Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited September 2014

    I was looking out the window as the walkers approached her, and then started eating and tearing her apart.

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    Well, atleast I didn't vote for her death... RIP Noncy ;-;

    Pro: Spitting in his face would have been much worse, saying nothing would have saved her.


    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

  • edited September 2014

    saying nothing would have saved her.

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    Wait WE could of saved her YES let the but-hurt commence ;'/

    Spitting in his face would have been much worse, saying nothing would have saved her.

  • Buahahahahahahah ;)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD 1) Say nothing, why Y do dis everytime :P

  • Noncy, nooooooooooo ;-; I feel bad. :c

    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

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    You did it on purpose even to a guy like me that's cold :'O


  • Alt text

    Don't cry evil partner I'm on the way it's nearly time for Tobi to pay for his sins the dark is rising we will avenge Noncy :'D

    Noncy, nooooooooooo ;-; I feel bad. :c

  • edited September 2014


    We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shadow, Puncake, Salt, Broken and Gustav were all in Pro's SUV. I kept thinking about ATR, she never left my mind. I was worried about her, but I knew that she would be safe back at the mansion. I was just hoping that I would be able to see her again and that we would be able to continue to live peacefully, if that was even possible in this new world. But we would try our best."Tobi will pay for all of this. We'll make sure he doesn't get away." CiD told us.

    "If killing him is the only way to stop us from fighting, then so be it." CSB said.

    "Tobi has gone too far, after we're done with him, we can go back to the mansion and relax. Valky will be waiting for me, and all the others will be waiting for you guys as well. We'll continue building the perfect place for us to live in, no more walkers, or people like Tobi to stop us. We'll make sure we try to live in peace." Guilty said.

    "Yeah, we'll do our best." King told us.

    "Don't worry, guys. We'll take care of this." Jon told us as we kept driving...


    "So... you guys ready for this?" Salt asked us.

    "Yeah, we HAVE to be ready, we really have no other choice. WE have to end this today." I replied.

    "I'm scared... but I'll try not to get in anyone's way." Shadow told us.

    "As long as you stick with me, you'll be okay." I told him.

    "My brother told me that he misses our dad Randomz... Heh, I told him that I did, too. Before leaving, I said that I would be back before he knew it, I just hope he hangs in there." Fan told us.

    "He'll be okay, you'll see. I told AC the same, to not worry, and to stay strong. We'll go back to them after this is over." Broken told him.

    "Angel... She was such a good dog... Tobi will pay dearly for this. Once I get Noncy back, we're going to escape with all of you, we will get through this." WtW told us.

    "Ain't no way that sonuvabitch will get away with this shit. We're going to rip that fucker's head off for what he did." Puncake said.

    "It's starting to drizzle, It's going to rain heavily it seems. We could use that to our advantage, just keep an eye out, stay focused no matter what happens. Watch each other's backs, and eliminate any threats in our way. We will succeed, we will stop Tobi and his men, we will survive." Pro told us as we drove down the street...

    _ Juice_Box_

    (!) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    We waited for Star to say something."Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members." He says with a serious face."Fuckin' bandits! They're all threats to anyone else in this world. If we don't kill them, they'll keep killing, robbing survivors and... maybe kidnapping children and... FUCK! NO MORE RUNNING! WE WON'T ESCAPE UNLESS WE KILL THEM! NO GOING BACK! And if this means that I'm going to die in the end, then so be it!" Star said.

    "Goddamn fucking right!" Latte replied.

    Scarlet smiled."Let's end this shit." She said and then put her hand out.

    Latte, Star and I placed our hands on top of each other's and then shouted."FOR OUR FALLEN GROUP MEMBERS!"

    "Over there!" We heard someone's voice.

    It was the bandits again in the distance."Shit! Go! Head down to the junkyard!" Star shouted.

    All of us started heading down the hill and we reached the junkyard."Go to the back! Hide behind the cars, hurry!" Scarlet told us.

    We proceeded to run towards the back and then hid behind a pile of cars stocked up on top of each other."This is far enough, we just need them to go over here." Star told us.

    "I'll get their attention, you guys get ready to move and hide in different places." Latte said.

    "Okay, be careful." I replied. We looked over at the hill and spotted the bandits looking for us.

    Latte ran out and started waving his hands while shouting."Hey, assholes! Over here! What's the matter?! Can't keep up with us?!" BRATATAT! BLAM! BLAM! A bunch of bullets started hitting the ground near Latte."Oh shit!" He said and dove back over to us."Okay, go! Hide!" He told us.

    We got up and used the broken down cars for cover, I sneaked my way over to an old red car and then looked over at the hill again. There were about six of them left, it looked like Romy was able to kill four of them before going down. The bandits were making there way over, we needed to stay hidden and take them out as quickly as possible or else they would start hiding as well. I looked around and didn't see my group members anywhere, I wasn't sure where they were hiding, but I was hoping that the bandits wouldn't spot them. I had my handgun out, and peeked out again, the bandits were already here, searching for us."Shit..." I said under my breath.

    "C'mon out! There's no where to run!" I heard one of them. Three of them had machine gun rifles, two had shotguns and one had a hunting rifle with him. Everyone from my group had handguns, we needed to be careful. I moved around to the back of the red car and then started moving forward.

    "Spread out, y'all! We'll find 'em." I heard one of them say as I got closer. I moved over to a white van and then hid myself behind it. My heart was pounding, I was starting to sweat a bit, I was hoping they wouldn't spot me.

    "Think I saw one! Go around, go around!" I heard the bandits again. I looked over and saw two of them running forward. A bandit ran near the van that I was hiding in, and then had his back turned on me."They're over there! Get 'em!" I heard the bandit again. I saw one of them getting into cover while the last two kept walking around while aiming their guns.

    "We'll fucking get 'em. Just need for them to pop their head out, hehe." The man holding the hunting rifle in front of me said, he still had his back turned and kept looking down the rifles scope. He had no idea I was hiding behind him.

    BANG! Out of nowhere, a gunshot rang."Holy shit!" POW! POW! A bandit yelled out and fired his gun. I moved to the other side and saw a bandit running back and then hiding behind a car.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! "Get in cover!" I heard the two that were walking around. I peeked out and saw them going behind a car as well.

    "C'mon, asshole! C'mon!" I heard the hunting rifle bandit say.

    "Stay back! Wait for them!" I heard the bandits on the other side.

    "They killed him! Motherfuckers!" I heard the shotgun bandit by one of my group members say.

    "I got 'em, just need to wait." The hunting rifle bandit said. I looked behind me and spotted Star in the distance, he saw me as well and signaled for me to go over to him."Any minute now, asshole! Pop your fuckin' head out!" The hunting rifle bandit kept talking.

    "I see 'em! You got nowhere to hide!" The shotgun bandit shouted. I looked back at Star who was still in cover, I looked over to the back where the shotgun bandit was waiting for someone. I moved to the side and the Hunting rifle bandit still had his back turned, the other three bandits were on the other side waiting for one of my group members. I knew that killing the hunting rifle bandit might be risky, but it could also save whoever they were trying to aim at, they definitely needed a distraction. Star was behind me, and maybe going over to him might be safer, but I would have to be extra careful and quiet to make sure the hunting rifle bandit doesn't hear me. Time was running out, and I needed to think of something...

    1) Stay in cover, shoot the hunting rifle bandit. The noise will distract the bandits.

    2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    3) Go over to Star, I'll need to be very quiet.

    4) Do nothing, wait in cover.


  • I just needed to wait this out a bit longer...

    Damn excited, intense part!! R.I.P Noncy ;-;

    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

  • Oh lawd Noncy pls noooo ;~;

    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

  • edited September 2014

    "We'll get to the end of this junkjard...and take a fuckin' stand!"

    Well, 1 will alert the 4 remainding bandits.

    And 2 seems like a horrible idea altogether, she might make a noise and get shot.

    3 seems like a good idea, but I get the impression it's not. Thanks, Pro XD

    And 4 might result in Star's death.

    What to do, what to do...

    2) Knife Mr Rifle plz.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • edited September 2014

    SON OF A --

    ugggghhhh RIP Noncy. ;______;

    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

  • edited September 2014

    2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    1 is dumb, even if the bullet hits the rifle bandit, the shotgun bandit will probably fire aimlessly, killing who ever is aimed.

    Sneaking up is smarter because, like you said, the place is filled with cars, also with people shooting and yelling, the rifle guy may not hear much. If Juice does get caught, there is plenty of cover, and with the others still in cover, they can easily make up another plan with no one injured. And the risk of getting caught is slow since Latte is drawing three of them with him, leaving the shotgun guy and Rifle guy the only ones to worry about.

    3, star seems like he is in a better place than Latte right now. There is no time to be wasted since 3 bandits could potentially be waiting on Latte and could kill him if we waste the opportunity to use his distraction fast enough.

    And for the last one. Again, we need to use Latte's distraction to the best of our abilities.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • edited September 2014

    2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.


    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • 2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • HEY! You used my badass urban quote in this one! Nice little touch you got there bro. Thank you again. throwing saltlicks around for spreading hope We need to be smart in this one.

    ''Oh, finishing off bandits was a smart move you say, huh?''

    Hey, my urban feelings won in there. Sorry...

    2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    RESEEEERVE can't choose :O

    EDIT: wow that was embarrassing I forgot to use this one XD

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • What to do what to do what to do....bites nails Time to initiate Maddi Logic:

    Option 1: Shooting the hunting rifle bandit will be an easy shot. One bandit would be down, and four would remain. The noise will distract the bandits in either three ways. They could hear the shot and see the body of their fellow bandit slump down and turn around to pursue who shot him (so diverting their attention to the area Juicy is hiding in They could hear the shot and be momentarily startled but stand their ground, giving the rest of the group a chance to fire. They could also hear the shot and start shooting at the rest of the group out of nervous reflex, potentially killing someone in the process. If I had to guess, this option would put Juicy in jeopardy but give a chance to the rest of the group.

    Option 2: Juicy taking on a fully grown man seems pretty far-fetched to me. There's also a chance he could notice her sneaking up in the process, or if successful in approaching him, have him call out to the other bandits and put an immediate target on her back. It was mentioned that Juicy barely knows how to use a handgun let alone a hunting rifle, she'd need to instantaneously know how to use it. I think this option has too many risk factors and would need a lot of luck.

    Option 3: This would leave the hunting rifle bandit alive, watching his group members' backs. There's also always the risk of someone noticing Juicy sneak away. Assuming most of her group is concentrated in that one area, her addition to it probably wouldn't be that useful and they would end up being a bunch of sitting ducks without having the advantage of being spread out. I don't think this is a good option.

    Option 4: Anything could happen if she waits in cover. Could be good, could be bad. That fifth hunting rifle bandit would still be alive though. I think she needs to make a move.

    Option 2 would be the best option, but I can't see Juicy being able to do this. So I'll go with 1) Stay in cover, shoot the hunting rifle bandit. The noise will distract the bandits.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • 2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    Damn it...

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • Really liked it, had to use it in here, haha. B^]

    Dark_Star posted: »

    HEY! You used my badass urban quote in this one! Nice little touch you got there bro. Thank you again. throwing saltlicks around for spreadi

  • edited September 2014

    Well, as much as I want 2, it might be even more dangerous... I'm staying with 1) Stay in cover, shoot the hunting rifle bandit. The noise will distract the bandits.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • 1) Stay in cover, shoot the hunting rifle bandit. The noise will distract the bandits.

    If Juicy goes and stabs him, the guy my upper-hand her.

    When will Shadow be as badass as Juicy? >.>

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • 2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    Being an AC fanboy, hitman and from playing TLOU this seems like the most logical option kill then hide the body problem solved

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • ;-; We'll be like

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Don't cry evil partner I'm on the way it's nearly time for Tobi to pay for his sins the dark is rising we will avenge Noncy :'D

  • kill then hide the body problem solved

    Man I wish it were that easy XD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. Being an AC fanboy, hitman and from playing TLOU this seems like the most logical option kill then hide the body problem solved

  • Well, Clem managed to carry a full grown man through a horde of walkers, why can't Juicy drag a body? :P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    kill then hide the body problem solved Man I wish it were that easy XD

  • Think about it: horde of basically braindead walkers VS. 4 bandits with semi-autos and a hunting rifle.

    They notice anything, and that's death.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Well, Clem managed to carry a full grown man through a horde of walkers, why can't Juicy drag a body? :P

  • Insert definition of 'Joke' here


    ComingSoon posted: »

    Think about it: horde of basically braindead walkers VS. 4 bandits with semi-autos and a hunting rifle. They notice anything, and that's death.


    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Insert definition of 'Joke' here xP

  • 2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • edited September 2014

    Guess I'll go with the Majority-Apparent XD

    2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • 2) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • Somebody had better pick up the phone cause i FREAKIN' CALLED IT! I KNEW noncy would die if you didn't stay silent!

    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

  • 1) stay in cover

    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad



    Jewfreeus We were finally on the road to Tobi's. I was in the back of Jon's pickup with CSB, King, CiD and Guilty. Fan, WtW, Rafoli, Shad

  • Well, R.I.P Juicy


  • Never. You're Ben.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    1) Stay in cover, shoot the hunting rifle bandit. The noise will distract the bandits. If Juicy goes and stabs him, the guy my upper-hand her. When will Shadow be as badass as Juicy? >.>

  • Holy shit I need to catch up on this story

  • Lmao...

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    Never. You're Ben.

  • Yes... yes you do. B^]

    I'm almost close to the ending, so maybe you'll be able to catch up before I start Ch.5.

    Holy shit I need to catch up on this story

  • Lol, he needs to accept it already...

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