Who else is desperate for Lee to appear in a dream sequence?

I know this has already been said by a lot of people but I just think that it would be so wonderful/heartbreaking to have Lee appear in a dream sequence. It wouldn't seem especially out of place- there was a zombified Clementine dream sequence in Season One so I don't see why they couldn't include a dream sequence in Season Two Episode Five.

I certainly think it could be a possibility. Lee has been referenced throughout the entire second series- surely that's building up to something. Although it would be emotionally crippling for her I still think it would give Clem closure. 'Dream Lee' could tell Clementine that his death wasn't her fault and make her stop blaming herself.


  • That'd be sick! ! ! ! ! I hope they do????

  • Everyone! Its a must

  • It'd be great to hear Dave Fennoy's stellar performance again. Seeing Lee reflect on Clem's Season-wide decisions or motivate her to continue onward would be awesome, and insanely emotional.

    TWD FTW posted: »

    Everyone! Its a must

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah The Walking Dead Season 2 needs at least one dream, like Lee had dreams in season 1.
    It doesn't have to be a Lee dream though, something with all the people who died and her snapping or something like that.

  • That's the problem. I'm vaguely concerned that due to so many people asking for it too happen, TellTale Games will avoid doing it so as not to be predictable.

    TWD FTW posted: »

    Everyone! Its a must

  • I don't know, I would love something big to reference Lee in episode 5, but a dream sequence would seem kinda cheesy. Don't get me wrong Telltale could make it work, but they have been known to do things that aren't in typical video games and a dream sequence would seem too mass effect 3 or anime-ish.

  • I've been waited for that since the beginning of s2.

    But I'd prefer a hallucination sequence, as Clementine is half conscious and about to pass out (from pain or cold), having lost all hope, she would see Lee who would tell us to keep hope and get on her feet.

  • It would be very good if Lee's speech to Clem was determined by player choices. It would be all the more interesting if the player had chosen a lot of morally questionable choices throughout the game and could perhaps have Lee tell her 'This isn't how I taught you'.

    Hazzer posted: »

    It'd be great to hear Dave Fennoy's stellar performance again. Seeing Lee reflect on Clem's Season-wide decisions or motivate her to continue onward would be awesome, and insanely emotional.

  • edited August 2014

    Lee on Clementine's decisions:

    You just left Christa like that?/I'm glad you did what you could for her.

    You killed a dog?/You left it to die?

    I'm glad you forgave him./I understand why you didn't forgive him.

    I don't blame you for not giving that man water./It was a good thing giving that man water.

    I guess it was safer to choose the other guy./It's good to know that you chose to spend time with someone who was facing their last moments.

  • Even hearing Lee's voice again, telling Clem to get up after being shot would be enough for me.

    Although, if I remember correctly there's an achievement with the description "Stopped for the night." and another that says "Made it through to morning." hopefully a Lee dream sequence coming up...

  • edited August 2014

    It'd be a nice touch.

  • Yeah, I can predict that I'd lose it big time. And gosh, I really hope that you're right.

    Echopapa posted: »

    Even hearing Lee's voice again, telling Clem to get up after being shot would be enough for me. Although, if I remember correctly there's

  • Like the stranger from Season 1!

    "I'm glad you didn't watch Ken do what he did to that man/I guess he deserved it, but you didn't need to see it."

    "Why would you leave that girl to die?/Even though she's a burden, I'm proud you didn't let her die."

    What would be even worse would be if you played like a dick, you had Lee say "I'm disappointed in you Clem." VS if you were a decent person, he tells you "I'm proud of you Clementine."

    prink34320 posted: »

    Lee on Clementine's decisions: You just left Christa like that?/I'm glad you did what you could for her. You killed a dog?/You left it

  • I think his responses should depend on Lee's choices in Season 1.

    Echopapa posted: »

    Like the stranger from Season 1! "I'm glad you didn't watch Ken do what he did to that man/I guess he deserved it, but you didn't need to

  • Get the tissue box ready man.

    TheChlozie posted: »

    Yeah, I can predict that I'd lose it big time. And gosh, I really hope that you're right.

  • I don't think Telltale would go that in-depth, but yeah... say if you have a choice to execute Arvo, and he calls you out on it, if in season 1 you killed Andy St. John when you didn't need it he'll say "I understand why you did that."

    prink34320 posted: »

    I think his responses should depend on Lee's choices in Season 1.

  • edited August 2014

    If Clem got shot, maybe she could keep falling unconscious. During this Lee can push her on and forwards. This would show just how much Lee had an effect on Clem and how much Clem loves Lee.

    EDIT: OR... if your like me and you don't want Clem getting shot, it could always be from Hypothermia (I hope that's right)

  • That's not true

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I don't know, I would love something big to reference Lee in episode 5, but a dream sequence would seem kinda cheesy. Don't get me wrong Tel

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