I know this is irrelevant but can someone please tell me the name of this soundtrack that plays in this game? It says it's "Clementine's" OST, but i can't find it anywhere for MP3. Please help!
Well...hmm...just make a tribute of Clementine in season 1 and 2 showing how much she has changed. You can add any scenes you want. But add scenes of especially 2x05 and Kenny throughout the tribute...Yeah?
Well...hmm...just make a tribute of Clementine in season 1 and 2 showing how much she has changed. You can add any scenes you want. But add scenes of especially 2x05 and Kenny throughout the tribute...Yeah?
lol xD THanks
haha awesome
if you shot him in ep5, hell come back in season 3 regardless with a bigger beard, saying that he got real lucky again
I have poor photoshop skills, but I might've try something ;D
Luke and kenny holding lightsabers.
Anyone got any requests?
Long Live Arvo Stalin!
Food. House. Follow me.
www.reddit.com/r/fuckarvo would appreciate this
I know this is irrelevant but can someone please tell me the name of this soundtrack that plays in this game? It says it's "Clementine's" OST, but i can't find it anywhere for MP3. Please help!
The tune i want
She looks like she's 14 just with one bang. Really nice job.
I can't believe that exists. Nice find!
Can you please make it 1920x1080 please
. That would really be appreciated.
Ben with James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2's Jacket.
While I'm making Kenny and Luke with lightsabers, please do Winston in a church saying ''Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?'' in exchange
Silent hill? That horror game?
too scared sorry
The Passion of the Redneck.
thank you XD
Finally done.
It's beautiful
Thank you!!
This thread will never die!
Of course not. This thread's awesome.
No one is making requests!
Let's wait few hours. More Americans are coming by then.
No wait I will be asleep then.
Damn you perfectly normal uk sleeping pattern!
Well...hmm...just make a tribute of Clementine in season 1 and 2 showing how much she has changed. You can add any scenes you want. But add scenes of especially 2x05 and Kenny throughout the tribute...Yeah?
In a pic or video? If video I can't do that sorry.
I'm tempted to commit Internet suicide and say I like Arvo in that thread just to defend him.
I will make a request so it doesn't die
. I'm not really sure but maybe something with Luke... something to ease the pain 
Ok , give me a bit.