I made a decision in Ep.5 that few others did
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OK, so judging from the statistic that only 11% ended up with Jane, I'm taking it that most people didn't support her.
So... I LIKED Kenny from Season 1. I backed him up, gave his family food, killed Duck for him etc. Then as Clem I sat with him, tried to be nice with him, tried to encourage him, but it just seemed he was too far gone, something inside him broke. Him and Jane were my favourite 2 characters so when they started fighting I did all I could to stop them. Kenny went mad and tried to kill Jane, so I felt compelled to pull the trigger on Kenny even though I didn't want to. Then when I found out Jane tested him I was happy. She'd shown that Kenny's state of mind for what it was AND kept the kid safe. I wasn't even a bit mad. "I forgive you" was less strong than what I wanted to say.
So... expecting lots of downvotes but that's how I saw it and why I made my decisions. I wonder what you all think.
She put Clem in a situation where she needs to kill a person, she made her kill a living being, and even if some people say it's ok to kill Kenny, the endings with Kenny like the one I got prove it otherwise, they do well together and he kept her safe, despite his sanity slowly kissing him goodbye. Jane deserved what she got, mess with the bull and you'll get the horns, especially if you kill its baby and say it to the bull's face to prove a fucking point to another person, which is very fucking dumb, she topped Ben with that shit.
"Anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness."
"You made the right choice" Booyah!
I was Kennys best buddy too, and always defended him, except when he was trying to murder Jane. The dude was cracking up throughout the episode and he went too far in my book, I wasn't about to let him murder a friend. It was either "Sane Jane" or "Crazy Kenny"
Sorry Kenny.
Well I believe OP thinks they put Kenny out of his misery. Very cruel if you ask me.
I loved both Kenny and Jane but in the end I decided to shoot Kenny. I decided I wanted to put him out of misery and not make him suffer any longer. I was mad at Jane but I understood that what she did was the best for Clem. In the end I went with Jane and kicked the family out.
The 11% are the people who didn't let the family in. The stats according to the wiki are these:
Friendship: In the end, who are you with?
With AJ, Jane and the family - 36.8%
Alone with AJ - 22.7%
With AJ at Wellington - 16.6%
With AJ and Kenny - 13.5%
With AJ and Jane - 10.4%
I don't think Jane put Clem in that position, I think Kenny did with his reaction. Jane wanted Kenny to show his true state of mind but not fight to the death!
Jane made Kenny go off like that, any person would, she fucking "killed" his baby, what did she expect?
I'll tell you what she expected - just that. She wanted him to go off at her and she wanted Clem/herself to have a lame excuse to finish him off, because they have disagreements and she never really knew how to work things out with people, so she did what she knows best, manipulation.
She exactly did know what she was entering, it's only logical that if you kill someone's kid you're going to get killed yourself, it is his true state of mind yeah, but it's only true because she made it that way, she gave him the last push he needed to lose it.
By the way, ever thought what her motive to do this was? Because I think she just wanted her to herself, she didn't know how to worked things out with Kenny so might as well make you kill him, right?
Jane is a bastard, she deserves to die, that fucking bitch.
See everyone?
This guy gets it.
"Crazy Kenny" does not translate to "Evil Kenny".
Crazy Kenny is still a great man and a loving "father" with good morals on top priority, all the proof you need is in the Kenny endings.
And you can't really call Jane "sane" if she just staged the death of a fucking baby to prove a shitty point, thus making a kid kill her guardian.
Couldn't say it better myself Awesomeo.
You don't kill someone when there are clearly people he cares about that are still alive (Clem and AJ).
If he dies right there, he'll never have the chance to get them to safety, can you really say that he will rest in peace knowing that?
I forgive her too.
I really like Jane
Why can't people forgive Jane for the few wrongs she's done when they can forgive Kenny for the many wrongs he has done? Both characters are great in my opinion both have done unforgettable and distasteful acts, however, everyone makes mistakes, both Kenny and Jane have done allot of good but in the end, one or the other dies, and the one that lives is the cause of their death.
Thank you, I'm just tired of putting it out there in so many different forms, but some people just never understand/come to terms with what Kenny supporters say.
Hi, didn't see you here for a while.
I don't remember Kenny killing a baby and then saying he did to the "father'", or am I forgetting something? Did he do something worse? What did he do that was "unforgettable and distasteful"?
Hi, I've had some internet issues, It's fixed now, hopefully
He murdered Larry...
He let Shawn die despite the fact that he could've tried to help...
He persuaded Lee to let a girl suffer for the groups' own benefit....
He only helps you in the end if you side with him all the time despite the fact that Lee helps Kenny allot of times....
Kenny almost lets Lee die a few times if you don't side with him....
He endangered the group by refusing to accept Duck's fate....
He wanted Lee to let Ben die....
He takes food from The Stranger's Family Car causing problems for The Stranger....
He wants to leave Lilly behind, which is practically a death sentence....
His anger took advantage of him multiple times....
He gets Walter killed indirectly by shooting first....
He can determinantly get Alvin killed....
He beats Carver to death in an unnecessary way....
He gets mad at Clementine no matter what she does with Sarita....
He nearly beats Arvo to death....
He bullies Arvo throughout the episode....
He determinantly kills Jane due to false accusations and being mislead....
He and Jane both create a conflict between each other....
What of it prink?
Jane killed her own sister. See how easy it is to make something sound bad?
They make it sound like they are doing him a favour, as if he is a dog in pain who needed to be put down, as if he asked them to do it.
You weren't going to let a friend murder a friend by murdering your friend.
He did that in order to prevent the guy's reanimation, and Larry clearly did die there, you can't just cure a heart attack with no medical equipment, his lips also move since he had begun to reanimate, and not because he wanted to breath or talk or something, since it's impossible to save a guy with a past of heart problems from a (probably not first) heart attack, he needs his pills or a shockwave or whatever the fuck they do.
He saved his son first, and by then he thought Lee took care of it, and to be fair the options they gave you to help Shawn with were dumb (I mean come on, for fuck's sake why not just kill the two damn walkers?!), even though it was a little wrong yeah.
She was dead anyway, yeah it's not right to let her suffer I agree, but it's also necessary for their survival, she's dead either way, it's a common thing in TWD, Lee has very high morals that shouldn't be compared to others since it just isn't fair.
Not entirely true, he helps you even if you disagree with him on a thing or two, but you need to tell him it's that important to you so he'll help, there's logic in that.
Never heard of such a case, he even helped Lee up whether you tell Larry to kill Duck or not.
Not really, it's only a kid, take things in a different perspective to understand that, his only child was dying, you can't blame him.
Ben caused the death of his family.
It's either us or them, you have to do some nasty things to survive in this world, this isn't "distasteful" nor is it an uncommon thing in the universe of The Walking Dead.
Most players did that, she's a cold blooded killer with mashed potatoes for a brain.
Who can blame him? He's a broken man dealing with the end of the world..
He had to try and save them, he has the will to fight for his friends' fate, that's not a bad thing, you can never know the outcome of your choices no matter what wisdom dictates them, you can only believe you made the right call, and Carver did kill him yeah, but I think it was the best shot anyone did to trying and rebel against that crazy bastard.
Nope, that's Clem's actions that decide it.
Necessary as hell, you wrong humanity in such a way, you'll die a painful death, that's only logical and fair as a punishment for a tyrant like he was.
He lost someone he loved, you don't judge a man grieving over his loved ones.
That dumb shitbird deserved it, he caused the group tons of problems and deaths, and he deserved every bit of pain he got for shooting Clementine as well.
Same statement as above.
The last two are biased as hell, untrue, and are just Pro-Jane for no logical reason.
Nothing of these actions are "unforgettable" and they sure as hell aren't "distasteful", nice try though.
Good one, I forgot the horrible thing she did to her sister ^-^
She didn't kill her own sister, they were cornered by zombies on a roof of a building and she couldn't throw her sister or do anything so she left her sister and jumped. I mean what do you expect her to do? Die with her sister? Throw her off the building so she can fall on the ground and suffer multiple broken bones and make her pain worse?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, there is no wrong or right answer. Pretty shady though.
She got them out of Carvers lair, you all know how bad that place is and if they stayed any longer Carver could've killed another member, raped, tortured? So she basically saved some lives here
She killed Troy while he had the group at gunpoint. Nobody else had a gun... Also she was smart enough to make Troy a dinnerbell ( Distraction ) to make their escape easier.
She saved Rebecca and Clementine from the herd.
She saved Sarah and Luke from the trailer park, nobody else would've gone out looking for them. She did wanna save Sarah but she knew Sarah wasn't gonna make it. Also when Clementine tries to get Sarah out she tells Clementine to come out because if she stays any longer she could've died with Sarah (She saves Clem 3 times now)
She found the observation deck which saved a couple lives
She protected Clem from Arvo, what if Jane wasn't there and Arvo saw Clem? Who knows what would've happend then.
She teaches Clem new survival skills
She gives Clem a nail file which saves her life in ep 5
She cares for the group to steal meds from some random guy who has a sick sister
She saves Kenny and the group from Vitali
She saves Clementine when she is about to freeze to death. She risks her life to save Clem, she ran on the ice lake which could've broke any minute. She made the fire for Clem and got her warm with HER NAIL FILE/MATCHES.
She saves Clem from Mike and Bonnie and Arvo ( Sure Kenny helped but if only Kenny was there they wouldve overpowered Kenny and stole the truck )
She takes care of the baby 2 times
She tries to do the best for Clem by revealing who Kenny really is and what he would if the baby died
If you let her live she will take you to Howes and you will find food and baby formula, plus the building is safe from any walkers.
She only met Clem for a couple of weeks and she already did more than Kenny would ever do/ever did. Infact Kenny always broke the group apart while Jane helped the group. Jane doesn't own anything to the group and she has the right to leave any time she wants but she came back for the group and that's why I saved her.
She didnt kill her sister. She left her sister, just like you can leave Sarah if you choose to do so.
Kenny has done a lot of distasteful things. Why some people cant see that I cant even grasp it. You can like a character and still acknowledge that they have a laundry list of faults.
If I was Jane, I would try and fight off the zombies, and I would also force her to jump, I would slap her and yell at her like a madman like Clementine (rightfully) did to Sarah, and if nothing had worked, you can always physically carry her, letting your sister be devoured alive isn't an option.
Still, there are some facts you just can't disprove, people can think someone or something was right or wrong, but there is always a way to prove a point in the right way, even if a little.
Doesn't matter how kind she may have been, she still did what she did.
Leaving someone cornered by zombies is practically telling him "I won't save you, I don't care about you enough to do my best and get you out of here alive."
"I dragged my sister across four states. And every morning, she'd say she wasn't getting up. So I'd convince her. Or push her. Or goddamn carry her, if I had to. Until this time... Walkers cornered us. Forced us to the roof. And when they kept coming... I... I couldn't make her jump. Couldn't throw her. So I tried something else. I told her she could have what she wanted. And I left her there. Jumped to the next building over by myself."
You weren't in that situation and you do not know how many walkers were there. She couldn't do anything in that situation except jump over to the next building. As you can see she dragged her sister across four states, she did everything she could to keep her sister alive however her sister wanted to die. How can you carry and her and jump with her to the next building? -_- Letting her sister be devoured was the only option she had.
She showed Clem Kenny's true colors? Yeah she did the right thing, Clem would be safer with Jane and not a crazy man who would brutally murder anyone who accidentally kills the baby. I'm glad I shot Kenny and went with Jane.
Kenny hasn't done "a lot of distasteful things", read what I said above and prove me wrong if you can.
Even if he did do bad, horrible things (which he mostly didn't), nothing tops Jane's manipulation she pulled on the two.
I understand, but a lot of people aren't mature enough to discuss this without exploding on each other, so i personally try to stay out of it. Doesn't always work but yeah i get it.
Two things she could have done:
1) She still could have shot her or stabbed her in the head to end the suffering.
Do you really think a good, warm person would leave his sister to be eaten, piece by piece? She could've made it quick.
2) Maybe she could... idfk KILL THE DAMN ZOMBIES?!
The comics had proved they are a manageable threat, I believe she, (just like Tyreese did in the comics), a strong woman could have saved her sister from them with her knowledge and skills.
Of course she would have shot her if she had a gun. Stabbing her in the head? Do you know how painful that is? Plus she wouldn't die because the knife wouldn't go through her sisters skull. Read the quote again, they were getting cornered by zombies and they forced them up on the roof. Do you think she even had time to persuade her sister to jump? Do you think a bad sister would Drag her sister across four states against her sisters will?
OK... you do know it's a game, right? It's a morally ambiguous game, there's not a clear right/wrong. There's emotional involvement and then there's... this.