I wonder about the nudity

One of the reason the show's famous is for the nudity. I got the impression the game was following the Show's cannon, forgive me if it's not. But will there be QTE scene like that in the game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Who knows? I don't watch the show, but I know nudity is a big part, Telltale won't be afraid to show it (if you've played TWAU, you know why).
Yah its not Game of Thrones without nudity, and I don't even watch the show. Telltale is OK with showing some (like dojo said, TWAU fans know why), but I don't know if they will go really graphic.
Telltale always stay true to the source material, so yes, there will be much nudity and graphic scenes.
God willing.
There has to be for it to be loyal. The books are honestly even more graphic than the show
Man...I just can not wait for some footage of TGOT. Feels like forever. Are they going to announce anything at PAX you think?
Maybe screenshots and hopefully a better trailer than the one the 40 sec one we have. I think its going to come in December and TFTB this October and those two will be running together in the next year like how Walking Dead s2 and Wolf did.
They probably will have some. I doubt they'd go as explicit as the show/book or have a QTE sequence though...
No flacid penises no buy. XD
Have you seen what they show nudity wise in God of War? TTG could do the same but then again ESRB is pretty tricky.
Not saying Im a fan of GOT's sexual scenes but I understand its just a reality of how life is really made. Not just characters appearing to be all asexual and not a fiber of lust in them.
The Witcher 2 shows more than God Of war to be honest.
Heavy Rain anyone?...
David Cage is obviously gonna develop this game.
I found Indigo Prohecy/Farenheit -Dance Party!, Awkward sex, "But the police don't work that way!", Noble homeless people, Your choice didn't matter.
Can't say they're as ham-fisted about it as HBO though. I cringed when Littlefinger's backstory became background noise for a random lesbian sex scene..
oh of course you cant, sex should have a purpose when shown. Showing a characters relationship through that is fine
That said some scenes were a bit unnecessary in the books too. I mean ive just be reading dance with dragons and some of the Asha scenes are a bit pointless
Im still having nightmares from beyond two souls.... so terrible
I mean heavy rain had alternate endings but it was still okay.
I loved heavy rain and beyond two souls.
I liked heavy rain a lot but beyond two souls was weird, story was bad enough without it being disjointed
I can't imagine what modders will do with character swapping...

Maybe we can finally have Bigby and Snow romance?
Yep, I think that TTG will handle the sexual themes in a mature way i. e. there will be nudity, but they won't make a huge fuss about it.
Sexual QTE sequence isn't new though. Fahrenheit (2005 game by Quantic Dream) had QTE sex scene. The whole QTE part made scene absurd and comical, when I think that it was supposed to be sensual and romantic scene.
I cringe just of thinking at it.
Oh jezus o-o
You mean Bigby and Bloody Mary. :P>
Shirtless Bigby?
Clem and Luke?
What's wrong with you?
There will most likely be nudity like on TWAU yes. But I think that a sex scene will be optional. And if you choose it, maybe just maybe, there will be a lot of button bashing as usual
It'll be Softcore.
I don't think a lot of sex and nudity would be be necessary unless the game is set in Littlefinger's brothel. I'm sure the game will probably concentrate more on the magic elements, and the political intrigue and battles. It is still a game that kids can play, even if it's mature.
Sex scenes in video games are usually either horribly awkward, or very horribly awkward.
Perhaps if Telltale has some magic touch for this kinda thing I don't know of.
The worst thing about the gratuitous nudity and sex in Game of Thrones is that it repeatedly fails to give me an erection. It just wastes time that could be better spent elsewhere and causes the writers to ditch major plot points so they can show us lots of tits.
There is a lesson to be learned here, Telltale.
Ive always thought people overexaggerated the nudity issue. Except for a few choice scenes, it's not that bad. Usually, those scenes are in context, like at the brothel.
I'm less concerned about the nudity and more concerned about the copious amounts of rape that's depicted in both the books and the show. Telltale has kinda, sorta maybe touched on it a little bit in their previous games, but nowhere near as graphically or blatantly as in the books and show. If the game happens to be set pretty much any time during the War of the Five Kings it's pretty much a given that we'll have to deal with it in some capacity. God I hope we never stumble across The Mountain or his men in this game.
In The Walking Dead Telltale did remove two instances of mentioning rape. The first was going to be mentioned by Ben, he would say that the bandits had gotten into their school and raped his peers to death and forced him and several others to watch. The second instance would have been Carver insinuating that what he and Rebecca did wasn't consensual. So who knows if it'll even be brought up? It might be, but at the same time it could be ignored if it has no place in the story.
If there aren't at least 7 QTE gay sex scenes then no buy for me.