Okay that thing with the baby was funny. But you know Danny's not getting out of that barn alive, right? Pretty sure the only person who would have ever made it out of there is Andy, if he could pull himself together and get over his family's death.
You know, what would really tie the whole thing together is if Vernon swung in to save the day on his muthafuckin' boat, and also stillfeelsthestabofguiltforstealingitespeciallysincehekeptitforhimself. Can you handle that, Karma??
Someone should make a parody of the final Dark Knight Rises trailer, but with The Walking Dead Game. Have the voiceovers from The Dark Knight Rises, but show Walking Dead game clips.
Pete has moves that would school of those young'uns so bad they'd think they were in first grade. Him being in the video wouldn't be fair.
We DO however need to see Pete and Nick have a dance off. The ultimate Uncle-Nephew competition.
Okay that thing with the baby was funny. But you know Danny's not getting out of that barn alive, right? Pretty sure the only person who would have ever made it out of there is Andy, if he could pull himself together and get over his family's death.
...I am just the king at dragging everybody down.
Mike: I ought to stop bothering you with stupid hypotheticals.
Bonnie: Come on, you'd be a lot less fun.
Talked Kenny down: "Don't make me use the power of persuasion, man!"
Beat up Kenny: "Don't make me use the pimp hand again, bitch!"
You should have made her zombie model jump out from behind the door instead.
Yeah! Beat his ass Lee!!
Someone please photoshop Clementine with Clint Eastwood's face.
Back in S1E5 if you left Kenny to guard the boat by himself...
You know, what would really tie the whole thing together is if Vernon swung in to save the day on his muthafuckin' boat, and also stillfeelsthestabofguiltforstealingitespeciallysincehekeptitforhimself. Can you handle that, Karma??
Those two videos are great! XD
I gotta admit Tavia always reminded me of Shirley.
Wait who what when where and why!?
I thought they worked at a lemonade stand.
That video is on replay
For a sec I thought that was kenny and mike again
For those who finished Season Two: Episode Three and thought, "Gee, that sure was swell, but it was missing some puns."
It's Bike. :P
Not really a meme, but something funny.
Also, spoilers for Mad Men.
In Season 6, Episode 11, there's a character named Duck, and at the beginning, one of the main characters, Kenny, loses his eye.
Duck was introduced before Telltale's Walking Dead even started, and Kenny losing his eye happened before Season Two.
This is possibly the funniest coincidence I've ever stumbled upon.
Yep, that's probably Kenny's definition of [Glass him]
I totally thought it meant something else back then!
Infinite glasses!!!
Haha, cool.
Wait... is it just me or does clementines eyes look completely black?
Because logic.

So, you thought that Sarita was dead?
Going "Land of the Dead" up in this bitch.
Someone asked Kenny's voice actor for a Season 2 version of his autograph postcard thingy, and this is what he sent to the fan:
Seems legit xD
That's why she keeps everything in her left back pocket she's Batman , She got a bat-pocket
Bonus Bat points for Clem is that she can actually use the "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEAD!!!" line and mean it
I can't think of any else.
She's slapping Sarah again!
Someone should make a parody of the final Dark Knight Rises trailer, but with The Walking Dead Game. Have the voiceovers from The Dark Knight Rises, but show Walking Dead game clips.
Harvey Dent's famous line might actually apply to S2.
Even more Batpoints for Clem.
Episode 6 for my Season 2 YTP!
Could do better.