Why Season 2 Finale WILL Be Better Than Season 1 Finale



  • Well they'll probably die the first five minutes of the episode so you probably will never hear them ever again.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Arvo was fine, and so was Maud, I guess. Buricko and Vitaliy weren't. They spoke Russian so sickeningly bad, that I don't want to hear them speak again. Ever.

  • Russian customs and folklore, perhaps, but were they supposed to be first generation Russian immigrants who didn't speak any English like Arvo's pals?

    I remember characters from the movie The Deer Hunter (with DeNiro, Walken...) being Russian-Americans and still having russian customs and folklore. Movie took place in Pennsylvania (had to check this on wikipedia).

  • That's what I'm aiming for.

    Well they'll probably die the first five minutes of the episode so you probably will never hear them ever again.

  • edited August 2014

    Gangsters? One dude has a lot of tattoos but so what? Guy just likes tattoos. The rest of them have guns but everyone has guns. Including the 11-year old.

    They're just a bunch of survivors who happen to be from the same ethnic group. Presumably they're all from the same family or neighborhood and have stuck together. (If they were all from different places and just happened to have met up then, yeah, I'd call bullshit.) Maybe it's because I come from a fairly diverse urban area (lots of Armenian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Puerto Rican families where I come from) but that didn't strike me as being particularly crazy. Not any more than running into an interracial, homosexual couple with what appears to be a large age gap in between them.

    It's far-fetched enough that running into a bunch of Russian gangsters would cause me to do a double-take now, without a zombie apocalypse.

  • edited August 2014

    If you see a Russian (or Japanese) guy in a work of fiction who is covered in tattoos, it's pretty obvious what the writer is going for.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Gangsters? One dude has a lot of tattoos but so what? Guy just likes tattoos. The rest of them have guns but everyone has guns. Including th

  • "Nick, Sarah, And Rebecca were the characters that made season 2 interesting." LOL

    "telltale is really predictable" LMAO

    "because their shit is "sad" doesn't make it good at all." ROFL!

    Ellias, you are the king of comedy!

    Ellias posted: »

    Yeah just wait 15 minutes and watch them all die lol. Nick, Sarah, And Rebecca were the characters that made season 2 interesting. How it wo

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited August 2014

    Lol thanks. Love my fans though.

    "Nick, Sarah, And Rebecca were the characters that made season 2 interesting." LOL "telltale is really predictable" LMAO "because their shit is "sad" doesn't make it good at all." ROFL! Ellias, you are the king of comedy!

  • edited August 2014

    No, not at all.

    Arvo and his tovaritchs can only be tourists.

    Russian customs and folklore, perhaps, but were they supposed to be first generation Russian immigrants who didn't speak any English like Arvo's pals?

  • edited August 2014

    Okay, then it's a (former) Russian gang member and a bunch of other Russian immigrants. That's still not implausible to me. Immigrants move to areas where there are other immigrants from the same place. That's how they start to familiarize themselves with the language and culture. It would make sense for them to stick together as much as possible when something like zombie apocalypse rolls around.

    Back in 400 days, there was a fella we met in Shel's story that only spoke Portuguese. He was with another group, who presumably were also full of people who mainly spoke Portuguese. I didn't think there was anything "off" about that back then. The U.S. has a pretty vast immigrant population.

    Oh and this is a better list of places with large Russian populations. A random town in Kentucky is third. Wouldn't have called that, but there it is:


    If you see a Russian (or Japanese) guy in a work of fiction who is covered in tattoos, it's pretty obvious what the writer is going for.

  • Well, why else did you make a complainers OP telling them all to shut up, and the fact you just write off valid criticism as unwarranted and invalidated.

    lol people actual think I am defending Telltale. Hilarious. Just proves you don't do your research at all.

  • I remember when I thought it was a good comeback to say "love my fans" ... but then I turned 12. Also, didn't you use that exact line in another thread. . . c'mon man don't recycle material. If your going to be the king of comedy you need new material.

    Ellias posted: »

    Lol thanks. Love my fans though.

  • Well were moving away from the main point and getting into a bit controversial topic. . . I mean whether or not I agree with you, I still think America is the melting pot of the world. I don't think its so unimaginable that a group of russians show up.

    while he's being kind of harsh, he has a point... if you can't speak english then you shouldn't really be in an english speaking country unless you're willing to learn it although this is the zombie apocalypse so that point goes out of the window

  • Winging it implies you make it up as you go along which means you had no idea. You just supported my argument. . .

    Ellias posted: »

    They had an idea, but not 100% clear. So. Ummmm yes.

  • They had an idea, but not 100% clear. So. Ummmm no.

    Winging it implies you make it up as you go along which means you had no idea. You just supported my argument. . .

  • its definitely not unimaginable and it probably does happen a lot. we shouldn't continue, me may be moving into "racism" debate territory

    Well were moving away from the main point and getting into a bit controversial topic. . . I mean whether or not I agree with you, I still th

  • Yeah, they might have had a larger group at the beginning, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe 3 or 4 of them managed to survive together from the start, or maybe one or two of them randomly met them, and were very lucky to find other Russian speakers.

    I didn't find that too weird they were Russians. But they obviously were together before the zombie apocalypse happened, so they are either

  • Omid and Christa were tourists from San Fransisco. When will we meet the Japanese family guy with a giant camera on his chest?

    No, not at all. Arvo and his tovaritchs can only be tourists.

  • Users should be nice to one another though.

    Im just bumping this thread because all the "be nice" threads are making be vomit. They are quite possibly worse than the threads that compl

  • Im just bumping this thread because all the "be nice" threads are making be vomit. They are quite possibly worse than the threads that complained about stupid things. People - long story short - don't let what other people say on this forum bring you down. The only thing we know about each other is our avatar pictures. Lets all calm down and keep discussion ON THE GAME and not the FORUMS.

  • edited August 2014

    Not saying they shouldn't. I know I am tough on users but its only because I want this forums to have insightful discussions ABOUT THE GAME. Complaining is fine to a degree. But its like a domino. Once one thread appears 10 more appear. I come on here to discuss the game. For example,

    • Who's going to survive the next episode ?

    • Why did you make this choice?

    • How do think this will impact this?

    • Hints about what will happen

    Etc etc etc etc.

    NOT relentless complaining or 5 threads about why this forum needs to be nicer.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Users should be nice to one another though.

  • If you want to see a prime example of "Making it up as you go", I'd direct you to look at the show Lost. The writers admittedly said they did not know what direction they were going for the show, and made a season limit for themselves so they can attempt to fit a good story within the time. While Season 2 has seemed a little misguided at points, I am 100% sure the writers know how it would start, and how it would end. The middle of the season seemed a bit misguided, but it was leading up to the end. If I could offer advice to Telltale, I'd tell them to spend more time on the middle part of the story, and not so much on the beginning and end. This can be attributed to having multiple writers working on episodes, with different views on how the season should go , it's easy to think that they aren't clear on how the story will go. However, in the end they know what story they want to tell, and they do a great job doing it they way they have things set up.

    Ellias posted: »

    They had an idea, but not 100% clear. So. Ummmm no.

  • I actually care for Clem more then Lee. After all Lee is a grown up, Clem is just 11 years old. I actually enjoy playing as Clem a lot. I don't enjoy it more or less then playing as Lee. Both are different characters with different traits and personalitys. Also just because Clem does all the hard work shouldn't efffect what you think of her.

    Warge posted: »

    13 years old? She turns 9 at the end of s01e05. But I agree, her looks and behaviour is more akin to a teen than a child. Which is just more bad writing.

  • I think there is certainly a SLIGHT element of unrealism since Clementine has to do everything. Lee was a able bodied male adult. Like I said Telltale has done a good job of making Clementine act like an adult.

    RobSolo posted: »

    I actually care for Clem more then Lee. After all Lee is a grown up, Clem is just 11 years old. I actually enjoy playing as Clem a lot. I do

  • What in the sentence "She turns 9 at the end of s01e05" is hard to understand? There isn't a two year gap between the seasons as far as I or anyone else know.

    Yeah, Lee and Clem are two different characters, that's true. But having a (badly written) 9 year old as a protagonist is unfortunately not that good idea, since she has to be pushed into anything that happens which is a hamfisted way of writing a story. It is not realiswtic to have a child going out to scout a bridge or anything else actually when there are healthy adults available. It's not believable which yanks people out of the immersion in the game.

    The only time having Clem in action is actually at the beginning of episode 1 when she is separated from Christa, because then there wouldn't be any choice.

    RobSolo posted: »

    I actually care for Clem more then Lee. After all Lee is a grown up, Clem is just 11 years old. I actually enjoy playing as Clem a lot. I do

  • Have you played the game? The first episode of season 2 skips to Clem being 11.

    Warge posted: »

    What in the sentence "She turns 9 at the end of s01e05" is hard to understand? There isn't a two year gap between the seasons as far as I or

  • Ok, I started up the game again and yes, there is a 16 months(!) gap between the prologue and the game, so I give you that.

    RobSolo posted: »

    Have you played the game? The first episode of season 2 skips to Clem being 11.

  • edited August 2014

    Didn't Nick Breckon and telltale say that TRUST was going to be the MAIN theme of Season 2? Cause that arc seems to have dropped after episode 2 and is more focused on a "lone wolf" perspective.

    Shtabie posted: »

    If you want to see a prime example of "Making it up as you go", I'd direct you to look at the show Lost. The writers admittedly said they di

  • To be fair, I don't expect any game's finale to hit me as hard as season one did any time soon. It'll be harder to guess where season 2 is headed I suppose, but that's mainly because the only consistent plot direction we have left is getting to Wellington.

    Telltale's hyping it up as a tearjerker, but most of the characters I was holding out for are already gone. I'd like Bonnie and Mike to survive, but they're far more likely to die right off the bat than Luke and Kenny are, and I can't imagine Clem being killed off as a satisfying conclusion for the story in any way.

  • edited August 2014

    Did I miss something? Is it really Stephanie from 400 days?

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    Sarangholic posted: »

    I really like episode 4, but as far as setting up a great finale - no. The Russians were bullshit. I'm plenty happy having a Russian immigra

  • Why did you enjoyed it?

    RomanZombie posted: »

    Am I the only one who enjoyed season 2 more than season 1? Im not saying season 2 was better just that I enjoyed it more playing as a child rather than an adult.

  • It isn't, Stephanie died long after Vernon stole the boat.

    theonys posted: »

    Did I miss something? Is it really Stephanie from 400 days?

  • Then it's a very similar looking model

    bloop posted: »

    It isn't, Stephanie died long after Vernon stole the boat.

  • A man can dream though, a man can dream....

    theonys posted: »

    Then it's a very similar looking model

  • Meh, I don't see the finale's story going in too many different directions like people seem to be hoping. The boring Luke and Kenny dynamic is obviously going to be a focus as it has been the whole season, so we know they're going to survive the shootout, maybe get wounded, but whatever. Mike and Bonnie are expendable characters, so them surviving would actually be a surprise, not them dying, which everyone expects at this point so it'll barely have an impact. Clementine will obviously not die unless Telltale has officially given up on proper storytelling.

    Christa coming back would be great, but they've had plenty of chances to expand on her up until now and never did, so I don't see much coming out of it if she does return. I highly doubt all the backstory we're all wondering about will be explained, and if it is, it'll be like, two lines worth of development which is the philosophy this season seems to be built upon. 400 Days people will obviously not be returning. Maybe the side characters in 400 Days will make an appearance, but I don't really see the use of it anymore at this point.

    We may have known Lee was going to die in s01e05, but we didn't know who the Stranger was, we didn't know if Clem would survive, we didn't know the boat would be taken, we didn't know if anyone else would live or die, and so on. Honestly, there's not much difference with the finale this time around. Some things are dead certain, and some things we don't know.

    What really matters is whether the writing is up to snuff, not whether it's predictable or not. Foiling the plot of superintelligent psycho platypuses who caused the zombie apocalypse would be "unpredictable". It would also be a failure of storytelling. Just saying.

  • Im sorry, but I could not disagree more. Nobody thought Clementine would die in Season 1 mainly because she was not the playable protagonist. Nothing is dead certain tbh, which is the exact opposite from S1. If you can't agree with that than theres no point in continuing this. I guess its just a difference of opinion.

    damkylan posted: »

    Meh, I don't see the finale's story going in too many different directions like people seem to be hoping. The boring Luke and Kenny dynamic

  • Why judge the episode early ???? Let's wait and see

  • "mainly because she was not the playable protagonist"

    So nobody ever expected any character to die besides Lee in the entirety of season 1? Because that's the conclusion I have to come to if we follow that weird line of logic. Sure, people may have expected her to survive, but not for that reason. In any case, I may not have been around during all the predicting, but I do remember hearing lots of hype about the final episode, and particularly people hoping that Clementine would not die. "If Clementine dies, blah blah blah..." That also doesn't account for all the other things that took us by surprise in episode 5, because we didn't know what to expect going into it besides Lee's death, and even that had people theorizing that he might survive if he cut off the arm or something. Sure, it was blind hope, much like when Sarita was obviously going to die in episode 4, but people still kept saying, "Well, ya never know, she just might survive. Nothing is certain with Telltale...", and it was incredibly silly, but it was still there.

    In that same vein, there are a few things that are dead certain despite wild theories, like Clem surviving and Luke and Kenny being made central to the story in some way before they die. These things would have to be set in stone for Telltale to have a consistent story on their hands.

    And I'm not planning on "continuing" anything. The previous finale had surprises in store for us regardless of the certainty of Lee dying. This season's finale no doubt has surprises in store for us despite the certainty of things like Clem surviving and the Luke/Kenny dynamic. Season 2 certainly has more room for random stuff to happen, I'll grant you that, but that doesn't necessarily give it potential to be any more satisfying a conclusion than season 1's finale or be wrought with mindblowing twists, any more than the usual twists we get. shrug That's the way it is.

    Im sorry, but I could not disagree more. Nobody thought Clementine would die in Season 1 mainly because she was not the playable protagonist

  • yeah exactly!! that's what i thought about .. hahahaha ;D

    BenUseful posted: »

    The Russians can't even speak english. What business do they have being in America?

  • I'll be annoyed if is is not explained how Christa lost her baby

  • Fast paced and enjoyable?

    Just to get some perspective...what are your thoughts on Michael Bay movies ie Transformers?

    aldimon posted: »

    No i agree with you. I found it much more interesting to play Clem. I replayed both seasons last week, and season two is much more fast-paced and enjoyable IMO.

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