I copied this from my comment on the "Which 4 Characters would be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team?". Just feel like this should be here.
T… moreravis, The Leader - What with his dad being in the Special Forces, Travis is a born leader.
Arvo, The Muscle - Arvo is Russian, which automatically makes him a vodka chugging badass. Plus he has glasses, which restricts people from hitting him.
Ben, The Ninja - Ben can be "super" quiet, which makes him the perfect guy for being a stealthy badass who steals drugs and gives them to shady people who have possibly have kidnapped his friend.
Duck, The Brains - Duck is sidekick to the super hero detective, Batman, which makes him very good at tracking and solving math equations when needed.
This absolutely has to be the best team ever, unmatched in the zombie apocalypse
I copied this from my comment on the "Which 4 Characters would be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team?". Just feel like this should be here.
T… moreravis, The Leader - What with his dad being in the Special Forces, Travis is a born leader.
Arvo, The Muscle - Arvo is Russian, which automatically makes him a vodka chugging badass. Plus he has glasses, which restricts people from hitting him.
Ben, The Ninja - Ben can be "super" quiet, which makes him the perfect guy for being a stealthy badass who steals drugs and gives them to shady people who have possibly have kidnapped his friend.
Duck, The Brains - Duck is sidekick to the super hero detective, Batman, which makes him very good at tracking and solving math equations when needed.
This absolutely has to be the best team ever, unmatched in the zombie apocalypse
What a bunch of pussies. Don't worry, give it time, and what happened to "shit" will happen to that word as well. And it'll be South Park's "It Hits the Fan" all over again. Except it'll be...uh...wow, I dare you to make a good "it" title with one of that word's beloved idioms.
Although by then it'll probably be too late, and we'll have to wait 30 or 40 years for a proper movie/TV series remake with all the right words in it. And be sexagenarians by then, and geriatric as fuck.
Honestly, your performance was a bit lukewarm.
Sarah - the medic, daughter of a great doctor.
Gil: Swiggty swaggty, I want dat hatty.
10/10 -IGN
I don't know why, but I feel like this needs to be posted here.
Same, so tiring. I just come for the picture and meme threads now, and probably will until the finale cools enough to venture back out.
Gotta love how Jane doesn't mind dirt and zombie guts but draws the line at baby puke. Lol.
Just take a look at these two handsomes!
What a bunch of pussies. Don't worry, give it time, and what happened to "shit" will happen to that word as well. And it'll be South Park's "It Hits the Fan" all over again. Except it'll be...uh...wow, I dare you to make a good "it" title with one of that word's beloved idioms.
Although by then it'll probably be too late, and we'll have to wait 30 or 40 years for a proper movie/TV series remake with all the right words in it. And be sexagenarians by then, and geriatric as fuck.
Some fuckin' plan, Luke.
Lee. Omid. Kenny.
The Cripple Triple.
Now switch their faces around!
Baby didn't puked for me. What do you have to do to that to happen?
Oh gawwd ahm scaa'ed
In the butt! She was ready for it!
Let Jane hold it.
I need the dislike button for Sarah .---.
Me reading the first part: wow, I never thought of that
Me looking at that sink picture: upvote
why does sarah have a mustache? XD
The guy that made that video should write the entire Season Three.
I thought the same thing. XD
^That's not even her final form.
C'mere boy. Lemme hug You

holy fuck the boats are finally here
-clem wakes up in car-
clem: SHIT
the way katjaa carries duck in the end gets me every time
Kenny: -sniffs baby-
A true patriot
strikes a tearful salute
See I completely understand why Arvo would want Kenny to go fuck himself.
Just wish he hadn't put a bullet in my child.
The annotated dead