Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Yeah, Gustav_Box brotp is cool :p

    cough Gustav_Box cough Whoops, my character is like twenty, well. cough Gustav_Box father-daughter cough

  • I want a father-daughter relationship with someone in the story anyway, so sounds good, going to protect Juicy like she was my daugther.

    Yeah, I think I made Gustav's character in his late 20's or something like that. For your character, I'll put her around 16-17. Latte's character just turned 19.

  • So a possible romance then? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    Yeah, I think I made Gustav's character in his late 20's or something like that. For your character, I'll put her around 16-17. Latte's character just turned 19.

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    Calm down, it was a joke I mean... I doubt LatteBox would happen in the story, but some romance would be aight. I dunt wunt me 2 b cheesy doh if it were to happen ;-;

    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    So a possible romance then? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LatteBox4Life

  • Heh heh. LatteBox WILL happen

    Alt text

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Calm down, it was a joke I mean... I doubt LatteBox would happen in the story, but some romance would be aight. I dunt wunt me 2 b cheesy doh if it were to happen ;-;

  • Lmao, hmm idk. I might just add little things here and there, heh. If you guys really want it. B]

    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    So a possible romance then? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LatteBox4Life

  • "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"

    Lmao, hmm idk. I might just add little things here and there, heh. If you guys really want it. B]


    (get it? I'm already dead.... YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO ME, PRO!! MUAHAHAHAHA)

    Lmao, hmm idk. I might just add little things here and there, heh. If you guys really want it. B]

  • JuicyLatte poll

    Lmao, hmm idk. I might just add little things here and there, heh. If you guys really want it. B]

  • "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"

    Lmao, hmm idk. I might just add little things here and there, heh. If you guys really want it. B]

  • I've never been a nice guy. Unless you're talking about the story, of course.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    su evil. much wow ;-;

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited August 2014

    Stupid double post.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    su evil. much wow ;-;

  • U so protectuv ;-;

    "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"

  • Calm down, it was a joke. And you're a nice guy!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I've never been a nice guy. Unless you're talking about the story, of course.

  • Yes, yes, I am.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    U so protectuv ;-;



    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Drive over and try to run the two guys over. I was watching as the two bandits were getting closer to Latte's group."

  • I'm 25, but my character is somewhere between late teens and early twenties, not sure.

    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    Nah, shipping is normal! Not to be creepy or anything, but how old are you so I can see if my OTP would be legal o.o

  • LatteBoxConfirmedChapter4

    -techno music and shaking picture-

    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    So a possible romance then? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LatteBox4Life

  • edited August 2014


    I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those monsters... I just didn't want to stick around to see something so horrible again. I've always been alone ever since this apocalypse started. I never trusted people, I would always watch after myself before anyone else, unless a kid's life was in danger, I would have to try and save them. Maybe it's those motherly instincts to want to protect those young ones who can't fend for themselves, but I also wouldn't be able to live with myself if I saw something happen to them when I know damn well I could have helped. I still have nightmares about my son, every single night. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about him. We were in the apartment when these two psychos decided to start shooting up the place. We managed to escape and then headed out into the streets, it was crowded, people were running around all over the place. There were walkers surrounding us as well. We tried to get through them, but I got knocked down by someone, and then my son was separated from me. He kept calling out for me, but I couldn't see where he was. After a short while I could hear him screaming in agony. I finally found him, but he was being devoured by those... things. There were so many of them in such a short amount of time, he tried calling out to me, and nobody even lifted a finger to try and save him. I tried getting to him, but there was just too many people in the way. I was already too late, he was gone, taken away from me by those damn walkers... I was never the same after that night. A day had past since I last saw Juicy, Grafite and Latte, it was nighttime and I was walking down a dirt road, I left the town with some food and supplies, thanks to that superstore from before. I looked up and noticed some black smoke in the distance, I could hear a few people in the distance as well. I took out my Glock 17 and started running towards them."Haha! Kill 'em!" As I got closer, I noticed three guys standing in front of a farmhouse and barn, they were throwing Molotov cocktails and burning everything to the ground.

    "Mommy!!!" I spotted a little boy running into the farmhouse. I could see that the front of the house was completely destroyed, looks like it had taken damage from a grenade.

    "Shit!" I said out loud. I had to do something about this, if I could somehow get the family out of the house and save them, I would have to make sure to be careful. If they were hurt or injured, I might be able to patch them up, I was a surgeon before all of this, those skills would have to come in handy. I couldn't let those men kill some innocent family. I noticed that the three men didn't have any guns on them, one had a bat, another didn't have anything in his hands, and the last one was throwing Molotov's from a recycling box full of them. I had to be smart about my approach, I needed to fool them and then get the upper hand. I put the Glock away and started walking towards them.

    The one with the bat took notice."Hey! Who the fuck is she?!" He shouted with a pissed off look.

    "Back the fuck up, lady!" The man who was throwing the Molotov's told me.

    "Hey there, boys. Settle down, I was just wondering why I wasn't invited to the party. Seems like you guys are hogging all the fun." I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

    They looked at each other with a confused look on all their faces. The one without any weapons walked up to me."Is that so?" He said with a smile. His breath smelled like a mixture of shit and booze, I tried not to puke and keep my composure.

    I placed my finger on his chest."You must be the one in charge."

    "That's right. You like that?" He asked.

    "What are you doing, man?! You don't even know her!" The one with the bat said to him.

    The man in front of me turned around."Shut the fuck, dumbass! Let me talk to her."

    I turned to the one with the bat."Are you jealous? There's plenty of me to go around, no need to argue with each other."

    "Heh... well, when you put it that way..." He grinned at me.

    "This should be fun." The Molotov guy said.

    "Ahh!!!" I heard someone screaming inside of the farmhouse, I quickly turned around to focus on it.

    The man in front of me grabbed my sweater and leaned me closer to him."I hope you like it rough, because we're not going to go easy on you, hahaha." He said with a sickening smile.

    "Well, do you think you're man enough?" I asked.

    "The fuck do you mean? Of course I-- AGH!!!" I kneed him in the crotch and quickly took out my Glock. BANG! BANG! I killed the other two guys and then kicked the man who was on his knees in front of me. He was trying to hold the pain back."You fuckin' stupid bit--" I ran up and kicked him in the face again.

    "How many in that house?! Why are you trying to kill them, you sick fuck?!" I asked him with the gun on his head.

    "Haha! They're fuckin' dead anyway!" BOOM! A loud explosion came from inside the farmhouse.

    "Come on! The gunshots came from the front!" I heard someone say. I saw two people coming out from the back of the farmhouse, these two actually had guns on them.

    "Oh shit!" I had to do something before they spotted me.

    "Haha, you're dead! Should've never tried to do something so stupid!" The man on the floor told me.

    "Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit. Get up!" I shouted at him.

    "Hey! over there!" The two guys had spotted me already.

    "Where the fuck are you going to go?! If you run they'll shoot you! Haha." The guy told me while I was trying to get him off of the ground.

    I managed to get him up and then tried using him as a human shield. I had my gun to his head. The two men got closer to us and aimed their AK's."Ain't nowhere to run, girly. Let him go." One said with a smile.

    "Fuckin' shoot her already!" My hostage told them.

    "Calm down, dumbass." The other guy told him."Just let him go, and we'll let you walk away. Don't do anything stupid, or you'll end up dead like them folks at that farmhouse, hahahaha!" He told me.

    "You bastards! You killed a child!" I was getting beyond angry.

    "That's right! And if you don't want to die, you better let that man go." The other told me with a grin. I knew that I was in trouble now, what was I thinking? I should have never tried anything in the first place. Maybe Juicy was right, maybe I actually needed someone to watch my back...


    (!) We should leave right away.

    Salt123 had his head down and was thinking. He looked up at us."We should leave right away." He said.

    "I think so, too. We already have everything set, let's not waste anymore time, and let's get out of here." I told the group.

    "Hopefully, we don't run into anymore trouble." Star replied.

    Everyone went inside the RV. I sat down in the driver seat, Romy took the passenger seat. Everyone else was in the back. Juicy was sitting on a foldable chair next to Latte. I could hear what she was saying."Thank God you're okay..."

    Salt123 and WTWH were laying in their beds, Star did the same."Well, ready to go?" Romy asked.

    "Yeah, let's get out of here." I replied and started driving away from the hilltop. We've been there for a while, stumbled upon it on accident. We were never attacked by walkers, but the bandits were the first people to disturb us. At first they just came to take the place over, we weren't going to let that happen. We fought back and Salt123 scared them when he went apeshit and started shooting back at them. Managed to kill a few before the rest ran off. We thought it was the last time that we were going to see them, but we were sadly mistaken. That hilltop wasn't safe anymore, we needed to get away from it.

    "Did I ever tell you about this one time where I tried to impress this girl and ended up embarrassing myself?" Romy asked.

    "Hmm, I'm pretty sure you haven't told me that one, heh." I replied.

    "Well, it was back in high school. Asked this girl out on a date, wanted to take her ice skating." He said.

    "Oh, boy. I can already see where this is going, haha. So what happened?" I asked.

    "Heh, well she said yes. So when the weekend came, I went over to her house to pick her up. It was going great so far, laughing and joking on our way to the outdoor ice rink. When we finally made it over there, I asked if she's ever been skating before. She says no and that I should teach her. Now here's the thing, I didn't know how to skate either, but like the smart guy that I am, I told her that I used to ice skate all the time when I was younger. It was only the half-truth, though. I went ice skating before with a couple of friends, but I never got the hang of it." Romy tells me.

    "Wait a minute, so you didn't know how to skate, yet you asked her out to go ice skating... why?! Haha." I asked him.

    "Dude, she told me that she's always wanted to go ice skating, I had to take her there!" Romy tells me.

    "Hehe..." I could here Salt123 laughing in the back.

    Romy turned to look at him, and then back at me."Anyway, she started getting excited. She was finally going to be able to go ice skating, and let's not forget that I would be able to teach her, right?"

    "Heh, right. Go on." I say to him.

    "Wrong! We put on our ice skates and we start heading over to the outdoor ice rink. Everyone was skating around, having a blast. She tells me to go first and then I could help her. I'm like, yeah sure, I got this. In my head I'm thinking, Oh shit! I'm going to bust my ass so badly right in front of her." Romy tells me.

    "Haha, so that's what happened, right? You busted your ass and she started laughing?" I ask.

    "Nope, I get on the ice rink and I'm struggling to keep my balance. I'm looking around and all the little kids are laughing at me, I'm trying to turn around so I could see my date. She asks if I was sure that I knew what I was doing, I'm like yeah, of course, I'm just warming up. I'm looking like an idiot in front of her and then I could hear the kids talking about me." Romy tells me.

    "Heh, so did she finally figure out you were lying and decided to leave?" I ask him.

    "Not exactly, man. This dumb little fucker comes up to me and starts showing off, skating around me, sticking his tongue out and laughing. I'm trying to maintain my balance and this one little annoying prick is making it worse for me! I'm looking over at my date who just has her hands behind her and is looking at me awkwardly. I start getting frustrated and I try to grab the kid in front of me, but of course he moves back and I couldn't reach. He starts taunting me, and then he moves forward and pushes me back!" Romy explains.

    "Haha! Good job, good job." Salt123 says.

    "Heh, so what happened next?" I ask.

    "After that, his other little prick friends start throwing snowballs at me, I'm moving back trying not to fall while getting attacked by a flurry of snowballs! Oh but it doesn't stop there, the next thing I knew, out of nowhere I fell right through the ice. It was so freaking cold! I tried swimming back up, thankfully some of the adults helped me out. Not only did I embarrass myself, but also my date. She called her folks to pick her up, I went back home and tried calling her, but she never picked up the phone. The next day I got sick like a dog, couldn't go to school for a week. When I finally return, I see her by her locker. I went up to her and tried to apologize, she accepted but we never talked after that." Romy tells me.

    "Haha, wow. You screwed yourself over, should have just told her the truth." I told him.

    "My pride wouldn't let me, I just had to try to impress her, but I ended up looking like a dumbass. Do you know the lesson of this story?" He asks.

    "Uh... don't lie to the girl you like?" I say.

    "No! If you're taking a girl ice skating, make sure no stupid little kids are around to mess up your plans! Goddamn little pricks, ugh!" Romy says.

    "Hahaha! That's fuckin' stupid, Romy." Salt123 tells him.

    "Haha! Also, make sure you know what you're doing before attempting something, or else you'll just end up falling through some ice, right?" I say to him with a smile.

    Romy sighed."You're goddamn right."

    "Can you guys keep it down a bit. Latte needs to rest." Juicy tells us.

    I looked through the rear view mirror."Oh! Sorry about that, heh. We'll be quiet." I tell her.

    "Shit! Do you see that?!" Romy asks.

    I look forward and notice some black smoke in the distance."Something on fire?" I say.

    "What? What's going on?" Star asks us with concern.

    I drive further down and stop next to a dirt road. I spotted a farmhouse and barn on fire in the distance."Damn! What the fuck happened there?!" I said out loud.

    WTWH comes up to us."A fire! Let's go over! Come on!"

    "What the fuck? Settle down, WTWH." Star tells him.

    "Shit, look over there!" Romy points towards the driver side window. I turn my head and spot four individuals from afar."I see two guys with guns, aiming at... I think it's a girl holding some guy hostage." I said to the group.

    "A girl? What's she wearing?" Juicy asks us.

    "Uh... black sweater, some blue jeans. She has short hair, down to her shoulders." I reply.

    "Sounds like... hmm, it can't be." Juicy says while getting up to take a look. She looks through a window and then gasps."Scarlet!"

    "That woman over there is Scarlet?! You told us about her earlier." Romy says.

    "Looks like she's in trouble." I tell the group.

    "Look at the fire!" WTWH says with a huge smile on his face.

    "The fuck, WTWH? Go sit back down, or something." Romy tells him.

    "Does it look pretty bad? Maybe we can try and help her." Star tells us while still laying down on his bed.

    "Yeah! We have to help her! She helped us, so I want to help her!" Juicy tells us.

    "No fucking way! It's too risky, we don't know who else could be out there." Romy tells her.

    "They look like bandits to me. I see that two of them are dead on the floor. I think that might be all of them over there." I tell the group.

    "We should go, we should see the fire!" WTWH says.

    "Shouldn't we keep going instead?" Salt123 says.

    "We have to try something!" Juicy tells him.

    "Come on, NDY. You're the leader, what are we going to do?" Romy asks me. I looked over at the burning farmhouse and barn, I saw that Scarlet was in trouble, but the two bandits had weapons on them. There was still room for one more in the RV, she helped Juicy and Latte out, but Juicy also told me that she would rather be by herself. Star was injured and wasn't going to be able to help out, even if he wanted to. Latte was still resting, Romy and Salt123 told me that we shouldn't risk it. WTWH looked like he was ready to go out there and help again, but how long would that last? I was having a hard time figuring out what we should do...

    1) Let's help her out. I'll go with WTWH, and Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    3) Romy, Salt123 and WTWH. I need your help on this. Juicy, stay here.

    4) I'll go with WTWH. The rest of you stay here.

    5) I'm not going out there. Who ever wants to help, they can help. The rest of us will stay and wait.

    6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.


  • edited August 2014

    1) Let's help her out. I'll go with WTWH, and Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    Still not sure, I might change it...

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • edited August 2014

    Alright, I made up my mind.

    6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    Gotta do whatcha gotta do. I'm sorry Scarlet, I hope you live somehow. ;-;

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Lets anyalyse this.

    Wtwh is a pyro maniac, letting him come with will just make him satisfied and he will probably want an even bigger fire, so he is useless. So lets eliminate 1,3,4,5.

    2, its good because we are leaving the weak links to stay in the RV and help out if they have to.

    But I am going to have to pick 6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving. You said it yourself Pro, there is going to be situations where if someone gets rescued more casualties will go along the way, atleast one death is not that much compared to the deaths that might happen with the other options.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Did you notice something in this part? Something... familiar...?

    1) Let's help her out. I'll go with WTWH, and Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. Still not sure, I might change it...

  • I know this is unlike me, but...

    6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    I gotta go with my gut on this one.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • I'll think...

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • My farm, of course. ;-;

    Did you notice something in this part? Something... familiar...?

  • Lol, he did good back at the hilltop. Saved you guys and everything. B]

    Dark_Star posted: »

    2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. WTWH is gonna do something crazy. My urban sense is tingling. We're not safe! Dang it!

  • 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    WTWH is gonna do something crazy. My urban sense is tingling. We're not safe! Dang it!

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Lol, yes!

    Alt text

    My farm, of course. ;-;

  • 1) Let's help her out. I'll go with WTWH, and Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    SAVE HER!!

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • As much as I don't want to leave Scarlet behind, I agree with Shaun and AllThatRemains. Fighting these guys would not be good, and it would hurt more then it would help. Besides, we don't need a loner in the group, even if they have good fighting skills, they're what I just said. A loner.

    6) There's nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • 6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    I never do this. But I can't risk it.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Lol, he did good back at the hilltop. Saved you guys and everything. B]

    Dark_Star posted: »

    2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. WTWH is gonna do something crazy. My urban sense is tingling. We're not safe! Dang it!

  • "Look at the fire!" WTWH says with a huge smile on his face.

    that smile...

    2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Alt text

    My farm, of course. ;-;

  • 2) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    I want to save people... but I also want to be safe DAMMIT ;-;

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • I know, man. But... sigh I got a bad feeling about this.

    Lol, he did good back at the hilltop. Saved you guys and everything. B]

  • 6) Nothing we can do. We're leaving.

    idk i have a strange feeling this would be the right choice

    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

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