Clem in season 3 Confirmed or some kind of continuation in this vid for season 3!?

edited September 2014 in The Walking Dead

Greg asks about season 3 he says at 5:32 "obviously there are ideas going forward of how we are going to pull the stuff off"

Also at 4:28 they talk about how Clem is not quite there yet as a character to leave a baby and the other developer says.. "Gotta leave some room for season 3" Implying they want to develope her character more.

It really sounds to me that they want to continue with Clem rather than going with someone random and this makes me pretty damn happy :)

And also in this video Greg says at 2:18 that Clementine's adventure is far from over, He is fairly close with telltale so this remark may hold some truth.



  • Well for the first time I'm confident we'll continue Clem's story. Might disappoint people when all the endings tie in the same place, but let's be fair, it would be disaster if there would be a new season and it wouldn't be about Clem :3

  • So this kind of confirms season 3 having Clem?

  • edited August 2014

    I hope they continue with Clem or that even if she's no longer the playable character, she's at least present in the story in some capacity. I'm still too much invested in her story to let her go.Starting from the beginning with new people would be too weird as if all that happened during those two seasons didn't matter, there would be no continuity.

  • edited August 2014

    Well, they practically said that they've many ideas about how to pull it off with so many possible endings in season 2 so it kind of confirms that they'll probably continue Clementine's story. It's still unofficial though but after I watched this video I'm more certain than before that we'll see this little girl again. In any case I guess we'll see in the future what will happen. The only thing we know for sure is that there will be a season 3 and I can't wait to return to this world once again. :)

  • Ahhhh... Clem confirmed for season 3 too at 4:30 he says "gotta leave some room for season 3" This and the other quote pretty much is the closest confirmation to a season 3 we will get at this point.. Well we all pretty much got what we wanted, More Clem for season 3!

  • I know that the endings will lead to the same spot in season 3 if we're playing as Clem but I at least hope that whoever you went with is still alive (Wellington folks, Kenny, Jane....) because it would piss me off if you start season 3 with random people and Clem says some thing like "They're dead" or "It didn't work out"

  • Wouldn't say that's confirmation. But I do think it's something to look at optimistically. I think Telltale are looking forward to their break for now though. Making a "Not give a shit game" like Borderlands is a good idea now with how emotionally heavy TWD has been. Something funny and lighthearted is a good direction for them to go for now.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It does sound like they want to continue on with Clementine's story rather than starting from the very beginning with new characters.
    If they did it will be a interesting challenge for them because of all the variables from the multiple endings but after playing episode 5 which i thought they did a fantastic job on i feel that they could also do a great opening for season 3 considering the amount of time they have to plan it.

    The only thing i don't know about is how they will handle Jane and Kenny's determinate fates as they will need to die at some point in the story without it being like Omid's death again.

  • Not only that, but seems like Christa is almost confirmed dead.

  • That's a good question about Kenny and Jane. Maybe they won't kill them but then we're looking at Christa's situation again. Missing and won't hear about this person again. Well, I have a faith in Telltale if they really want to continue Clem's story. They didn't confirmed it official so we'll see what they have in their minds.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It does sound like they want to continue on with Clementine's story rather than starting from the very beginning with new characters. If t

  • I don't think haveng a child protagonist more than one time in a row is a good idea.

  • I'd say almost confirmed gone. Stop being so negative Clem.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Not only that, but seems like Christa is almost confirmed dead.

  • I don't think changing the protagonist every season is a good idea.

    Doesn't matter what we think though, just let Telltale decide what happens.

    Mafon2 posted: »

    I don't think haveng a child protagonist more than one time in a row is a good idea.

  • edited August 2014

    Right now I'm convinced by what they said, I think that they are going to continue to develope Clementine as a character.. and honestly.. Im really happy since I really wouldn't want anyone else as a protagonist yet... And I think Telltale knows 95% of the fan base want more Clem too.

    For once we will get a character that gets a proper trilogy.. Im pretty convinced and excited for season 3 guys :)

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    I don't think changing the protagonist every season is a good idea. Doesn't matter what we think though, just let Telltale decide what happens.

  • but we'll obviously play as an older Clementine which no longer suitable to be called as a child.

    Mafon2 posted: »

    I don't think haveng a child protagonist more than one time in a row is a good idea.

  • I'd like her to be the group leader for a change, the problem is she could have been, if the characters from Season 2 didn't turn up to be scumbags or dead...

    The new characters will just see her as a more mature child, but that'd be it. :C

    Travestron posted: »

    but we'll obviously play as an older Clementine which no longer suitable to be called as a child.

  • It's also weird that you can have both of them die.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It does sound like they want to continue on with Clementine's story rather than starting from the very beginning with new characters. If t

  • edited August 2014

    Well they can't go past the comics and the comics is 3 years ahead of them so the oldest Clem can be is 14 - 15 years old in season 3.. So she is a "teen" under 17 I still consider someone a "kid" If the Comics do another time skip while season 3 is being developed they may be able to make her even older but we will see.. I don't care how old she is.. I just care If I see her again.

    Travestron posted: »

    but we'll obviously play as an older Clementine which no longer suitable to be called as a child.

  • edited August 2014

    Awesome!! I'd love to see her return!!! The bad thing is that the more time we spend with her, the more devastating it will be if and when she does leave the show (don't ever kill her off Telltale, please, I would get really depressed...)

  • Sounds like we'll play as Clem again in season three.

    I'm so happy right now.

  • What's the point of Season 1 and 2 if we are going to play as a new character?!

  • This is the best news I've got I definitely want to play as Clem again. I don't care if she the same age or a few months or years older.

  • edited August 2014

    I see the ultimate ending is pretty clear. Clem either sacrifices AJ for her safety, or sacrifices herself for AJ's safety. :C

    benchesh posted: »

    Awesome!! I'd love to see her return!!! The bad thing is that the more time we spend with her, the more devastating it will be if and when she does leave the show (don't ever kill her off Telltale, please, I would get really depressed...)

  • Maybe a DLC based on your ending.You could play 5 different ways(5 endings)Every one should have 30-40 minutes length,they can take care of determinant characters and all will end with a cliffhanger(maybe meeting lilly,christa..)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It does sound like they want to continue on with Clementine's story rather than starting from the very beginning with new characters. If t

  • Ahhh I can see it now... (whoever you picked or if you went alone or stayed at wellington) But for me I can see My Clem and Kenny on the road, surviving.. maybe getting into wellington a few months later.. I hope there are some more Kenny and Clem adventures in Season 3 but unless they make determinants and long branching storyline's which would make sense as they should make the choices larger each season.. but I will enjoy whatever time I have left with Kenny in season 3.

  • I thought that might've been how season 2 would end. It would destroy me if that ever happens. Not only would it be incredibly sad, it would be a slap in the face for fans. This girl that we've spent 2 seasons protecting suddenly has to die or live selfishly? What a depressing end for her! She deserves a happy ending.

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    I see the ultimate ending is pretty clear. Clem either sacrifices AJ for her safety, or sacrifices herself for AJ's safety. :C

  • I certainly hope they continue with Clem, I'm far too invested in her character to not play her now.

  • I think I would like to continue Clem's story. If they made us play with another character, presumibly with no relation to S1 and S2 i'm not sure if I would like that. The walkind dead's been about Lee and Clem's story and changing that would be certainly risky

    Mafon2 posted: »

    I don't think haveng a child protagonist more than one time in a row is a good idea.

  • Clem till the end..

    I certainly hope they continue with Clem, I'm far too invested in her character to not play her now.

  • With season 2 over, Telltale now has the time to plan the opening of season 3, and figure out an effective way to continue where the player chose to leave off.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It does sound like they want to continue on with Clementine's story rather than starting from the very beginning with new characters. If t

  • edited August 2014

    Now that I think about it I think they saved the whole "Christa" plot line and it will be answered in season 3.. With maybe even Eddie or Lilly making an appearance, I think they are saving that surprise for season 3.

  • things do change in a span of one year .... who knows they wont change their mind?

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    Well for the first time I'm confident we'll continue Clem's story. Might disappoint people when all the endings tie in the same place, but let's be fair, it would be disaster if there would be a new season and it wouldn't be about Clem

  • Spoiler

    I think maybe if we let the family in the Haus then they will kill Jane in EP1 of S3 but if we don't then she still may die when the family come back but for Kenny, who knows. If we go to Wellington in EP2 we go out for supplies and come across his body or something.

    Tewudin posted: »

    That's a good question about Kenny and Jane. Maybe they won't kill them but then we're looking at Christa's situation again. Missing and won

  • Well, they don't need to bring old characters back. I mean, they did it with Kenny sure but they don't need to do that with all the missing characters. I mean, in real life sometimes you don't see someone again and you might even don't know what happened to him/her or is he/she even alive. They mentioned about it in the video and add "we're trying to make the story as realistic as possible and sometimes in real life we just didn't have a chance to see someone again" or something like that.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Now that I think about it I think they saved the whole "Christa" plot line and it will be answered in season 3.. With maybe even Eddie or Lilly making an appearance, I think they are saving that surprise for season 3.

  • I really don't see how they can pull off another season with Clem when the entire first episode could be different for everyone. I don't see this working out unless they pull it all back to a common plot line at the end of episode 1. I just can't see how that can happen considering the variety of endings we have.

    It would be insane to have 5 different games depending on how you played season 2...

  • Well that's what telltale is all about.. The story is tailored by how we play... So I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled it off.

    I really don't see how they can pull off another season with Clem when the entire first episode could be different for everyone. I don't see

  • Well, I put it this way - if Telltale will come with some brilliant idea about how to do this then I would be happy to have another season with Clementine but... I guess we just have to wait and see what they've in their minds.

    I really don't see how they can pull off another season with Clem when the entire first episode could be different for everyone. I don't see

  • It wouldn't be that hard to get it back to a common starting point. I just know I am ready to start playing season 3 NOW. lol, it's gonna be hard waiting!!!

  • Thanks for posting this. It'll make the wait for s3 bearable, cause of better hopes of continuing Clem's story :D

  • bump incase anyone missed.

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