Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Salt would have remained and he still would have let a major character/fan favorite die.

    Well Gustav was safe. :D

    Jewf would have been saved if you guys voted to switch some of the people out, but Salt would have remained and he still would have let a ma

  • 4) Say nothing.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • 1) Stay here with Rafoli.

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. Sounds like fun XD

    Ahahahahah. Blood. x)

    Umm I mean... nuuu ;_;

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    Wait... whatever ;>

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • Protecting you could've gotten more people killed, Jewf.

    "Killing one in order to save many is part of survival. It's one of the tough decisions that a weaker person couldn't make."

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    you evil motherfucker

  • And zombie firedog will help by making sure that fucker saltlick doesn't come back as a walker.

    I'll avenge you too, son.

  • I want this to actually happen in the story now. I wanna tear into his brain.

    firedog122 posted: »

    And zombie firedog will help by making sure that fucker saltlick doesn't come back as a walker.

  • wtf no it isn't becuz I do rite ;-;

    Put them noodle arms down, WtW? Wat the wat? I won't embarrass myself, LeeThePro. I'm joining the army ^-^


    Jewfreeus posted: »

    you better or else your mother will backhand you for me

  • Eren :D

    "I got your back Lee :[D"

    I saw what you did, Salt. And the guilty king never forgives. You shall be judged. Those who take lives should be prepared to have their own

  • edited September 2014

    proceeds to speak to our lord kenny who sends a angel down in the form of another survivor who gives saltlick the carver facial treatment

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    and then we all live happily ever after in hell

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Protecting you could've gotten more people killed, Jewf. "Killing one in order to save many is part of survival. It's one of the tough decisions that a weaker person couldn't make."

  • I just became the most hated son of a bitch on Earth.

    I cannot be touched, though. No one will lay a finger on me. I promise, if I ever go down, I'm taking some more people with me. We will all say hi to Jewf together.

    AHA AHEE AHA you think a simple act of betrayal makes you hated an act to save many I killed more people then you told lies Salt and I can confirm you will be saying Hi to Jewf together I promise you that. >:D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I just became the most hated son of a bitch on Earth. I cannot be touched, though. No one will lay a finger on me. I promise, if I ever go down, I'm taking some more people with me. We will all say hi to Jewf together.

  • No villain out there is half as charismatic as me.

    Plus, I'm special because people don't know what to expect from me. I'm not a cliché evil guy.

    and I can confirm you will be saying Hi to Jewf

    ...You people have no idea what's in store.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just became the most hated son of a bitch on Earth. I cannot be touched, though. No one will lay a finger on me. I promise, if I ev

  • **1) Stay here with Rafoli.

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.**

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • edited September 2014

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    I'm not a cliché evil guy

    Your act was similar to ben in TWD when he left Clementine to die in the horde and Lee saved her your act was that of a coward your a not cliche villain because no one would expect you to be Ben

    No villain out there is half as charismatic as me.

    I'll let actions do my talking I wonder does charisma taste different to Walkers

    When people expect your actions they can be manipulated if you mix things up when people are unsure that's when your truly predictable

    Alt text

    BRING IT I'm so excited for the upcoming chapter now :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    No villain out there is half as charismatic as me. Plus, I'm special because people don't know what to expect from me. I'm not a cliché e

  • Your act was similar to ben in twd

    They're quite different, actually. Ben made his decision based on fear and the terrorizing thought of getting eaten by the approaching walkers. I knew what I was doing all along. It falls to people like me to get rid of liabilities.

    The day I'm predictable, the world ends.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm not a cliché evil guy Your act was similar to ben in TWD when he left Clementine to die in the horde and Lee saved her your act

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    Same result just a different mentality :P

    XD I'll allow it well this is ironic I want to kill liabilities to so keep up the good work and I might let you live no promises :)

    The day I'm predictable, the world ends.

    I knew you were going to say that XD

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Your act was similar to ben in twd They're quite different, actually. Ben made his decision based on fear and the terrorizing though

  • Just stay out of my way and I won't hurt you. Go after these softies, they won't put up a fight. Ha! I'm running my mouth like a crazy mofo right know.

    Reality. (;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Same result just a different mentality :P XD I'll allow it well this is ironic I want to kill liabilities to so keep up the good work an

  • edited September 2014

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    XD I'll be waiting bring it this is my official thread for running my mouth like a crazy mofo about time someone had the audacity to challenge me this is going to be good :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Just stay out of my way and I won't hurt you. Go after these softies, they won't put up a fight. Ha! I'm running my mouth like a crazy mofo right know. Reality. (;

  • Anyone who gets in my way will end up devoured by walkers. That, if I don't choose to beat them to death.

    I don't care whether you're a good guy or evil, I'm beyond that. You will die.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I'll be waiting bring it this is my official thread for running my mouth like a crazy mofo about time someone had the audacity to challenge me this is going to be good

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    XD Your going to be fun :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Anyone who gets in my way will end up devoured by walkers. That, if I don't choose to beat them to death. I don't care whether you're a good guy or evil, I'm beyond that. You will die.

  • Yeah.

    You wish you had someone with my ability to "Play with dirt" on your squad.

    I'm a lone wolf, though. Don't get your hopes up.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Your going to be fun

  • Anyone can play with dirt I don't play games and lone wolfs die alone my only hope was I wouldn't have to kill you so it's true my hopes are way to high ;)

    Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated, but we are initiated aren’t we, Salt?

    ....XD You don't know what's coming up I can't spoil it tho :P

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah. You wish you had someone with my ability to "Play with dirt" on your squad. I'm a lone wolf, though. Don't get your hopes up.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited September 2014

    You play with dirt. I'm dirt. That's the reason I'm above all of you on every imaginable level.

    You don't know what's coming up I can't spoil tho

    Cool story, bro.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Anyone can play with dirt I don't play games and lone wolfs die alone my only hope was I wouldn't have to kill you so it's true my hopes are

  • You wish you had someone with my ability to "Play with dirt" on your squad.

    I'm dirt

    Alt text

    So you play with yourself?


    Alt text

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You play with dirt. I'm dirt. That's the reason I'm above all of you on every imaginable level. You don't know what's coming up I can't spoil tho Cool story, bro.

  • Carver, the fuck man?!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    3) Go with her, leave Star behind.

  • 1) Do what you think is best.

    We can't make that decision for you Scarlet. The choice is yours. But you should stick around with us. God knows you earned it ;)

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and



    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and




    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • Maybe...

    So Gustav is going into hell on his own?

  • So Gustav is going into hell on his own?


  • That ain't gon' end good for good ol' Gustav.


  • I am Shu. The guilty king. Who is this Eren you speak of? I hear his name a lot.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Eren "I got your back Lee :[D"

  • bish itz Eren

    I am Shu. The guilty king. Who is this Eren you speak of? I hear his name a lot.

  • I dun kno no Eren, nigga. Now get off of mah lawn.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    bish itz Eren

  • psssh nu

    I dun kno no Eren, nigga. Now get off of mah lawn.

  • U deaf, boi? Wanna die?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    psssh nu

  • It isn't a fair match tho.

    FOR SHU.

    U deaf, boi? Wanna die?

  • Waz sum gud joke, kiddo. Eren wud be ded before he cud even hurt hisself to become a titan.

    Wud send him runnin' home back into Mikasa's arms, dat's fo sure.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It isn't a fair match tho. FOR SHU.

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Do what you think is best.

    Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

    Scarlet looked down."Yeah, ultimately, it's your decision, Scarlet. We're not going to force you if you don't want to." I tell her.

    "It would suck if you have to go, but we at least got to meet you, and you helped us out a lot." Juicy tells her with a smile.

    Scarlet looks back up at us with a smile."I think I'd miss you guys too much... Heh, maybe I should stick around. You guys have helped me out a lot as well."

    I smile at her."So, looks like you're coming with us, then?"

    "That's right. Scarlet is staying with you guys." She replies with a smile.

    Juicy runs up to hug her."Yes! I knew you couldn't leave us behind!"

    Scarlet hugs her back."What can I say? I've become attached to you, kid." She looks over at me."Come on, Star. Group hug."

    I smile and walked over to them to give them a hug."All three of us will survive this. Together we can do this, I know we can." Juicy says.

    "You're damn right. No bandits or walkers are going to stop us." I reply.

    "Wherever the road takes us, we'll be prepared for anything in the way." Scarlet says. We look down the road, and then continue walking. With the ammo from all the bandits, we would be able to stay safe for a while. We still had some food and supplies left, I was carrying a shotgun and hunting rifle, Scarlet had an AK with her, and Juicy had plenty of ammo for her handgun. We had no idea where we were going to go, or where we would end up, but I was hoping that we would be able to make it out alive...


    "Twistee! Take AC and Guetta upstairs! You three will provide cover fire from up there, hurry!" ATR tells him.

    "Sheep and Gary! Stay out here in the front and start shooting the walkers! Goust, now's your chance to use your blades. Think you can go out there and start slicing and dicing those fuckers up?" Shiina asks him.

    "You got it. Just watch your fire, everybody." Goust replies.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! Gary and Sheep start shooting at the walkers. I turn and see Twistee going upstairs with AC and Guetta."I'm going to check the back!" Valky shouts as she runs towards the back door.

    "SweetPea, you know how to use a rifle, right?" ATR asks her.

    "Yes, I'm not that good, but I can shoot them from here." She replies.

    "Good enough, stay by the window and shoot the walkers from there." ATR tells her, she turns to look at Password and Wanderer."Wanderer, take the other side window and do the same. Password, there should be some more ammo in all of our rooms, check under the beds for them."

    "Okay. Be right back." He says.

    "The back is clear! Looks like it's just the front." Valky says as she makes her way back and starts helping.

    Shiina starts helping out Gary and Sheep. I see Goust near the horde, fighting them off with his blade."DLB and Azlyn, help us shoot these walkers!" ATR tells us as she starts shooting at them.

    Me and Azlyn take out our handguns and start shooting. BANG! BANG! "Is it safe for Goust to be out there like that?!" Azlyn asks.

    "He knows what he's doing, just don't shoot him." Shiina replies.

    "This is perfect for me to become a walker killing master!" BRATATAT! Gary says while shooting.

    "Man, fuck that! We need to make sure we survive this shit!" Sheep tells him.

    BRATATAT! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BANG! BANG! BRATATAT! Gunshots and thunder were the only things I could really hear. The walkers were going down, but it seemed like more of them just kept coming. I could see Goust moving back as well. It looked like we weren't' going to be able to stop them all."Isn't all this noise going to bring more of them?!" I shouted.

    "We don't really have any other choice! The others have the silencers, we'll just have to deal with it!" ATR says.

    "I'm back! I found some grenades and ammo!" Password says.

    "Great! How many grenades?" ATR asks.

    "Just three, we'll need to use them wisely." He replies.

    "Let them get a bit closer and then use one, we'll need to warn Goust, though." Shiina says.

    "Right! I think I can get him, just let me know when you want to use them." Sheep tells her.

    "Okay, how about now?!" I say.

    "Yeah, now would be nice." Shiina says.

    "Someone get the sides before they surround us!" Azlyn shouts.

    "I'll start helping!" Password says as he takes out an M16 and fires at the walkers.

    Sheep reloads and then hops down onto the front yard."I'll go get Goust, just don't shoot me." He says, and then starts sprinting over to him.

    "Be careful!" I hear SweetPea shout.

    "There's so many of them!" Valky shouts.

    "Just keep shooting!" I hear Wanderer by the window.

    BANG! BLAM! BRATATAT! "Sheep's got him! They're coming back!" Azlyn shouts.

    "Okay, give me that grenade!" Shiina says.

    Password hands one over to her. We see Sheep and Goust making there way to us."Holy shit! There's a LOT of them!" Goust tells us.

    "Goddamn, your clothes are soaked!" I tell them.

    "Yeah, the rain isn't making it easier. But we have to keep fighting them back." Goust says.

    "Everyone! Get ready!" Shiina says while pulling the pin off of the grenade, she takes aim and then tosses it towards the middle of the horde. We wait a few seconds and then... BOOM! A loud, fiery explosion goes off and kills a bunch of them in the middle."Holy shit!" Shiina shouts.

    "Use another one! Get the sides!" ATR tells her.

    Password hands her another grenade, and then she tosses it to the right. BOOM! "That fucking worked!" Gary says.

    "Last one, hurry!" Password tells her.

    Shiina pulls the pin and then tosses the grenade to the left. BOOM! "Take that you pieces of shits!" Shiina shouts.

    "Yeah! Nice job!" Azlyn tells her.

    "Okay, I'm going back out there, there's still too many of them. Just keep me covered." Goust tells us.

    "Be careful, old man." Sheep tells him.

    Goust runs back out with his blade, and then starts killing the walkers off again."Brave fucking bastard, that guy." Password says.

    "This ammo isn't going to last, we'll need to start using melee weapons if this keeps up." ATR says.

    "Fuck! We can't let those walkers get close, though." Sheep replies.

    "Just aim for their heads, that's the only spot that counts." Valky tells us.

    "It's only a matter of time, though. There's just too many!" ATR tells us.

    "She's right, they're getting closer, our ammo is depleting. They'll have this place surrounded in no time." Password says.

    "We can't let them tear this place down, though. We'll fight them off no matter what!" Sheep shouts.

    BLAM! BLAM! BRATATAT! BANG! BANG! BANG! "I'm already running low!" I hear Wanderer shout.

    "Goddamn it! We'll need to start heading inside!" Password shouts.

    "No! We have to finish them off out here!" Sheep shouts.

    "Password is right! We have to go inside!" ATR tells him.

    "Come on!" Shiina says as we make our way inside.

    Everyone except for Sheep went back inside. Gary looked at him."Come on, man!"

    Sheep turned to look at him, and then back at Goust and the horde."Fuck!" He said and then made his way back inside."We can't leave him out there fighting those things off by himself!"

    "We need to find some weapons first!" Azlyn told him.

    "Fuck! I'm out." We hear Wanderer. He makes his way to us."What are we going to? Those walkers will have this place surrounded any minute now."

    BLAM!... BLAM! "That was my last shot!" We hear SweetPea. She runs back to meet up with us."Guys! We have to do something before they get closer to us!"

    "We know." ATR looks down. She looks back up at us."Okay. DLB and Azlyn, you two look around and start gathering a bunch of items that we could use as weapons. Durable items that won't break easily and that aren't too heavy to carry or swing around." She tells us.

    "Okay!" I reply. Me and Azlyn start running around the mansion.

    "There's just so many of them, DLB." Azlyn tells me as we make our way around the house.

    "I know, Azlyn. Whatever you do, just don't look back." I reply...


    "This room is good!" Twistee tells me and AC."Okay, open those windows and start shooting the walkers from up here. I'll look around for anything we might be able to use."

    "Okay!" I reply.

    "I'm not a very good shot, but I'll try." AC says.

    We open the windows and then start shooting at the horde. BANG! BANG! "How's it looking out there?!" We hear Twistee in the back.

    "Uh... not good! There's a lot of them, that's for sure!" I reply.

    "Just keep shooting! We can't let them get close!" Twistee tells us.

    BANG! "Do you think we'll be able to survive this?" AC asks me.

    "I don't know AC. But we have to try..." I tell her.

    "Okay! I found some ammo under this bed. I also found a rifle, so I could use this to help you girls out." Twistee tells us. BOOM! A loud explosion comes out of nowhere."Whoa! What the fuck was that?!"

    "Holy shit! What's going on down there?!" I shout.

    "I think I saw Sheep taking Goust back. The others must have found grenades." AC tells us.

    "I hope so... holy shit." Twistee says while making his way over. BOOM! "Goddamn! Another one?!" Twistee shouts.

    "At least it's working!" I tell him.

    BOOM! Another explosion goes off."Take that you pieces of shits!" I could hear Shiina shouting.

    "Oh, yeah... That was definitely the others." I say.

    "All right, let me shoot some of those fuckers down there." Twistee tells us.

    "Be my guest." AC tells him as she moves out of the way. Twistee takes her spot and then aims the rifle. BLAM! BLAM!

    "Wonder how the others are doing, hope we have enough ammo." I say while looking down at the horde.

    BLAM! "We might run out of ammo, but we'll need to stop as many as we can." Twistee says.

    BANG! BANG! I fire off two more shots and then reload my weapon."My last clip, Twistee."

    "Shit, just kill as many as you can. Try to aim for their heads." He tells me.

    "I still have ammo, you can take it, Guetta." AC says while walking over to me.

    "Thank you, AC!" I tell her as she hands me one more ammo clip."Okay, this will work for a while." BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

    BLAM! BLAM! "Hate to tell you this, but I'm running low here. We won't be able to keep this up much longer." Twistee tells us.

    "Is that Goust out there again?" I say while looking down. BANG! BANG! BANG!

    "Looks like he's fighting them off with his blade, that guy's crazy." Twistee says.

    "Alone?! He'll get killed out there!" I shout.

    BLAM! "Okay, that was my final shot, let's go meet up with the others." Twistee tells me. I kept looking at Goust, he was about to get surrounded by the walkers. AC and Twistee were making their way to the door."Come on, Guetta." Twistee tells me.

    BANG! I fired off my last shot. I kept looking over at Goust, I saw him trying to run back and then tripping and falling."Oh shit!" I said. The walkers were moving fast towards him, Twistee and AC were waiting for me, but Goust was in trouble. I needed to think of something...

    1) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    2) Go with Twistee and AC, meet up with the others.


  • edited September 2014

    Phew... MAN! This whole ''Bandits VS Survivors'' thing... I thought my urban luck is gonna run out. BUT I'M ALIVE! I'll miss my other bros. They didn't die in vain. But now Juicy, Scarlet and me, huh? What a team! At least we got a happy ending for now. Thank you so much bro. I don't if that's it for me or not but it was so awesome to be a part of this adventure. I can't wait mine and my gang's next adventure. #UrbanLuckFTW

    1) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

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