Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited September 2014

    Well, you had me when you were 3 years old, so I dont see the problem.

  • I was a rebellious toddler.....sneaking grape juice in my sippy cups, scheduling playdates without my parents permission.....thank heavens I am such a wonderful mother to you now!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, you had me when you were 3 years old, so I dont see the problem.

  • 2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    awesome part, excited for the war!! wondering if I'll survive or not...using my computer right now supposed to be doing math can't explain gotta go bye

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • Excelent part! I liked that moment with Jewfreeus and ATR, Let's hope it wasn't the last one... And the part where you switched between Tobi and Pro was one of my favourite parts so far.

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • I'm staying at the mansion hmm? Damn, I don't know ;___;

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 2) These are the peeps we're taking with us.

    "How is it good?" I asked him. Tobi turned to me with a smirk on his face...

    Alt text

    This does not bode well...

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 1) Not sure. Let's switch it around a bit.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 2) I'm absolutely sure.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's.

    "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to get my baby back!" She said while crying.

    I looked around some more, and then back at the lady. I smiled."HAHAHA! Sorry, lady, but I have more important things that I have to take care of." I said, and then I proceeded to floor the pedal and drive off."Have a nice day!" I shouted as I drove past her.

    "You fucking bastard! I hope you fucking die for this!" I heard her say, I looked at the rear view mirror and saw her sticking her middle finger out. I didn't give a shit, tough. I needed to get to Tobi's place. I didn't need any distractions...


    (!) Try to help Romy.

    Time seemed to be going back to normal, I had to make a choice. I looked over at NDY one more time, and then back at Romy. I took aim. BANG! BANG! BANG! "Romy! Get out of there!" I shouted after killing three walkers behind him.

    "Motherfucker!" BANG! I heard a bandit and a gunshot, I turned and saw NDY dead on the floor, he had been shot in the head. The bandit who killed him turned to me and aimed his gun at me."Think you assholes can come in here and ruin our party?! Fuck you!" He shouted. BANG!

    "Look out!" I heard Romy's voice, before I could turn to him, I felt someone tackle me and then I hit the ground."Shit, that was close!" I looked in front of me and saw Romy. He got up and held his hand out.

    I saw blood on his white sweater and a piece of fabric torn off."Romy... your arm?"

    "No time for that, give me your gun, those sons of bitches just shot and killed NDY!" Romy looked infuriated. I handed him my handgun, and then he hid on the side of the tent."I see the machete guy, check the back, the other could be going around. I'm going to shoot this fucker." He told me.

    "Come on out, you pussies!" I heard one of them say.

    Romy got out of hiding and aimed the gun."Fuck you!" BANG! I heard the bandit scream after that."I got him, Latte. How's the back?!" He asked me.

    "He's coming! The other bandit is almost here!" I replied.

    "Shit! Here!" Romy said while getting ready to toss me the handgun.

    I held my hands out and then he threw it over. I was able to catch it and then quickly turned around to aim at the other bandit. BANG! BANG! "AGH!" I was able to kill him.

    "Shit! More walkers!" I heard Romy say. I looked over at the dead bandit and saw his gun on him.

    I turned to Romy."Romy! Catch!" I shouted and threw him my handgun.

    Romy caught it and then headed out to shoot the walkers that were closing in. BANG! BANG! "Latte! Come on!" He told me. I ran to the dead bandit and picked up his gun and ammo. I ran back to meet up with Romy.

    Once I reached Romy I started helping him out."Guys! Come on!" I heard Scarlet. I turned around and saw her near the front entrance with WTWH next to her.

    "Get the fuck out of there, guys! They killed NDY! We have to go! There's too many!" WTWH shouted as he started shooting at the walkers and bandits in front of us. BRATATAT! BRATATAT!

    "Guys, we have to go! I'll meet you up at the hill with Star and Juicy!" Scarlet shouted as she left.

    Me and Romy started heading towards the front, killing any walkers in the way. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! We were able to reach WTWH after a short while."Go on! Go with the others! I'll stay back and hold them off, gonna burn the rest of 'em!" WTWH told us.

    "What the fuck are you talking about, WTWH?! Where were you guys! They fucking killed NDY! Now you want to stay here and get killed as well?! And what the hell were you doing earlier, you almost burned us! Thought you said you had good aim!" Romy shouted.

    "Trust me, Romy. They're going to pay for what they did to NDY. And I was trying to get you guys to move, it was the only way I was going to get your attention. There were bandits heading your way and I had to figure out a way to get you moving. I tossed them near you guys, and it sort of worked. Give me a fucking break." WTWH replied with a serious look. He took off his backpack and grabbed a couple of Molotov's.

    "Shit, come on, Romy, let's go!" I told him.

    BANG! BANG! BANG! I looked up and spotted Juicy and Star at the hilltop, still providing cover fire. Scarlet had joined them as well."GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU TWO! STOP WASTING TIME!" WTWH shouted at us.

    Romy looked back at the remaining bandits and walkers all around. More of them just coming back. He turned back to look at me."Let's go, Latte." He told me. I nodded and we both ran out the front entrance, Romy turned to look at WTWH one more time."Thanks, man..."

    We ran towards the woods and then started going up the hill to meet up with the others. BANG! BANG! "I'm almost out!" Star shouted as we approached them.

    "Hey, guys!" I shouted.

    They all turned to look at me and Romy."Latte!" Juicy said and ran up to hug me."I'm so happy you're safe!" She said.

    "Where were you, Scarlet?! NDY needed help!" Romy said.

    "I cut the back of a tent with my knife, I ran into a bunch of bandits that I had to fight off. By the time I was done, NDY was already dead. I saw WTWH heading in and I ran to meet up with him. That's when I spotted you two." She explained.

    Romy grabbed his head out of frustration."Goddamn it! This is so fucked!"

    "WTWH! NO!" Star shouted.

    We ran over to look at what was happening. All we saw was WTWH getting lit up with a barrage of bullets."Those fucking bastards! No!" Juicy yelled.

    "We should have helped him!" I said.

    "There was nothing we could do! We were low on ammo, and there's still too many of them... fuck!" Romy said.

    Star turned around ."Romy... what the fuck happened to your arm...?"

    "Was he bit?! Holy shit!" Juicy said with a shocked look.

    "No fucking way... Romy?" Scarlet said with her eyes wide open.

    Romy looked down at his arm."Yeah... happened back there, there was just too many of them. One of the fuckers sneaked up on me while I was shooting, I tried fighting it off, and I ended up getting bit in the arm. I was able to kill it, but I was too shocked to even think about anything else. That's when a walker grabbed my foot, and I tripped. I started moving back, yelling for help. That's when Latte helped me out. I was about to get surrounded and eaten alive by those freaks."

    "You were fucking bit, Romy! What the fuck?!" I said to him with an angered look on my face.

    "I was scared, man. I didn't want to die..." Romy replied.

    "NDY is dead because I tried saving you first!" I shouted.

    Romy got angry and then looked at me."Well maybe you should have fucking saved HIM first!"

    Star got in between us."Guys, guys, guys! Calm down! Fighting each other isn't going to solve anything!"

    "Star's right. We need to keep moving, the remaining bandits will be here any minute. We'll deal with Romy's situation later, but right now we have to go!" Scarlet told us.

    "She's right, come on, guys! Let's not fight each other, we have to get out of here before they catch up to us." Juicy said.

    "Up there, come on!" We heard the bandits as they started running into the woods to catch up to us.

    "Fuck! There's like ten of them left. There's too many for us to handle, we better go." Star said while running back.

    "Come on, people!" Scarlet said while running back as well.

    Me and Romy looked at each other, Juicy walked in front of me."Let's go." All of us started running back to the RV, we needed to get away from the bandits.

    Once we reached the camp, Star headed towards the RV. Scarlet kept a look out while we made our way over."I'm sorry about what happened to NDY and WTWH. Maybe this was a bad idea, it's all my fault... I shouldn't have dragged you guys into this." She said and then looked down.

    "This is no one's fault, Scarlet. We all agreed to this, and we all knew what might have happened. All we can do now is get away from them and try to survive." Juicy told her.

    Scarlet frowned, and then looked at me and Romy."Shit! We can't take the RV!" Star said while getting out.

    "What?! Why not?" Romy asked.

    "NDY had the damn keys. Unless one of you know how to hotwire a car, we're not going to be able to take that thing." Star told us.

    "Fuck! I forgot about that. Son of a bitch!" Romy shouted.

    "Salt123 knew how to hotwire a car... damn it." I said while shaking my head and looking down.

    "Look, just take everything that we can carry, and let's go. We don't have time to wait around here." Juicy told us.

    "She's right, just take everything we can, and keep moving." Scarlet said.

    I made my way inside and started taking everything I could, I noticed everyone but Romy helping. After I was done, I went back outside and saw him standing in the same spot. Looking out into the woods."Romy...?"

    "You guys go on without me. I'm dead anyway, might as well buy you guys some time." He said and then looked down at the handgun.

    "What?! No, man! We all have to leave, together." I replied.

    "Nah, this is the end of the line for me. I'll stay here and kill as many as I can. I'll buy you guys some time... just get out of here." He said.

    "Romy, no. We have to stick together..." Scarlet told him.

    He turned to look at her and smiled."Don't worry about me, you guys just stay safe, you hear?"

    "Romy, no..." Juicy said.

    "Romy... this is... thank you." Star said.

    "Romy, you can't fucking do this... not after what just happened. We just lost NDY and WTWH, we're not losing you, too!" I shouted.

    "Heh, thanks for saving me back there. I won't forget that, Latte." He replied.

    "We won't forget you, Romy... Thanks for all the laughs, brother." Star told him with a frown.

    "We have to go, but we can't just abandon you here and leave you for those asshole bandits. Romy, think about this." Scarlet told him.

    "Listen to her, we all have to leave!" Juicy told him.

    "Romy..." I said.

    "Already thought about it. I don't have much time left, no sense for me to go with you guys. I'm bit, it's only a matter of time before I turn and then kill one of you in your sleep or something. I have to do this... just go already. You guys are wasting time." Romy told us.

    "Come on, guys... we have to go." Star told us.

    "Romy, please..." Juicy said.

    Romy walked over to his bag and took out the bottle of vodka to start drinking it. He walked back over to look at the woods again. We could hear the bandits getting louder and closer to us."Heh, thanks for everything, guys. It's been a blast. Take care of each other." He told us. The bandits were about to be here any minute, we had to go, but Romy wanted to stay behind. He was bit, but we had to stick together. He was going to try to buy us time so we could escape, I was conflicted on what to do...

    1) You guys go on ahead. I'm staying here with Romy.

    2) Try to convince Romy to come with us.

    3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.


  • do you need to be backhanded again step son?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, I don't see you stepping up, mom.

  • edited September 2014

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    Jewf's eyes widened, he looked down to the side and then back at me. He walked forward and lifted my head up with his hands. We stared into each other's eyes until he went in for a kiss. Our lips locked and I closed my eyes, it was like everything I was worried about went away. I felt peace, and I felt happy. After he was done, he leaned me closer to him and hugged me tight. I felt so safe in his arms. I had my ear on his chest."You hear that, ATR?"


    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    This is such a hard decision...DAMNIT I KNEW WE SHOULD'VE HELPED NDY


    I'll edit l8r can't even rn

    EDIT: 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    Damnit I don't want to but he'll die and kill someone else, I just know it.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited September 2014

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    I have a feeling that Gustav is going to backstab everyone so fuckin' hard.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • That unexpected twist...

    ComingSoon posted: »

    This is such a hard decision...DAMNIT I KNEW WE SHOULD'VE HELPED NDY DAMNIT WTWH YOU FUCKING BRAVE BASTARD ;~; I'll edit l8r can't eve

  • I was the ONLY person to vote for NDY. THE ONLY ONE. Come ON PEOPLE.

    That unexpected twist...

  • 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • I didn't vote on the choice to go to the bandit camp right away or in the morning. I wish there was a third choice to haul ass right then and there and get far away from them. Going in that night was a reckless move, and now NDY, WTWH, and soon Romy will be dead because of it. I wonder how the morning choice would've worked out...

    3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    No choppy arm off choice? Oh well....I really don't like leaving him alone to die, but the remaining people need to leave.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • They've already waited too long, cutting off Romy's arm won't work now, it'll just speed up the process, unfortunately.

    I didn't vote on the choice to go to the bandit camp right away or in the morning. I wish there was a third choice to haul ass right then an

  • I vote option #3

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • Let's go to war, guys!

    Alt text

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. ;-;

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • 2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.


    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 3)

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want.

    Dammit, this is the cabin group all over again.

    Welp, and then there were four...

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    At least Romy can go out how he wants and let the others have a chance to escape. Maybe he can kill a bandit or two while he is at it as well.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • I think we should respect what Romy wants. That way, he might kill some bandits, and won't bite anyone.

    3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving, like you want. Thank you for this.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge



    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • Was not expecting that...

    3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    Can't wait to see what would of happened if you guys saved me.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • edited September 2014

    Damnit, I picked 1, so you could switch out either Pro or Fan. It doesn't seem safe to not have a leader figure not at the mansion group, plus they are both experienced evenly so why not put them separately . But oh well..I smell danger. B]


  • edited September 2014

    Pro would have gone to Tobi's regardless, Although Fan and WtW had the most training, they didn't learn everything and they're still not as good as Jon or Pro. Jon is another leader figure that could have stayed, but this time he wanted to go and fight. Maybe he'll be able to show off some of the things he knows this time around.

    Shiina is the leader of the church group, the one that your character was in. So she could fit that role while you guys wait. There's still a lot of strong and smart characters that stayed at the mansion as well, Sheep, Gary, Password, just to name a few. A lot of people that stayed behind know how to shoot as well. But yeah... it still isn't safe anywhere. B]

    Damnit, I picked 1, so you could switch out either Pro or Fan. It doesn't seem safe to not have a leader figure not at the mansion group, plus they are both experienced evenly so why not put them separately . But oh well..I smell danger. B]

  • I honestly thought more people would pick you.

    Was not expecting that... 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Can't wait to see what would of happened if you guys saved me.

  • 3) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    His Bitten gameover if anyone stays they could get bitten by him or face dangers without the group etc

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • Jon, went? I swear you didnt put him as the people going. But I forgot about him being a leader too, so I guess that is good.

    Forgot that Shiina was the leader, thats true as well, but Pro/Fan, connect more with the others, and the others out number the church group, so he has the majority on their side, rather than Shiina who hasnt really connected with them yet. Yeah, I guess the people who stayed back know how to shoot, but it seems that those people are the more emotionally disturbed ones as of now, with the Noncy stuff going on.

    Also are Shadow(I know he is the youngest) Cid, and Gustav the youngest of the story? I was also thinking of maybe having one of the three at least getting switched, because I dont see the young ones going out to die so soon, although I see why Gustav would want to go.

    I would also switch out Rafoli, if you are keeping Cid. That just spells trouble.

    Pro would have gone to Tobi's regardless, Although Fan and WtW had the most training, they didn't learn everything and they're still not as

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah, the very last paragraph, haha.

    Mwuahaha! >B]

    AC is the youngest at 13, Shadow is 14. CiD and Gustav are in their late twenties.

    Jon, went? I swear you didnt put him as the people going. But I forgot about him being a leader too, so I guess that is good. Forgot that

  • Lol, oh shit. Didnt even see the "Jon asked them" bit.

    I see, then with that being the case, I think Gustav should stay, and Cid should stay only if Rafoli is gone. But since they are all staying with the final decision, I would like to see what goes on.

    my prediction, would have to bee that they run into Mark, which makes me scared, since Tobi will most likely end up with the mansion group. If it wasnt for the spoiler that I saw (on one of Marks posts), I would think the opposite, but that isnt the case here. B]

    Yeah, the very last paragraph, haha. Mwuahaha! >B] AC is the youngest at 13, Shadow is 14. CiD and Gustav are in their late twenties.

  • I think Gustav should stay

    I think Gustav is going to end up betraying the mansion group either way.

    Lol, oh shit. Didnt even see the "Jon asked them" bit. I see, then with that being the case, I think Gustav should stay, and Cid should s

  • I have been thinking that too. But all the shit Tobi has been giving Gustav, I think he might finally come to his senses.

    I think Gustav should stay I think Gustav is going to end up betraying the mansion group either way.

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