Has anyone else wondered how Kenny and Jane will determine whether Randy and the Wellington community are trustworthy? (Assuming Ken gets inside at some point).
I've got some ideas:
In Kenny's case, he would probably send Clementine on a never ending "Looking for Mike" adventure. This, so he can unlock every close door behind the walls of Wellington. He is, you know... urban?
Concerning Jane, I wouldn't be surprised if she hides the kid under a huge garbage truck just to see how stable Randy is.
Sarah forgot to shave.
Has anyone else wondered how Kenny and Jane will determine whether Randy and the Wellington community are trustworthy? (Assuming Ken gets inside at some point).
I've got some ideas:
In Kenny's case, he would probably send Clementine on a never ending "Looking for Mike" adventure. This, so he can unlock every close door behind the walls of Wellington. He is, you know... urban?
Concerning Jane, I wouldn't be surprised if she hides the kid under a huge garbage truck just to see how stable Randy is.
K, that wasn't funny at all. Let me go to work.
Tell that to Huan, he made the video.
Okay, give her a break guys, she's 8.
Baby: "Bright colors, big blue, me like! Wait, what're you--waitwaitwaitwaitwait aww, whozissbitch?? Eugh, uh oh, I don't know you, I don't...HEUGH!"
XD i thought Sarah had a mustache
You should find that NPC taking a selfie
cough Michelle cough.
You can kill her too!
Now THIS would have been a badass post-credits stinger.
Hey guys, I think my game is broken. What do I do?

Lmao ! xD
You have to slap him... I mean kiss him
I miss the dislike button.
Things Arvo did wrong
I'd say that that is offensive, yes.
I think I should change it. I will change it.
I never get bored of these.
Maybe it'll make his eye feel better.
What was it before?
I thought it was offensive, so I changed it.
And I just found this on the wiki page for Arvo
It actually says that on the official wiki? The fuck?
As you know, anybody can edit it.
Jesus, some fuckin' people...
I knew it!
Just checked the wiki, it's gone now.
cough Becca cough
Me neither.
Ever wanted to see Lee as an evil Jedi? WELL NOW YOU CAN!!
MyClementine has a potty mouth.
I would chose the third one
It's dumb that anyone can edit it. I wonder who makes it in the first place. But yeah i could see why you took the photo down.
I'd probably go with the second or third one. Was thinking all of them in my head, though.
Sad but true
I don't like to play my Clem as a Hit Girl-style sociopath, but saying this kind of dialogue to Mike and Bonnie has an appeal.