Neither Kenny or Jane was justified.
Looking back at Episode 5, they were both people who I couldn't side with.
Kenny is a genuine lunatic. He tortured Arvo and wanted to kill Jane.
Jane risked a baby's life and wanted Clem to kill Kenny so she could only be with her. That makes her crazy too.
Because they both like Clem, it would seem that siding with either of them is justified, but in a player's view, venturing alone and away from anymore crazy people should be best.
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Jane is crazy but she doesn't show it.
Choosing between two evils is how i saw this choice. Alone felt so sad and hopeless though, so i went with kenny. idk im very conflicted about this. sorta wish we coulda went with mike and bonnie in the car, if only they asked.
Are you actually trying to defend those two snakes?
Also, I don't think Kenny or Jane is "evil".
Far from it, especially if you get the ending with him. It's true he smacked Arvo around, but he didn't tortured him. While I agree with you that neither of them are right....Jane in my opinion had no excuse for what she did. Pushing Kenny to his breaking point like that. Say what you will about him, but he would've never done something like that, never.
That's also true. Debatable, but true. Still, the perfect ending for me is with Kenny, or at the very least him being alive.
That's exactly what I think, neither of them are completely good as a person, but they both are not bad people. But in my opinion, Kenny is a bit better, because even though he's reckless and looses his temper all the time he feels regret, and is really scared of his own actions. Jane on the other side, doesn't feel any regret at all, she thinks she's absolutely right to do what she did to AJ.
They are both Emotionally abusive, But Jane is manipulative and Kenny is Violent.
Both are terrible choices and having Clementine be alone or having Kenny leave Clementine at Wellington and finally doing the right thing is the best possible outcome.
Jane's manipulation and overriding of Clem's decisions by trying to convince her that it was for "them" is nowhere near healthy. And Jaime wanting to die to be "free" is likely what Clem will end up doing if she's dragged along by Jane who doesn't even give you the choice to go to wellington.
They're both the same. Pizza and Icecream, both unhealthy, both deceivingly delicious. One was eaten first and the longest, the other new and at the end of the meal, appealing to the eye but unhealthy all the same.
From my point of view, Kenny was in the right. Jane could of simply said "The baby is in the truck, let's GTFO here" but no. I think she used this as an excuse to get Kenny off the scene and manipulate Clem into helping her. From what we saw, she doesn't like Kenny or trust him either and wants to drive Clem away from him. She knows that Clem cares for him and they are close and wants to excuse to get the ol' bastard off set. So she drives him over the edge and expects Clem to back her up saying "You'll see him for who he really is" while all the time she is being her true self. A manipulative bitch.
Honestly I think everyone in twd is a little bit insane, Kenny is easier to trust because he's easy to figure out. Jane you never know where you have.
Well, they haven't seen the good side of kenny much. i mean he was going insane imo, and why stay with a guy who will antagonize you if you disagree with him? I understand they were scared and wanted to leave, but i dont think they should of without telling clementine. Jane was willing make you kill a friend to prove a point. Kenny went full murderer on Jane though when he thought baby was dead.
At least Kenny isn't a liar.
That was such a tough decision! I regrettably ended up killing Kenny at the very end. Why couldn't it just have been a warning shot or something? I wish Kenny wasn't so hot headed and would have tried to figure out what happened, and if necessary "deal with" Jane in a different way. And the only reason I ended up staying with Jane in the end was because I didn't think a young girl on her own with a baby would have made it very far, even though Clem is Bad A. But I can never forgive Jane. As soon as possible, I'm leaving her. Still trying to decide if I should play that part over again... I miss Kenny, but he was always causing so much trouble. Ah! I'm going to be thinking about this for days...
I agree! I can't believe they tried to take everything. The car. All of the food. Just to leave them and the baby to starve to death. I never liked Bonnie but Mike? I liked him, he seemed like a nice guy.
Kenny likes Clem, but is bad to others. He was torturing Arvo. Threatening him, pushing him around, calling him names, and beating him up for saying "f**k you" is torture from Arvo's angle. Kenny shouldn't have a 'breaking point' to begin with.
I agree that Jane didn't need to prove any point. But Kenny can't be in any right when he's raging killer... That's why I just can't side with either of them.
At least Jane isn't a bully and is ready to kill anyone who makes them mad. There's no better person in this. Which is why Clem's better off on her own.
Both of them have their issues. Many characters do. And Arvo as well did a lot of bad things including leading an armed ambush on you and telling his group you stole from him even if you didn't as a way to get them to go after you. And he shoots you no matter what you do. I do think Kenny was over the top with how he was with Arvo but Arvo was quite a dick as well with many of his actions.
Though I think Kenny though may be at least by the end the only one who realizes his own faults. If you choose to leave him he tells you that you're doing the right thing and that he's not fit to take care of you any more.
Yeah, "torture" is only applicable when he waterboards the Russian. Am I right?
I do agree Kenny is toxic but in my opinion the best ending is going with Kenny and staying in Wellington. That way Clementine 1) doesn't have any further blood on her hands 2) is in a safe place with the baby and 3) got to have a meaningful, emotional, and hopeful wrap-up with Kenny without having to actually stay with him. And in that one, he himself admits he was dangerous and not quite capable of being a guardian and rather than trying to cling selfishly to them, he just wanted what was best for Clementine and AJ.
I agree Clem is better away from them but I think that choice is the better "alone" option than the one where she walks through the herd. It still puts an emphasis on hope, trust, and family and you're rewarded for that.
You could say the alone ending was the saddest simply because there was little in the way of context in the scene. However, I see it as more bitter-sweet. Clementine, I felt, needed to be alone to start healing. She had been so damaged that her soul will probably never fully recover. But being alone means finding a purpose to carry on and rid her of all the suffering she's seen. And maybe one day, she'll find true happiness.
That's kinda how I see it at least.
Sorry, but Jane isn't crazy...
"jane aint crazy" she continued to push him off the edge, even though she could have just told him that the baby was still alive, and ended it, but nooooooo she had too prove her point, She had to make me shoot my best friend, thats why i called her fucking crazy and left her. But Kenny was a wreck,it was also his fault too, but if Jane hadn't done what she had done, i would still have some respect for her
I dont blame Jane for not liking Kenny. Kenny was a ticking time bomb but I wouldn't have set him off and risk the life of the baby. The baby could have froze to death in the amount of time that she left him. They were both fucking crazy.
I agree. Clem staying in Wellington is good too since she's on her own, but in a safer place than out in the plains. But then again, we don't know if Wellington is another type of place like or worse than Carver's camp...
Close but gotta give this one to Kenny. Supposedly it's a callously over-protective sumuvabitch who likes to keep it real but isn't by all accounts very subtle about it, pitted against someone who has some wits about her that could prove very useful if only they ain't being used mostly for selfish intentions. So basically an old mildly insane, if very trustworthy, dog in Kenny over a very level-headed but half-hearted mercenary in Jane. After all let's not forget who had it pointed out "to stay out" of whatever was about to happen in the first place so that way she could have seald off her fate anyway on purpose and imma just let her rip...Gotta admit though, pretty stupid how it had to went down the way it did, so yeah.
dat necro tho
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