Repeat this and you will be welcomed with open arms into our brotherhood:
Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.
Thank you, my sir.
Repeat this and you will be welcomed with open arms into our brotherhood:
Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is … morewith thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.
I second that.
The second Luke gets some personality he dies.
Let's hope he likes his present
Today I met somebody called Brenda-Lee Kenny.
Dear God, that face
Or instead of young lady "Swear"
Oh, so you get to swear?
This... This is what SHOULD'VE happened.
I will fuck Arvo's ass so hard he'll get a bloody brain hemorrhoid from my dick going straight up his ass to his russkie brain!
I loved that fucking line. I guess Kenny's a fan of Tarantino.
I still haven't heard Clem say that. Anybody got a link to a video?

I thought this would be funny. My first time doing this. 'Titanic' scene by the way.
(No Cluke intended)
Recently Luke was pretty cold. I hope that he cheered up and liked his present!
Damn you Kurusu. Damn you!
If I know correctly, you could shoot Mike in the ps3 version (they left it in the game, probably just a bug)... Proof:
EDIT: It's patched now
Why is that guy so nosy?
I feel bad for laughing at this XD
I really wanted to help Arvo before he shot us
now he's an asshole.
episode 5 in a nutshell
i thought i was the only one who noticed that
I love this dude.
I want the downvote button back just so I can downvote this, then upvote it again!
Bonnie: I'll never let go Luke!
The confidence on Nick's face at the end makes everything better.
Man I cried when Luke died
Lol, fuck Arvo.
Scott Porter [Luke]'s response to the ALS challenge
Too soon? Haha
We all thought he died but he'll actually outlive humanity!
Someone made a meme of that somewhere on this.
Pretty funny.
Thank you, my sir.
Repeat this and you will be welcomed with open arms into our brotherhood:
Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.
pray to kennyism and the almighty gavin and gavinism