Kenny Was Poison



  • "Once?"He's been through so many shit for both Lee and Clem.He lost one eye,he was willing to let himself without supplies out there just so Clementine and AJ will be safe.Jane was selfish for me.She wanted to make me kill my old friend.I dont think Kenny wanted to be the leader.He makes up his mind,if you follow him,fine.If you dont,fine.If kenny could have got Clem killed at carver's camp,then wouldn't Jane get clem killed by stealing pills from arvo?...I will remember Kenny as my old friend from day 1.I will remember the risks he has taken in order to lead me to safety.I will remember his loyalty and the love he showed to me.I will remember Kenny as my family. I sympathized with him because this is what his old pal,Lee would've done.

  • Nah man, he obviously doesn't care about her at all. That's why he's so appreciative when you feed the kids, he's so supportive when you talk about protecting Clem, he'll sacrifice himself to try and save Ben so you can keep going to find her. It's also why he invited her group into his new home in season 2, and why he lost an eye, and why no matter what he tries to get Clem and AJ to Wellington, and even asks her to take them in so that they'll be safer than they would be with him. All of that, off the top of my head, are major instances of Kenny not caring.

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    He just lost Sarita a day ago (Edit: Two days ago). He's still broken after being beaten nearly to death by Carver. Carlos mentioned possibl

  • edited August 2014

    Sorry, didn't see this until now.

    because this is what his old pal,Lee would've done. Your Lee would have. Mine, not so much. My Lee and Kenny did not see eye to eye. Kenny would feed me to the wolves. I don't hate Kenny, I don't even dislike him heavily, I'll admit he grates on my nerves, but I didn't wish him ill. I'm sad he died, but it had to be done for me.

    he was willing to let himself without supplies out there just so Yes, but as Jane said there was supplies WITH formula back at Howe. This wasn't a sacrifice, a sacrifice would have been him being willing to give up on the dream and go back to secure their safety. If he'd been wrong they'd all have been dead. I can't agree with that.

    I'm not doubting his love for them, I'm doubting his ability to take care of them. Time and time again he's proven himself less competent than people like Luke and Jane when it came to the mental state it took to raise children. And no, before you bring it up, I['m aware Jane isn't good with kids, but she's willing to try and she's already proven her actions go hand in hand with what she says. Kenny has not. He says things but does something totally different. Love or no love, I won't die for what once was. I won't die for promises. I won't die for stubbornness.

    I suppose dependent on the play through Kenny will do more or less for you and Lee, which still helps do prove my point. His friendship is very selfish. It's all one sided. He's only got your back if you're his toadie. My Lee wouldn't have wanted that for Clem. No situation is ideal, but it's all we got, and I won't go with Kenny for empty promises, void apologies, and senseless idealism.

    I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.

    Tolispro posted: »

    "Once?"He's been through so many shit for both Lee and Clem.He lost one eye,he was willing to let himself without supplies out there just so

  • I didn't see him saving Clementine from some crazy stranger because he didn't like my Lee.

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    That depends. Did he reach Wellington with Clem? Did he maroon himself to the icy wilderness in order to make sure Clem and AJ was safe behind the walls? If so, then yes... Unless you killed him. Unless you refused him.

  • @Eddie_Maiden That wasn't at me right? I'll assume not because I said Kenny does love Clem, and it doesn't look like you're post is in my column. I just want to let you know if it's directed at me, I'm not ignoring it.

    @Itchy_Tasty Well... Lool, that is the title of the thread. I'm not sure if I agree with that notion completely. We can agree Kenny is unfit to care for them, and it's nice but I do have a deep desire I could have just tried to choose Jane and see if Kenny would have let me go, because I'm honestly not sure.

    As for that comment, not everything Kenny did was selfish, but I won't say he wasn't selfish, because he was. He brought them out there hoping for it to be real, and he was lucky it was. He should have given up the idealism and went back to Howe for the formula at least. I chalk that up to his mental instability. He wanted that hope so badly, nah, needed it, that he was willing to risk even Clem and Aj's life, even if he tried his hardest to keep them alive. We can't say he didn't have a better choice, because he did.

    I've said it one and I'll say it again, I don't think Kenny is bad or evil, I think he's completely unstable, mix that with hot tempered and you have a very dangerous bomb.

    I have nothing more I feel I can say on that.... Um, I mean, I guess the Wellington isn't a bad ending, Kenny did the right thing by letting them go, but that heroism doesn't make everything else he did okay. Not in my book. I couldn't give away to that emotion.

    Really, I feel the whole conflict was a mistake on the writers part, not that is was bad, just that I don't feel it was in Jane's character at that point. Especially if she had you on her side. And I'm pretty sure the writers knew, if Jane had tried to just ask Kenny if Clem/Aj could leave with her, one of two things would have happened:

    A) Kenny would explode and look unsympathetic. They obviously didn't want either side to look bad. They wanted a dilemma.

    B) Kenny would have at least let Clem go (not sure about Aj, but I doubt it), especially if Clem said she wanted to go. The writers couldn't have this either, as it wouldn't be an emotional enough climax.

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    You're right. Kenny is unfit to look after the kids, and he knows this. That's why he gave them up to Wellington, that is if you let him.

  • He ran over the ice. He brought a group of thugs to murder us. Just because he was "thinking of himself" doesn't mean what he did was wrong.

    What Kenny did to Carver was morally wrong. But at the same time he was "thinking for himself".

    Again, I ask "how so?" because he walked over the ice? Kenny wanted him to walk over the ice. Kenny would have kicked his ass if he didn't/

  • YES TO ALL OF THAT. Like, seriously, the only other time I remember Kenny talking to Clem was an aggressive "Get on the train". And seeing Clem cry if he's killed just made me annoyed. I mean, shouldn't we get to decide if she likes the guy? We get to have a few options like "I never liked him." in episode 2 but that's about it!

  • a lawful good paladin in parties full of chaotic neutral rogues

    epic metaphor, have my enthusiastic like

    risbolla posted: »

    Kenny only seemed abrasive in groups because he was a lawful good paladin in parties full of chaotic neutral rogues. Kenny never lied and al

  • Kenny didn't have to beat Arvo, that was to show that he's becoming deranged like Carver. He didn't HAVE to beat Carver to death, he could've shot him and left. Mike and Bonnie were terrified that Kenny would snap and kill them, OF COURSE they'd wanna run away!

    HarjKS posted: »

    The main goal is survival is it? Okay. So Kenny had to beat Arvo. For survival, he had to live with it, good for him. Kenny had to kill Carv

  • This is why no-one argues against Kenny fans

    HarjKS posted: »

    Their selfishness is what drove the group apart. You didn't see Lee and Clementine leave the group because he didn't like Larry. You know? T

  • Was it necessary to beat Arvo? No, he was harmless and incapable of fighting back. Was it necessary for him to kill Carver? Yes. But was it necessary for him to excessively beat and massacre him to the point of being bashed to a pup? No. If Kenny alienates the rest of the group to the point where they are afraid of him, it's not right anymore. The Duck incident was necessary to put Duck out of his misery, it was his own son for crying out loud. It's different. Where we draw the line between right and wrong stems from motive. Kenny beat Arvo for no good reason other than he could. Kenny alienated the group because they wouldn't listen to him when in reality he wouldn't listen to anything anyone has to say. Kenny enjoyed beating up Carver. Kenny put down Duck because he was his son and he didn't want him to suffer. The difference is that in the other incidents, Kenny wants the victim to suffer. Kenny put down Duck because of mercy.

    HarjKS posted: »

    The main goal is survival is it? Okay. So Kenny had to beat Arvo. For survival, he had to live with it, good for him. Kenny had to kill Carv

  • Kenny was a detriment long term because of his mindset of "If you're not with me 100%, you're against me and I hate you for that." That's exactly his problem that he did what he thought was best. He never listened to anyone at all. A good leader has to listen to the people of his group to not be a dictator like Crawford (Season 1) and Kenny was awful at doing that.

    risbolla posted: »

    Kenny only seemed abrasive in groups because he was a lawful good paladin in parties full of chaotic neutral rogues. Kenny never lied and al

  • OP makes a lot of great points, especially the wasted potential of characters like Sarah.

    We spent way too much time lingering on Kenny issues this season. I was beyond ready to get rid of him at the end of the episode. He was nothing but an explosive, over-aggressive burden on the group all season, just as he was a stubborn nuisance for most of season one. He's extremely selfish and abrasive, and his frequently violent outbursts this season made him nothing but a liability.

    I thought it was a good idea to head for Wellington, and wished I could have convinced everyone else to go there as well. But I wasn't about to go there with Kenny, who is I agree is basically responsible for splintering the group. Jane's not a saint either, but at least she's level-headed most of the time (and not constantly being a dick to everyone).

    Team Jane.

    Also, Team Lily, for that matter.

  • Kenny is the one who always saying what other people did wrong and that it's their fault somebody died. The whole group says its better to head south but Kenny has to be the dictator all the time. In Season 1 and Season 2! "We need to find a boat" or "We need to get to Wellington" ALL THE TIME! Sry Ken, but i'm so tired of this!

  • If he would do what's best for the children, he wouldn't kill Jane in front of Clem's eyes!

    Jane would've done the same btw, but Kenny started and please don't come with she provoked him. No reason for him to kill somebody. Kenny is not the only person in the zombie apocalypse who has lost people, but he doesn't realize that simple fact!

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    That depends. Did he reach Wellington with Clem? Did he maroon himself to the icy wilderness in order to make sure Clem and AJ was safe behind the walls? If so, then yes... Unless you killed him. Unless you refused him.

  • I hope your joking about the baby.

    Astovidatu posted: »

    Then you're quite stupid to ditch a proven survivalist that already wishes you to be with her, if it were for survival only. Killing (or eating) the baby would be reasonable though.

  • Nope. Why would I? It's a burden you surely don't need in a ZA.

    KCohere posted: »

    I hope your joking about the baby.

  • edited August 2014

    I know he cares. He never talked to her the way Lee did though. He never talks to her at all in Season 1. He cares for the idea of Clem, a kid, his reminder of Lee and Duck. Clem and Kenny never had a great connection at all like Lee and Clem.
    Edit: He never tries to get to know her. He puts it upon himself the idea that Clem needs him.

    Nah man, he obviously doesn't care about her at all. That's why he's so appreciative when you feed the kids, he's so supportive when you tal

  • You would kill and eat a baby? You're just like those people at Terminus.

    Astovidatu posted: »

    Nope. Why would I? It's a burden you surely don't need in a ZA.

  • I said it would be reasonable, not that I personally would do that.
    I'd just try to pass it on to some other folks who would like to deal with that pointless stuff or just wait till it dies by itself if I don't find anyone who wants to take care.
    It's just not worth it under these circumstances to bother yourself that much with a baby; especially a baby that's not even your own.

    KCohere posted: »

    You would kill and eat a baby? You're just like those people at Terminus.

  • edited August 2014

    Im sorry but there's nothing reasonable about eating a baby, thats why I was hoping you were just making some kind of morbid joke about that.

    Astovidatu posted: »

    I said it would be reasonable, not that I personally would do that. I'd just try to pass it on to some other folks who would like to deal w

  • Now that you mention it I forgot about the part in season 1 where Kenny decided to kill the children, the sick and the elderly. I forgot how Kenny took the position of leader and forced the group to do what he wanted. For a moment I had a lapse in judgment and thought he was looking out for his family while a bunch of strangers followed him around and criticized every step he took instead of leaving him alone.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Kenny was a detriment long term because of his mindset of "If you're not with me 100%, you're against me and I hate you for that." That's ex

  • What's funny is, Kenny is right.

    There was a boat.

    Wellington was real.

    Arvo was bad news.

  • I even thought going to Wellington was a better idea than heading south, but I hated that Kenny had to be such a jerk about it.


    SimDerKing posted: »

    Kenny is the one who always saying what other people did wrong and that it's their fault somebody died. The whole group says its better to h

  • edited August 2014

    Kenny decided to kill the children, the sick and the elderly.

    He initially had no qualms about killing Ben. It doesn't matter that he was involved with his family's death, it was indirect at best and did not warrant death. By Kenny's line of thinking, Hershel should have murdered Kenny for causing Shawn's death. He wanted to kill Vernon and his group because they stole the boat and claimed that he "wouldn't do this, we wouldn't leave good people to rot", despite the fact that Kenny's entire plan once the boat was fixed was to leave Vernon, his entire group, and Ben to die in walker-infested Savannah, and this was before the theft.

    Sure, he had better reasons than Crawford, but Kenny did decide to kill children and the sick and elderly, he just never succeeded :P

    Kenny took the position of leader and forced the group to do what he wanted

    "I don't give a damn what you people say, I fixed the truck, so I say where we're going!"

    risbolla posted: »

    Now that you mention it I forgot about the part in season 1 where Kenny decided to kill the children, the sick and the elderly. I forgot how

  • edited August 2014

    It still has some fat and muscle tissue that is otherwise wasted if you leave it to rot or eaten by walkers.
    You can do that of course if you have enough other food or are outright disgusted by the thought, but there is still no gain in doing that and therefore it's more reasonable to eat it.

    KCohere posted: »

    Im sorry but there's nothing reasonable about eating a baby, thats why I was hoping you were just making some kind of morbid joke about that.

  • Was it worth it though? Prior to getting to the boat, the group lost so much along the way just to get there.
    Again with Wellington, was it worth it? All who had died just to get there? All they had lost? All the potential good?
    We don't even know if Arvo was "bad news" as Kenny never gave the poor guy a chance to speak and he had a negative view of the group from the beginning!
    Kenny: "Where's this house of yours, you stupid Ruskie?"
    Arvo: Wait, wait, I show you, I...
    Kenny: Move it! Stop talking asshole!

    Hell I would hate Kenny if I was Arvo! I was abused by an angry redneck with a volatile temper and I didn't even get to speak my case! I don't blame him at all for trying to get away.

    What's funny is, Kenny is right. There was a boat. Wellington was real. Arvo was bad news.

  • It was worth it IMO.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Was it worth it though? Prior to getting to the boat, the group lost so much along the way just to get there. Again with Wellington, was i

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