I got the ending where me, Jane and Alvin Jr. get back to Howe's and meet a family there. I can't believe that I killed Kenny and forgave Jane. I want to replay the ending.
It's on every platform
Zen Pinball 2 on PS3, PS4 & Vita: August 26th (North America), August 27th (Europe)
Zen Pinball 2 o… moren Mac, August 27th
Pinball FX2 for Steam, Xbox 360: August 27th
Pinball FX2 for Xbox One: August 28th (Please see FAQ for import details)
Zen Pinball 2 for Wii U: August 28th
Zen Pinball for iOS: August 27th
Zen Pinball for Android, & Amazon: August 28th
There is more infomation on Zen's blog http://blog.zenstudios.com/?p=4848
I used to like Bonnie.
I don't like Bonnie anymore.
I love AJ XD!
They make up for it in the bedroom.
I think that's what would have happened eventually if Lilly never left the group, honestly o_o
It's also amazing how much Jane's voice sounds like Lilly's. It's almost as if it it WAS her.
MRW Bonnie and Mike spoiler...
Just some random crap
^one of my best scenes from the episode.
AHahahahaha Nice!
Oh the feels
Arvo's POV of Clementine:
So that's why he shot her...
Scumbag Bonnie
Nah, Arvo shot her because he saw a fly on her jacket. He really is a nice guy. But really, fuck Arvo. Not literally though.
It just popped in my head...
Your argument is invalid.

Luke, NO! You forgot to nominate someone else!
The first gif is awesome.
I too got the ending with Jane and the family, but I went bac and changed to the Kenny ending.
Clementine and Lee playing football/soccer in the pinball game :P
What the fuck is up with Clems eyes?
Is the pinball game only for iOS?
It's on every platform
There is more infomation on Zen's blog http://blog.zenstudios.com/?p=4848
Ah, okay. Thanks.
Edit: never mind
She actually cared for Clem after the shot in my playthroug and rejected Mike so I still like her
this is Fun thread not Cry Your Eyes Out thread ;_;
well he actually depending on your choice either nominate clem or bonnie
Oh, dude...
Too soon ;-;
This is his birthday present
Seriously though, I miss Luke...
It's all Bonnie's fault!