or he simply means he'll miss the character until season 3. He's being deliberately enigmatic.
I'm even more nervous now
Very stupid move by Job, no matter which way things go. A lot of people are going to take the tweet in certain ways no matter if he was trying to be ambiguous or not.
He'll miss Clem until Season 3.
Unless Season 3 doesn't have Clem. SHIT WHO KNOWS
Yeah, this pretty much confirmed to me that Clem will survive, since there's no way he would spoil her death like that.
Dammit Job stop playing with our feelings!
Me right now
That means you have to wait to Clem in season 3.
I don't think Clem will die, but if she does then I'll give props to Telltale for taking such a risk (Because the majority of TWD fanbase consists of false fans).
Still though, they are teasing us so much. God damn XD
Fucking trolltale at their finest!
Job would never spoil things on like that, i think he intentionally worded it to make us as nervous a possible to see how we react :P
The only other option is that he is intentionally screwing with us... which is very possible but still very stupid. Because again, people are now going to have strongly formed opinions on the ending going into the season finale instead of going into the season finale without having anything to base their opinions on regarding how it will end. He seriously was not using his head. Telltale should be furious with him.
If Clem dies, Unless we play as someone we already have an attachment for, I will have a VERY hard time even playing season 3 let alone getting hyped for it like I am with episode 5 right now (I was thinking "Cool, Episode 4 is done, It's a cliffhanger but I have stuff to keep me busy, I'm not to worried") Now, After those FREAKING TWEETS, I have a horrible feeling, I like Kenny and Luke, But I was expecting their deaths, But Clem?That's fucking stupid Ben, I mean Telltale, Hopefully it won't happen, But if it does i'll deal with it like I did with Lee, Buy season 3, And die inside, Slowly, Painfully, Die, Waiting for season 3, Because if the wait isn't already going to be bad, It sure as hell will be if a cliffhanger or major death happens.
He made a tweet earlier saying he was "proud" of Clem's journey. I'd say that sounds about right.
Season 3 we'll be playing as Carol Grimes .
It was still a silly thing to do because now people will have something to form their opinions on even without playing the episode. Did he slip up and spoil Clem's death (probably not)? Did he imply that Clem survives and he is simply going to be missing her until season 3 comes around? Obviously it has to be one of these two. People should be able to form their opinions on the matter by playing the game, not deciphering a tweet from the PR department..
This is too big of a story element to be screwed with.
It's a shame because Laura did a really good job of hyping everyone up with her tweet. "..."I'm proud of my Clementine" didn't hint at all towards her overall fate, but still implied that something momentous is going to happen to Clem. Meanwhile, "I'm going to miss my Clementine" incredibly heavily implies that Clem is going to bite it, which is incredibly unlikely now because TT wouldn't spoil that so early, which ultimately leaves us more confused than anxious...
Oh well, Job better make up for it with the new trailer :P
I wont play it then, what makes the video game unique and different than the comic of tv series is the fact that you are part of a new group.
The use of "MyClementine" as the hashtag is kind of intruiging. One way to interpret it is that she actually won't be the playable character in S3 and thus won't be "MyClementine" but merely "Clementine." I hope this doesn't happen though.
You never know....
False fans? I'm not offended mind you, just confused. Fandom as a concept is not a black and white state; there are degrees and differing opinions. If someone says they're a fan, then that's all that's really required to be a fan. You see how a "false fan" is a paradox? What do you mean by that statement?
Unless by "false fan" you mean fans whose fanaticism expresses itself to a lesser degree than yours. Or simply a fan whose opinion is in contrast to your own.
Nah, I don't mean to offend anybody and I respect all opinions. I use the term "False Fans" to describe players or viewers of a game or show that only play/watch it for one character, or play/watch it until one character dies.
The countless amount of "If Daryl dies, we riot" and "No Clem no buy" stuff gets quite annoying. I mean, why consider yourself a fan if you're only going to stop playing because your favorite character is killed off? You aren't a true fan of TWD universe in my book, just a fan of that character, therefore a "False Fan".
I think it just means that regardless of whether Clem will be a) playable in season 3; b) an NPC in season 3; c) not appear in season 3 at all, the fanbase won't be getting new TWDG stories until season 3. I'll be optimistic and agree with those who say it's simply a red herring meant to hype up the finale.
Since the start of the season when I played as Clem and tried to guess where her story might go, I never thought it would make literary sense to end in her death at the end of this season. The announcement of season 3 and these tweets haven't really changed that opinion much either way.
Another valid option, especially considering that Tales from the Borderlands will feature two playable characters that the player will jump between might even mean Season 3 could feature multiple PCs in the same story.
They're obviously trying to keep us in suspense, I don't think they send all this tweets just for fun.
Yeah, I get sad when a character dies, but the show/game is good so, I keep watching
Laura and Job are probably giggling like little school girls watching us right now.
That doesn't say that it's the end of Clems journey
maybe he'll miss the innocent clementine.
They aren't going to kill Clementine.
I said I'll miss Clementine when Season 1 ended.
The only thing i'm nervous about, is the ending! They can't kill off Clementine, because the game won't be the same without her.
It probably just means we won't see her for a while
You call some of us "false fans" yet you're the one who admitted to watching spoilers before playing the episodes.
He will miss #MyClementine because there will be a dramatic change in her personality. It's probable - she's been surviving kind of on her own for the past two years after having witnessed crazy stuff and she feels guilty of some people's deaths. She's had to survive for a total of sixteen months around a cold and hopeless woman. She was attacked by a dog, found by a group which was discussing about killing her, cutting her arm and she almost got shot accidentally just before being locked in a shed. She had to steal a group of people she didn't know and had to stitch herself up before being attacked by a walker. She's being blamed once again and threatened. She's been taken into a situation she was originally not part of - forced I'd say. She met Kenny which brings back all of her past suffering. Then she can be indirectely responsible of Nick's and Alvin's deaths which brings more "Sometimes I get people killed" things into her.
She's taken by Carver who talks to her about who she is and most of the choices given to you kinda prove that she's getting more on the dark side (not saying she's evil or anything, just becomes darker) and the fact that TT kind of makes you want to watch Carver getting killed is another proof. She's starting to take really important decisions like chopping Sarita's arm and then axing her and then she can decide to leave Sarah or not
To me that looks like choices Lee would be given and that's similar to what happened in S1 (Lee has to chop some guy's leg or leave to die or he can cut off his own arm and then he can chose to leave Ben to die). So maybe something will happen that will deeply hurt Clementine and she'll have "enough of that shit" (Just like when the Stranger took Clementine in season 1) - that thing started already: Carlos, Sarita, Sarah and Nick died and Kenny is into the same situation he was in back in S1. Then they get some hope which makes Kenny care again with the baby (reminds you of the boat Clementine found in S1 too?).
Afterwards Rebecca dies and the shooting begins. Something during that shooting will have major impact on Clementine just like it did for Lee when Clem disappeared and remember Lee going berserk? Clementine might just do the same and from there on, the Clementine (soft, very human and innocent) we all knew will die and she'll dramatically change after what she'll have done. I'm not saying she'll berserk everything after that but she'll definitely take more important/adult choices as in directly killing someone or letting them leave. That's why TT has shown us the playground - it could be a symbol.
No Clem, no season 3.