I copied this from my comment on the "Which 4 Characters would be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team?". Just feel like this should be here.
Travis, The Leader - What with his dad being in the Special Forces, Travis is a born leader.
Arvo, The Muscle - Arvo is Russian, which automatically makes him a vodka chugging badass. Plus he has glasses, which restricts people from hitting him.
Ben, The Ninja - Ben can be "super" quiet, which makes him the perfect guy for being a stealthy badass who steals drugs and gives them to shady people who have possibly have kidnapped his friend.
Duck, The Brains - Duck is sidekick to the super hero detective, Batman, which makes him very good at tracking and solving math equations when needed.
This absolutely has to be the best team ever, unmatched in the zombie apocalypse
I copied this from my comment on the "Which 4 Characters would be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team?". Just feel like this should be here.
T… moreravis, The Leader - What with his dad being in the Special Forces, Travis is a born leader.
Arvo, The Muscle - Arvo is Russian, which automatically makes him a vodka chugging badass. Plus he has glasses, which restricts people from hitting him.
Ben, The Ninja - Ben can be "super" quiet, which makes him the perfect guy for being a stealthy badass who steals drugs and gives them to shady people who have possibly have kidnapped his friend.
Duck, The Brains - Duck is sidekick to the super hero detective, Batman, which makes him very good at tracking and solving math equations when needed.
This absolutely has to be the best team ever, unmatched in the zombie apocalypse
I copied this from my comment on the "Which 4 Characters would be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team?". Just feel like this should be here.
T… moreravis, The Leader - What with his dad being in the Special Forces, Travis is a born leader.
Arvo, The Muscle - Arvo is Russian, which automatically makes him a vodka chugging badass. Plus he has glasses, which restricts people from hitting him.
Ben, The Ninja - Ben can be "super" quiet, which makes him the perfect guy for being a stealthy badass who steals drugs and gives them to shady people who have possibly have kidnapped his friend.
Duck, The Brains - Duck is sidekick to the super hero detective, Batman, which makes him very good at tracking and solving math equations when needed.
This absolutely has to be the best team ever, unmatched in the zombie apocalypse
Hail Kenny and his god-like beard
I watched this video too many times...
It's priceless. Even non-Kenny believers find it amusing.
And she'd still think it's gross.
Sigh I miss Luke....
Ooooh, is it Monopoly?
I wonder where he got that Kenny model for SFM from...
and now we know why duck was so slow in the brain
i've reused this joke like 4 times now but
vanilla ice and his ice ice baby
get it
luke and nick
because luke is ice now
This thread always brings a smile to my face
Great job guys!
lilly saved the day
I'll go first

He wants the D... hat.
Clem: well I know about Carly! And the... Kissing stuff.
"Dude, I'm telling ya, I will get all the gurls when I'm fit"
Hershel's son: "Eeerh, ¡¿Dude?! Zombie apocalypse!"
"Told ya. Hey, what is this? Someone nominated me for the Ice Bucket Challenge?"
I copied this from my comment on the "Which 4 Characters would be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team?". Just feel like this should be here.
Travis, The Leader - What with his dad being in the Special Forces, Travis is a born leader.
Arvo, The Muscle - Arvo is Russian, which automatically makes him a vodka chugging badass. Plus he has glasses, which restricts people from hitting him.
Ben, The Ninja - Ben can be "super" quiet, which makes him the perfect guy for being a stealthy badass who steals drugs and gives them to shady people who have possibly have kidnapped his friend.
Duck, The Brains - Duck is sidekick to the super hero detective, Batman, which makes him very good at tracking and solving math equations when needed.
This absolutely has to be the best team ever, unmatched in the zombie apocalypse
Dream team lol.
If I Was Grocery Bagging For Winston
Winston: Jesus Are you Fucking Kidding Me?!
Me: Did you read my name tag? My name isn't Jesus.
Winston: You were not suppose to put the asparagus with the grapes!
Me: Ok whatever floats your boat.
Kenny cuts in line
Kenny: Did somebody say boat?
Cashier: Sir the guy with the mustache, don't cut in line.
Kenny: I'm sorry I got a little bit carried away. Do you guys have boats?
Cashier: Sure there on aisle 19.
Kenny: oh goody I'll be comin right back.
I put the waffles in the next bag
Winston: Jesus Are you Fucking Kidding Me?!
I put the cereal in the next bag
Winston: Jesus Are you Fucking Kidding Me?!
I put the hot wheels cars in the next bag. Why would a middle age guy still be into hot wheels?
Winston: Jesus Are you Fucking Kidding Me?!
I put the six pack rings of soda cans on the top rim of Winston's cart
Me: Have a good day!
All of a sudden the plastic of the six pack rings malfunctioned and all of the soda cans fell on the floor
Winston: Jesus Are You Fucking kidding Me?!
Kenny: I'm back! And guess what I got with me?
Me: Face Palm
Me: Jesus Are You Fucking kidding me?!
Is it a bad thing that I'd like to be part of this team?
Of course not! Everyone strives to be a part of this team, but you must pull your weight. Their motto is "No mistakes, no failures, no deaths."
Yeah, he does. He's actually very cuuuuuute!
Wait, no, no, no, I just traspassed the fangirl line and I am not even a girl. Oh my god.
The D on the hat.
He's a BRO to me man. Dudes must NEVER cross the fangirl line.
Troll: You can kill Luke and Nick, but Nuke will live forever!