Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited August 2014



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    I miss Azlyn :'(

    Okay, before I start the second half of Ch.4. I'm going to list all the people from the mansion group, let me know if I missed anyone. Pr

  • edited August 2014


    Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, he had to die. There was no way we were going to let him live after everything that he had put us through. It had been about three hours since Tobi left, most of us were out in the woods, making sure that Tobi and his men wouldn't come back. Others stayed outside of the mansion, keeping a watch, Gustav was in the living room tied up while Deceptio and SweetPea kept an eye on him. We dug a grave for Gamer and Angel, WtW had stayed beside Angel's grave and we gave her the space she needed. Pro and Jon were in the basement getting all the weapons and ammo out. Pro told us that we had to go after Tobi as soon as possible. We had to make sure we put an end to this, the faster we did, the better. I was walking along a small dirt road with CSB and DLB behind me."Oh, look!" DLB shouted with excitement.

    "What is it?" CSB asked her.

    "Those flowers over there!" She pointed at some white flowers that were in front of me."I should get one for WtW. It should probably make her feel better." She said.

    "You think that's a good idea? She's... well she just lost two of the most important things to her. The only two things that she really had left. She hasn't spoken to anyone and she's just been sitting next to Angel's grave for about an hour." CSB told her.

    "I know that, but we're family. This past week we've been getting along really well, and she's like my best friend now. I just want to do something nice for her." DLB explained.

    I turned my head to look at DLB."You, being nice? HA!" I said to her.

    She gave me an evil glare."Oh, shut up! Ever since you got here, you and I have been arguing nonstop. What is your problem?!" She asked.

    I turned my head to look at the white flowers."I have no problem, but you're the one who started it." I said to her.

    "What are you talking about? Started what?" She asked.

    "Heh, you know. When I went into the kitchen to get Angel's bowl for WtW. You were on top of the refrigerator and tried to scare me. Luckily for me you failed and got the back of your belt caught on it somehow, you were dangling from the fridge, scared shitless, haha." I told her.

    "Okay, first of all I wasn't trying to scare you, I was trying to scare Noncy for being a bitch to me that day. Second, you didn't even help me! You just laughed and walked away, what the hell, man?!" She responded angrily.

    "Whoa! Take it easy, DLB." CSB told her.

    "No! He must explain why he didn't help me." She kept her glare on me while she said that.

    "Haha, well... like I said, I thought you were trying to scare me, so I left you hanging, heh, no pun intended. Anyway, as soon as that happened, you instantly became my rival." I said with a smile.

    "So is that why you're always trying to start trouble with me?!" She asked.

    "Uh, yeah, pretty much." I said.

    "Wow, just wow. That's so stupid, Shadow." She said while shaking her head."At least I got Angel to bite you in the ass that day. That was for not helping me."

    "Ugh, whatever, that was just lucky." I looked over at the white flowers again and smiled."Hmm, I know what I can do..." I said to myself.

    I ran over to pick one the flowers and then started running back."Hey! What are you doing?!" DLB shouted.

    "Good luck getting to WtW first! I'm going to take your idea, and give this to her before you do, haha!" I said while looking back at her.

    "Ugh, shit! No! Get back here!" I saw DLB starting to run after me. CSB facepalmed and started shaking his head.

    "HA! You'll never catch me!" I started running faster, I wanted to piss DLB off. I considered her to be one of my rivals now. Although I did this just to get a laugh, I think she was taking it too seriously. I just wanted to lighten things up a bit after everything we've been through. As I was running through the woods, I saw Shiina, Guetta, Valky and Guilty by the river. I kept wondering if they were ready for the war that was coming. I knew that I wasn't really ready, but I was willing to do whatever it took to kill Tobi. I made it out of the woods and spotted WtW sitting down near Angel's grave. I saw Wanderer, Jewf, ATR, Password and Puncake guarding the front."Hey, WtW!" I shouted. She kept looking down at the grave and gave me no response."Hmm..." I finally made it to her and extended my hand out to give her the white flower that I picked up earlier."Hey... I know you probably don't want to be bothered, but I thought I would bring you this to make you feel a bit better." I told her.

    She looked at the flower for a moment, and then grabbed it. She looked down while holding it in her hands."Hey!" I turned around and saw DLB making her way over. She reached us and started panting while holding her knees."Son of a.... making me... run all the way out here... you..." She managed to say.

    I crossed my arms and smiled."What's the matter? Couldn't keep up?" I asked.

    She gave me and angered look, and then turned her attention on WtW."That was my flower, it was my idea to give it to you. He took one and ran off to get to you first." DLB told her.

    WtW just kept looking down at it."Hey, not my fault you were too slow." I said with a smile.

    "I don't deserve such nice things right now.... but thanks." WtW finally spoke.

    "Hey, don't say that... we all deserve something nice after everything we've been through." DLB told her, as she walked next to her and sat down.

    "I'm going to leave you two alone. I need to check on the others, where's CSB?" I asked.

    "He stayed behind to watch for any of Tobi's men that might creep up." DLB replied.

    "Ah, okay. See you two later." I told them.

    DLB started hugging WtW and I turned to walk away."Hey, Shadow." I heard DLB, I turned and saw her sticking her tongue out at me. I shook my head with a smile and kept walking.

    "There he is! You ready to kick Tobi's ass?" Puncake asked me.

    "Yes, definitely. When are we leaving?" I asked.

    "Pro said we attack tomorrow. We're just making sure Tobi doesn't decide to pay us another visit tonight. He could still be out there." Puncake told me.

    "Aren't you a little too young to try and fight in this war with us? You'll get yourself killed." Password told me.

    "I may not know a lot about shooting a gun, but I'm quick and I know how to avoid danger. If I go, I'll be very careful. I know it's not a game, this is life or death." I replied.

    "Very well, suit yourself. They'll watch over you anyway, I'm sure." Password told me.

    "You bet your ass we will. Everyone who's going to Tobi's warehouse will watch each other's backs." Puncake said to him.

    "What about the mansion? Who's going to stay and keep it protected?" Wanderer asked.

    "A few of us will stay behind. We just need about half of us to go to Tobi's, and the other half to stay here." Jewf told him. He turned to look at ATR."Ain't no need to put everyone's life in danger."

    "I want you to stay here, Jewf. It'll be too dangerous if you go..." ATR told him.

    "Nah, don't worry about me. You just worry about keeping yourself and this place safe." He told her.

    "Where are the others? Still out in the woods?" I asked.

    "Yeah, most of 'em are out there. Twistee, Rafoli and Salt are in the back of the mansion, though. Maybe you want to swing over to them and say hi?" Puncake told me.

    "Hmm, I guess so. I want to make sure they're prepared as well. Be right back." I told them. I walked over to the back of the mansion and I spotted the three keeping watch."Hey, guys."

    "Hey, Shadow. How's it going?" Twistee asked.

    "Pretty good, I guess. Just wondering if you guys are ready for this war." I said.

    "As ready as I'll ever be. Fucker took both Sardines and Joe away from me, I want to make sure Tobi dies." Salt said.

    "Tobi needs to die for what he did. I'm ready to end this." Rafoli told me.

    "We're ready, we have to be." Twistee said.

    "Yeah, just hope we can all make it through this." I replied.

    "We will, Shadow. Once Tobi is dealt with, we can go back and try to live a normal life again." Twistee said.

    "Yeah, good luck with that." Salt said.

    "Huh?" Twistee said.

    "Huh? Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud. Don't mind me." Salt told him.

    "Well, all right. Hey, Shadow, why don't you go check on the others inside the mansion. It could be dangerous staying out here, we'll be keeping watch, so don't worry about us." Twistee said with a smile.

    "Okay, sounds good. Be careful out here." I told them. I entered the mansion through the back door and saw Deceptio and SweetPea sitting on a sofa. I saw Gustav tied on a wooden chair."Guys, Gustav helped us escape. I know he worked for Tobi, but he's not a bad man." I said with my arms crossed.

    "Sorry, but we can't take any chances." Deceptio told me. We found a prosthetic leg for him this past week when we were on a supply run. He was finally happy to be able to walk around without any crutches.

    "Yeah, but still..." I said.

    "Doesn't matter anyway, Shadow. You guys went in there to get Sardines out... I found out she got bit and died. I feel like part of it is my fault, don't really care what you guys decide to do with me. I know I'll deserve whatever punishment you guys come up with." Gustav said to me.

    "We're not going to kill you." SweetPea told him.

    "Then what the hell am I doing here? I don't have anything left, Tobi wants me dead, you guys don't trust me. There's fuckin' walkers everywhere! Why the hell should I even bother staying alive?!" Gustav shouted at her.

    "Because you're going to help us get into Tobi's warehouse." I looked up and saw Pro walking in with Jon behind him. They both had automatic rifles and looked like they were ready to go look for Tobi at this very moment.

    Gustav looked up at them."What? What are you..."

    "I'm sure you want Tobi dead as much as any of us here. You're going to help us kill him. You know what the inside of the warehouse looks like, you could draw us a map of what we're getting ourselves into, or if you can't draw, you can at least let Jon know, and he'll draw it up." Pro told him.

    "You guys trust him to get you to Tobi?" Deceptio asked.

    "We don't fully trust him, but we're stuck with him right now. He can tell us where Tobi's office is, or where he might be hiding. He can tell us every hideout and every room in that place." Jon explained.

    "Do you really think this is a good idea?" SweetPea asked.

    "If he says we can trust him, then I don't see the problem here. Unless..." Pro took out a handgun and walked over to Gustav, he aimed it right at his forehead."You want to die right? You said it yourself, you have nothing else to live for. Should I end your misery here?"

    "Wha-- what are you--" Gustav was looking scared now.

    "Do you want to die knowing that you did nothing to help us, or do you want to live and try to redeem yourself from all the evil things you did when you were with Tobi?" Pro asked him.

    Jon crossed his arms."What do you say, Gustav? This is your last chance." He said with a serious tone.

    "I-wha- I..." Gustav sighed and looked down."I want to help... please, just let me help you guys out."

    Pro put the gun away."Good." He went around the chair and freed Gustav."Look, Gustav. I know you're trying to do some good, now that you're away from Tobi, but I still want to see that you can prove yourself to us. Let's head into the kitchen, tell us what we need to know." He took Gustav away and Jon followed.

    "Shit..." Deceptio said.

    "Was he really going to shoot him?" I asked.

    "Don't think so, Pro didn't have a silencer on his weapon. If I know him, he wouldn't risk the noise, there's other ways he could have killed him. Think he was just trying to scare him, and it worked." Deceptio said with a smile.

    "Gustav said that he had nothing to live for, why didn't he just let Pro shoot?" SweetPea asked.

    "Maybe Gustav realized that he still has something left to do on this earth." Deceptio told her with a smile.

    "I just hope he'll be able to help us out. I want Tobi dead as soon as possible." I told the two...


    After fleeing from the mansion people, we were on the road heading back to the warehouse. With Emu dead, Tobi appointed me to be his right hand man. I had been with Tobi since the beginning, but I never liked him. I just pretended to go with what he said just so I could have a place to stay and some food to eat. Although Tobi was fucking insane, I did agree that this was survival of the fittest. It was every man for themselves, I may have acted like I was with Tobi and his people, but I was just looking after myself."Why did we leave, Tobi? We could have finished them all off when we had the chance. Now we just have one prisoner, we wasted gas and we're driving back to the warehouse, and they even know where it is."

    "Don't question me, CS. They had more cover and they had more people. Six against thirty, it wouldn't have been very fuckin' smart to stay there and try to take them on, now would it?" Tobi said.

    "I guess so, but they're going to come after us." I said.

    "Good, it's part of the plan. We know the warehouse better than they do, this time we'll be prepared for an attack. They think they'll have the element of surprise, but we'll be waiting for them."

    "They'll kill you, Tobi. You didn't have to kill the dog, you won't get away with this..." Noncy told him.

    "Shut the fuck up. They started this! They attacked my place first! They're all going to fuckin' pay for this!" Tobi shouted at her.

    "Why'd you bring her with us anyway? We should have asked for more people." I said.

    "Me and Noncy were together before all of this, CS! Do you really think he was going to give up anyone else?! Think! It wasn't my intention to shoot that damn dog, but it was coming for me. We were just going to take Noncy and leave peacefully. Isn't that right, Noncy." He said with a smile.

    "I just wanted all of this to stop. No more deaths, no more torture, I just wanted peace between everyone. But you fucking changed, Tobi. You're a monster now, and I fucking hate you for what you've done." Noncy told him with a serious look on her face.

    Tobi chuckled."Hehe, atta girl. Let that anger out, it's good for ya. Once we reach the warehouse, I'll make sure to take care of you like before." He said to her.

    "No! You're not the same! You're a piece of shit, and I hope you die!" Noncy yelled at him.

    "Is that what you really think?" He asked with a smile.

    Noncy glared at him."Yes. I can't wait until they fucking kill you, Tobi."

    "Heh, damn. She's got a temper." I said out loud.

    Tobi kept his smile."Just keep driving, CS." I focused my attention on the road, we were halfway there now. The sun was starting to go down, and I just wanted to get something to eat. We still had a lot of guards waiting back at the warehouse, Tobi was going to tell them what to expect. It seemed like we might be going to war with those mansion people. Don't know when the war would arrive, but it seemed like it was coming soon...


  • Lmao! Dafuq, lol!

    Az, should visit once in a while.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Azlyn XD I miss Azlyn

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    XD I found a gif making site I have even more and they are going to kill me good times :)

    I heard she might be coming back soon hopefully

    Lmao! Dafuq, lol! Az, should visit once in a while.

  • coming back soon

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I found a gif making site I have even more and they are going to kill me good times I heard she might be coming back soon hopefully

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    Oh Tobi back excellent brilliant chapter YES MORE :)

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • Alt text

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • Going to work on another part right now. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Oh Tobi back excellent brilliant chapter YES MORE

  • Lmao, were you expecting to be with Tobi? B]

  • :D

    Going to work on another part right now. B]

  • Loved it <3

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • Tried to make Twistee more like Mike. B]

    Twistee posted: »

    Loved it

  • Not at all! That seems like it could be interesting...I'm happy with my character so far :)

    Lmao, were you expecting to be with Tobi? B]

  • Oh, don't worry, I have plans for him. Thanks!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Not at all! That seems like it could be interesting...I'm happy with my character so far

  • Mike #2? Awesomeeeee xD

    Tried to make Twistee more like Mike. B]

  • No problem, I'm really excited :D

    Oh, don't worry, I have plans for him. Thanks!

  • What will happen next?

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • edited August 2014

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    Cute things maybe :D

    What will happen next?

  • WtW had stayed beside Angel's grave and we gave her the space she needed.


    I vote for #-5. That it all.

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • edited August 2014

    Gustav reminds me of Arvo in this part...

    Pro, good job :)

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • edited August 2014


    Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, and we also started some weapons training for Juicy. We tried not to waste too much ammo since we needed everything we could get for when we attacked the bandits at their hideout. We camped in several different spots before finally reaching a location close enough to them. Everyone was sitting down, eating two rabbits that NDY and Romy were able to catch earlier in the day, the sun was already going down. Scarlet was getting along with everyone as well, Juicy looked up to her and I could see why. I was watching as everyone was sitting around the campfire, looking so happy, like nothing around them had gone to hell. They were laughing and joking around, as if none of this had phased them. I was sitting by a tree, looking at the photo of me and my sister. She was the only thing I had left after this world went to shit, but like all good things, she didn't last."Hey, Star! Come on over and enjoy some of this kick-ass rabbit that I caught earlier!" Romy tells me.

    "You mean that WE caught earlier." NDY says to him with a smile.

    "Hehe, yeah, okay, you might have helped a little." Romy replies to him.

    "Ha, yeah, right. If it wasn't for me, both of those rabbits would have gotten away." NDY says with a smile.

    "Oh, would you two just shut up already!" Scarlet says with a smile.

    "Boys..." Juicy says with a smile and rolls her eyes.

    I started getting up and took one last look at the photo before putting it away. I walked over to them and sat down."Here you go." WTWH hands me a piece of the rabbit on a stick.

    "Thanks, man. Looks delicious." I say with a smile, I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into the food.

    As I was biting down on the piece of rabbit meat, Romy started talking."Yeah! Mm, mm! Eat the shit out of that rabbit!"

    "What the? Hey, man, can you just let me enjoy this damn rabbit without making it awkward?" I reply with a smile.

    "Haha, just messin' with ya, man." Romy tells me.

    "It's good that we're taking the time to enjoy this." Latte tells us.

    "Yeah, after you and Star getting injured, Blue, Salt123, and Spooch gone... I'm glad we can just sit down, relax, and enjoy a meal and have some laughs." NDY replies.

    "I like this, too..." WTWH tells us.

    "Yeah, it is pretty awesome." Romy says.

    "We should do this more often, when we're not killing walkers or getting attacked by bandits, of course." Juicy says.

    "Yeah, if we have the time, we will." Latte tells her with a smile.

    "Even though I don't really join groups, I'm glad I decided to come with you guys. I might leave when we take care of those bandits, though. So don't get too comfortable with me here." Scarlet tells us.

    "Why won't you stay? You'll be safer with us." I tell her.

    "I just... I can't. I'm sorry. I just don't trust many people anymore, not that any of you are untrustworthy..." Scarlet says and then looks down.

    "So what's the problem then?" Juicy asks.

    Scarlet smiles at her and then looks back down."My son... he was killed the first day this shit started. We got separated in a crowd of people, I heard him screaming and nobody even tried to help..."

    "Damn... Sorry to hear that. I lost my younger sister... I know how it must have felt." I tell her.

    "It's not easy, huh?" She asks.

    "It's never easy..." I reply.

    "Is that why you didn't want to come with us before? Because of Grafite...?" Latte asks her.

    "Yeah... and when I found out what happened to him... I knew I made the right choice by leaving. I knew it would happen..." Scarlet tells us.

    Latte looked over at the campfire."I made a stupid decision that got him killed... it was my fault."

    Juicy turned to look at him."No, Latte. You can't blame yourself, it was no one's fault. You did what you thought was best, in the end, some bad things happened, but we have no control over that."

    "She's right, bro." Romy tells him.

    "I don't know... but thanks. Just wish we could all live in a safe place, away from all of this. Somewhere we could live peacefully and not worry about a damn thing anymore." Latte tells us.

    "Yeah, if only, man." I say.

    "For now, we just have to survive like everyone else. We can't give up because things get tough, even before the apocalypse, we were lucky to wake up and live our lives, now we just have to fight to survive. It's the same, just a hell of a lot tougher." NDY tells us.

    "Yeah, especially with those damn walkers out there, hate them so fuckin' much." Romy says while looking down and shaking his head.

    "Walkers are stupid, they're slow as well. They're not my main concern, to be honest. I'm more worried about food, shelter, water, clothes, and those damn bandits that are taking that away from people like you and me that are just trying to survive day by day." Scarlet tells us.

    "She's right. They're never going to go away, unless someone stops them." Juicy says.

    "We will... we'll stop them." Latte tells her.

    "Are we even ready for this?" I ask.

    "Of course we are. We know where their hideout is, and we've been keeping an eye on them for the last three days. We know their routine, and we know that they keep a couple walkers in their hideout for protection. We just have to play it smart, and avoid as much contact with them as possible. We have to be quiet and kill them as quickly as possible." NDY tells me.

    "Being quiet will be the tricky part. None of us have any silenced weapons. We had to travel very far just to teach Juicy how to fire a gun." Scarlet explains.

    "I still have my hunting knife." Juicy says with a smile.

    "I know how to get around them, too. We can also use the Molotov's." Latte says with a smile.

    "I'll use them... I have good aim with them..." WTWH tells us.

    "Hold on a minute, we still haven't even decided when we should attack them. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." NDY says.

    "Yeah, let's just go back to enjoying our rabbit, and sharing some laughs." Romy tells us."Did I ever tell you guys about one of my dodgeball experiences?"

    "Oh, boy, here we go..." Latte rolls his eyes and smiles.

    "Ah, man. One of Romy's stories again." I say with a smile.

    Scarlet was looking around."Why is everyone smiling? I don't get it."

    "He tells... uh, interesting stories... I'll leave it at that." NDY explained.

    "Oh, well..." Scarlet had a confused look on her face.

    "I've heard one and I'm just as confused as you are." Juicy tells her with a smile.

    They both start giggling. I turn to look at Romy, who cracks his fingers and begins."Okay, well, I was in Jr high. It was a hot Friday, and I mean HOT. A damn heatwave was going on and I had no idea why they were keeping us trapped in that hell hole when it was like one hundred degrees out and no air conditioning. We had the gym doors open but it wasn't enough. Everyone was sweating bullets, and we had to play on this hot-ass day! Freaking gym teacher was sitting his fatass on a chair with one of those miniature fans blowing next to his face, watching us as we suffered."

    "Heh, you think the teacher was any better?" Latte asked.

    "Well, he wasn't doing shit, so yes!" Romy says."Anyway, it was mostly all the boys playing dodgeball while the girls were on the other side playing jump rope. Here I am, sweating my ass off, trying to dodge this red demon ball from hell, but not only that, I was distracted by the most popular girl in school. Every boy had a crush on her, and I couldn't keep my focus on the game."

    "Haha, another female problem for you, huh?" NDY says.

    "Yeah, yeah. So I notice her looking over at me, so I start playing, dodging the ball with my skills, you know."

    "Yeah, riiight, haha." Latte says.

    "Okay, but don't interrupt, Latte." Romy tells him."Here she is, staring at me, so I'm thinking, okay, she's looking over, just try to play and try not to sweat."

    "Really? One hundred degrees outside, and you were trying not to sweat?" I tell him.

    "I know, man. I wasn't thinking straight." Romy explains.

    "Plus you were playing dodgeball, heh..." WTWH says.

    "Yes, I was also playing dodgeball. Okay, so I dodge the ball again and I run over to grab it, I take aim and throw it at some random kid. It catches him in the torso and he gets out. I turn and see the girl smiling and giggling, and I'm thinking, yeah, baby. I just did that." Romy tells us.

    "Haha! You were one strange kid, Romy. Do you know that?" NDY asks him.

    "Yeah, of course I know that. I did a lot of stupid things when I was younger, but who hasn't?" Romy says.

    "That's true, but keep going." Scarlet tells him.

    "Thank you, Scarlet. Well, I give a smile back and I'm being all cocky now because I know she was checking me out, right? As I'm smiling at her, I notice a funky odor. I look around, but I don't see anything that would smell bad, as I'm sniffing, I realize that it was ME!" Romy says.

    "Well no shit, weren't you sweating a lot?" Latte asks.

    "Yes, exactly, but I wasn't expecting that. I'm thinking, oh shit, they're going to start smelling this foul odor, so I try to sneak away from the other guys. The asshole gym teacher shouts at me to stay, and now everyone has their attention on me. Fuckin' great, right? As I'm looking over at the girl, a freaking dodgeball hits me right in the nuts, I go down and I'm hurtin' real BAD!" Romy tells us.

    "Jesus, man!" NDY says.

    "Oh, I bet it get's worse..." I tell him.

    "You bet your ass it does! The girl runs over to me to see if I'm okay." Romy tells me.

    "Oh, no!" Juicy starts to giggle a bit.

    "I know where this is going." Scarlet says with a smile.

    "Hehe, stinky..." WTWH says.

    "Yeah... stinky. So she comes up to me and the worried look on her face changes COMPLETELY! She looked like she had just seen a ghost shit on one of her favorite music CD's or something. That funky odor hit her like a brick wall. She was stunned, man. She fell back and got knocked out!" Romy tells us.

    "It was really THAT bad?!" I ask.

    "Yeah..." Romy says.

    "Damn, didn't you shower? No deodorant?" Latte asked.

    "I did shower, but I completely forgot to put deodorant that day, I was running late and I was in a rush, I didn't even eat breakfast that day either. God... things were so bad." Romy tells him.

    "Heh, so what happened next?" NDY asked him.

    "Well, when she fell back, she hit her head on the floor and she had to go to the hospital. The other kids got near us, and they smelled the funky odor, called me names throughout the rest of the year. I went to visit the girl the next day, but she didn't even want to talk to me. I think she was more embarrassed than I was. Everywhere I went, "Stinky, Romy! You smell like my gym socks! God, kids can be so cruel..." Romy says.

    "Heh, well it's over now, bud. You got through it, right?" NDY said while patting Romy's back.

    "Oh, not only did I get through it, but I got even." Romy said with a smile.

    "What do you mean...?" WTWH asked him.

    "Later that year, I had been collecting a bunch of water balloons and I filled them all with a mixture of disgusting things that smelled pretty awful. I waited on the roof one day, and started tossing them down at all the kids when they came out. Oh, it was fuckin' great! You should have seen them, they started throwing up on each other, tripping and falling all over the place, haha! I just looked down at them and laughed at what I had created. I felt real good that day, they never called me any of those stupid names ever again." Romy said with a smile.

    "Haha, you're right, kids can be cruel, especially when they throw water balloons filled with disgusting, stinky, things at a bunch of them, and cause them to throw up all over the place." NDY says.

    "Hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do." Romy said with a smile.

    "Heh, well played..." WTWH told him.

    "Thank you, man. You know what? We should celebrate!" Romy tells us.

    "Celebrate that you made a bunch of kids throw up on each other?" Scarlet said, and everyone started laughing.

    "Heh, no. I mean this, right now, us enjoying this time together." Romy reached for his bag and took out a Vodka bottle.

    "Where'd you get that?" I asked him.

    "Found it in the Molotov recycling bin. Dumbass bandits must have left it there by mistake." Romy explained.

    "I could use a drink." Scarlet said.

    "Well, why don't you make a toast, and we'll share it." Romy told her.

    "Me? But I don't know what to say..." Scarlet said.

    "Whatever you want, don't think about it." Romy told her while handing her the Vodka bottle.

    "Okay, well uh... here's to everyone we lost along the way. Their deaths were not in vain, we'll try to stay alive for them as long as we can. Uh, how was that?" Scarlet asks.

    "It was good. I liked it." Juicy said with a smile.

    "Thank you." Scarlet smiles back and takes a drink."Mm, that's strong. Want a sip?" She asks Juicy.

    "Hmm, no thanks." Juicy replies with a smile.

    "That's fine. Shouldn't be drinking anyway." Scarlet says to her with a smile.

    "Pass it here." Romy asks Scarlet. She hands him the bottle."To Blue, Spooch, Salt123, Grafite, Simon, Star's sister and Scarlet's kid. Even though we didn't get to meet some of y'all. I hope you're at least in a better place, away from all of this." Romy says before taking a drink. He turns to Latte."Want some, man? Might be your first and last."

    "Uh, yeah, okay." Latte takes a sip and then starts coughing.

    "Oh, shit, boy! Haha, that'll put some hair on your chest." NDY told him. Romy passed the bottle to him and NDY took a drink."Ah, that's some strong shit." NDY passed the bottle to WTWH.

    "No thanks, I appreciate it, but no thanks..." WTWH tells him. NDY shrugs his shoulders and passes it to me.

    "To us." I say, and then take a drink."Oho, damn. Good stuff." I say out loud.

    BANG! "Yeah! Woo!" Out of nowhere we heard a gunshot in the distance, and a bunch of people making a lot of noise.

    "Shit! Must be those bandits!" I said to the group. Everyone grabbed a weapon.

    "Follow me!" NDY told us. We followed him through the woods and he lead us to a spot where we could see their hideout."Looks like one of those idiots fired a shot straight up into the sky. The fuck are they doing?"

    I looked down and spotted a bunch of bandits surrounding two guys in the middle of a ring."The hell? Looks like they're fighting."

    "My bets on the ugly one!" One of them shouted.

    "Which one's the ugly one?! Haha!" Another bandit said.

    "Not all of them are there, though. They still have a few of them keeping watch. Those walkers that they have in those cages are attracted to all the noise that they're making." Romy told us.

    "No way in hell they'll get out of those cages, though." Latte said.

    "Reminds me of the place where I found my sister..." I said to myself.

    "Maybe we can do something about that." Scarlet said.

    "What? Free the walkers?" Juicy asked.

    "Exactly, Juicy." Scarlet replied.

    "How the hell are we going to do that without getting spotted?" NDY asked.

    "We just have to be careful. While those two morons down there are fighting, the bandits will be too distracted to even look our way. Looks like it's a competition, so they might get more fighters." Scarlet explained.

    "What about the other bandits keeping watch?" I asked.

    "What about them? We'll take them out, and then we can deal with the rest." Scarlet said.

    "Hmm, I don't know. We have to be smart about this." NDY said.

    "And we will be. It's dark out right now, so even better." Scarlet said.

    "I'm with Scarlet. I'm ready to kill those fucking bandits." I turned around and saw WTWH with a serious look on his face.

    I turned back to look at the other group members."Uh, I think the other guy came out." I said to them.

    NDY was looking back at WTWH."Yeah..."

    "So what do we do then?" Latte asked.

    "Might be a bad idea, but maybe not. Should we attack now or what?" Romy asked.

    "We'll need to work together on this." Scarlet said.

    "I'm thinking, I'm thinking..." NDY said.

    "Well think faster, man. We don't have all day." Romy said.

    NDY sighed. He turned to look at me."Star... you seem to make levelheaded decisions. What do you think we should do?" He asked. I looked over at the bandit hideout, and most of them looked drunk. A lot of them were distracted by the fight, and the walkers that were locked in the cages seemed ready to start chomping on them. They still had a few guards on watch, though. The front and back entrances were guarded as well. It was nighttime so maybe we wouldn't get spotted so easily. But maybe if we waited, all of them might be too hungover to fight back. Hmm...

    1) No time to waste. Let's attack now.

    2) Let's wait until the morning to attack.

    3) Say nothing.


  • Lol, I hate Arvo after playing Ep.205. Thanks! B]

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Gustav reminds me of Arvo in this part... Pro, good job

  • Haha xD but I don't think Gustav would shoot someone.

    Lol, I hate Arvo after playing Ep.205. Thanks! B]

  • Unless it's Tobi and his other guards. Haha, we all want the same thing now, and that's to kill the madman Tobi.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Haha xD but I don't think Gustav would shoot someone.

  • Was there any reason Romy didn't mention Dark Star's little sister in the list of people they had lost?

    Also, I'll vote after I see some more opinions and edit this post. I'm pretty unsure on this one.

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • Whoops, fixed, thanks for letting me know about that!

    Was there any reason Romy didn't mention Dark Star's little sister in the list of people they had lost? Also, I'll vote after I see some more opinions and edit this post. I'm pretty unsure on this one.

  • ;-;

    TDMshadowCP Just when we thought we had escaped from Tobi's clutches, he comes back to ruin everything. We needed to put an end to him, h

  • Yep, but in order to kill Tobi, lots of people will risk their lives and it is obvious that people will die...

    Unless it's Tobi and his other guards. Haha, we all want the same thing now, and that's to kill the madman Tobi.

  • 1) No time to waste. Let's attack now.

    I assume by saying that WTWH has his serious face on, it means that he is in his Fuck shit up mode, AKA his evil personality. And I remember you have told me that in this mode he is more risking and dangerous and will help out the group, opposed to his shy side that is the opposite. So I will go with this one so that he remains in this mode for the duration of the battle, the more people the better.

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • Yep, that is correct, my friend. B]

    1) No time to waste. Let's attack now. I assume by saying that WTWH has his serious face on, it means that he is in his Fuck shit up mode

  • Yes, 30 people?! I have to kill some off...

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Yep, but in order to kill Tobi, lots of people will risk their lives and it is obvious that people will die...

  • 1) No time to waste. Let's attack now.

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • Yee just some... like 15?

    Yes, 30 people?! I have to kill some off...

  • 2) Let's wait until the morning to attack.

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • 1) No time to waste. Let's attack now. let the party beggin...

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • Alt text

    We'll see... B]

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Yee just some... like 15?

  • 1) No time to waste. Let's attack now

    We need action killing let shit go down STUFF....THANGS pls

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • 2) wait until the morning

    Dark_Star Three days had gone by since Salt123 passed away back at that burning farmhouse. Latte and I were feeling a whole lot better, a

  • Is this still going on?


    Starts reading intensely.

  • Randomz! Yeah, haha. I wanted to finish earlier, but I couldn't. If you don't know this, the whole story is on google docs, and I'll be updating it when I finish a new part.

    Is this still going on? Damn. Starts reading intensely.

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