Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Exactly. The blatant racism really made me disappointed in Kenny.

    PoorLuke posted: »

    'You Commie piece of shit' 'Oh yeah, that Ruskie ain't coming with us'.

  • I'm not sure if it was defined that Nick's mother was with them after they escaped Carver's? Maybe I'm wrong.

    You could shoot Mike twice? :O

    Pigisdeado posted: »

    Mike was a determinant character in the original PS3 version of No Going Back. Clem would shoot him once, then twice, so Arvo actually had a

  • At the end episode four, Vitali has the shotgun, and Buricko has the AK-47. However, in the beginning of episode five, Vitali has the AK-47, and Buricko has the shotgun. Weird.

  • notallmen


    On another note, I can't help but think of Arvo as a male equivalent to Sarah. They're both teenagers with disabilities - Arvo's broken leg, Sarah's mental issues - and broken glasses. They both shut down and go into denial regarding their last loved ones' deaths. And they both hate the idea of violence, although Arvo lived and suffered long enough to change his mind.

    It makes me wonder what would have happened if the two met.

  • This was what was going to happen, but it was taken out. TT said it was a glitch that only happens to some players on PS3, and is now fixed.

    Pigisdeado posted: »

    Mike was a determinant character in the original PS3 version of No Going Back. Clem would shoot him once, then twice, so Arvo actually had a

  • I assume they died on route to the cabin, possibly while at Parker's Run. It's never actually confirmed that she was alive when the group first left Howe's (Reggie forgets to ask about her), but judging from the group's behavior in Episode 1 her death was fairly recent. I think this is just another plot-hole.

    Also, regarding the detail about the Russians having the same kinds of bags that Wellington gives out to people they don't let in: this could be an indicator that they had been rejected by the Wellington community. Judging from the half-built state of the cabin Arvo's group took shelter in, we may very well assume that this was not a permanent residence of theirs. Perhaps Arvo really was trying to drop medicine off at the observation deck before the rest of his group could arrive.

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    I'm not sure if it was defined that Nick's mother was with them after they escaped Carver's? Maybe I'm wrong. You could shoot Mike twice? :O

  • edited August 2014

    PLOT TWIST: Wellington does exist

  • Wait, they have names? And they aren't Vladimir or Ivanof?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    At the end episode four, Vitali has the shotgun, and Buricko has the AK-47. However, in the beginning of episode five, Vitali has the AK-47, and Buricko has the shotgun. Weird.

  • Bonnie is determinant no matter what, though, which leads me to believe that she'll die off-screen. But I also hope it means that we'll see Mike and Arvo again...

    Mazdamaxsti posted: »

    This was what was going to happen, but it was taken out. TT said it was a glitch that only happens to some players on PS3, and is now fixed.

  • If you ask how Bonnie is in the truck Kenny says they they all ran away. So they arnt dead

    Bokor posted: »

    Bonnie is determinant no matter what, though, which leads me to believe that she'll die off-screen. But I also hope it means that we'll see Mike and Arvo again...

  • I chose the "Luke feels bad" option. I was tired of Luke pretending to be fine with everything when he wasn't, I wanted him to be honest to the rest of the group.

    But man, he got pretty damn pissed. More pissed than when I left Sarah, or sat with Kenny. Sorry bro, I went back for him so hopefully he knows I cared for him.

    Cleverett posted: »

    Actually, that's not the last (?)Luke Will Remember That! After he tells you about how he feels terrible about the cabin group when he's res

  • For some people, you could have let Bonnie die if you chose to "cover Luke" and then failed to break the ice when he and Bonnie fell.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If you ask how Bonnie is in the truck Kenny says they they all ran away. So they arnt dead

  • Yes, they have names. What character doesn't have names? facepalm and the ones you chose...smh

    Franubis posted: »

    Wait, they have names? And they aren't Vladimir or Ivanof?

  • Sorry, I was making fun of two possible, common Russian names in Western media, oh God I'm so evil, sorry sorry.

    There are quite a lot of unnamed characters in TWD, hell, the Stranger from No Time Left didn't have a fucking name!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes, they have names. What character doesn't have names? facepalm and the ones you chose...smh

  • Yeah, whatever. It's fine.

    Franubis posted: »

    Sorry, I was making fun of two possible, common Russian names in Western media, oh God I'm so evil, sorry sorry. There are quite a lot of unnamed characters in TWD, hell, the Stranger from No Time Left didn't have a fucking name!

  • Why is that again?

    Bokor posted: »

    His model's name was "Campman."

  • His model's name was "Campman." :D

    Franubis posted: »

    Sorry, I was making fun of two possible, common Russian names in Western media, oh God I'm so evil, sorry sorry. There are quite a lot of unnamed characters in TWD, hell, the Stranger from No Time Left didn't have a fucking name!

  • Arvah

    Bokor posted: »

    notallmen On another note, I can't help but think of Arvo as a male equivalent to Sarah. They're both teenagers with disabilities -

  • Sarvo!

    Just another reason why I wish Sarah lived past Omid The Ruins...

    Crips posted: »


  • Omid is a ruin indeed. Hehe, dat pun XD

    Yeah, me too. She was my favourite after Pete died.

    Bokor posted: »

    Sarvo! Just another reason why I wish Sarah lived past Omid The Ruins...

  • Ha, thanks. This is awesome!

    She can call Jane "fucking crazy". That's all I know.

  • She really talks like Lee here.

  • [It's your fault! You son of a bitch. I'm going to kill every last one of you!]

    [You took from us! Remember that!]

    [You killed the boys sister, you bastard! He's already dead. You'll be doing him a favor.]

    [I got you! You son of a bitch! I'll let you bleed to death slowly and well. You are the last person that I - --] [gurgling sounds]


  • Ha awesome.

    blukey posted: »

    If you let Kenny have his space and not return to the fire, when Arvo yells at Mike he will yell "Leave me alone!" only once. Kenny will bash him on the head with his pistol, rendering him unconscious.

  • edited August 2014

    Huh - that dialogue's much more interesting than just "Speaking Russian!"

    child123 posted: »

    [It's your fault! You son of a bitch. I'm going to kill every last one of you!] [You took from us! Remember that!] [You killed the boy

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited August 2014

    I honestly don't want to call you guys dumbasses but you guys are seriously saying RUSSIAN IS A RACE? IT'S A NATIONALITY LOL WHAT THE HELL?I can't BELIEVE some forum users. The way you guys think is SO perplexing.

    It isn't RACIST because russian isn't a RACE. It is a derogatory term.

    Also adding on this site requires you to be 13+, also this is a mature game.

    PoorLuke posted: »

    'You Commie piece of shit' 'Oh yeah, that Ruskie ain't coming with us'.

  • I wish they'd just have him say some of that, I mean why have him say that one little bit in english? They should have left the other 3 unable to speak it or let them say a few phrases

    child123 posted: »

    [It's your fault! You son of a bitch. I'm going to kill every last one of you!] [You took from us! Remember that!] [You killed the boy

  • Maybe Carver found her corpse? If he was trailing them he could have found their previous hideout where she had died? Haha, although thats just me trying to explain away their plotholes.

    Bokor posted: »

    I assume they died on route to the cabin, possibly while at Parker's Run. It's never actually confirmed that she was alive when the group f

  • So to them we're the bad guys?

    child123 posted: »

    [It's your fault! You son of a bitch. I'm going to kill every last one of you!] [You took from us! Remember that!] [You killed the boy

  • Yep, by the sounds of it.

    zeke10 posted: »

    So to them we're the bad guys?

  • Makes Vitali seem a bit better but buricko he strikes me as a criminal. I would LOVE to see more on them maybe DLC

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yep, by the sounds of it.

  • Not a detail but can somebody who plays on PS3 film Mike getting shot, or someone find a video? I tried looking but didn't find it.

  • There are several videos let me find one (I like Mike BTW)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Not a detail but can somebody who plays on PS3 film Mike getting shot, or someone find a video? I tried looking but didn't find it.

  • When breaking the ice after you cover Luke, if you look closely you can see him drown right before Clem falls in ;-;

  • Here you go, it's a vine.

    Mike is shot on the PS3 version

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Not a detail but can somebody who plays on PS3 film Mike getting shot, or someone find a video? I tried looking but didn't find it.

  • And this is why I was so mad when Jane threatened Arvo back in episode 4. -_-

    The Russians probably weren't bad people. Then Jane and Clem encounter Arvo and can rob(determinant) him. Either way, Jane takes his gun and threatens him. Arvo goes back to his group and they decide that they won't let this stand and goes after our group. Why Jane decided that it was necessary to threaten the kid is beyond me. At the time it was obvious Arvo wasn't a threat. When he points his gun at Clem, his hand is shaking and he says outright that he does not want to shoot a little girl (He has no reason to in episode 4. Episode 5 he does). God dammit Jane.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Makes Vitali seem a bit better but buricko he strikes me as a criminal. I would LOVE to see more on them maybe DLC

  • i feel bad for arvo

    Liayso posted: »

    And this is why I was so mad when Jane threatened Arvo back in episode 4. -_- The Russians probably weren't bad people. Then Jane and Cle

  • Jane, in the unfinished house, mentions that when she saw someone die, they were just looking up at the sky. If she gets killed by Kenny, she is also looking up at the sky.

  • I do too. But I still hate him for shooting Clem.

    child123 posted: » i feel bad for arvo

  • Thanks!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Here you go, it's a vine. Mike is shot on the PS3 version

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