The Many Faces of Clementine



  • I didn't either and you just watch Jane die. :'(

    fallandir posted: »

    I didn't pick up the gun.

  • I got that ending too. I let the family in cause I knew that it was the right thing to do. Originally, I made them go away, but I felt bad and redid it so that I'd let the family in. I miss Kenny an awful lot, but like what Luke said, Kenny was broken and broken people get wreckless. Luke and Jane were right about him this whole time. That's why I killed Kenny. He needed to put out of his misery. I forgave Jane for lying to me, cause I didn't want to be alone, and Jane was all I had left after losing Kenny. I cried so bad when I shot Kenny.

    Crips posted: »

    This ending doesn't suck, because I got it

  • Yeah, combined with Lee's last stand.

    This is what I got in my first playthrough. And when Clem was walking to the herd I heard in mind Lee saying "You're strong Clem. You can do

  • I feel sorry for Clementine simply because she had to see her companion's death, but to be honest, I never really liked Jane.

    Scytheslay posted: »

    I didn't either and you just watch Jane die.

  • I shot Kenny :( He even told me it was the right decision. He just became so consumed by his rage at that moment he was just too far gone. He does show some recovery once we realize AJ is ok but I think the ending where you shoot him after he kills jane is just insane.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Well said, my friend. Hope Nick Breckon will be lead writer of season 3!

  • edited August 2014

    Bang !
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  • All of it was sad, it's so much worse when you shoot Kenny right after. I was fucking dying when that option appeared.

    fallandir posted: »

    I feel sorry for Clementine simply because she had to see her companion's death, but to be honest, I never really liked Jane.

  • Yup. Dammit, Nick Breckon, you're good.

    Scytheslay posted: »

    All of it was sad, it's so much worse when you shoot Kenny right after. I was fucking dying when that option appeared.

  • Still.Not.Bitten

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    How I'm the first one to post this?:D

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    Smoking is (cough cough! COUGH!!! [hacks a lung]) good for you

  • Can somebody upload a gif when Luke is carrying wounded Clementine? Thanks.

  • Think I possibly found the most badass shot of Clem in the entire game:
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  • edited August 2014

    I would agree, but the one @fallandir posted a few spots above with Clem and AJ covered in walker guts is a little better in my opinion.

    Hazzer posted: »

    Think I possibly found the most badass shot of Clem in the entire game:

  • A higher resolution image of Clementine sticking out her tongue.

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  • Thats just creepy.

    AndreAB posted: »

    A higher resolution image of Clementine sticking out her tongue. #Repost

  • ''I'm gonna eat ya''

    AndreAB posted: »

    A higher resolution image of Clementine sticking out her tongue. #Repost

  • "Burn, burn it all!" - Clementine

    Gengar posted: »

    Wtf?! You're right!

  • edited August 2014

    I think the only reason the baby stopped crying is 'cause he just wanted to look at Clem like ''Bitch WTF you doing?!''

    AndreAB posted: »

    A higher resolution image of Clementine sticking out her tongue. #Repost

  • I originally had the Jane ending, but I regretted killing Kenny, so I redid that choice so that Kenny survived. The Jane ending wasn't exactly full of emotion. The Kenny ending made me cry. It was such a powerful moment. To be honest, I cried more in this finale than I did in No Time Left.

    I hear from a lot of people that this ending was emotional im probably gonna rewind this and see.

  • That's probably the funniest Clementine face I've seen! I love how she still show small glimpses of still being a kid, like when she had no idea what Luke and Jane actually did. That made me smile cause she still has some small amount of innocence left in her, despite being a badass survivor.

    AndreAB posted: »

    A higher resolution image of Clementine sticking out her tongue. #Repost

  • Cute avatar :3


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    So adorable.

  • Kissing stuff... things...

    Crips posted: »

    So adorable.

  • That's my favorite face of hers ^-^

    Weavoid posted: »

    How about this one?

  • Is it just me or Clementine does really have asian eyes?

  • Oh god please, don't set off those people again...

    TheVilkas posted: »

    Is it just me or Clementine does really have asian eyes?

  • I'm not saying that she's asian or somethin. I know that it's officialy confirmed that she's afro-american but, i mean she's probably mixed. She has curly hair like all black people do, but her skin is not dark and u can clearly see that her eyes looks a bit asian.

    Oh god please, don't set off those people again...

  • Stop. It's a video game. Not everything is going to look like what people "normally" see. Just take the advice from the movie Frozen and LET. IT. GO.

    TheVilkas posted: »

    I'm not saying that she's asian or somethin. I know that it's officialy confirmed that she's afro-american but, i mean she's probably mixed.

  • Clementine is black but just given Asian features.

    This was confirmed way back from Season 1.

    TheVilkas posted: »

    I'm not saying that she's asian or somethin. I know that it's officialy confirmed that she's afro-american but, i mean she's probably mixed.

  • In the second pic she's all like "check it out, bruh"!

    theonys posted: »


  • k thanks guys

    Clementine is black but just given Asian features. This was confirmed way back from Season 1.

  • edited August 2014

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    Civilian posted: »


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    This has to be the best one, Clementine is just so lively in it.

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