When I was up yesterday until like 3 am waiting for that 'surprise', my brother sent me a text that said, "Since you're up, could you grab me an iced tea."
When I was up yesterday until like 3 am waiting for that 'surprise', my brother sent me a text that said, "Since you're up, could you grab me an iced tea."
I sent him this...
Nope, I'm making a sound mod that goes over Ellis.( in left 4 dead 2) It makes his voice Luke's. Its not on the workshop yet. I'm waiting for the last episode to start it again.
Alt text
welcome to save lots! 50% off dead folks.
When I was up yesterday until like 3 am waiting for that 'surprise', my brother sent me a text that said, "Since you're up, could you grab me an iced tea."
I sent him this...
Lol, better than this!
Haaiiir cut!
Sorry, Clem indeed. At the moment there are no Cokes with "Clementine" or "Clem"
Maybe that's why Clem's so sad?
Are you the author of this mod?: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293538297&searchtext=walking+dead
Because if so, kudos.
Fair enough, since when I read he texted you to ask for the tea, my reaction was the same.
How far away was he? lol
Swiggity swooty, he's coming for that boaty.
Stuff and thaaaangs.
I believe that he was laying in his bed which is closer to our kitchen than I was. lol
"smells of apples; investigate further" made my day XD
My another shitty work. Enjoy!
Hershel: If you run out of ammo, you can have mine.
Rick: You have enough?
Hershel: Absolutely [Points at bandana] infinite ammo.
Nope, I'm making a sound mod that goes over Ellis.( in left 4 dead 2) It makes his voice Luke's. Its not on the workshop yet. I'm waiting for the last episode to start it again.
I love the baby's face.
I get that reference.(Kept you waiting, huh?)
That is what telltale is like when they release their episodes...
Kept you waiting, huh?
Lillee confirmed for episode 3!!!!!
Now it's "My name is Snake, and today is the longest day of my life."
I've played them all
On GameCube, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
That is one long day...
MGS is one of my favorite game series...
I saved Doug first so ya
Your guess its as good as mine.
I don't know what to do with it so I'll just put it here.

Cough Lee Cough
@Invictus posted this first
I made my first gif today.
Please try to ignore how slow it is XD
How do I post videos?
Holy shit I fell asleep, and we're talking Eddie here.
Eddie is the man.
Was this gif inspired by me?! Please tell me it is.