Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    Markd4547 posted: »

    I upthumbed haters are going to hate :P


    ribs in peas you went out like a hero ;-;

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • edited August 2014

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4

    If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would grab Papai and force Lord to give up the Humvee keys. He would then toss them over to him, Mark would have both guns at this moment, so he would aim his AK at Papai and order him to bring him the keys. Papai would do as he says, and then Mark would slowly move back towards the Humvee, he would steal it and as he's driving off, he would shoot at them and Papai would die. Lord would get injured but live, from there he would have to decide to go after him, or go the opposite direction where he would eventually find The hilltop group and try to kill them. If Mark decided to come out from hiding and "talk" to them, Lord would use Tali as a human shield/hostage. Mark and Papai would be aiming their guns at each other and arguing back and forth to put their guns down. Mark would get tired and shoot Papai, but since he has a bulletproof vest, he would just fall back and get knocked unconscious. Lord would tell Mark to stay back. Mark would tell him to let Tali go, and to hand over the keys. Lord wouldn't listen and start to back away slowly. He would then trip and fall back, Mark would run up to him and place his foot on his arm so he doesn't grab the knife. Tali would be weak, but he would be able to grab the knife and keys and then get to the Humvee. An option to kill Lord or let him live would come up. Mark would leave with Tali in the Humvee after that, but Papai would be alive, if Mark lets Lord live, him and Papai would go after them.

    If Juicy told Latte to wait until Scarlet does something. Simon would die, but Scarlet would be able to save Grafite. Juicy and Latte would show up, and tell them that they watched her. Scarlet would get angry with them and ask them why they didn't help a kid out. She wouldn't trust them and take Grafite with her. If Juicy told Latte to sneak in while they're distracted, Simon would die, Scarlet would spot them and yell out to them, a walker would sneak up behind her and kill her. Grafite would be left on top of the car, when Juicy and Latte finish(If they're both still alive) They would go back outside and see that Grafite had been killed by the walkers as well. If Juicy said nothing, Latte would go out there and try to help, Simon and Scarlet would live, but Latte would die. Juicy would feel bad for not helping, Scarlet and Simon would question her as to why she didn't do anything, and then leave her while they enter the superstore and go on without her. Juicy would be alone, and eventually die from a bunch of walkers. If Juicy tells Simon to leave without Grafite, he would get angry at her and still try to save Grafite either way. Juicy would go to the roof, and watch as both Grafite and Simon die, Latte would tell her that there was nothing they could do and move on, although she would feel very bad about what happened to them. If Juicy tries to save Grafite and tells Simon to go, Simon would make it to the roof, the walkers behind Juicy would follow her, she would be to slow when trying to help Grafite, and eventually she would get surrounded, both would die. Simon would get depressed over Grafite's death and blame himself, Latte would blame himself for not trying to help. If both Juicy and Simon tried to help, they would manage to save Grafite, there would be too many walkers around though, Simon and Juicy would try to hold them off while Grafite attempts to escape, they would both die, but Grafite would live. Latte would blame himself for not trying to help. If Juicy decided that Scarlet was right about being alone, she would leave Latte behind with Grafite, Juicy would later die when she runs into some bandits. If Juicy decided to leave with Scarlet, she would leave Latte and Grafite behind. Scarlet would be hesitant, but let her join. Scarlet would teach her a few more things, how to shoot, steal, kill walkers with different weapons. They would avoid the burning farmhouse but end up finding the bandit hideout a lot sooner.

    If Spooch told Blue to leave, Blue would be pissed that they left two friends behind to die. He would stop talking to Spooch and not trust him anymore. If Spooch told Blue that they need to save Salt123, only Romy would die, both of them would manage to get Salt123 out of the bar. If both of them tried to save Romy, Salt123 would die, Blue would be able to save Romy, but Spooch would sacrifice himself so they could escape. If Spooch told Blue to check the bar, Blue would be able to get Salt123 out in time. Spooch would be able to get to Romy, but there would be too many walkers in front of them. Romy would sacrifice himself to save Spooch so he could escape. If NDY told the bandits a lie, the leader would tell his men to check the RV a lot quicker, NDY would panic and tell them that no one is here except for him. The bandits would still check, and kill Star and WTWH, the leader would get mad that he lied and then shoot NDY in the back of the head. If NDY told the truth, the bandit leader would tell his men to get them out of the RV, now the bandits would have NDY, Star and WTWH as their hostages. Whoever else is still alive would have to negotiate and distract the bandits long enough for the others to try something. If NDY tried stalling them, he would keep talking and changing the subject, whoever is still alive would see Star and WTWH waiting outside of the RV, they would explain what's going on and think of a way to save NDY. If NDY tried picking up the rock, he would get shot and die, Star and WTWH would hear the gunshot, and head outside, the other bandits would kill them off, who ever survived would need to decide if they should leave or attempt to do something. If they try something, two more bandits would sneak up behind them, the whole Hilltop group would be killed off. Latte and Juicy would get there too late, and decide to leave or try to kill some of the bandits with the car. If they leave, they would get chased by the bandits, after losing them, they would have to decide to ditch the car and go on foot, or keep it and try to find some place safe. If they keep it, the bandits would eventually find them and finish them off. If Romy and Salt123 decided to wait, they would eventually figure out what's going on, Star and WTWH would come out of the RV depending on what was chosen, but two bandits would sneak up behind Romy and Salt123. The bandits, would yell out that there's more people and then keep them all as hostages, Latte would show up and have to decide what to do. If Romy said nothing, Salt123 would go out there and meet up with Star and WTWH. They would attempt to ambush the bandits and save NDY, Two bandits would sneak up behind Romy, though. Latte would show up and decide what to do. If NDY said nothing after telling them what was chosen, the bandit would head into the RV and kill Star and WTWH.

    If Latte started to honk the horn, the two bandits would hear him and start shooting in his direction, he would back up and his other group members would go around the RV for some cover, they would eventually kill the last two remaining bandits, but Latte would discover that Juicy had been killed by the gunfire. If Latte attempted to sneak up on them, WTWH and NDY would die, Latte would get in a struggle with one of the bandits, but the other would kill him. Romy and Salt123 would kill the last bandit. Juicy and Grafite would have to decide if they should stay with them or leave. If he tried to sneak up with Juicy, Latte would try to get to the bandits quicker, WTWH and Salt123 would die, Juicy would help kill the bandit that's fighting with Latte, Romy and NDY would finish off the last one. If the group decided to leave in the morning, and if Juicy is with them. Scarlet would die, they would see a burnt down farmhouse and barn in the morning, but continue on their way. A few bandits would be on their tail, though, but they wouldn't know it. If NDY tried helping Scarlet with just WTWH and had Juicy tag along. They would get pinned down behind the fence, WTWH would go insane and start killing the bandits off, he would manage to kill all of them except for one. The last bandit would see Juicy trying to sneak over to Scarlet, and kill her off, at the same time NDY would be trying to sneak around the cars to get to the last bandit, when he sees that he killed Juicy, he would go over and finish him off. If NDY took Romy, Salt123, and WTWH with him but kept Juicy behind, They would manage to kill a few bandits until they get pinned down, WTWH and Salt123 would go out there and try to finish the rest off, the bandits would be aiming for Salt123 and injure him, Romy would try to go out and help, but end up getting shot and die. WTWH would manage to finish the bandits off with the help of NDY. Salt123 would be slowly dying, they would have to decide to leave him to die, or finish him off. If NDY took WTWH and left Juicy behind, they would get pinned down and mange to kill at least one bandit. WTWH would see Scarlet struggling to keep the bandit off of her and shoot him. They would try to sneak around, but they'll see that Scarlet gets shot and dies. WTWH and NDY would try to finish the rest off, but NDY would die. WTWH would survive and have to go back to tell the rest in the RV what happened. If NDY said that whoever wants to help can go, Juicy would go out there and take a handgun, even though she can't shoot. Star would get angry at the group for not wanting to help and try to go out there with her, even though he's injured. They would drive off and continue on their way, feeling bad that they left them behind. Star and Juicy would die and so would Scarlet. They would manage to kill one bandit only. If NDY said that there was nothing they could do, they would drive off, Juicy would be pissed and think about leaving the group. Scarlet would die trying to fight all the bandits by herself.

    I think that's all of them. If you think I missed something, or want to know anything else, let me know. B]

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    XD Wait I didn't need to kill Papai and Lord dayum well at least I got rid of some stalkers who could of killed me down the line.

    This must of taking you hours to write it was awesome seeing all of the outcomes and Saltlick could of lived dayum :'(

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4 If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would

  • Lol, he could have been your rival or something like that. Eventually you would both end up in a fight to the death. B]

    Yeah, they were mostly win/lose situations. Well, now I can go back to the old characters. Oh, man...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Wait I didn't need to kill Papai and Lord dayum well at least I got rid of some stalkers who could of killed me down the line. This must of taking you hours to write it was awesome seeing all of the outcomes and Saltlick could of lived dayum

  • I was trying for Juicy not to get killed, but if what I voted for happened (Juicy and Simon helping me, and taking WTWH with us, which I later changed), it would get Juicy killed twice.

    Also, poor Lord and Papai, we voted for the only option that killed them both, giving them no character development.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4 If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would

  • I love reading these. XD

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4 If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would

  • Alright, so now that you guys know what would have happened with the different choices. How do you feel about your votes? Would you go back and change some of them? What do you think will happen in the second half with the new group of characters?

  • Well, now I can go back to the old characters. Oh, man

    Alt text

    XD You can kill off a few veterans of the story now the butthurt is going to be off the charts I can't wait :DDD

    Lol, he could have been your rival or something like that. Eventually you would both end up in a fight to the death. B] Yeah, they were mostly win/lose situations. Well, now I can go back to the old characters. Oh, man...

  • So many different possibilities, haha. Sometimes I feel like going back and continuing in a different direction, but nah, heh. B]

    Twistee posted: »

    I love reading these. XD

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well, now I can go back to the old characters. Oh, man XD You can kill off a few veterans of the story now the butthurt is going to be off the charts I can't wait :DDD

  • Too many deaths, but I don't really know if I would've changed anything. ;-; And I think too much blood will happen...

    Alright, so now that you guys know what would have happened with the different choices. How do you feel about your votes? Would you go back and change some of them? What do you think will happen in the second half with the new group of characters?

  • edited August 2014

    If Spooch told Blue to check the bar, Blue would be able to get Salt123 out in time. Spooch would be able to get to Romy, but there would be too many walkers in front of them. Romy would sacrifice himself to save Spooch so he could escape.

    Fuck. I could've lived, but at the cost of Romy sacrifice.

    We litterally got the only choice that would kill me. ;-;

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4 If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would

  • You mustn't forget me, darling.

    Lol, he could have been your rival or something like that. Eventually you would both end up in a fight to the death. B] Yeah, they were mostly win/lose situations. Well, now I can go back to the old characters. Oh, man...

  • I regret none of my votes.

    And people will die.

    Alright, so now that you guys know what would have happened with the different choices. How do you feel about your votes? Would you go back and change some of them? What do you think will happen in the second half with the new group of characters?

  • Nah, I don't think I regret any on this chapter so far.

    A lot of blood will be spilled haha.

    Alright, so now that you guys know what would have happened with the different choices. How do you feel about your votes? Would you go back and change some of them? What do you think will happen in the second half with the new group of characters?

  • edited August 2014

    Lol, I was wondering why people chose the option that got picked, Blue was like a brother to Salt123, I was expecting more people to choose him to go for Salt123. Well, now that Salt123 is gone, I'm going to call Salt305 just Salt like I've been doing.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    If Spooch told Blue to check the bar, Blue would be able to get Salt123 out in time. Spooch would be able to get to Romy, but there would be

  • Oh, man... get ready.

    Too many deaths, but I don't really know if I would've changed anything. ;-; And I think too much blood will happen...

  • Your character is already set, he'll show up fairly early in the second half. B]

    ComingSoon posted: »

    You mustn't forget me, darling.

  • Yes. Very good.

    Your character is already set, he'll show up fairly early in the second half. B]

  • Lol, exactly xD

    Too bad, he totally called his death.

    Lol, I was wondering why people chose the option that got picked, Blue was like a brother to Salt123, I was expecting more people to choose

  • I think I should have told Blue to go to the bar :\ . Romy would die, but the rest of us would have lived :(. Oh well, what's done is done.

    Alright, so now that you guys know what would have happened with the different choices. How do you feel about your votes? Would you go back and change some of them? What do you think will happen in the second half with the new group of characters?

  • That's what I remembered as soon as I read he died.

    Wonder how he's gonna react lol

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Lol, exactly xD Too bad, he totally called his death.

  • ComingSoon posted: »

    That's what I remembered as soon as I read he died. Wonder how he's gonna react lol

  • Lol, yeah, he'll probably be like. "Well, I knew it... fuck, fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUCK!"

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Lol, exactly xD Too bad, he totally called his death.

  • I'm always ready...

    Oh, man... get ready.

  • edited August 2014

    Hey guys i'm back

    sorry for not posting i a while school kinda has me a bit full and im still on page 50 something of this story but i just wanted to let you all know i'm still here

    ps : why can't i post in the Lounge?

  • I'll PM you.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys i'm back sorry for not posting i a while school kinda has me a bit full and im still on page 50 something of this story but i just wanted to let you all know i'm still here ps : why can't i post in the Lounge?

  • at least I got rid of some stalkers who could of killed me down the line

    Wow thanks Mark you LITTERALY Feel no regret for picking THE ONLY OPTION that killed me off pointlessly

    Especialy considering that you HAD NO RISK

    i'm sad know...................................................);

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Wait I didn't need to kill Papai and Lord dayum well at least I got rid of some stalkers who could of killed me down the line. This must of taking you hours to write it was awesome seeing all of the outcomes and Saltlick could of lived dayum

  • thanks for caring..................

    and at least i got most of my development spewed out

    Grafite posted: »

    I was trying for Juicy not to get killed, but if what I voted for happened (Juicy and Simon helping me, and taking WTWH with us, which I la

  • not even my compleatly pointless death choice

    you know the one most voted for (sry if you din't vote for that its hard keeping track of who besides mark)

    Too many deaths, but I don't really know if I would've changed anything. ;-; And I think too much blood will happen...


    ComingSoon posted: »

    I regret none of my votes. And people will die.

  • Not my fault I regret nothing. It's just how I am I suppose. XD

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • I voted to wait until nightime.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    not even my compleatly pointless death choice you know the one most voted for (sry if you din't vote for that its hard keeping track of who besides mark)

  • it's ok i'm just bummed and mad that the mayority AND MARK chose the ONLY option that got me killed

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Not my fault I regret nothing. It's just how I am I suppose. XD

  • Sorry. Yeah that legitimately sucks. It just happened to be the only choice that resulted in your death.

    I mean, that was like a 20% to 25% chance right?

    Man, just a stroke of bad luck…

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    it's ok i'm just bummed and mad that the mayority AND MARK chose the ONLY option that got me killed

  • man WHY DO YOU GUYS DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i keep having reasons to hate the voters AND I DON't want to

    man my character go Horrible treatment (again i IN NO WAY BLAME PRO you guys LITTERALY GAVE HIM NO CHOICE)

  • a god i have no good way to take it in

    I feel like amid the ruins Kenny "The punches keep coming and i'm still taking a beating EVERY DAY"

    And i can only blame you guys but i don't want to YOU GUY'S HELP MAKE SOMETHING I LOVE

    And yet My character had SO MUTCH POTENTIAL and NEVER got to show it................

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Sorry. Yeah that legitimately sucks. It just happened to be the only choice that resulted in your death. I mean, that was like a 20% to 25% chance right? Man, just a stroke of bad luck…

  • Yeah, I agree man. Would've been awesome to see what your character could do. But what are you going to do, right? We just have to keep moving forward through the story. Heh, you're lucky your character appeared XD I have to wait until the second half comes along, lol

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    a god i have no good way to take it in I feel like amid the ruins Kenny "The punches keep coming and i'm still taking a beating EVERY DAY

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