I was testing the animation tools in Photoshop, and I decided to animate my avatar. the tools are pretty basic so I couldn't do anything too elaborate. but it was cool. ;D
He was alone, in a small cabin. It's the zombie apocalypse, Clementine has no gun or weapon, nothing in this picture makes it seem that she … moreis happy. So we could assume anything, people were thinking that he'd attack Clementine (Which is why she has a hammer, an injured arm and looks shocked/terrified to see him holding a flashlight).
sad but true
All of my TWDG .gifs
Nick Impersonating the Cabin Group:
This Is War TWDG:
And a TWAU just for good measure:
68 .gifs in total. You're welcome.
That scared the living crap outta' me!!!
That. Was. A. TON!!!
My favorites were the cute Clem ones and the Carlos Simulator. So funny!
Gifs don't work on IPad. That's probably for the best...
The 16th one made me look so fucking weird because I was laughing so goddamn hard.
This is why I love this community
Bonnie: Lobster hands!
Leland: Weirdo.
omg Lee what's wrong with you? xD
oh noo my stomach hurts now xD best gifs.. Lee is creepy as hell
This one was made by me
This one also
Illusive Broker. I see what you did there.
Seems Legit
Kenny: - Sarita.. this is for you babe!
Extreme Gif Pack!
The Luke and Jane one is awesome! haha!
The first one is great! ^^
Snake for a tongue!
Most of you probably saw it already but...
Will always be one of my favorites.
More partyhards
does anybody have any pics of hatless nick pls
Not sure if it counts but here:

I made this one a couple days ago as a reaction gif:
dude im in love with that second one LOL
I don't have a problem I just couldn't find another hatless Nick.
This one is genius, take my like good sir.
This one is very important I hope everyone agree with me here
I wish it was smoother, but nontheless I like it.
You see, I thought that was Nate.
I thought Clementine was gonna get separated from Christa and Omid, and she would meet Nate.
Credit to: @Nathanial for this gif.