How can Season 3 go on with all these different endings?
Given that there are so many different endings of the final episode, I seriously doubt that season 3 of the walking dead game will even deal with Clementine anymore because how would that even work? All the combinations are mutually exclusive and certainly the writers wont be making 5 different games based on what ending you prefer. I think Season 2 wrapped up the Lee/Clementine story line and we will probably see some brand new characters or some characters from this season in the next one but not Clem. The omly reason they would even have such an ending is if they are concluding the series as pertaining to Clem. I find that sad because she was the common thread and connection from the start and now that is gone. This blows you guys. I am majorly disappointed. First they killed off Lee, then every single character (almost) in season 2 and then they made 5 different mutually exclusive endings.
i love my clementine but every great story has an end.. and season 2 ending satisfied me! the walking dead universe is so big, there are alot of people like clemy who struggle. i would love if we play as our clementine and what we chose but i doubt we'll be playing as her! knowing telltale they will make the walking dead and clem fans happy, remember lee? we didnt think we could play as anyone but him but he died saving clem! and there are many characters like that in this walking dead world, it would be a fresh start and a bitter sweet moment for my clementine journey

personally i will be curious as what they'll do for the different endings as well; but if they choose to end her story at that- im satisfied and happy for my clem, she changed since lee, she can take care of herself and i would want that option than to see her killed or a zombie! either way telltale can do no wrong in term of making us attached to certain characters. if they chose to follow a new groups journey i can make sure that i'll enjoy that ride
It's highly unlikely Telltales will decide to wrap up the Lee/Clementine story line because of five multiple endings. The endings include a special cliffhanger to lead off to season 3. If Telltales wanted to wrap it the story line, they would have made one ending to conclude it all in episode five. This might be a new route Telltales is taking with multiple endings leading to multiple perspectives in season 3.
I feel Clem needs one more season... Telltale can find a way to continue it... That way everyones beginnings will feel unique and we will all end up at the same point..
Besides If they were planning this to be the last we see of Clementine I think they would of announced it before season 2 came out...
To make it easier they could make your final decision unimportant leaving only 3 endings to chose from. For example, in the Jane ending have the family die whether or not you let them in; and in the Kenny ending have them all eventually in Wellington.
Maybe they are finally gonna make our choices matter.. anyways. The choices will probably come up to the same plot later on in the story.
I'm fairly sure that season 3 will either revolve around brand new characters, or the 400 Days characters. I'm ok with that tbh.
Bridging DLC and/or time skip.
Clem's story can't be done here. All the endings lack closure and leave way too much to the imagination to be satisfactory.
Not really the Kenny endings have some closure. Atleast to me.
Or neither die and season 3 has two different perspectives.
Telltale has more money than ever. They can make it happen.
they probably do a dlc again to bridge season 2 into season 3
Just probably start from one beginning. Clem will most likely be all alone with the baby.
I wouldn't know what they would do if you chose to go to Wellington tho, possibly we find out that it got over run?
I don't think that we get to play as Clementine in season 3. The way I see it, there are only two viable options left for telltale to continue the story.
Option A)
We get to play as Mike or as Arvo. I don't think that's very likely given the fact, that we hardly know anything about these characters and that they aren't really popular characters. On the other hand, I'm wondering why the option to shoot Mike was removed. Why would telltale go through the process and remove it, when their future doesn't matter for the story? So, I'm thinking that there is a chance that we get to see them in a DLC or something. I just can't picture them as the focus of an entire season.
We get to play the exact same timeline as in season 2, but from Christas persepctive. I think there are many small instances, where we simply never get to know what happened and where I have the feeling that Christa might be involved. For instance the massacre at the river at the end of "All That Remains".
This approache would allow telltale to wrapp up the season according to what happened in season 2 without jumping too far ahead in the timeline or declaring certain endings noncanon etc.
Or maybe, the ''special endings'' that we get based on our choices will be the DLC? because the last one had like 5 characters o play as, and now with the endings we have, maybe they'll do a DLC explaining what happens or what will happen, and season 3 will start based on our choices or maybe clementine alone or with AJ.. i cant think of another way to still play clementine in the future! also i would play the heck of that DLC

i dont think thats the end of clementine.. she has an amazing/loyal fan base that would play the game for her.. again if we do not, i understand
I totally think (and hope) Clem will be the main character of season 3. I agree that season 3 will be so far in the future that it won't really matter what you chose, they will all lead to the same point or else a DLC will be released in between that brings all the story lines to the same spot.
I think it's a big possibility that we play as AJ.
It's pretty much a given that the DLC that I recall hearing will impact series 3 in a big way is essentially going to make all of our endings the same for Season 3.
I think they can bridge the stories easily. The fact that they're taking their time on S3 gives me a lot of hope that it will be the best of the series.
I think they're bound to make it so clem ends up with just AJ, I just hope the manage to deal with the other determinant endings well.